Virus Throne

Chapter 520. Deserve the Death Penalty

At this moment, Nvba, the aura of a descendant of the emperor, who ruled the world, suffocated everyone. Reading

A natural noble does not need to pretend, and is completely different from the vulgar middle-aged beauty.

Xu Youran bowed slightly and secretly gave a thumbs up.

Although Nvba had just slapped the beauty, her anger had subsided a lot, but when she saw Xu Youran's playful smile, she still glared at him fiercely.

The guests in the hall saw the sudden conflict and all screamed and dodged to the side.

To be able to open such a large exchange business in the Banquan District of Huangdi City, the background must not be simple.

Although these dozen young men and women seem to be of extraordinary origin, no one thinks they can have any good results.

A group of well-trained waiters rushed forward to clean up the scene and treat the injured.

Several security personnel in combat uniforms immediately surrounded Nvba and others, and some blocked the gate to prevent anyone from escaping.

The middle-aged beautiful woman came back to her senses immediately when she saw someone joining in.

The slap that Nuba had just given her was really hard, and she was stunned.

But she also knew that she was definitely not the opponent of this beautiful woman.

No matter how arrogant she was, she knew that she would not suffer a loss in front of her, and she still had some teeth in her mouth.

While spitting out her teeth, she shouted at the top of her lungs: "Hit me? Hit me? I am Shen Wu's Guo Song sister, I want you to..."

Her mouth was full of missing teeth, and she was leaking a lot when she spoke.

If you are not an awakener, your hearing is very sharp, and you can't understand what she is saying at all.

A beautiful face, because of the lack of teeth support, the whole face was suffocated.

The cherry mouth also turned into a bloody mouth, a real bloody mouth, and blood foam was constantly coming out.

She was not just shouting mindlessly, but had already called her husband.

Her husband was not an ordinary citizen, and he was talking to the general manager of the replacement company in the office.

Seeing that it was his wife calling, he thought that his wife had taken a fancy to some treasure and wanted him to pay for it.

He answered the phone carelessly, and then he found out that his wife was beaten up in the lobby on the first floor.

"Bang!" The furious Liu Zhe was murderous, and he stood up.

He looked at Zhao Qi, the general manager opposite, and roared, "What kind of shitty business is this? My wife was beaten up!"

"What?" Zhao Qi was shocked when he heard it, and stood up immediately, "Who is so bold? Dare to act wild in my store?"

"Go!" Liu Zhe walked out angrily, "Zhao Qi, if you don't figure this out for me, I don't care who your boss is, close the store!"

"You...what are you talking about..." Someone beat someone up in the store, Zhao Qi was already angry enough, and Liu Zhe confronted him, and he was even more furious, "Lord Liu, calm down, figure out the situation first."

Although he was just a general manager and an employee,

But you have to look at the owner before you beat the dog, and his boss is a big shot.

He is a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, and those rich second-generations and official second-generations, who would not be polite when seeing him?

"What the hell? No one can beat her!" Liu Zhe was furious, this wife is not just a wife.

Not only is her family rich and powerful, but he is also a member of the Silent Singers.

If he didn't have the support of his wife's family, he wouldn't be able to climb to his current position.

If he makes his wife unhappy and finds a few assassins from the Singers, he might not even get up alive.

"Stop talking, let's go see my sister-in-law first!" Zhao Qi rushed out first.

The two of them rushed straight to the lobby on the first floor, and Zhao Qi also called a few security guards to follow along the way.

A group of more than 20 people came to the lobby on the first floor.

Those who can work as security guards in such a place are not fools, even if they are slave soldiers.

Those who come in to consume are big shots and big bosses, and they can't afford to offend anyone.

Although the boss is powerful, it is very common for people to become scapegoats and lose their lives if they interfere with the affairs of customers.

So these security guards just surrounded Nvba and others, without saying bad words or making any moves.

Liu Zhe had no time to look at others, and saw his wife at a glance.

There was no way, his wife was too eye-catching and too miserable, definitely the most beautiful woman on the whole street.

"Awoo..." The middle-aged beautiful woman also saw her husband at the first time. Although her injuries were not serious, she had good acting skills.

With blood foam spraying from her mouth and crying bitterly, she threw herself into Liu Zhe's arms like a demon, "Shit ghost, I was beaten by Yin... I want to shit... I want to shit..."

"Don't... Don't be afraid, my husband is here, I will avenge you!" Liu Zhe wiped the blood off his wife's face with shaking hands.

His wife is not simple, she is also a middle-level leader in the Silent Singer.

Liu Zhe has made a lot of money relying on his wife's connections over the years.

Although it is inevitable that he will have affairs outside, he will never dare to offend his wife.

The Silent Singer is not just a group company, but also a star pirate group.

They use a lot of resources to buy off the official bigwigs.

On the surface, there are many legitimate businesses to cover up, and behind the scenes, they support a group of vicious thugs.

If he offends this wife, maybe one day the Singer will come to send him off.

So he plays around, but never dares to disobey his wife, and pretends to turn a blind eye to his wife's occasional cheating.

He was relieved when he saw that his wife only lost a tooth and was not seriously injured.

