Virus Throne

Chapter 607. Hunter Game

As for whether Li Weixuan and Jiang Liangpei really went after the monkey man or wanted to escape, no one will continue to discuss it now. ReadМ

Apart from the two guardians here, Li Weixuan is the strongest.

It is obviously unwise to offend these two people at this time.

Although these two people may not protect themselves, it is still very easy to kill themselves.

While everyone was being treated, they were all talking about the monkey man.

Everyone was confused about the origin of this monkey man and why he brought monkeys to attack them.

Although Monkey Man looks like a savage, no one remembers such a monster appearing in the Southern Cross Nebula.

The cavalryman waved his hand and called Li Weixuan over, "That savage seems to be young. You have all fought against each other once. How do you feel about your strength?"

"This man's strength is not very good, but his physical skills are too good and he runs too fast. Otherwise, I would definitely be able to capture him easily." Li Weixuan said with a ferocious expression, "The two of us are not as good as him in physical skills, so we couldn't catch up with him. "

"Yes, we almost caught up. He rushed out with the monkey to attack, and we realized something was wrong with him. If we catch him, we will definitely solve the monkey problem." Jiang Liangpei also looked resentful.

As for Xu Youran's hasty slap that nearly caused him to vomit blood, he simply forgot about it.

"Oh? So, you really went after him?" Yin Ping looked at the two of them with amusement.

"Of course, senior. As long as we catch that monkey man, we can definitely solve the problem of the Winged Monkeys." Li Weixuan said with a frank look and a confident look.

Since someone explained for them that they were chasing people, then they were chasing people.

Even if you can't catch him, you have to chase him. It's definitely not an escape.



It is impossible to escape in this life.

Only by chasing down the monkey man can he barely maintain his face.

As for whether you believe it or not?

Anyway, I believed it myself, so I just went after people.

"Two seniors, as team leaders and powerful natural disaster generals, we still have some responsibility." Jiang Liangpei said righteously.

Chasing someone?

The cavalry almost didn't want to shoot these two shameless guys to death.

Please be human, even a fool can see that you are running away and you are just following that monkey man.

"Well then, let's adjust your training missions next." Tie Qiu pondered for a moment and said, "You said that monkey man has average combat power but good physical skills?"

"It's just a person who has awakened five times. He was caught off guard, otherwise I would have killed him on the spot." Li Weixuan was still boasting.

"Well, his fighting ability is not very good, but his speed is very fast." Jiang Liangpei also had an arrogant expression on his face, "Actually, he is nothing!"

Yin Ping looked at the two of them and felt a sense of discomfort in his heart.

The two of them had a head-on fight with the savage. Although the savage was seriously injured, the attack was blocked.

In that situation, that savage was able to withstand your sneak attacks. At first glance, he looked like a man who had been in battle for a long time.

Players like you can easily kill someone?

The cavalryman smiled slightly and said loudly: "Everyone take a quick rest and start a new training mission tomorrow morning, the hunter game."

"Hunter game?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Who are you hunting?"



Some people reacted faster, as if they had thought of something.

"Yes, it will start early tomorrow morning. You will no longer continue to hunt mutant beasts, and start hunting the monkey man who just escaped." The iron cavalry loudly announced the latest training mission.



"No way……"

Although that monkey man has only awakened five times, he is a very powerful monkey.

In the eyes of the surviving people, Xu Youran was not chased by the Winged Monkeys and escaped in the end.

Instead, he led a group of monkeys and attacked them secretly, although he didn't know the purpose.

The Monkey Man and the Monkey must be in the same group, this is recognized by everyone.

"I don't want to go, I'm afraid of monkeys..."

"Yeah, what if he brings another group of monkeys?"

"It's really weird that some people still keep monkeys..."

"There are more than a hundred diamond-level monkeys, how could they be raised by him?"

"Yes, maybe he was raised by monkeys..."

When this conclusion was analyzed, the entire audience fell silent.

Human races are inclusive and diverse. The monkey race, ape race, long-armed race, mountain race, and several-head race are all branches of the human race.

Maybe that monkey man is a human-monkey tribe?

The deserted Liujia Star has never been visited by outsiders.

That monkey man might be a native of the human-monkey tribe!

What kind of bullshit are you raising from monkeys? The cavalryman almost vomited blood because of the huge brains of these people. He shouted angrily, "Starting tomorrow, we will return to Liujiawei. You can form your own team to hunt down that monkey man. If you don't want to participate, Come back to Rokkowei with us immediately. This experience will be considered a failure."

Everyone was frightened by the violent momentum of the cavalry, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Once this training mission fails, what awaits them will not be a good result.

Not only will he miss the seven-year round of competition, but he may never be able to hold his head high in the family from now on.

Whether it is resources, opportunities, or money, I am afraid that I will never be able to get it.

"Hmph! What a bunch of trash, are you all raised eating shit?" Yin Ping said coldly, "That monkey man is just a fifth awakener, he should have no companions, you are about sixty people, and there are two sixth awakeners..."

"Let's go!" Tieqi interrupted Yin Ping's words directly, "Raising a group of pigs is better than raising you."


As soon as the voice fell, Tieqi had already taken off, instantly surpassing the speed of sound, and rushed straight into the sky.

