Virus Throne

Chapter 533. Dalang, it's time to take medicine

When Nvba picked up the two rings, Xu Youran remembered that he had put the rings here casually because he didn't see anything special about them that day. Read

Seeing Nvba's unusually happy expression, he was also slightly stunned.

It was just a pair of rings, and they obviously looked very crudely made and not very valuable.

Why are you so excited?

On Earth, it is very common for young men and women to give each other gifts.

Even if they are not boyfriends and girlfriends, as long as the gifts are not so sensitive, it is also very common.


Gifts like rings are indeed a bit sensitive.

Xu Youran was scared by the old man that day, and she picked things randomly in a panic.

But this is the technological civilization camp, and this is Void Mountain.

Their status is as far apart as a galaxy.

Slaves must have the consciousness of slaves, and even the most favored slaves are still slaves.

She has received many, many gifts from the Void Emperor, the Empress, her mother, and many relatives and friends.

But she has never received a gift from a slave.

Not only had Nvba never experienced this, she had never heard of slaves buying gifts for their masters.

Everything a slave has comes from his master, even his freedom and life.

This is almost a common sense question, and there is no need to question it at all.

But these two rings completely overturned her three views.

Xu Youran reacted very quickly. He did say that day that he would buy a gift for Nvba, and he had this in mind when he walked into Youyuan Pavilion.

He quickly said with a slightly blushing face: "This small gift is not a respect, nor is it worth much. It's just my little thought, I hope the princess will like it."

In Nvba's opinion, these two rings should indeed be worthless.

She has received countless extremely valuable gifts, and the Soul Stone is just that in her eyes, let alone these two rings.

But this time, the person who gave her the gift was not someone else, but a humble slave.

As a slave, should you constantly think about pleasing your master and constantly want to get benefits from your master?

Why would a slave spend his own money to buy gifts for his master?

Does this ghost destroyer have a triangular brain circuit?

She had never experienced this kind of novel feeling before, and for a moment, she was very excited.

She looked at the two rings carefully and found that they were different. One was slightly larger and the other was slightly smaller.

Could it be that this was a pair of rings, worn by two people separately?

As a princess, she naturally had her reserve. Although she was very excited, she still smiled and raised her head, saying calmly: "You, a dog slave, still remembered to give me a gift. I didn't waste my thoughts."

She felt very calm, but her trembling voice still betrayed her.

Xu Youran was such a person that he immediately seized the opportunity to show his loyalty.

"I know the princess is really kind to me. I just like this ring because it has a unique shape. When I have money, I will buy you a better gift."

"Humph! Who cares about your gift?" Nvba rolled her eyes at him, "When you have money? Your money is given by me."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Xu Youran said repeatedly, "It is all thanks to the princess's cultivation that I can barely survive."

"Puff!" Nvba laughed out loud at Xu Youran's nonsense, but a glimmer flashed in her eyes.

She thought she was laughing, and Xu Youran also thought she was laughing...

Nvba raised her slender, white little hand and handed the smaller ring to Xu Youran, "Come on, dog slave. Help me put it on."


Xu Youran realized that he gave her a ring.

Now he wants him to put it on her...

Perhaps in the etiquette culture of Xukong Mountain, this does not mean anything.

But in the etiquette culture of Earth, the meaning contained in it is too great.

When a boy puts a ring on another girl, it means a lifetime of bondage and commitment.

Xu Youran quickly recalled that he seemed to have never given gifts to either Dongfang Bai or Lianna.

Not to mention putting rings on them, such a solemn thing.

He took the ring in a daze and made up his mind.

I am an undercover agent, in a tiger's lair, and I will be doomed if I am not careful.

Since I have the opportunity to infiltrate the enemy, I must cherish this opportunity.

It's just a ring, not a death sentence.

A good spy should act like what he plays.

Wear this ring, and next year's actor will be mine!

Holding Nvba's little hand, there was a soft touch like jade, but Xu Youran did not dare to have any distracting thoughts.

When he put the ring on Nvba, he still played a little trick.

It was not worn on the ring finger, but on the middle finger.


It doesn't fit well, the size is a little small, not suitable for this finger.

It seemed that God was playing a trick on Xu Youran, making it difficult for him to pass the test.

Just when Xu Youran was a little embarrassed, Nvba gently took off the ring and stretched out her ring finger, "This finger should fit."

Ten thousand grass mud horses whizzed through Xu Youran's mind.

What the hell?

What the hell is this?

How could it be such a coincidence?

So, he solemnly put the ring on Nvba's ring finger.


It fits very well!

The originally inconspicuous ring, paired with Nvba's crystal-like jade hands, is beautiful beyond words.

The simple and elegant ring itself makes Nvba look like a goddess from ancient times.


But this is not over yet. Nvba picked up another slightly larger ring and said, "This size is too big. It is not suitable for me to wear. Let me give it to you."

After that, she did not allow Xu Youran to argue.

She grabbed Xu Youran's left hand and put it on his ring finger.

Well... it fits perfectly!


In this way, Xu Youran, the young marshal from Daqin, the future leader of Daqin, the perfect lover in the hearts of millions of beautiful girls, and the heroic warrior mourned by countless people.