"Shua!" Liu Zhe turned his head sharply and looked at Zhao Qi who followed him, and roared, "Whoever hit my wife, kill him for me!"

Zhao Qi was relieved when he saw that Liu Zhe's wife was only slightly injured. He had beaten his customer in his store and rubbed his face on the ground.

"Whoever hit him, get out! You are tired of making trouble in my store, right?" Zhao Qi waved his hand and pointed at Nv Ba and others, "Catch them all for me, a bunch of little bastards, you really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

When he arrived at the scene, he was most concerned about how Liu Zhe's wife was beaten.

Then he found out that it seemed to be a group of young people who did it.

It was nothing more than some rich second-generations and official second-generations. He was very confident that with the strength of the business, he would never be afraid of these young people.

Although he might not be able to do anything to these people, he must have enough momentum and a fierce attitude.

What's more, after breaking so many things, he always had to extort some compensation.

There were more than 30 security guards. Since the general manager had spoken, they were all eager to rush forward.

The second and third generations of the emperors who followed Nüba, as well as the geniuses from the big galaxies, could not hold back and wanted to do something big.

Where is this?

This is Void Mountain.

Although the forces behind them are not ordinary, they dare not make trouble in Void Mountain.

They have been here for so many days, and the royal children have always been indifferent to them. Nüba has disappeared for many days, which makes them very angry.

Now they are out to play with the most beloved daughter of Emperor Void, and they are still being scolded by others. These people have long wanted to take action.

Especially the 47th grandson of Emperor Guanlan, who just flattered the wrong person and wanted to perform well again.

But it has always been Nüba who rushed to the front, and it is an internal problem of Void Mountain, so they can't interfere.

Now that they are about to take action, they are all ready to fight.

"Hmph!" Nvba snorted coldly, stepped out of the crowd, walked forward slowly, and said coldly: "Liu Shilang, you have such great power."

Seeing this peerless beauty walking slowly, Liu Zhe's anger was extinguished instantly.

His ferocious face was stunned for a moment, and then there was endless fear.

As the Minister of Personnel, how could he not know this Princess Nvba.

The Void Emperor has many children. Those who are not strong, experienced, or qualified often keep a low profile and practice in seclusion.

Only those older children who have reached a certain level of strength will be appointed to official positions and undergo training.

There are only a few children of the emperor who are truly well-known by ordinary people and hold great power.

So very few people know Nvba, but the officials of the current dynasty will definitely know her.

Liu Zhe was still holding his wife in his arms, and his whole body began to tremble slightly because of fear.

He blinked desperately, fearing that he had hallucinations.

Until he finally confirmed that this was not an illusion, but a nightmare that was more terrible than an illusion.

Why offend this person when there are so many people to offend.

Now, anyone who is well-informed knows the promise of the emperor yesterday.

As long as the three-body star disintegrates, Nvba can take one-third of the three-body star system's troops and join the seven-year war.

That is tens of millions of regular legion soldiers, what a powerful force.

This represents the emperor's extreme favor to Princess Nvba, and he is just short of directly making her the crown prince.

At this moment, angering Princess Nvba is not courting death?

He knows best what his wife is like.

What harsh words he just said are still lingering in his ears.

Zhao Qi also seemed to see something wrong. He could call out Liu Zhe's official name directly, which was definitely not something he could afford to provoke.

He hurriedly stopped the security guard from taking further action, and he wanted to kneel down and slap himself a few times.

Why is he so rude, and he has to talk nonsense.

He might hit a wall this time, so he quickly mobilized the Kingdom of God system and started calling the real boss of the company.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was lying in Liu Zhe's arms, just wanting to watch the show and slap the peerless beauty.

But she suddenly noticed her husband's abnormality, and Zhao Qi seemed to stop the security guard.

What's going on?

Damn, I was beaten by someone.

Are you still a man? Why don't you quickly avenge me?

Is it because the girl is beautiful that you can't bear to do it?

Men are really unreliable!

And the handsome slave just now, I will also slap him hard, I want him to die!

He almost dodged the slap just now, but he attacked me from behind.

I respect you and don't want you to struggle anymore, but you dare to plot against me.

I will mobilize the praisers and cut you all into pieces.

"Bah!" The middle-aged beautiful woman spat out a mouthful of bloody foam, "Liu Re, you coward, beat the shit out of her! I want her..."

"Pah!" Before she finished her words, a crisp slap sounded.

Her coward husband finally got tough and slapped her in the face.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was beaten away by her husband Liu Zhe.

"Puff!" Another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Boom!" This time she fell harder and knocked over a row of cabinets.

The middle-aged beautiful woman was completely stunned. This...

What's going on?

She just fell to the ground and struggled to get up, pointing at Liu Zhe and roaring, "Liu Re, you... you don't want to be a Buddha anymore..."

She held back her words again, and the scene in front of her completely subverted her outlook.

His vision went dark and he almost fainted.

Her husband Liu Zhe, the Minister of Civil Affairs Liu Zhe.

"Plop!" He fell to his knees with a sound, "Boom!" He knocked his head hard.

A trembling voice, filled with tears and endless fear, "Your Highness, Princess, I... deserve to die!"

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