Virus Throne

Chapter 59. Supreme Glory

Xu Youran comforted a group of relatives and friends, and hung up the phone helplessly.

Of course, he knew his own strength best.

As long as he didn't commit suicide, it shouldn't be dangerous to break into the nest of the silver-level mutant beasts.

Moreover, seeing more and more three awakeners around him, although his current strength was enough to beat them, it was conceivable that more four awakeners would appear in the near future.

After the awakening skill quality was upgraded from silver to gold, there was a qualitative leap.

His ice armor should have been a pure defensive awakening skill, but after upgrading to gold quality, it actually turned on the defensive counterattack mode.

Although this counterattack is not very sharp, it can be foreseen that the next upgrade direction of the ice armor should be to develop more comprehensively.

What about human awakeners?

Will the three awakeners, from the silver commander to the gold guardian, also have a qualitative leap.

And is this qualitative leap difficult to cross?

Rapidly increasing his awakening times is his most urgent matter now.

As for the punishment task, there is no need to consider the gold-level mutant beast, and he dare not consider it.

One hundred silver-level mutant beasts, where can I find so many silver-level ones?

The area around the 025 base may also have silver-level mutant beasts, which is the Yinniu Lake Wildlife Park in the north of the city.

However, according to the military's plan, it is very likely to become the focus of the super bomb attack area.

I hope that the military can provide me with some convenience at that time, at least give me a few coordinates.

The time is getting closer and closer to the date of the super bomb attack, and a wave of attacks may be set off across the country.

Not only are all the soldiers and civilians in the Great Qin Kingdom waiting, but a large number of human bases around the world have received notices from the Great Qin Military.

All reconnaissance missions are expected to be completed before January 1, 2036, after about a week of information collection and planning.

The exact start time of the super bomb attack is set on January 8, 2036. Before the attack begins, all the people who may be affected must be relocated.

Almost all the citizens also know this news, and everyone is talking about it.

The common people whose properties were bought at low prices by Hengshun Real Estate cursed, saying that these black-hearted businessmen must have known the inside information in advance.

But it is meaningless to say these things now. The top priority is to successfully clean up the mutant beasts and restore normal life order.

Time came to January 1, 2036 in the eyes of everyone's expectation.

This day should have been a festive day to celebrate the holidays, but after the outbreak of the virus, everyone no longer had the concept of celebrating the holidays.

Early in the morning, Xu Youran received a notice from the military that the Watcher Corps 025 base would assemble and hold a pre-war mobilization meeting.

Xu Youran, Zhang Haiyang, Yu Yue, Cai Bing, Cheng Lin, five people squeezed into a military vehicle. There were many soldiers from the Second Regiment who also went to the meeting together. Several military warriors lined up in a convoy and drove towards No. 700 Yanjing West Road.

The meeting was held in Building No. 7, a large conference room that could accommodate thousands of people.

When these awakened warriors of the Second Regiment entered the conference room under the leadership of Xu Youran, they were immediately shocked by the crowd of awakened warriors in the conference room.

The hundreds of awakened warriors who had arrived earlier were all wearing black camouflage combat uniforms and black camouflage training caps.

In the silent scene, everyone put their hands on their knees, straightened their backs, and looked forward.

The fierce and murderous momentum highlighted the elite quality of the Qin warriors.

Every soldier here has fought bloody battles in the war against mutant beasts.

Even if the awakened warriors who were once civilians, they naturally cultivated a vigorous and resolute military temperament in the military.

Xu Youran and others quietly found their team seats, sat down one by one, and waited quietly.

The entire 025 base guardian corps guarding the city wall was divided into eight defense zones in eight directions with the city wall as the boundary.

Xu Youran and his second regiment were located in the southeastern defense zone. Before recruiting new civilian awakeners into the corps, each defense zone was assigned about 30 awakener warriors.

The northern defense zone and the two defense zones to the north had the largest number of awakener warriors assigned because they had to face the impact of the wildlife park.

Now that many civilian awakeners have been recruited, the number of watchers in the entire 025 base has increased sharply to more than 700, which is already more than half of the number of awakeners registered in the entire 025 base.

Soon the time reached 8:59, and Commander Zou, Deputy Commander Kong, Professor Chen and others came to the rostrum.

More than 700 awakener warriors stood up and saluted together, and sat down again. It was exactly 9 o'clock.

Commander Zou started his speech: "All the soldiers of the Watcher Corps, you have worked hard. I am Zou Ziliang, the commander of the 025 base of the Guardian Corps, and now I am also the commander of the 025 base of the Watcher Corps. First of all, thank you all for your fearless sacrifice and heroic fighting in the past battles, protecting the lives and safety of more than one million people in the city. Thank you!"

There was warm applause on and off the stage, and everyone's eyes were a little red.

Thinking of the hard battles over the past year and the comrades who sacrificed in the war against mutant beasts, everyone was overwhelmed and couldn't help themselves.

Commander Zou waved his hand and continued: "If the virus cannot be eradicated, the hidden danger of mutant beasts cannot be eradicated. It is very rare to have this opportunity to gather all the soldiers of the Watcher Legion together. However, at this moment, , the mutated beasts have not stopped attacking us. You still have an important mission, so let’s make a long story short, everyone can return to the combat position faster and go on patrol.”

After speaking, he looked at Professor Chen, who nodded knowingly.

