Virus Throne

Chapter 548. Sudden attack and violent killing

In the original plan, there should be only three natural disaster generals at the Silent Security headquarters at this moment.

Song Jing, Li Siyuan, Zhao Zhisen, the strongest one is Song Jing.

He is also one of the three giants of the Silent Singer Group.

At this moment, there is an extra natural disaster general, and Wuxie did not find out which one it is.

He just used his mental power to roughly sense it, and did not dare to investigate in depth and detail to avoid alerting the enemy.

When the door in front of Xu Youran opened, he compared the information provided by Daji before, and he knew who the extra natural disaster general was.

Guan Jitong, one of the few female natural disaster generals of Silent Security.

This female general did not go out to perform tasks very often, and was mainly responsible for internal administrative and financial management.

Although she was not well-known in the outside world, her strength was definitely not weak.

It was naturally not Guan Jitong who came to open the door. Bu Minshan frowned slightly and opened the heavy metal door of the office.

She was checking some of the company's inventory resources with Guan Jitong, but someone came to disturb her. She was a little confused and a little unhappy.

The employees who can come up to this floor are all the core management of Silent Security, no more than 30 people.

Originally, she wanted to check who was knocking on the door through the monitoring system, but found that there seemed to be something wrong with the monitoring system.

Bu Minshan was still counting the number, and the rapid knocking on the door made her have no time to think about it.

The moment she opened the door, she was a little stunned. She didn't know this good-looking young man.

But she felt a little familiar, as if she had seen him somewhere.

If the two met on the street, maybe she could remember it immediately.

But Xu Youran suddenly appeared at the headquarters of Silent Security. This was too weird, and she was a little confused.

"Beautiful sister, do you remember me?" Xu Youran smiled warmly and walked in very naturally, without giving Bu Minshan time to react.

At this time, Bu Minshan realized that there was another young man she didn't know who followed in.

It's not her fault for being careless. Silent Security is a subsidiary of the large "state-owned enterprise" Silent Singer.

Not only does it have connections and backgrounds, but it is also extremely powerful.

Even in Void Mountain, there are not many companies that can have four natural disaster generals.

Behind her is the natural disaster general Guan Jitong, and there are three other strong men in the next room.

People without authority can't get to this level at all.

So she preconceived that the people who came should be internal personnel of the company.

It wasn't until Xu Youran's voice sounded that she realized that this was the slave who caused her to lose all her teeth that day?

The slave of Princess Nvba.

Princess Nvba is an existence that she absolutely cannot afford to provoke. Although she was beaten in public, she could only swallow her anger.

However, if there is a chance, that hateful slave must not be let go.

But with her connections and power, she is still far away from those who want to move Zhenlong Mansion.

She has always been arrogant and domineering. When has she ever suffered such anger?

Want to take revenge, but have nowhere to vent, everyone is not in the same circle at all.

Today, Xu Youran suddenly appeared in front of her, completely shocking her.

This is the company headquarters, how did this slave come?

How did he get up?

What's going on?

Seeing his handsome face, Bu Minshan got angry.

It was because of him that she was slapped by both Nüba and her husband.

Thinking of him, she was so angry that her teeth itched. Today, this slave actually came to her door.

Don't you know how to write the word death?

After being beaten out of a mouthful of teeth, she just recovered and saw this slave again.

"You..." Bu Minshan was furious, and evil was born in her heart, "Why are you here? Who asked you to come?"

This is Silent Security, not a place where this slave can run wild. Behind him is the God of Natural Disasters Guan Jitong.

She doesn't care about Princess Nüba. Today, she must kill this slave no matter what and avenge her previous shame.

Xu Youran found that this room seemed to be a small warehouse or a financial office.

A heavy metal door was open, and there seemed to be a lot of things piled up in the small room at the door.

An old woman with gray hair and a thin body was counting a pile of spirit stones with a fierce look on her face.

Guan Jitong was very depressed. She was originally scheduled to go out to perform tasks and kill people. In fact, she rarely got such an opportunity.

As a result, she received a notice that someone reported that she had embezzled the company's resources.

She was forced to turn back halfway and check the company's warehouse.

There were not many resources here, mainly the daily expenses of the company's personnel, and some task deposits collected.

Various cultivation materials, refining materials, and many scattered spirit stones.

She knew someone knocked on the door. After Bu Minshan opened the door, someone greeted Bu Minshan, and it seemed that they were acquaintances, so she didn't care.

"Swish!" The heavy metal door closed gently behind Xu Youran.

What did Bu Minshan see?

Everything in front of her made her lose the ability to think instantly, and she even thought she was hallucinating.

The smiling young slave ignored her.

"Boom!" It was as if millions of suns were exploding in Xu Youran's hands.

The extremely violent sword intent instantly swept towards Guan Jitong.

Combat skills, the Sword of Self-examination, five stages, the sad song sung three thousand years ago, will it become a light cry now?

I have a sword, destroy the city and capture the stronghold!

I have a sword that can turn rivers and seas upside down!

I have a sword that makes me invincible!

I have a sword that can kill demons and exterminate monsters!

Sword intent, exterminate monsters!

Xu Youran completely ignored Bu Minshan and launched the strongest attack, attacking Guan Jitong.

That was a real God of Calamity, even more powerful than Andariel.

Under the same grade, the combat effectiveness of cyborgs is generally not as good as that of normal awakeners.

The diamond-quality long sword was shaken into powder by the powerful force.

But the indestructible sword intent, like a supernova explosion, locked onto Guan Jitong with a monstrous murderous aura.