Yin Ping shook his head and said helplessly: "Someone chooses to quit, will you go with us?"

After looking around, everyone lowered their heads.

Although they were reluctant in their hearts and didn't want to hunt the monkey man.

But quitting at this time would mean losing the future.

Many people are also thinking that there are more than sixty of us, and there are two natural disaster gods. It should be okay to be careful.

Besides, even if we encounter monkeys, the most we can do is run away.

There are so many people, the monkeys won't stare at me and kill me, right?

Seeing that no one wanted to leave with him, Yin Ping nodded slightly, "You guys take care of yourself, Li Weixuan and Jiang Liangpei will lead the team."


Yin Ping also jumped up. It seemed that the two of them were really going to return to Liujiaweiyi's warship.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were a little nervous for a while.

The small spaceship from them would not come to pick them up until the end of the training.

Now that the two protectors have left, there are only a group of rookies with little practical experience left, and the safety factor has dropped sharply.

"What are you afraid of? Humph!" Li Weixuan saw that everyone looked like their ancestors had died, and all of them had sad faces, so he quickly cheered everyone up, "The monkey man is just a fifth awakener. As long as we can control his speed, it is still easy to kill him."

Jiang Liangpei was afraid that he was exaggerating too much, so he quickly added, "As long as he doesn't bring a group of monkeys..."


Several girls couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

But this statement seems to be true. There are more than fifty five awakeners and two natural disaster generals here.

If they meet the monkey man alone, they can beat him into pieces with one concentrated fire.

This kind of training task is much simpler and easier than hunting mutant beasts.

As for who the monkey man is?

That is not important.

People with real status and position will not come to Liujia Star.

Maybe he is really a descendant of the natives of Liujia Star.

Xu Youran brought a large group of monkeys to attack them, which is the greatest hatred.

In fact, hatred or not is not important. For these people, it only matters whether they can kill, not whether they should kill.

More than sixty awakeners from the Southern Cross Nebula began to prepare for hunting Xu Youran.

On this deserted planet, it is not difficult to kill a person.

The difficulty is how to find this person.

Fortunately, everyone has remembered the direction in which Xu Youran fled. Tomorrow morning, if they look for him in the direction he fled, they will always find some clues.

Xu Youran, who was fleeing for his life, didn't know that he was already on someone else's prey list.

Bring that group of monkeys to attack those awakened ones?

Not possible.

He was also running away, how could he deliberately harm others?

It can only be said that those people were too unlucky and happened to block Xu Youran's way.

He is not a monkey man, how could monkeys listen to his command?

Xu Youran never thought that so many awakened people suddenly came to the deserted Liujia Star.

Looking at their equipment, they don't look like poor people coming here to hunt mutant beasts.

Besides, such a remote Liujia Star, poor people can't even raise enough money to come here.

It is very likely that they are practitioners from Fengxinggu Empire, and they just sent them a group of monkeys to practice well.

Thinking of Fengxinggu Empire, he thought of Wen Yu, whom he had met at Nuba's discussion meeting.

That girl seemed to be from Fengxinggu Empire. It seemed that they also talked about a genius from Fengxinggu Empire, named Fangqing.

It's a pity that there are still six awakening skills that have not been upgraded to natural disaster quality.

Otherwise, Xu Youran would have wanted to leave Liujia Star right now after encountering so many awakeners and conflicts on Liujia Star.

The goal this time is to have all natural disaster quality, and there are still six. As long as we encounter six more natural disaster-level mutant beasts, it will be fine.

It's best to kill them, but it's okay if we can't.

As long as they are infected with the virus, they can turn around and run.

Natural disaster-level mutant beasts generally have a strong sense of territory. If you escape from their territory, you usually won't continue to chase.

Only those who are particularly irritable and vengeful will keep chasing.

Now, in addition to the rain of bullets, which were originally natural disaster quality, there are seven more that have been upgraded to natural disaster quality.

Rain of bullets, ice armor, earth shield, steel body, pulling up seedlings to help them grow, seeing blood and closing the throat, splitting light into shadows, and returning light.

Eight natural disaster quality awakening skills, if they are fully fired, the two natural disaster gods just now can also fight head-on.

There are also six diamond-quality awakening skills, which are either not very applicable or belong to auxiliary awakening skills.

In order to facilitate the battle on Liujia Star, Xu Youran's first choice must be the most commonly used awakening skills.

Unfortunately, most awakening skills, when upgraded to the natural disaster level, only change in quantity, but not in quality.

Perhaps, only when it is upgraded to the doomsday quality, will the real final qualitative change occur.

Damn it!

Being chased by the flying winged monkey, he was already injured.

He was sniped by two powerful natural disaster generals and suffered more serious injuries.

In order to conceal his strength and not attract attention, Xu Youran deliberately suppressed his strength.

This means that he must behave like an ordinary five-time awakener.

Faced with the encirclement of four natural disaster generals, he racked his brains and exhausted all his strength before finally escaping.

The more serious the injury, the longer it will take to heal.

He did not dare to start a new battle easily before his condition was fully restored.

Judging from the current speed, it may still take a few days to achieve full natural disaster quality.

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