He habitually lit a cigarette and began to speak: "Hello, fellow soldiers, I am Chen Xinghe, deputy director of the New Energy Research Institute of the Daqin Research Institute. I will cooperate with the military in the super bomb clearance plan around the 025 base. to implement.”

The awakened people in the audience applauded and welcomed, and Xu Youran knew that the details of the plan were about to begin.

Professor Chen continued: "Everyone may know that we will use the fourth generation of non-radiation, non-polluting super bombs to carry out precise strikes on key areas. However, everyone may not know the details. We have used the grid format of the past month to After searching, the coordinates of silver-level mutant beasts that can be confirmed are now 317. "

Although there was still silence in the audience, every soldier who heard this number felt his heart tighten.

Everyone has guessed that there must be a large number of silver-level mutant beasts outside the base.

But I never expected that there would be so many silver-level mutant beasts within a fifty-kilometer radius with Base 025 as the core.

For the current city defense, almost every attack by silver-level mutant beasts is a disaster.

That means that countless warriors may die, and an unknown number of awakened people may die under the claws of these silver-level mutant beasts.

If these 317 silver-level mutant beasts attack the city defense together, the best result may be to throw super bombs on the city defense line and die together with these mutant beasts.

Professor Chen continued with a serious expression: "If we drop more than 300 super bombs to combat these more than 300 mutant beasts, it goes without saying that everyone should be able to guess the result. That is, it will definitely trigger a strong super bomb. The earthquake buried over a million people and mutant beasts together.”

Only then did all the soldiers realize, yes, if the super bomb is thrown casually, it seems to be no different from committing suicide.

"So, we can only drop super bombs in key areas, areas where silver-level mutant beasts are relatively dense. Such violent fluctuations will inevitably bring about some chain reactions. For example, minor earthquakes, river diversions, and even other areas. The mutated beasts were frightened and fled to unknown areas.”

Commander Zou took over the topic and continued: "The Guardian Corps and the city government will work together to deal with the people's livelihood problems caused by the super bomb. Our Watch Corps has a more important task, which is to conduct a second grid search. And this time, the main goal is to eliminate the silver-level mutant beasts!”

Many of the warriors in the audience, especially the civil awakeners, some of them had just found a way to join.

Hearing what Commander Zou said, everyone was a little confused.

Is it too impulsive to carry out the King Bomb mission right after you come up?

Commander Zou saw the expressions of the soldiers in the audience and knew what everyone was thinking. He smiled slightly and said: "Everyone here is the most valuable talent of our Great Qin Military Department. Naturally, we will not let everyone die aimlessly. In view of this Due to the strength of the silver-level mutant beasts, we have adjusted the formation so that every ten awakened warriors form a platoon, and the mission team operates in company units, and we will allocate at least eight to ten secondary awakened warriors to each company. The latest type of armor developed based on unknown civilization technology will be distributed, and the Storm Armor will be made mainly of bronze-grade materials.”

At this point, the soldiers in the audience could no longer keep quiet and all exclaimed in exclamation.

Bronze-level armor can at least guarantee that it will not be easily killed by the attack of bronze-level mutant beasts.

Although silver-level mutant beasts can break through the defense of bronze-level armor, it still requires some effort.

Xu Youran was a little speechless. It was useless for him to ask for a battle armor. He had a gold-quality battle armor of his own.

In fact, he really wanted to ask Commander Zou if he could equip him with a few small-yield super bombs?

He wanted to know whether his gold-quality ice armor could withstand the impact of the super bomb.

When Commander Zou saw the soldiers in the audience, they all looked surprised and nodded with a smile.

"The specific team division and clearing area division will be informed by your immediate superiors after you return to camp. Precision strikes in key areas will begin on January 8th, and January 9th will be the start date of the mission. There is no time limit for this mission. When When the silver-level mutant beasts within a radius of 50 kilometers are cleared, I hope everyone will be mentally prepared. This may be a long-term mission."

When Commander Zou said this, he stood up and his powerful voice echoed throughout the conference room, "Comrades, we are the people's warriors. More than a million people are looking forward to us bringing news of victory. Tell me, you are afraid Sacrifice?"

More than 700 awakened warriors in the audience stood up and shouted in unison: "Don't be afraid of sacrifice!"

Everyone on the rostrum stood up, and Commander Zou continued to roar: "Comrades, the sacrifices of countless ancestors have brought about a prosperous age for the Qin Dynasty for nearly a hundred years. Today is the time for us to fight bloody for this land and overcome all difficulties. , strive for the final victory!”

More than 700 awakened warriors, everyone was excited, thinking of the upcoming battle, everyone was excited, "Fight for the final victory!"

The roar of more than 700 battlefield warriors shook the sky and split the rocks, like thousands of troops, magnificent and incomparable.

The officers and researchers on the stage looked at the group of young soldiers in front of them.

From their young faces and persistent eyes, it seemed that they saw the future of Daqin and the dawn of victory.

All the officers, including Commander Zou, put on their military caps, "pa" stood at attention and saluted the soldiers under the stage, and Professor Chen and other researchers also bowed and saluted.

They all knew that although they used all means to weaken the mutant beasts as much as possible, they also tried their best to protect the soldiers.

But in this battle with the purpose of comprehensive elimination, there will definitely be many young soldiers who will never be able to come back safely.

The names of many of them will appear on the list of martyrs, and their families will receive a death notice and a bright red national flag.

Thinking of this, their eyes were slightly red, and all the soldiers under the stage saluted collectively, "pa"!

They deserve this military salute, which is the highest honor they pursue!

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