Virus Throne

Chapter 62. Fight to the death!

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", the first shots were fired by long-range snipers, who started long-range strikes with the latest sniper rifles.

These huge sniper rifles are larger than anti-material sniper rifles, flashing a breathtaking cold light.

This is the latest helium-3 powered sniper rifle provided by the Research Institute, with a longer range and more powerful power.

The previous anti-material sniper rifles could kill black iron-level mutant beasts and also pose a certain threat to bronze-level mutant beasts.

And this helium-3 powered sniper rifle is even more terrifying, it can kill bronze-level mutant beasts and pose a certain threat to silver-level mutant beasts.

But the actual test results are not ideal for silver-level.

The so-called threat is just to break the defense, slightly injure or even just hurt those silver-level mutant beasts.

This level of damage is basically the ceiling of the army's commonly used individual hot weapons.

Therefore, the country's support for the awakened has been strengthened again, because there is no ceiling for the combat power of the awakened, which is also the origin of the Watcher Corps.

Endless mutant beasts, surging like an ocean, many of them rushed towards the city wall while fleeing.

Various hot weapons fired crazily, and a torrent of steel reappeared in the world like a heavy rainstorm.

This kind of defensive battle is actually very beneficial to human warriors, but the number of mutant beasts is too large, and in panic, they rushed forward without hesitation.

There are more and more black iron-level and bronze-level mutant beasts mixed in ordinary mutant beasts, and they are endless, but their number is still increasing.

It should be the power of the super bomb explosion that caused many mutant beasts in the middle area to riot.

A few minutes after the battle line of the second regiment started, the tremor of the earth gradually stopped.

In the south of the main urban area, another group of light brighter and shining than the sun exploded in the air.

The super bomb attack of the third echelon came, and every few minutes after that, when the tremor of the earth stopped, it would usher in a precise attack.

In order to prevent simultaneous bombing, causing plate resonance and triggering huge secondary disasters.

In desperation, the military could only choose to strike in stages. Although this was not very effective, it was better than a situation of mutual destruction.

With the rapid increase in the number of mutant beasts, some mutant beasts have begun to rush up the gentle slope.

Because of the difficulty of post-disaster reconstruction and construction in the sea of ​​mutant beasts, the two sides of the city wall are still gentle slopes made of rubble and rubble.

Some sections were simply reinforced by throwing cement, which was convenient for rapid demolition after the war. This also shows the belief of the Qin military in victory.

Now those who can rush up the gentle slope are basically bronze-level mutant beasts, and those below the bronze level have been torn to pieces by countless bullets before they rush to the gentle slope.

Facing mutant beasts of this magnitude, the accuracy of shooting is no longer necessary to consider. As long as you fire at the bottom, the mutant beasts will be killed and injured.

However, without human intervention and restrictions, many animals have reproduced for several generations in more than a year.

If there was no deterrent power of the super bomb explosion, such casualties would have deterred the mutant beasts.

But now these mutant beasts, who were overly frightened, had long lost their minds and only knew to flee madly in the opposite direction of the explosion.

Broken limbs and flesh, blood splattered, wailing, screaming, roaring, the mutant beasts stepped on the corpses of their own kind and rushed upward madly.

The battle line advanced upward by one meter, one meter at a time. The barrels of the human soldiers' guns became hot, and the muzzles of the heavy machine guns were already burning red, but the number of mutant beasts was increasing.

In the roar of countless guns and cannons, every soldier of the Guardian Corps was concentrating and gritting his teeth, desperately pouring down the rain of bullets.

Many soldiers' shoulders had been dislocated by the butt of the gun, but they were unaware. When the ammunition of this platoon of soldiers was about to run out, they would quickly retreat and change shifts with the next platoon of soldiers.

Only then did he realize that his shoulder was dislocated. Although he was sweating from the pain, he pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

The atmosphere of the entire battle line became heavier and heavier as the mutant beasts' battle line moved forward. The air was not only filled with the smell of gunpowder.

There was also endless murderous intent and determination, and everyone's eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

Everyone knew very well that this was a life-and-death battle with no retreat.

Any mutant beast that broke through the defense line and entered the main urban area would be a huge disaster for ordinary people.

Once the mutant beast was out of the coverage of hot weapons, it would also be a catastrophe for the ordinary soldiers participating in the defense.

Hot weapons cannot be used on the city wall, as it is too easy to accidentally injure one's own people. A sweep of the submachine gun may kill a mutant beast, but it may kill dozens of comrades.

So once a mutant beast hits the city wall, the awakened warrior will kill it, and the ordinary warrior cannot fire at the mutant beast even if the mutant beast is biting him.

Although this is an extremely difficult task, every guard soldier carried it out thoroughly.

Because they knew very well that when they couldn't help but fire at the mutant beasts close at hand, their comrades might be killed and injured more.

This was a torture that was like being burned by fire, being torn to death by mutant beasts alive. Almost no warrior could kill a bronze-level mutant beast with bare hands, and those who could rush onto the city walls were almost all bronze-level mutant beasts.

