Virus Throne

Chapter 650: Experts are everywhere

After everyone gathered happily, Xu Youran immediately went straight to the point, "What's the situation now? It's hard to explain over the phone. You guys hurry up and tell me, I'll see if I can help?"

"Hmph! How can you help?" Nvba was a little dissatisfied when she saw that Xu Youran hugged even Macchiato and Xiaodi, but didn't hug her. ơɱReadМ

But she also knew that she was the princess of the empire and the third-rank governor of the rebellion, so she needed to be reserved and noble.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Seeing Xu Youran being scolded, Xi Suo was the first to laugh, "He is stupid and only knows how to rush. He must go to the door immediately."

"Fuck you, you only know how to rush. I am a smart brother." Xu Youran rolled his eyes at Xi Suo in annoyance, "Let's find a place to talk."

Nvba immediately gave orders, and everyone soon came to an extremely luxurious meeting room.

The concept of luxury on the Sky Star is very different from that on the Void Mountain. It is full of jewels and gems, and every corner of the palace exudes the "stench" of money.

Xu Youran greedily sucked the copper smell in the air, and for a moment he felt a little relaxed and happy.

Money can be seen everywhere. The worst materials in the entire palace are diamond-grade materials, and decorations and ornaments made of disaster-grade materials can be seen everywhere.

Apart from anything else, if this palace is taken out and split into materials, it is worth at least several billion universe coins.

The weapons and armor made of these materials are enough to arm a small army.

The equipment of all the awakened people on the entire Earth Star combined is probably not as valuable as this palace.

Touching the chair made of disaster-grade materials, although it is full of metal texture, cold and hard, Xu Youran's saliva is about to flow down.

Liangyu and Murong often follow Nuba in and out of Houde Palace, so they are naturally knowledgeable and have long been accustomed to these things.

The Illusion Brigade was born in a truly miserable situation, and they had been fighting for their lives to survive.

When they first saw this luxurious palace, they didn't look much better than Xu Youran.

Seeing Xu Youran's pig-like appearance at this moment, they all laughed secretly.

Everyone sat down one after another, and Chunhua, Qiushi, Xiayu, Dongxue, and the three fox girls served drinks and snacks and left.

Nuba glanced at Xu Youran coldly and said bitterly, "Tell me, you went to Liujia Star for more than ten days. Did you hook up with some foreign beauty again?"

Xu Youran scratched his head with embarrassment, "Who do you think I am? I went through life and death for actual combat training. This time it was really too dangerous..."

"Stop, stop, stop... Don't fool us, did you bring any gifts?" Nuba interrupted Xu Youran and frowned, saying, "Did you bring back any local specialties such as the Void Ring?"


A sound of sucking in cold air sounded in the hall, and everyone looked at Nuba in frustration.

Your family calls the Void Ring a local specialty?

Is there anyone who brings such a local specialty from outer space?

"Local specialty?" Xu Youran immediately strode to the side hall, "Let me show you my results, ha, ha, ha..."

With a wave of his hand, "Shua" piles and piles of natural disaster mutant beast materials were poured out from the Void Ring.





Everyone in the hall came over curiously to watch, and their teeth ached again.

"You... Devil Slayer...did you rob Liujia Star?" Xi Suo said in surprise, "I was wondering why you smelled so much blood."

Kukrolo led everyone to hide on Liujia Star for more than a month. He knew that there were many mutant beasts on Liujia Star, which was extremely unfriendly to human awakeners. "Devil Slayer, you have a lot of gains. How many mutant beasts did you kill?"

"Hey! Those fangs are good. Give them to me to make my mace." Gangjin patted Xu Youran's shoulder hard, "Good brother, it's rare that you still think of your brother and bring it back to me from so far away!"


Xu Youran wanted to spit blood on Gangjin's face. I worked so hard to kill them. It's all white silver. Aren't you asking me to work for nothing?

He was smiling very happily, and his words were also beautiful, "Don't worry, everyone will get a share. You live in a mansion on Cangqiong Star, eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, it's very hard. I fought hard on Liujia Star, so of course I have to bring some local specialties back to everyone."


Everyone's face was a little embarrassed.

This is a naked slap in the face. With you saying that, how can we have the nerve to black your materials.

"Bah! It stinks, put it away quickly." Nvba only knew that Xu Youran was training on Liujia Star, but she didn't know how he trained.

Seeing that he killed so many natural disaster-level mutant beasts and had a lot of diamond-level materials, he must have experienced many fierce battles.

Although Xu Youran was powerful, Nvba had never fought side by side with Xu Youran and didn't know his true strength.

In the final analysis, he was just a fifth-time awakener. He could bring back so many natural disaster-level materials, even if they were stolen or robbed, they must be extremely sinister.


Nvba was also puzzled. Why did I naturally feel that his material was not legitimate?

Nvba couldn't be blamed for this. She had only seen and heard Xu Youran take action three times.

Once he robbed the Kowloon Club, another time he went to Silent Security to rob, and the last time he suddenly defeated Tang Jiao and Qi Shaoshang.

Strictly speaking, Qi Shaoshang was just caught off guard by his surprise attack.

It doesn't really mean that the Saint Qi Shaoshang can't even take on Xu Youran for a round.

