Virus Throne

Chapter 579. I am going through the tribulation, brother!

In ancient times, there was a divine bird called the Phoenix.

Born from the flames of the beginning of chaos, it possesses the spirit of heaven and earth. When it reaches the end of its life span, it will return to the flames.

Using the stars as a furnace to forge itself, after the soul is extinguished, it will return all the power of an entire star to itself and be reborn from the flames.

With the energy of an entire star, the Phoenix bird's reputation is far-reaching.

After the rise of the Star Sea Kingdom, it swept across the universe and was recognized as the ancestor of human civilization.

The human army conquered countless galaxies, and countless ancient beasts and ancient races were slaughtered by humans and annihilated in the long river of history.

Today, on the Golden Palace of the Void Mountain Empire, the generation of Tianjiao Princess Nuba finally reproduced the ancient miracle.

Everyone in the Golden Palace is knowledgeable.

In the thousands of years of his life, the Void Emperor has never encountered such a legendary scene, and he has never even heard of it.

It is not difficult to understand that the ancient divine bird can be reborn.

But as a human, Nüba could actually be reborn from the fire, which can only be described as a miracle.

Nüba has a strong affinity for fire since she was young, which is one of the reasons why she is deeply loved by the emperor.

Seeing her rebirth from the fire today, the Void Emperor finally understood the reason. Nüba may have the blood of the ancient divine bird.

As a veteran of the three dynasties of the Void Mountain Empire, Jiang Shang has lived for more than ten thousand years. He has traveled to many star fields and set foot on the interstellar battlefield several times.

Even this respected elder was deeply shocked at this moment.

The Tongyu Imperial Concubine, who had just fainted, had been awakened by the maid and stared blankly at her dying daughter...

No, it should be said that the dead Nüba was reborn from the fire again.

Although Nüba has not survived the heavenly tribulation at this moment, she is not a true natural disaster god.

But her overwhelming momentum makes most people frightened.

The sky-high flames and extreme high temperatures were transformed into her own body, and even transformed into armor and cloaks.

Xu Youran's mental power bonus was not taken back. The mental strength of Nvba at this moment was almost six times that of an ordinary six-time awakener.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Nvba at this moment with a word of divine power.

Everyone used to have great confidence that Nvba could be promoted to a seven-time awakener, and today everyone's confidence was reaffirmed again.

It is almost a sure thing for Nvba to be promoted to a seven-time awakener, or even to become the king of fire.

One day Nvba can be promoted to a doomsday monarch-level strongman. With her powerful power of burning the sky and boiling the sea, she is definitely the strongest existence to suppress a starry sky.

If there is no pressure from the situation, Nvba will be promoted to a natural disaster god normally, without Xu Youran's mental power blessing, and perhaps she will not show such a strange phenomenon.

However, under the pressure of the situation, Nv Ba's mental strength was not strong enough, and forcing the sixth awakening would be a complete death.

Xu Youran could only use the unprecedented method of dual cultivation to help her advance.

Nv Ba forced to advance, her mental strength was not strong enough, she had a strong affinity for the fire element, Xu Youran's strong mental strength, and a groundbreaking dual cultivation auxiliary cultivation method.

Countless coincidences allowed Nv Ba to complete the first miracle of human nirvana rebirth in the universe and starry sky.

On the entire golden palace, some people were amazed, some were surprised, some were relieved, and some were desperate.

Shaohao wanted to cry now. Without his perfect assist, this scene would never happen today.

Nv Ba went from having a great chance of advancing to a seven-time awakener to being sure to advance to a seven-time awakener today. Shaohao made an indispensable contribution.

Without his help, there would be no situation today, and there would be no attention today.

Shaohao's face was full of joy, but his heart was MMP.

Baby is in pain, but baby doesn't say it!

There is a faint rumbling thunder in the sky, which is the heavenly tribulation of the promotion to the God of Natural Disaster.

With Nvba's current state, it is no problem to survive the heavenly tribulation.

In fact, everyone has fallen into a misunderstanding, but Nvba and Xu Youran are very clear.

