Virus Throne

Chapter 493. Mission Completed

The moment he was entangled by Haoyu, Andariel felt something was wrong. Read

These people were desperate to control him, there must be a conspiracy, a sense of crisis that death was imminent rose.

As he knocked everyone away, even Haoyu, a dazzling white light flashed, and he subconsciously raised the box.

"Boom!" A white light brushed the box and shot into the sky, and a big hole was shot through the isolation layer.

"Crack!" The metal box made of natural disaster-grade materials was smashed to pieces, and countless fragments fell all over the sky.

"Puff!" Andariel spurted out a mouthful of blood and was swept away by the powerful shock wave.

"Ah..." The Caliph screamed, and half of his body was broken into pieces.

Although the box in his hand was intact, it flew out of his hand.

Haoyu took a heavy blow from Andariel head-on, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his cherry mouth.

Everyone thought that this shot would either miss Andariel or seriously injure Andariel.

No one expected that the God of Calamity had such a strong sense of crisis.

Not only did he break free in an instant, he also had time to use the box to block the shot.

Xu Youran did think about breaking the box, but he didn't expect it to break so suddenly and so thoroughly.

"Swish!" The one with the fastest reaction and the fastest body movement was Hisoka, who appeared in the middle of the scattered fragments in a flash.

Just as he raised his hand to grab, Andariel also made a move.

After all, he was a genuine God of Calamity, completely different from a half-baked person like Haoyu.

He reacted quickly and acted ruthlessly.

The goals of both of them were very clear, a relatively complete small box among countless fragments.

At the auction, everyone saw that the Soul Stone was finally put into that box.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

In a flash, the two fought hard for more than ten times.

Xu Youran's reaction was second only to Hisoka, but his speed was much worse than Hisoka.

"Boom!" He stepped on the void and rushed over with all his strength.

The box contained more than a dozen natural treasures, and the smaller ones were all in this box.

The Dragon Scale Disintegration Gun was extremely powerful. It not only broke the box, but also destroyed many things in the box at the same time.

The fragments were mixed together, but Xu Youran only had the small bottle in his eyes.

The Soul Stone was also a good thing, but even if he got it, it would not belong to him, and it would not improve his strength.

He wanted to advance to the seventh awakening, and taking the natural disaster-level virus reagent was the only way.

As long as he got this bottle of reagent, he would be one step closer to the seventh awakening.

In the Star Pirates chat group, the Illusion Brigade had already made a decision to return the Soul Stone to Mephisto.

Hisoka fought Andariel hard, and at the moment when there was no time left, Xu Youran was the one who had the best chance of grabbing the Soul Stone.

After missing this golden opportunity, it would be extremely difficult to get the Soul Stone back from the Calamity God General Andariel.

He also wanted to be a good person and take back the Soul Stone.

But the fate of one billion people behind him depended on his thoughts.

In a corner that no one noticed, a water-attributed Calamity-level virus reagent had its outer packaging broken.

A small light blue bottle, probably only slightly larger than a coin.

Without the protection of the outer packaging, the reagent in the bottle is likely to deteriorate in a very short time.

I'm afraid this is the Calamity-level virus reagent with the shortest shelf life in history.

From opening the package to losing its effect, it only takes a short moment.

Andariel saw Xu Youran rushing up from the corner of his eye.

Xi Suo desperately entangled him, so that he couldn't free his hands to attack Xu Youran.

A moment.

He only needed a moment.

This time was enough for him to knock Xi Suo away and stop Xu Youran.

The small box of the Soul Stone was less than three meters away from him.

This distance was within his reach.

But Xi Suo's body movements were too fast and his attack was too fierce, so he didn't even have this short moment.

The Soul Stone worth billions was about to be lost to him.

Andariel's eyes were bloodshot, but there was nothing he could do.

Not only him, Xi Suo also saw Xu Youran's figure.

This slave bought for 6,000 yuan had exceeded his expectations countless times and brought him surprises countless times.

Sure enough, this time was no exception. Xu Youran was not only extremely resistant to attack, but also had a perfect grasp of timing.

Everyone was blown away by Andariel's explosion, only Xu Youran rushed up despite the attack.

This slave, what the hell!

In a flash of thought, he suddenly thought of Nüba and Wujiang.

Why was he so blinded by his greed and sold him to others for 100,000 yuan.

Fortunately, he hadn't handed over the genetic code yet, so he should still have a chance to regret it.

Not to mention Andariel and Hisoka, everyone in the Illusion Brigade, including Kukrolo and even masters like Wujiang, were secretly amazed at Xu Youran's timing.

Not everyone has the ability to charge forward while bearing the attack of the God of Calamity.

Not everyone has the courage to charge forward while brushing against the fire of the Dragon Scale Dissociation Gun.

Xu Youran must have rushed forward before firing, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed forward so quickly.

But if Kukrolo fired a little slower and Xu Youran rushed a little faster, the Dragon Scale Dissociation Gun would have hit Xu Youran right on target.

They were all masters among masters, and their coordination was seamless.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, everyone was either expecting or desperate.

"Swish!" Xu Youran missed the Soul Stone perfectly, turned slightly, reached out his hand among the countless fragments, grabbed something, and threw it directly into his mouth.