Xu Youran relied on his own fighting characteristics and rich fighting experience to crush Qi Shaoshang, but it was only because he dared to risk his life and dared to get hurt, while Qi Shaoshang was new to the world and lacked the ruthlessness of life and death.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Xu Youran agreed repeatedly and quickly waved his hand to put away the pile of mutant beast materials.

Time in the Void Ring was almost still, and many mutant beast materials were still covered with fresh blood.

Blood flowed in the side hall for a while, and the bloody smell was extremely strong, which was indeed a bit inconsistent with the luxurious style of the palace.

Xiaodi raised his hand to release a drizzle, washing the side hall.

Genos waved his hand to release a raging flame, burning all the blood and residue.

Ji Jie threw out several extremely weakened air bombs, "bang, bang, bang..." After a few light sounds, the bloody smell immediately dissipated.

Kukluo Luo scattered frost flowers all over the sky, and there was a hint of chill in the side hall, and the air was full of freshness.

In the huge side hall, there was no trace of filth.

The cooperation of several people was very smooth, like flowing water.

At first glance, they were experts in robbing, killing, and destroying corpses.

Xu Youran was stunned and smacked his lips, "Damn, your set of procedures is very standardized. It seems that you are not idle either."

"Hey, hey, hey..." Lan Hu laughed grimly, "Although we are now on the shore and have been regularized, we can't forget our old business."

The members of the Illusion Brigade, including Xu Youran, didn't feel anything.


Liangyu, Murong, Dada and others who have lived and worked in safe areas for many years, but they couldn't help but shudder.


Standard thugs!

In the future, the princess must stay away from these people. Maybe they will give you a set of standard procedures someday. Who can stand this?

Sitting back at the conference table again, Xu Youran picked up the wine glass, tasted the "84 disinfectant", looked at the people present, and was secretly proud in his heart.

Once upon a time, those who had meetings with my brother were all weak five-time awakeners.

Now, those who have meetings with my brother are mainly natural disaster generals. My brother's status has been improved very quickly.


Why do I think Marshal Nie Kuanglan and others are weak?


We can't let them know, otherwise they might be beaten to death.

Nvba herself is a new natural disaster general. When she is alone, her combat power should be able to surpass Andariel.

If Xu Youran's mental power is synchronized to assist, she can even exert the combat power of a high-level natural disaster general.

She originally had two natural disaster generals under her, Liangyu and Murong, who were also strong men who had experienced real battlefields in their early years.

The Illusion Brigade now has Wuxie and Raizen joining, and its strength has skyrocketed.

I heard that Raizen's father Yuan Fei Riyue, without the suppression of the Abraham family, has been promoted to the sixth awakener.

There is also the ancestor Daimyo who is also a top-level powerhouse among the natural disaster generals. If he can win over, there will be two more natural disaster generals.

With the experience of fooling Tieqi and Long Ju, Xu Youran has some experience in fooling these old men.

Kukrolo, Mephisto, Hisoka, Wuxie, Raizen, Yuan Fei Riyue, Daimyo, the Illusion Brigade should have seven natural disaster generals.

Including Xu Youran himself, that is eight natural disaster generals.

Counting the hidden power that Xu Youran has conquered, the elderly square dance group, Xu Youran has gathered more than a dozen natural disaster generals without knowing it.

As long as the resources can keep up, there are still a few people in the Illusion Brigade who should be able to be promoted to the sixth awakener.

Shenzang, Gangjin, Lanhu, Genos, Jijie, Zhusheng, the strength of these people has reached the ceiling of the fifth awakening.

With their strength and mental strength, it would be unreasonable if they could not successfully advance.

It's just that the natural disaster-level virus reagents they need are a bit of a headache.

Nuba is subject to many constraints, and I'm afraid she can't mobilize a lot of resources like Shaohao, so the brigade can only find a way on its own.

The other few people, Xiake, Xiaodi, and Machido, are not strong enough, and there is still a distance from the impact of the sixth awakening.

Jianan is a freak, there is no need to worry about resources at all, let him live slowly, and one day he will become a natural disaster god general.

If Shenzang and others can also advance to the sixth awakening, Xu Youran's side will have nearly 20 natural disaster god generals, and there are also many diamond lords.

If equipped with a team of elite warriors, it will definitely have the strength to sweep across a small galaxy.

They are definitely not qualified to fight against large galaxies like the Shattered Dream Galaxy and the Three-Body Galaxy.

But Xu Youran can stir up trouble and fool the old man. I believe that their strength will soon be able to compete with large galaxies.

With the banner of Princess Nvba, many things will be much easier.

Even if there is no actual resource support, legitimacy itself is a kind of power.

With a word from the Void Emperor, the Illusion Brigade went from being a wanted criminal to a royal guard.

Xu Youran looked at the circle of masters sitting in a row. Each of them had fought their way out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses, leaving the second-generation king like Li Weixuan behind by several streets. He was also very proud in his heart.

There are so many masters!

The strength that my brother has gained through deception in the past few months will definitely scare those in the European and American Leagues to the point of pissing their pants if he is brought back to Earth Star.


"Hey! Dog slave, what are you thinking about? You are having fun on your own!" The female slave was furious when she saw Xu Youran's happy face.


How could I forget that there is a princess here...

No, I have to get the upper hand and scare her!

Don't worry, she always yells at me, what is my current strength and status, huh!

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