Nvba absorbs five or six times the elemental power of others with five or six times the mental power of others.

But of this five or six times mental power, Xu Youran's mental power bonus accounts for 80%.

Nvba can control such a powerful force at this moment, which comes from Xu Youran's mental power bonus.

Once Xu Youran withdraws his mental power bonus, although Nvba will no longer lose control and explode, she can't mobilize such a powerful elemental power at will.

She is stronger than the normal six awakeners, there is no doubt about that.

But she still cannot mobilize such a huge energy.

Only after she had survived the heavenly tribulation and officially advanced to the level of a natural disaster god general, she could further improve her mental strength through hard training, and then she could gradually increase her control over this powerful energy until she could completely control this power.

The Void Emperor was powerful and roughly made some judgments about the mental strength of the two.

Jiang Shang was knowledgeable and experienced, and he roughly guessed some of it.

Others, even Sun Wu and Xuan Ce, had not figured out why Nüba suddenly became so powerful.

At this moment, Nüba seemed to have sealed a huge energy source in her body.

She could only mobilize about 20%, but the remaining 80% would become her backup energy source.

Although she could not exert such a strong explosive power at one time, her endurance in combat was at least five or six times stronger.

If Xu Youran was by her side to assist her with mental power, she could definitely burst out a shocking blow in an instant.

The energy source and reserve belong to Nüba herself, but Xu Youran is the key to unlock it.

This is a bit of a headache. The Void Emperor frowned tightly, but Jiang Shang looked at the young man and woman with amusement.

As long as Xu Youran is by her side and fully assists her, Nüba's combat power will definitely be off the charts.

The instantaneous explosive power can reach five or six times that of an ordinary natural disaster god general, so it is definitely no problem to fight ten or eight natural disaster gods at the same time.

But if this slave is killed, Nüba will only have powerful power but cannot release it.

Thunder rumbled, and the heavenly calamity was about to come. Now is not the time to think about these things.

The Void Emperor waved his hand, and the civil and military officials in the Golden Palace felt a flash in front of their eyes, as if a piece of space was missing out of thin air.

The Void Emperor, Nüba, and Xu Youran, the three of them had disappeared in the Golden Palace.

The highest level of the 999th section of Houde Palace, without any protection measures, was exposed to the void of the universe.

To be precise, this can only be regarded as a rooftop, a rooftop standing in the void of the universe.

On the altar at the center of this layer, there is a long sword with a red-gold body, the Xuanyuan Sword.

The rooftop of thousands of square kilometers is all the practice room of the Void Emperor, and very few people come here.

"Shua!" A figure appeared out of thin air, and it was the three people of the Void Emperor.

"Cross the tribulation." The Void Emperor said in a deep voice, and the figure disappeared in the distance in an instant, leaving only Xu Youran and Nvba.

Xu Youran looked at Nvba, who was like a goddess in fire, and then looked up at the vast and boundless universe.

"Alas... why are you so stupid?" Xu Youran sighed softly.

"What? What did you say?" Nvba shouted loudly, "How are you now? I'm worried to death!"

"I said... Damn, there is no air here... Huh..." Xu Youran almost fainted.

Such a profound and impressive line, but because there is no air to conduct the sound, it completely loses its artistic conception.

At this time, Nvba suddenly realized that this was the 999th rooftop of Houde Palace, the practice room of Emperor Xukong. They were already in the void of the universe, so the sound could not be transmitted.

Xu Youran's skin and flesh were almost all cut into pieces, and he was just a skeleton, and it was the kind of burnt skeleton, which was as horrible as it could be.

Nvba had just been reborn from the fire, and she still had the energy to use the fire to condense armor and cloak for herself, looking heroic and beautiful.

Thinking of the shouting and yelling at each other in the void of the universe just now, the content was a bit beyond the outline.

The two smiled at each other, and then laughed heartily, although silently, but extremely happy.

One was reborn after death, and the other was survived after a disaster. Laughing and laughing, tears flowed out.

