Virus Throne

Chapter 53. Overcoming all the odds

Xu Youran used his full body weight and powerful strength to hit him with a fierce elbow strike.

In the critical moment, Guo Ziping still showed the powerful strength of a three-time awakener.

At the critical moment, he quickly moved sideways with one hand supporting the ground, narrowly avoiding this fatal blow.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood, he calmed down completely.

As expected, there is no false reputation under a great reputation. Xu Youran withstood his round of violent attacks and quickly launched a counterattack.

Xu Youran's strong defense was simply unimaginable to him. How could a bronze-level ice armor withstand his silver-quality awakening skills.

How could a second-time awakener have such a strong physical fitness, and how did he get this skilled hand-to-hand combat skills?

In such a public place, Xu Youran's ice armor naturally adopted the form of ordinary ice armor.

And no matter what the reason, Xu Youran could not kill Guo Ziping, so he chose to fight with his bare hands, and did not even take out the earth shield to hit people.

Although Guo Ziping was determined to kill Xu Youran, he came out in a hurry and did not carry any weapons. Moreover, it would be too deliberate to really kill Xu Youran with weapons.

Guo Ziping dodged and rolled sideways, and rolled more than ten meters before he was completely blocked by Xu Youran's next attack.

He turned over and stood up with a dusty face, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, Xu Youran's ice armor was intact, and his expression was calm and imposing.

With his hands behind his back, he looked like a master of the generation, with a smile on his mouth, looking at him coldly.

The water cannon and flamingo only exploded on the outer layer of the ice armor. Although there was a slight recoil force, it was just a tickle.

The sudden outbreak of the third awakener did cause him some trouble.

When he quickly adapted, he found that the third awakener was not as weak as he imagined, nor as powerful as the other party showed.

Xu Youran smiled contemptuously, raised his left hand and pointed at Guo Ziping, and said: "A three-time awakener? That's all. Give up resistance and surrender!"

Guo Ziping frowned, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said hatefully: "Xu Youran, as an active-duty officer, you attacked government officials without reason, what crime should you be charged with?..."

Before he finished speaking, he began the second round of crazy attacks.

"Swoosh" and "Swoosh", a water cannon, a flamingo, rushed towards Xu Youran again.

He was not a fool. It was obvious that Xu Youran's close combat skills were extremely powerful. He no longer dared to continue to fight Xu Youran in close combat, and was ready to use the kite-flying tactic to blow Xu Youran to death.

This almost sneak attack exploded on Xu Youran in a blink of an eye.

"Boom, boom" two explosions sounded, and Xu Youran was blown to the ground again.

There was no way, the impact of the explosion was indeed very strong. The fact that he could withstand it without being injured did not mean that he was not affected at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Guo Ziping roared: "A bunch of fools, standing there and watching the show? What's the point of talking about reason when dealing with such a thug? Let's catch him together!"

Seeing that Xu Youran could not be taken down in a short time, and even he could not take Xu Youran down alone.

Guo Ziping finally couldn't help but call for reinforcements. There were more than 20 clerks of various levels from the Affairs Bureau on the scene.

There were five or six second-time awakeners among these twenty people, which was also a combat force that should not be underestimated.

The twenty people saw that Guo Ziping suppressed Xu Youran without any chance to fight back, and they cheered loudly.

In a blink of an eye, the situation reversed, and Guo Ziping was beaten to spit blood, and they were all terrified.

In the New Human Affairs Bureau, a group of awakeners regarded Guo Ziping, a third-time awakener, as the sky.

With a strong background, powerful strength, and humble personality, they didn't expect to be beaten like this by a second-time awakener.

Everyone felt that the scene in front of them seemed to subvert their worldview, making them feel extremely unbelievable.

Now that they were summoned by the leader, they immediately knew that their chance to show themselves had come.

If anyone could take down Xu Youran in the melee, it would undoubtedly be a great achievement, and Director Guo would definitely cultivate him in the future and make him rise to prominence.

Amidst a chaotic roar, all kinds of magical awakeners rushed towards Xu Youran.

Among them were the brother and sister Xie Xiaoyan and Xie Xiaocheng, who were humiliated by Xu Youran at that time.

The brother and sister took this opportunity and rushed towards Xu Youran, wishing they could eat him alive.

Their hatred for Xu Youran was like a torrent of water.

Although they relied on their strength to oppress others and show off their power, no one would think they were wrong.

For a while, they could only hear a series of "boom, boom, boom" and "clang, clang, clang", and the crazy attacks of the awakening skills of the gold, wood, water, fire, and earth systems fell on Xu Youran.

There were even mutant ice spikes, silver-quality awakening skills that cut Xu Youran's body crazily.

There was also an awakener among the crowd who mastered the mutant attribute of the electric awakening skill.

With a wave of his hand, a lightning bolt as thick as a chopstick fell from the sky, hitting Xu Youran's head like a thunderbolt.

