Virus Throne

Chapter 659. Deadlock

Thousands of people in the hall were all excited to attend the banquet of Princess Nvba. Read М

No one had ever thought that because a few dancers danced the wrong beat, the two sides would be on the verge of a fight.

Although Wuxie and Lei Zen's attack was blocked by Wu Qi and Zhang Yang, the four of them were the top powerhouses among the six awakeners. Any random collision could bring devastating disasters to the surrounding environment.

And with the attack of Wu Qi and Zhang Yang, the situation deteriorated sharply, and there was even the possibility of a full-scale war.

The high-level officials of the Broken Dream Galaxy and Princess Nvba went to war. Just thinking about this made thousands of people in the hall shudder.

Do the six major groups want to go to war with Nvba?

They definitely don't want to, and they are not crazy.

But for some reason, they inexplicably confronted each other.

Andariel's words seemed to wake up everyone in the six major groups.

When Xu Youran stood up to speak just now, Andariel had already told others who Demon Slayer was.

Now it seems that Andariel was right.

Ever since this demon slayer spoke out, he has been targeting the six major groups, and even shamelessly accused them of unfounded crimes.

If Andariel had snatched the Soul Stone from these people and beat them up, many things would be easy to explain.

"Public revenge?" Xu Youran smiled contemptuously, "Do you deserve it?"

"Do I deserve it?" Andariel is not a fool. He stood up to Xu Youran and had his own intentions.

Now we should try our best to exclude Princess Nüba. If it becomes a personal grudge between the six major groups and this demon slayer, this matter will be much easier to handle.

Andariel also said contemptuously: "A defeated general, do you think I deserve it?"

Xu Youran narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of cold murderous aura.

Thinking of the battle on the Fortress Star, more than a dozen people besieged Andariel and were indeed beaten up by him.

When you are away for three days, you should look at each other with new eyes. Our strength has improved a lot in the past two months. I hope you, Andariel, have not regressed.

"If you hadn't told me, I would have almost forgotten that you stole my things a few months ago." Xu Youran waved his hand, signaling others to retreat.

Xi Suo, Wu Xie and others retreated one after another. Although Xu Youran and Andariel were arguing with each other, the atmosphere began to ease.

"Your stuff? Master Demon Slayer, you are a fifth-rank official, and I am also a fifth-rank official. Your power can't scare me." Andariel's face was full of sarcasm, "Don't talk nonsense, be careful or I will report you to the Censorate."

"Oh? You are also a fifth-rank official, I really underestimated you." Xu Youran smiled slightly, "The Soul Stone is the treasure of the Tear Jade Tribe's reproduction. You are not a noble person who forgets things and forgets it, right?"

"Boom!" Mephisto burst out with momentum and took a step forward, "I am the only survivor of the Tear Jade Tribe. The Soul Stone belongs to my Tear Jade Tribe. Andariel, hand over the Soul Stone."

"The owner of the Soul Stone is here, Andariel, do you have anything to say?" Xu Youran said in a deep voice.

"The Soul Stone is indeed with me. At that time, I met a group of star pirates on the road, who were robbing other people's property. I saw injustice and beat back the star pirates. This Soul Stone was one of the stolen goods." Andariel said loudly, "Princess Nüba was also there at that time."

"Boom..." A noise sounded in the hall, and everyone finally understood the whole story.

"Star pirates?" Xu Youran glanced around with a smile, "Look, are they these people?"

Andariel didn't understand what he meant, but it was indeed the people of the Illusion Brigade who were robbing the auction at that time, "Yes, it was the star pirate group headed by these people."

As soon as he said this, Han Xin secretly thought it was not good.

Just now, everyone was impulsive and almost fought with Xu Youran and others.

Now that he calmed down, Han Xin broke out in a cold sweat.

If the two sides really fought, at the least they would be punished for a great crime of disrespect, and at the worst, they would be punished for rebellion, which would be a serious crime of confiscating their property and exterminating their clan.

If Princess Nüba really had an accident here, the entire Cangqiong Star might be razed to the ground.

Andariel followed Xu Youran's train of thought, and as soon as he said this, he knew it was over.

Sure enough, Xu Youran chuckled, "Lord Andariel, you are also a fifth-rank official of the court. We are all close guards of Princess Nüba, and I am also a fifth-rank commander appointed by the emperor. In order to snatch the soul stone, you actually slandered us as star pirates? Do you mean that Princess Nüba is blind, or that the emperor is old and confused and appointed a star pirate as a commander?"

"Wow..." The whole audience was in an uproar, this was too heavy.

Andariel continued to say that they were star pirates, wasn't he questioning the emperor and Princess Nüba?

"This..." Andariel said anxiously, stuttering a little, "You were indeed robbing the auction at that time!"

"What auction did we rob?" Xu Youran pressed on step by step, asking coldly.

"It's an underground auction organized by the Kowloon Society, I have many witnesses to prove it!" Andariel was not to be outdone. These people were obviously robbers, how could they feel superior just by robbing things?

"Ha, ha, ha..." Xu Youran laughed loudly, "You also know that it is the underground world auction organized by the Kowloon Society. The Kowloon Society is an illegal organization, right? All the underground world auctions are contraband, right? We As a personal guard of the princess, you attacked a large illegal organization and seized a large amount of contraband, and later reported it to the emperor. Not only did you sabotage our operation to eliminate the illegal organization, you also attacked us and stole a large amount of contraband. "

"This... sophistry..." Andalil simply couldn't continue.

