Virus Throne

Chapter 535. Dual Cultivation

"With my current strength, it might be a little dangerous to practice in the Great Rift Valley..." Nvba said hesitantly, "The water element in the Great Rift Valley is too strong, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, I'll take care of everything!" Xu Youran pulled Nvba downstairs, "I can help you practice while practicing my spiritual power, which is definitely better than here. Read"

What he said was not bad, it was indeed very safe in the practice room made of Hengyang bricks.

But after the water element was neutralized by Hengyang bricks, the strength was actually far worse, and the practice effect was naturally not that good.

Even so, Nvba still needed guards to protect her practice to prevent accidents.

But with Xu Youran here, there would naturally be no such concerns.

"While you are practicing, can you also assist me in my practice?" Nvba was a little surprised. This slave bought for 100,000 yuan brought her too many surprises and accidents. "Isn't that dual cultivation?"

"Dual...dual cultivation..." Xu Youran was surprised himself. This word was so sensitive. "No...shouldn't...shouldn't count..."

He had never practiced dual cultivation before. There was no so-called dual cultivation method in the Kingdom of God system. He knew nothing about it.

It was just a sudden thought after using his method to save Jingwei.

In theory, it should work, but it needs to be put into practice.

"Dual cultivation is dual cultivation. Why are you hesitating?" Nvba found that Xu Youran's expression was a little unnatural. "Dog slave, you don't have any conspiracy, do you?"

"Conspiracy? What are you thinking? I am purely to help you speed up your practice..." Xu Youran hurriedly cried out, "You can detonate my gene bomb at any time. What bad intentions can I have?"

"That's right! If you have a conspiracy, I will blow you up!" Nvba followed him out happily.

Seeing Chunhua, Qiushi and others trying to catch up, he waved his hand to stop them, "You guys go do your own things, we'll go to the Great Rift Valley to practice."

"Princess, no! It's too dangerous!" Chunhua quickly stopped him.

"Kimetsu, what are you trying to do?" Xia Yu shouted.

"Are you going too far? You're trying to seduce the princess." Dongxue stepped forward and said coldly, "Be careful, I'll report to Chief Murong!"

"Psycho..." Xu Youran was stunned. I just took her to practice in another place, what's the big deal?

He smiled bitterly and said, "It's really okay, my mental strength is very strong. Princess Jingwei was frozen, I can save her, not to mention just practicing."

"Shut up! If you say more, you'll all be kicked out of the house!" Nvba's eyebrows were raised, "How can I practice by myself? Do I need you to teach me?"

The four girls were speechless for a while, staring at Xu Youran with some resentment.

These four girls have been with Princess Nvba since childhood, and their feelings are extremely deep.

Unexpectedly, the princess went out and picked up a pretty boy.

In a few days, he confused the princess.

Not only did he pay her salary, but she could also get a replacement. Diamond-level virus reagents were also available for her to drink.

Now she has to go deep into the Great Rift Valley to practice, which is simply courting death.

Jingwei dared to go deep into the Great Rift Valley to practice because she was an earth awakener and was naturally restrained by the power of the water element.

But Nvba was a fire awakener and was naturally restrained by the power of the water element.

I don’t know what kind of magic potion this pretty boy gave the princess to come up with such a ridiculous practice method.

“Hmph!” Nvba snorted coldly and walked out of the door first, “Let’s go!”

“Okay!” Xu Youran ran out happily.

These country bumpkins are really ignorant.

I’ll open your eyes later. If I really want to, I can take Nvba to the Nether Spring Glacier to practice.

Compared with knowledge, Xu Youran can’t catch up with these Void Mountain natives.

But compared to cultivation, all the people in the entire Zhenlong Mansion put together are not as good as him.

Although he did not have a famous teacher to guide him, he explored everything step by step by himself.

His experience and feelings about many details in cultivation far exceeded those of the chosen ones.

Those people followed the paths planned by their teachers and elders, and all the experience and lessons were from the previous generation.

In the process of Xu Youran's own exploration, he stepped on many pits, took many detours, and suffered a lot, so he had more understanding and ideas about cultivation.

Many ideas, even some incredible, completely broke through the shackles of predecessors.

The matter of practicing two methods at the same time was impossible in the eyes of the two major camps.

Xu Youran had no idea at all, and he practiced two methods at the same time in a daze.

The closer the two got to the Great Rift Valley, the heavier the cold became, frost flowers fell all over the sky, and the power of the water element became more and more intense.

If there was no need to practice, this level of coldness would be nothing to Nuba.

But if you want to use the power of water element and cold air to practice, it will be a fatal problem.

Nvba looked at the misty rift valley timidly, and said hesitantly: "Do you really want to go down?"

"Hehe, it's okay, follow me." Xu Youran said, holding Nvba's hand, and jumped into the rift valley.

When Chunhua, Qiushi and the other two girls chased out, the two had already jumped down.

Qiushi frowned tightly, "What should we do? Should we follow them?"

"How can we go? Our strength is so low..." Chunhua pondered for a moment, "Immediately report to the chief steward Murong and the chief steward Liangyu."

Xia Yu immediately mobilized the Divine Kingdom system, called the two chief stewards, and briefly told them the situation here.

After hearing this, the two stewards were a little confused.