With a "crack", a thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting Xu Youran dizzy and numb all over.

Among the countless attacks that hit Xu Youran, most of them were elemental attacks.

Xu Youran's ice armor was good at physical defense, and its defense against elemental attacks was not actually at the gold level.

It was just because the quality of his ice armor was too high that it easily suppressed those silver-quality elemental attacks.

Xu Youran can withstand a physical attack of gold quality for a while.

But he definitely can't withstand an elemental attack of gold quality.

In terms of attack strength, this lightning attack can be said to be the ceiling of silver quality elemental attacks.

Therefore, it is the biggest threat to Xu Youran, but just because of the quality problem, it is just a little bit away from breaking Xu Youran's defense limit.

Everyone who saw this scene was surprised. Is this still human?

The strength of these people has exceeded their definition of human beings.

They can summon thunder to strike the enemy with just a raise of their hands, and send down heavenly punishment like gods.

Everyone can't help but feel fortunate again that they have lived in peace with these fierce people for so long, and thank these fierce people for not killing them.

If such a group of awakened people who are like gods explode one day, one person can be as lethal as an army.

Ordinary people have no way to survive in front of this group of awakened people.

Xu Youran, who was in the center of the storm, could only hear the "crackling" sound of the ice armor cracking around him, but it was just cracking.

It would be really strange if this mob could break his gold-quality defense.

The awakener who mastered the lightning awakening skill was spotted by Xu Youran who woke up from his dizziness before he could trigger the second lightning.

This guy was even more threatening to him than Guo Ziping, who had awakened three times.

So Xu Youran decided to kill this guy first. He "swooshed" across a distance of more than ten meters, and his right hand had already directly grasped the man's neck.

No one could have imagined that under such a fierce attack, Xu Youran could be unscathed and quickly recover his combat power.

The awakener was shocked and was smashed to the ground by Xu Youran before he could react.

With a "thump", the awakener fainted.

Xu Youran's powerful defense and magical fighting skills made the more than 20 people feel like they had seen a ghost.

It was morning, the winter sun was high in the sky, and the sky was clear. There were countless onlookers in the distance, and countless people watching the live broadcast on the Internet forum.

For a moment, it seemed as if they had fallen into a dense ghost cave, under the siege of more than 20 powerful awakened people who seemed like gods.

Xu Youran was like a ghost in an empty space.

He dodged left and right, rushed forward and retreated, punched and kicked, elbowed and kneeled, and occasionally hugged and choked.

The water cannon bombardment, the dead leaves swirled, the flames spitted, and the ice blades cut, leaving only shallow scratches on his body.

A huge fireball hit him head-on, he lowered his head and hit the fireball, and the scorching fireball was smashed by him.

He rushed over with the flames burning all over his body, and punched the awakened person, making him spit blood and fly backwards.

He turned around and pounced on another awakener who was about to control him with his vines. The awakener's vines quickly bound Xu Youran in mid-air.

Before he could be happy, several sharp thorns suddenly protruded from Xu Youran's ice armor, and his body spun violently.

The vines that infected his body were cut into pieces. Xu Youran touched the ground with his toes, and hit the awakener's chest with an elbow with his left hand.

With a "crack", the sound of the sternum breaking came, and the awakener was beaten unconscious and passed out.

Xu Youran, who was besieged by the crowd, was like a lion surrounded by a group of lambs. Someone would fall to the ground when he raised his hands and feet.

Guo Ziping was so scared that his face turned pale and his hands and feet trembled as he swept through the twenty or so awakeners like a rotten wood.

Is this a second awakener?

How is it possible?

Could it be that Xu Youran is a fourth awakener?

Thinking of this possibility, Guo Ziping wanted to die.

A four-time awakener, that's the strength of a general, the strongest strength in the world so far.

He now regrets his stupid decision, regretting his stupid decision to make a fuss about Xu Youran, and now it has become a death wish.

Although he still tried his best to squeeze his mental power, water cannons and flamingos hit Xu Youran one by one, without caring about the life and death of his men.

But at most, it just made Xu Youran's body slightly unbalanced, and it didn't even have a blocking effect.

In a few minutes, Xu Youran had knocked down almost half of the awakeners.

Xu Youran, who looked like a god or demon, was not exhausted at all, and was still full of energy and fought wildly in the crowd.

"Squeak" and "Squeak" a few quick brake sounds sounded outside the crowd, and several black cars opened their doors, and more than 20 awakeners wearing the uniforms of the Awakener Council got out.

The leader was Zhang Tianbing, who had already learned about the situation here through the live video broadcast on the forum on the way.

Guo Ziping has a stronger background, stronger connections, and stronger strength than him.

The two of them have common political demands and are allies in secret. He must help Guo Ziping take down Xu Youran.

As soon as the twenty or so people got off the car, they separated the crowd and, led by Zhang Tianbing, rushed towards Xu Youran without saying a word.

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