Xu Youran's words are correct. The Kowloon Society is indeed an underground force and cannot be seen in the light.

The items that appeared at the auction at that time were almost all contraband, and there were even a lot of cultivator equipment.

The Fox Tribe and the Jianmu Tribe are rare races whose trade is strictly prohibited.

In fact, everyone is trading privately. If there is no problem, it is not a problem. If it is brought to the table, it is contraband.

The only problem here is the identity. Xu Youran and others were indeed star thieves at the time, but they only came ashore later.

But except for the person involved, no one else knows.

Coincidentally, the female princess was at the scene at that time. It was said to be her training mission. She acted as the on-site commander and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Lord Andalil, do you know your guilt?" Xu Youran said the word "sir" very hard, "Take down Lord Andalil."

Wuxie, Lei Chan and others heard that they were going to take someone else, and they just wanted to take action.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Several waves of momentum erupted, and the senior executives of the six major groups could not sit still again.

Not only do they want to capture Chen Feng and Caliphate, but they also want to capture Andariel. Are these people crazy?

The atmosphere in the state banquet hall became tense again. People from both sides faced off, and the murderous intent seemed to have solidified.

"Hey, hey, hey... It seems that the emperor is really discerning. Have you, the bosses of the Broken Dream Galaxy, closed your doors and been the king for too long? Have you forgotten that you also have a master?" Xu Youran sneered again and again, and glanced at Wang Yan who looked troubled, "Master Wang, you have done a good job as a military governor. Are you going to build a new mountain?"

"Oh, you are wronged..." Wang Yan quickly bowed to the female emperor and saluted, "My old minister is dim-sighted and has been deceived by traitors. Princess, please be aware..."

"I'll look into your matter and talk about it later." Xu Youran pointed at Alita, "That Alita is obviously my former slave Haoyu. She was transformed by you and changed her name, so you thought I recognized her. Not coming out?"

"Who is your slave? Speak clearly!" Alita was furious, her aura rising steadily, and everyone could clearly feel the cold murderous intent.

The senior executives of the six major groups have now figured it out.

The female princess barely said a word from the beginning to the end, it was just the slave who was aggressively looking for trouble.

It doesn't make sense to say what he said, and I can't refute it.

Opening and closing your mouth is the Emperor of the Void, the female princess, and the law of the dynasty.

His rebuttal turned into questioning His Majesty the Great. A senior executive of the six major groups was as disgusting as eating a rotten egg.

But don't refute him. I'll put charges on your head, each one more serious than the last.

After pulling it back and forth, it finally got to Alita again.

This Alita is indeed from the Fortress Planet, and she and Demon Slayer seem to be together.

As for the relationship, it has long been impossible to verify the Black Blood Manor.

Li Mu from Leihuo Technology slowly stood up, waved his hand, and motioned for the people of the six major groups to step back, and said with a helpless smile: "Master Demon Slayer, the female demon princess Fengjia has come to Cangqiongxing, and our six major groups are on the couch to meet each other. It's a great honor to welcome you. There has never been any mistakes in the reception etiquette. What do you mean by this?"

Xu Youran said coldly: "The female princess has an errand assigned by the emperor, and I also have an errand assigned by the emperor. Chen Feng and the caliph disrupted the princess's night banquet, so they must be captured. Andalil intercepted and killed the imperial officials and robbed the stolen goods, so they must be captured Next, I have to hand over the stolen goods. Alita was once my slave, and it is in compliance with the laws of the imperial court for me to take her away."

This series of taking down, handing over, and taking away was like rubbing the faces of the six major groups on the ground.

There are thousands of people present. If these people are handed over, who will work for the six major groups in the future?

The most important thing is that Xu Youran's theories are specious, and many of them are simply untenable.

"Chen Feng and Khalifa are both well-known entrepreneurs in our firmament planet, and they would never do anything outrageous. Is there any misunderstanding, sir?" Li Mu pondered for a moment, "Andariel is a super-transformed director. One of them, who is in an important position, why would he rob the imperial officials and stolen goods? Alita is a new director with super powers, and there is no way to verify her past. Sir, please think twice..."

"Hmph! Chen Feng, Caliph, Andariel, Alita, if there is something wrong with them, I hope His Majesty the Great Emperor will bring them to Void Mountain with his sharp eyes, and he will identify them clearly." Xu Youran said slowly, "I will tell you today. The purpose is to take them away, not to convict them.”

The senior executives of the six major groups frowned.

These people all hold high positions in Cangqiongxing, not to mention the impact of allowing Xu Youran to be taken away like this.

After it is really taken away, the probability that it will come back intact is almost zero.

In the huge Void Mountain, there are ways to make them admit any crime.

Li Mu shook his head with a wry smile, sat down, and looked at the people on the left and right.

Han Xin, Wei Qing, Feng Yi, Zang Gong, and Ban Chao all looked helpless. In fact, these people knew very well why Xu Youran jumped out to cause such a scene.

In the final analysis, it is the female tyrant who needs to send troops from the Broken Dream Galaxy to quell the chaos in the Trisolaran Galaxy, and it must be done with real swords and guns.

It is everyone's consensus to carve up the Trisolaran Galaxy, but the war is dangerous. Once the troops are sent out, it will cost a lot, a lot of money.

The situation fell into a stalemate for a while...

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