In the Void Mountain, countless light years away from the earth, the first ring exchange in life was completed.

The ring has been exchanged, and now there is only a priest who declares their marriage legal...

Then everyone will have a feast with the warm blessings of relatives and friends.

Well, a feast.

If this scene was seen by Dongfang Bai, Lianna and others, all the people on the earth would have a feast because of Xu Youran.

Nuba was so happy that she kept fiddling with her hands. The ring looked so beautiful no matter how she looked at it. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Xu Youran's head was buzzing, and it was all a mess.


Am I secretly engaged to someone?

Am I married?

How can I explain this to everyone?

Say that when I was undercover, I had no choice but to settle my lifelong affairs?

Will Dongfang and the others beat me to death?

I dare not think about it. Xu Youran did not dare to think about it anymore.

She raised her hand to look at the ring. It was really beautiful...


I was too immersed in the work of the undercover.

Nuba, who was admiring the ring, seemed to suddenly remember something, "I will hold a discussion meeting in a few days, at Zhenlong Mansion."

"Discussion meeting? Just a party?" Xu Youran was a little confused.

Isn't it just to find a group of people to come to the house to make trouble?

The name is quite high-class, Taoism Forum, hahaha…

"What is a party?" This time it was Nvba's turn to be confused.

"Well... it means a cocktail party, a dinner party, and everyone is happy together." Xu Youran explained awkwardly, "It's the local dialect of our hometown."

"Your hometown is really fun. I have to go and see it if I have a chance." Nvba smiled and picked up the wine glass, took a sip, "It's about the same meaning. As a princess, there are always some social interactions and entertainments. There is nothing I can do about it."

Want to visit my hometown?

I guess you can't go, and I dare not let you go.

If I really take you to Earth, would it be considered as inviting a wolf into the house?

What's more, the little girls in the East will definitely fight with you if they know that you put a ring on me.

For your safety, it's best to give up this idea.

"Okay, the princess can come to us, and our Kepler 84 planet will be glorious." Xu Youran smiled insincerely.

"The Seven-Year War will start soon. Everyone is recruiting troops and preparing for the battle. I have to make more preparations." Nvba sighed softly, "The Three-Body Galaxy is now in a mess. I guess the Three-Body Kingdom is going to be finished."

Xu Youran had learned about the Seven-Year War in the Divine Kingdom system.

But he never thought that Void Mountain would participate in the Seven-Year War so soon, and he never thought it had anything to do with him.

In his plan, the interstellar battlefield is a place that he must not go to. It is an absolute forbidden area.

The minimum calculation standard for the death toll there is in tens of thousands, and it is easy to have tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of deaths.

With his strength, if he throws it in, he won't even make a splash.

So he wanted to obtain virus reagents within the technological civilization camp, and never thought about going to the interstellar battlefield to make achievements.

Now hearing what Nvba said, is Nvba also going to participate in the Seven-Year War?

Xu Youran immediately felt a sense of panic. Wouldn't he get himself into it after going around for so long?

"The fighting in the Three-Body System is very fierce?" Xu Youran asked curiously, "What does it have to do with your participation in the Seven-Year War?"

"Hey, hey, hey... Father promised me that as long as the Three-Body Kingdom collapses, we can divide up as many life planets as Void Mountain can, and all of them will be allocated to me for conscription." Nvba smiled slyly.

"I don't quite understand this..." Xu Youran was really enlightened.

The emperor's move was extraordinary and magnificent.

How many people did the Earth Star recruit, and how many life planets did the Void Mountain Empire recruit, which is completely not of the same order of magnitude.

"If the full conscription is completed, I'm afraid there will be 30 to 50 million four-time awakener warriors." Nvba gave him a rough explanation.

When Xu Youran heard this number, his head was "buzzing" again.

Although he had never been to the interstellar battlefield, he knew very well that in the interstellar battlefield, the four-time awakeners were the lowest-level cannon fodder.

The 33rd star field includes seven empires, two holy places, and a big world.

Just one princess from Void Mountain needs so many warriors. How many warriors will the entire Thirty-three Star Region need?

That will be an astronomical figure that is too terrifying to imagine!

And all of them are cannon fodder.

After the seven-year war, there may not even be a one in ten thousand chance of survival.

Xu Youran felt a little dry in the mouth and drank the "84 disinfectant" in the cup in one gulp.

"By the way, I brought you something good." Nvba suddenly thought of something and happily took a small box on the table.

"What...what...a good thing?" Xu Youran was still a little confused and didn't quite react.

"Diamond-level virus reagents! I haven't gotten the natural disaster-level ones yet. It will take a while." The female slayer opened the box, and there were six bottles of virus reagents lined up inside. "Except for the psychotropic virus reagent, there is one bottle for each of the other attributes."

" want me to drink it all?" Xu Youran was stunned. What kind of cool operation is this? Are you using me as a guinea pig?

He saw the female boss pick up a bottle of virus reagent and look at herself with a smile.

Xu Youran suddenly remembered a sentence: Dalang, it's time to take medicine!

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