Other comrades could not rescue them, or even shoot to see them off, as that would still injure them by mistake.

So such a battle is a life-and-death test for every ordinary Guardian Corps soldier, and it is also a psychological trauma that will leave a permanent shadow.

Looking at the mutant beast line getting closer and closer, Xu Youran shouted: "Get ready! All troops on alert!"

He, the platoon leader, is no longer a lone commander. After the Watcher Corps was officially established, he has been assigned ten awakened warriors, and Zhang Haiyang and other comrades have become his subordinates.

Ten meters or so will become a blind spot for hot weapons, and the closer to this blind spot, the weaker the firepower coverage of some powerful hot weapons, especially explosive ones, such as grenades, howitzers, mortars, and rocket launchers.

Because of the distance, throwing grenades in front of your own position is undoubtedly a suicidal act.

When a mutant beast breaks through to the distance of ten meters, the awakened warriors of the first echelon will rush out to meet the enemy, and the awakened warriors of the second echelon will stay in the position.

In case a mutant beast escapes and breaks through the first line of defense, the second line of defense can protect most ordinary soldiers.

Finally, the first bronze-level mutant beast broke through the line of defense. It was a bronze mad dog.

Xu Youran took the lead and rushed down first. He had already smashed down with a large shield in mid-air.

With a muffled sound of "puff", the mutant mad dog did not even have time to whine, and was directly smashed into a pile of minced meat.

"Bang" Xu Youran fell to the ground, and with a 360° rotation, kicked several mutant beasts and broke their tendons and bones and flew out.

With a large shield in his left hand and a silver unicorn sword in his right hand, he was covered in crystal clear ice armor.


Xu Youran roared wildly, like a god descending to the earth, with awe-inspiring divine power!

The mutant beasts within a few dozen square meters were frightened by the roar and fled for their lives.

Zhang Haiyang and other awakened warriors also jumped off the wall, showing their strengths and slaughtering mutant beasts crazily under the threat of Xu Youran's roar.

With the protection of the Storm Armor, although it did not directly increase their attack power, it saved them a lot of trouble in defense, and invisibly increased their combat power.

The awakened warriors who did not need to pay too much attention to defense, once their combat power was released without scruples, the lethality was much more terrifying than the same number of hot weapons.

Ten air grenades were blasted at a time, and the "boom boom boom" kept exploding in the mutant beast group, and the mutant beasts ran around in a mess of blood and flesh.

The wood element's entanglement quickly bound a bronze-level mutant beast, and an air slash had silently swept across the mutant beast's throat, and blood spurted wildly.

The fire element's fireball, fire tongue, poisonous tongue, flame, flamingo, the most abundant types and types of lethality are the fire element awakening skills.

The water awakening warriors who were responsible for assisting were more responsible for supporting, assisting, treating, and purifying.

There was also a water awakening warrior who actually mastered the silver-quality awakening skill corrosion.

As long as his water flow washed over, the mutant beasts seemed to have been washed by sulfuric acid, and they rolled on the ground with wailing in the "sizzling, sizzling" erosion.

Xu Youran felt creepy and his hair stood on end when he saw the sourness of being washed by strong acid all over his body.

Relying on his strong defense, Xu Youran rushed left and right as if he was in a beast-free state. The extremely sharp and solid unicorn sword harvested the lives of mutant beasts like a ghost.

Every awakening warrior who blocked the line of defense became a bloody man in a very short time, shouting loudly and fighting frantically.

Xu Youran kept running back and forth on the line of defense. Wherever there was a stalemate, he would quickly rush to support, trying to kill the mutant beasts in the shortest time to prevent the beasts from slipping through the net.

Once a section of the defense line is temporarily unable to support, a wall of earth rises in the distance to temporarily block the mutant beasts' impact and interrupt the mutant beasts' attack rhythm.

But more and more mutant beasts broke through the hot weapon defense line, stepped on the corpses of their own kind, and rushed up in a pool of blood, roaring.

The awakened warriors' defense line was shrinking step by step. Although everyone knew that they could not retreat, every step they took back would increase the pressure faced by the warriors in the rear.

But the endless mutant beasts put too much pressure on them. The storm armor can play a certain role, but it is not omnipotent.

Many mutant beasts' attacks are extremely tricky, and there are even mutant beasts that release poison, forcing these awakened warriors to retreat.

A bronze wild cat pounced on a warrior in mid-air. The warrior could only take a step back to avoid it, but another bronze porcupine arched up again, so he could only take another step back to buffer the pressure.

Xu Youran saw it with his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He could no longer care about hiding.

Whatever happens, just do it!

"Shua shua shua" the gold quality awakening skill ice armor opens the complete form!

Sharp, ferocious spikes, fully armed with dark gold luxurious armor!

Xu Youran, who seemed like a god descended from heaven, let out a long roar that echoed throughout the entire battle line, "Fight to the death!"

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