The extremely cold temperature quickly froze the tears into crystal particles, which slid down one by one.

Suddenly, the two seemed to be in sync with each other. They stopped talking and looked up at the void.

Although they were in the void, Houde Palace had its own gravity device, so there was no need to worry about weightlessness.

In Xu Youran's cognition, lightning was a natural phenomenon caused by the friction between the electric charges in the clouds.

The thunder came from the clouds. Without cumulonimbus clouds, there would be no lightning at all.

But the scene in front of him completely overturned all his junior high and high school physics knowledge.

Where did the clouds come from in the void of the universe?

Although there were no clouds, the heavenly tribulation would never be absent.

The sky was full of bright stars, and the stars that could be seen by the naked eye were almost all rotating around the Void Mountain.

In the deep void like a dark curtain, countless spider-web-like lightning intertwined together, and appeared out of thin air in the sea of ​​stars.

Before, Xu Youran had always been inside the planet to pass the tribulation, so he had never figured out where the heavenly tribulation came from.

Without the cover of the clouds this time, he still didn't know where the heavenly tribulation came from.

Although the technological level of Earth is very ordinary, at least it has set foot in space.

But I have never heard that there will be lightning in space.

Now he finally saw the lightning in space, which is countless times more spectacular than the heavenly tribulation seen on the ground.

He has never been afraid of the heavenly tribulation, because he can even absorb the power of the heavenly tribulation and become the nutrients for his cultivation by running the natural sutra.

So he has never had any awe for the heavenly tribulation.

Seeing the heavenly tribulation in front of him, he truly felt his insignificance as a human being.

The starlight in the sky seemed to have all turned into the source of the heavenly tribulation. Between the countless twinkling stars, a huge heavenly tribulation power grid was formed.

Hundreds of kilometers?

Thousands of kilometers?

Tens of thousands of kilometers?

Countless tiny electric snakes gathered from the surroundings of the power grid with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers to the center, becoming more and more violent.

The overwhelming pressure made Xu Youran feel an unstoppable sense of fear.

The countless tiny electric snakes seemed to come from countless stars in the void, and seemed to be the void position corresponding to each star.

Xu Youran not only saw the flow trajectory of energy on the huge power grid, but also saw the powerful force field that formed those trajectories.

That was a huge gravitational network formed by countless large and small celestial bodies in the starry sky.

Xu Youran's heart moved. He was recently studying the sixth section of Wandering in the Starry Sky, the detailed explanation of the starry sky force field.

But because he was not experienced enough and had not gone deep into the universe, he had always stayed on the surface of the planet. Limited by the influence of the huge magnetic field under his feet, he had never had a very intuitive understanding of the starry sky force field.

So he could never understand the content of the detailed explanation of the starry sky force field.

If he were just allowed to enter the void of the universe and figure out the content of this paragraph by himself, he might be able to understand it, but that would take a lot, a lot of time.

The huge Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Net was currently flowing energy visible to the naked eye, allowing him to feel the relationship between the starry sky force fields.

This was simply a living, interactive version of online teaching, and Xu Youran immediately stared straight into his eyes.

By referring to the content of the six sections of Walking in the Starry Sky, we began to delve into the gravity of celestial bodies everywhere in the universe and the mysteries between them.

The pressure in the void is getting stronger and stronger, and the first catastrophe is about to come.

The blazing energy frenzy is about to destroy the female demon who dares to cross the thunder pool.

When the female demon saw the thick thunder, she was filled with joy and fearless.

After six awakenings and six heavenly tribulations, as long as he withstood the tribulations, he would be a truly powerful natural disaster god general.

What's more, he also has a dog slave to protect him, which is absolutely foolproof.

When she turned to look at Xu Youran happily, she was completely stunned.

What is this big brother doing?

She looked at the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Net with a dull expression on her face, as if she was seeing a peerless beauty, and her mouth was about to drool.


What skills is this guy learning?

Mud horse!

Can you be more serious?

I'm going through a tribulation, brother!

It will kill people...

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