A touch of soul-stirring blue flashed, and Xu Youran swallowed it without hesitation.

Swallowed it!

Swallowed it...

What the hell?

Everyone was stunned, what did he swallow?

Everyone was a discerning person, there was only one small bottle containing the blue liquid.

Disaster-level virus reagent!

For those who need it, it is a rare treasure.

For those who need it, it is also a deadly poison.

No matter how gifted and talented you are, you can ignore it when you awaken at a low level.

But this is a disaster-level virus reagent for the sixth awakening, a well-deserved life-threatening poison.

The first-class geniuses and monsters in the universe also need to use a variety of auxiliary means when they awaken for the sixth time.

Finally, if the impact fails, you must be prepared to rescue and save your life.

Vaccines, neutralizing agents, and natural treasures that dilute viruses should be prepared.

You can impact the sixth awakening and get virus reagents. These auxiliary supplies are generally affordable.

Can anyone swallow a natural disaster-level virus reagent so casually?

They have never seen it, nor heard of it.

Unless this person wants to commit suicide, no one will do this.

But today they saw that a slave who awakened four times swallowed it directly like a madman.

How hungry is this?

Although there is still a small bottle, that small bottle will definitely not withstand his digestion, it is just equivalent to a sugar coating.

In the eyes of everyone, this demon slayer is already a dead man.

Although he is not dead yet, it is only because the virus has not yet taken effect.

Let the virus fly for a while...

This is what everyone thinks.

"Boom!" Hisoka, who was completely stunned, forgot to resist and was directly knocked out by Andariel.

Xu Youran turned around and grabbed the Soul Stone, but it was a little too late.

Andariel reacted very quickly, although he was also shocked by Xu Youran's trick.

But he lived long enough and had seen all kinds of idiots.

Well, this was the first time he saw an idiot like Xu Youran.

But his strength and reaction speed were definitely not comparable to Xu Youran.

"Bang!" The small box containing the Soul Stone was firmly grasped in his hand.

"Shua!" Xu Youran also reacted very quickly, grabbing the air with his left hand and slashing with his right hand.

"Ding!" Andariel swept Xu Youran's long sword away with a sword, "Hu!" A knife chopped down.

"Bang!" Xu Youran faced the long sword with a palm, the ice armor was shattered, and the whole person flew out horizontally.

Andariel held the small box of the Soul Stone in his hand, and the sword and the sword came out together to block all attacks.

He grabbed the Caliph, who was still half of his body, with one hand and soared into the sky.

Andariel still looked extremely strong, but he knew it in his heart.

Although he had just dodged the frontal attack of the Dragon Scale Dissociation Gun, he was also seriously injured.

Besides, the dozen masters who besieged him were also extremely powerful.

He had fought for a long time and was seriously injured.

At this moment, he had obtained the Soul Stone, and the Caliph was still alive.

Although only half of his body was left, it was not a big deal for the Super Energy Transformation Company.

For him, this moment might be the best chance to escape.

If he continued to fight, although he might get the 100 pieces of spiritual essence, he would also be very likely to die here.

"Want to leave?" Gangjin roared, his mace flying, and chased after him.

"Swish!" Lanhu followed, "Swoosh, swoosh..." Mephisto, Jiejie, and Xi Suo all chased after him.

There were still a few people in the Illusion Brigade who had the strength to fight. The Caliph was seriously injured and dying, and Andariel was not in a good situation either. Everyone could see it.

As long as Andariel is intercepted before he breaks out of the atmosphere, there is still a chance to take back the Soul Stone.

Although everyone did not understand Xu Youran's operation, no one said anything.

Everyone has their own secrets and needs, not to mention Xu Youran is like a hungry ghost, eager to swallow the reagent, there must be his reasons.

Under the control of Xu Youran's mind, Haoyu also took off and chased after him.

Xu Youran calmed down, and wrapped the small bottle he had just swallowed with his vitality, so that it would not be digested for the time being.

He stepped into the void and chased after him in the distance.

But as soon as he started, he felt that his body seemed to be firmly suppressed by an invisible force.

A powerful force field fell from the sky, invisible and invisible, but only aimed at him.

The moment he felt this powerful oppressive force, Xu Youran was shocked.

He was not unfamiliar with this feeling, it was too familiar.

Just now, Andariel had occasionally burst out this kind of power, but it was only a flash in the pan.

Another Calamity God General attacked, and he was much stronger than Andariel, and even more powerful than Bai Qi.

Seeing the actions of others, he understood that the Calamity God General who attacked this time was only targeting him.

He should be able to break free if he tried his best.

But then what?

Can he escape from a Calamity God General who is stronger than Bai Qi?

Can he beat a Calamity God General who is stronger than Bai Qi?

He can neither escape nor win.

Without the help of Haoyu, Hisoka, and Mephisto, he would need incredible luck to survive under Andariel, let alone this person.

A name came to mind: Wujiang!

Xu Youran turned his head with difficulty and looked behind him.

At some point, Wujiang was only a few feet away from him, with a hand gently resting on his shoulder.

A faint smile appeared on his ordinary, unremarkable face, "My cousin bought you, and now you are her slave."

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