They were all six awakeners, so their cultivation experience was naturally much richer than these four girls, and they had never heard of this kind of cultivation method.

The two put down their work, summoned three guard captains and a group of guards, and immediately rushed to the Great Rift Valley.

When everyone arrived, Xu Youran and the others had already found a suitable position on the ice cliff and started practicing.

Murong and Liang Yu looked at each other, and their eyes seemed to be asking each other.

What should I do?

This slave that the princess bought back is really a worry.

If you are asked to protect the princess, you should just protect her honestly.

Why do you have to be so ingenious and take the princess into the Great Rift Valley?

Of course, with Nüba's strength, at most she will be frozen, and her cultivation will be affected, but her life should not be in danger.

Liang Yu looked at the chilly Great Rift Valley and said in a deep voice, "They went too deep. My spiritual power can't penetrate it at all. It seems that I have to go down and bring the princess back..."

"The Kingdom of God system sent a message to the princess, but she didn't reply..." Chunhua said hurriedly.

"She should have started practicing and turned off the message notification and call request." Murong's face was as gloomy as water. "I just called the princess, but she didn't answer."

Originally, Xu Youran was arranged here just to trick Xu Youran a little, but it caused more trouble.

Considering that the princess was still a virgin, Liang Yu said, "You all wait at the edge of the cliff, I'll go down to see the situation."

After that, he jumped into the Great Rift Valley.

The cold air was getting heavier, and Liang Yu didn't dare to go too deep.

The rich water element power here was frozen into cold fog by the cold air.

The range of the spiritual power extension was very limited, and it was almost entirely based on naked eye observation.

At this moment, Xu Youran and Nuba had already started "double cultivation", spiritual power "double cultivation".

It was the first time for both of them, and even the God Kingdom system had never recorded this kind of cultivation method.

When Nv Ba began to operate the Fire God Secret Codex nervously, the faint mental power fluctuations began to frantically resist the invasion of the water element and the cold air. However, because it was too deep, more than five kilometers away from the cliff, the water element was extremely strong.

Nv Ba's mental fire was like encountering a raging wave, and it was almost extinguished in an instant.

Her face immediately showed an extremely painful look. The sea of ​​mental power burning with a raging fire was like a candle that could be extinguished at any time in front of the powerful water element that penetrated all over.

Xu Youran, who was sitting cross-legged on the side, immediately knew that it was not good. He was still too reckless.

I didn't expect that Nv Ba's mental fire was suppressed so severely.

Because he had never experienced this kind of suppression, he didn't understand the danger at all.

Any kind of energy, as long as it did not exceed his tolerance limit, was nutrient for him, there was no difference.

How to practice mental power dual cultivation?

He only had a theoretical guess, but there was no time to think about it.

The Soul Refining Sutra was running, and the power of the water element began to burn.

At this altitude, the richness of the water element power was actually not enough to meet his cultivation needs.

So, he dared to bring Nv Ba to practice together.

In his opinion, it should not be a problem for him to bear the water element power of two people alone.

The mental power spread out quickly. Although the range was not large, Nv Ba was sitting next to him, within the coverage of his mental power.

The mental powers of the two people merged together in an instant. To be precise, it was Xu Youran's mental power that invaded Nv Ba's mental power.

But it was not a destructive invasion, but an auxiliary fusion.

The dying little flame in the sea of ​​Nv Ba's mental power received the powerful help of Xu Youran's mental power and immediately thrived again.

In this environment, Nv Ba's mental power was like a young sapling, facing the water element power, and was destroyed by the wind.

If she can use her own strength to resist and fight, it will naturally be of great benefit to her growth and tempering.

But if her own mental strength is not strong enough, she will inevitably be submerged by the tide of water elemental power.

And Xu Youran's mental power, whether in terms of quality, strength, or toughness, can definitely be called a towering tree.

With this towering tree, the little seedling of Nüba is sheltered from wind and rain, and Nüba's sea of ​​mental power instantly recovers its combat effectiveness.

And it's far more than that. Xu Youran's sea of ​​mental power has been smelted by multiple elemental powers.

It not only protects Nüba's cultivation, but also provides her with a constant driving force.

Let Nüba's mental power cultivation speed soar like a rocket.

The surge without any danger is at least twice the original.

This is because the water elemental power here is only emitted by the Nether Spring Glacier, and it is not that strong.

This kind of training method is not only beneficial to Nüba, but also to Xu Youran.

Because Nüba is a fire awakener, her spiritual power attribute is biased towards fire attribute.

Among the five elements, the only thing Xu Youran has not mastered is the power of the fire element.

Although he has been using the power of the five elements to refine his spiritual power, the five elements are still not perfect without the fire element.

His spiritual power is helping Nüba share the power of the water element, and it is always controlled at the edge of what Nüba can bear, constantly increasing the upper limit of Nüba's tolerance.

For him, it was equivalent to one person taking on the weight of nearly two people, and the cultivation speed was nearly twice as fast.

Nv Ba's fire attribute spiritual power complemented the five elements of his spiritual power, and once again improved the burning effect of the Soul Refining Sutra.

The two complemented each other and brought out the best in each other, and the speed of spiritual power cultivation was soaring.

But just when the two were ecstatic, a huge side effect appeared.

In an instant, both of them blushed and were embarrassed to the point of being ashamed.

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