The fusion of the five elemental powers was enough to rival the power of the God of Calamity, combined with his best combat skills and sword intent.

Bu Minshan was stunned and had no time to react, or even think.

Jianxin's long sword was unsheathed. He was different from Xu Youran. His sword was much better than Xu Youran's, and he also cherished his sword more than Xu Youran.

The long sword made of natural disaster-grade materials only fused one elemental power and had only one awakening skill: sharpness.

"Buzz!" The stable space seemed to be torn open by a huge wound under his sword.

Feiye's sword-drawing technique, killing Honglang·Unparalleled Sword!

Sword intention, breaking the void!

Jianxin was also a master who mastered the sword intention, a man who was devoted to the sword and determined to take the sword to the extreme.

An extremely fine space crack, accompanied by Jianxin's sword, slashed towards Guan Jitong.

Neither Xu Youran nor Jianxin paid attention to Bu Minshan.

There were only two people in the room, and they only had one enemy in their eyes, that was Guan Jitong, a natural disaster god-level strongman.

As for Bu Minshan, in their eyes, she would be dead sooner or later.

The moment the two launched their strongest attack, the violent air wave blew Bu Minshan away.

With Bu Minshan's strength, she couldn't even withstand the shock wave of the sword in front of these two masters.

The blood she sprayed in the air was twisted into nothingness by the murderous intent of the two.

Guan Jitong, as a powerful natural disaster god general, was naturally not given away for nothing.

At the moment when the two launched the surprise attack, she felt the murderous intent that surged into the sky and the extreme crisis of death.




The next moment, I'm afraid she will die.

Two swords, two sword intents.

One is violent and passionate, like an unrestrained galaxy.

One is devoted to the sword, like the lightning of a heavenly tribulation.

A sense of emptiness and weakness surged into her heart.

It made her want to close her eyes and die peacefully.

Where did these two young men come from, and why are they so powerful?

Although it felt that the cultivation of these two people should still be five awakenings, they brought fatal threats to herself.

"Boom!" At the critical moment, Guan Jitong still reacted, and a huge fire dragon entangled two sword intents.

The huge fire dragon twisted its body wildly, constantly dispersing and disintegrating the fatal attack.

As worthy of being a powerful god of natural disasters, Guan Jitong fought with serious injuries and forcibly tore the two sword intents.

"Puff!" Guan Jitong spit out blood and flew out, "bang!" Slammed heavily on the wall.

Although she was severely injured by the surprise attack of the two, she seized a glimmer of hope and stabilized the situation.

The two young men in front of her were too powerful.

At this moment, Guan Jitong thought that she was definitely not their opponent.

But this was at the headquarters of Silent Security. As long as she survived this sneak attack, the other three natural disaster-level masters would arrive immediately.

These two little bastards, who were going to be torn into pieces, dared to come to Silent Security to act wild.

As for why these two people appeared here, she didn't have time to think about it now.

The reason why she wanted to make such a big noise was to send a signal to Li Siyuan and Zhao Zhisen next door.

But she soon despaired because she felt the fierce battle next door.

It turned out that the enemy was not just these two young people.

Are they going to bloodbath the entire Silent Security Technology Co., Ltd.?

Who are they?

Why are they so powerful and so bold?

This is Void Mountain, under the feet of Emperor Void, this is the industry of Prince Shaohao, which is equivalent to the industry of the Void Mountain Empire.

It doesn't look like a cultivator, are they crazy?

She wanted to mobilize the Kingdom of God system, but her heart seemed to sink to the bottom of a valley, cold and cold.

For some reason, the Kingdom of God system is still there, but it has no response to her mobilization.

These people are not only powerful, but also very daring, and they can even block the Kingdom of God system.

As his mind turned, Guan Jitong thought a lot.

In his mind, three words emerged involuntarily: Rebels!

But even if they are the rebels, they won't be so lawless.

I am a powerful general of the God of Calamity. I just need to hold on a little longer.

Whether it is the company's security department or the official of the Void Mountain Empire, they can find the abnormality.

At that time, these lunatics will definitely be crushed to pieces.

Guan Jitong mobilized all his mental power and prepared to fight to the death to resist the next round of critical attacks from the two.

Xu Youran and Jianxin were not feeling well either.

After all, he was a general of the God of Calamity, and his strength was extremely strong.

They just took the initiative to attack and seriously injured Guan Jitong.

But Guan Jitong's counterattack also seriously injured the two.

Jianxin spurted blood from his mouth and had no strength to send out the next sword.

Xu Youran swallowed all the blood back, and his teeth were clenched.

What they need most now is time. They must kill Guan Jitong in the shortest possible time.

Otherwise, the only thing waiting for them would be annihilation.

Fire type natural disaster general?

Xu Youran sneered, and the long sword condensed and stabbed out lightly.

The Sword of the Seven Boundless Sufferings, five sections, the sword of love and separation.

Sword intent, kill demons!

Guan Jitong almost fainted. It was outrageous that two unknown young people could master the sword.

This guy actually mastered the second kind of sword intent!

ps: Brothers, I update 10,000 words every day, coding every word until I vomit blood. Three packs of cigarettes a day, my waist is broken.

The votes are not good enough...

It’s the end of the month, and your monthly vote has expired if you don’t vote.

The recommendation is only a few thousand votes, and there is a huge gap between it and the big guys. I can’t even see the shadow when I look up. It’s so hopeless.

Guys, please give me some strength, I will continue to explode!

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