Virus Throne

Chapter 676: Unwilling to Accept

The 33-star domain in the fifth star zone is vast and boundless, containing hundreds of millions of life planets.

The ten major forces control the 33-star domain and divide up these hundreds of millions of life planets and countless resources.

The seven empires are the Void Mountain Empire, the Mission Hills Empire, the Fengxing Valley Empire, the Xingxiu Sea Empire, the Mieyuan River Empire, the Firethorn Bay Empire, and the Scorched Earth Cliff Empire.

The two holy places are the Xumi Mountain Holy Land and the Never-Night Holy Land.

A big world, the Thunder World.

The seven empires all adopt a monarchical centralized political system, while the two holy places adopt a sect inheritance management system.

The most special one is the Thunder World. This huge star land has no real master.

The seven empires and the two holy places have a large number of masters stationed here to form the Elders Council. This is the nominal political center of the 33-star domain.

The Never-Night Holy Land, as its name suggests, is a planet of eternal daylight.

Most galaxies, regardless of size, usually revolve around a huge star, or at worst a nebula.

The nine star regions, thirty-three star regions, countless galaxies, vast nebulae, and even half of the universe occupied by cultivators, all revolve around a huge nebula.

The most vast nebula in the entire universe is the Star Sea Kingdom.

The planet where the Never Night Holy Land is located, the Never Night Long Star, is only a planet, but it is the core of the entire Polar Day Galaxy.

Although the Trisolar Star is huge and attracts three stars to revolve around it, the center of the Trisolar Galaxy is not the Trisolar Star.

The Trisolar Star still wraps up three stars, and the huge planetary ring revolves around the center of the Trisolar Galaxy.

Compared with the Never Night Long Star, the Trisolar Star is like the comparison between the Earth and the Sun.

There are thousands of stars and tens of thousands of planets circling around the huge Never Night Long Star.

In terms of size, it is at most a large galaxy, but in terms of strength, it makes the seven empires deeply afraid.

The light from thousands of stars shines on the Never-Night Star all the time, making this huge planet never dark.

But the magic of the universe once again demonstrated its power.

Even though it is surrounded by thousands of stars, due to the distance, the climate of the Never-Night Star is very pleasant, neither cold nor hot, and evergreen all year round.

On many life planets, crop cultivation needs to be coordinated with the change of seasons, wind, frost, rain and snow.

But on the Never-Night Star, there is no need to consider the season at all.

Just sow seeds, work hard, and there will always be rich rewards when the crops mature.

Such a rich life planet will certainly attract the covetousness of many people.

But no one has ever dared to cross the line, just because of a sect on this planet.

The only sect on the Never-Night Star, the Never-Night Holy Land.

This rich planet feeds countless intelligent life.

A group of like-minded friends gathered together to form a small club, the Never-Night Hall.

As the strength and influence of this group of friends grew, the Never Night Hall grew stronger.

The Never Night Hall became the Never Night Gang, the Never Night Gang became the Never Night Sect, the Never Night Sect became the Never Night Sect, and the Never Night Sect became the Never Night Holy Sect.

Finally one day, the Never Night Holy Sect became the Never Night Holy Land, shocking the entire thirty-three star domain.

Many Seventh Awakeners were stationed, scattered throughout the Never Night Long Star. Unless the entire planet was destroyed in an instant, or these Seventh Awakeners were killed at the same time, there would never be darkness in the Never Night Holy Land.

The Never Night Holy Land did not keep a large number of combat soldiers, but took the elite route. In terms of the number of masters, I am afraid that only the Xumi Mountain Holy Land can match it.

Many sects have their own mountain gates, but the Never Night Holy Land does not have its own mountain gate, or the entire Never Night Long Star is a mountain gate.

On a towering and steep peak, countless people are climbing up along the winding stone steps.

From time to time, some people fell to the ground due to exhaustion, while others staggered down the steps with sighs.

Some people slept and rested on the steps, ate and drank water, while others cried and struggled forward on the steps.

This is the dojo of Yin Lingzi, one of the holy masters of the Never-Night Holy Land, and countless climbers are undergoing entrance examinations.

The Never-Night Holy Land teaches everyone and opens its doors to the mountains. No matter where you come from or what your cultivation level is, as long as you can climb to the top of the mountain within a month from the moment you step on the stone steps, you will be accepted as a student by Yin Lingzi.

If you can climb to the top of the mountain within three months, you will be accepted as a student by the second-generation disciples of Yin Lingzi.

The second-generation disciples of Yin Lingzi refer to those who have awakened seven times. No matter how early or late you enter, those who have awakened seven times will automatically become second-generation disciples.

If you can climb to the top of the mountain within six months, you will be accepted as a student by the third-generation disciples of Yin Lingzi.

Among the disciples of Yin Lingzi, only those who have awakened six times are the strongest and can become the third-generation disciples and are qualified to recruit students.

The stone steps look ordinary, but they are full of meaning, and there are countless rule barriers set up along the way.

The stronger the person, the harder it will be to climb.

Every climb is both a test and a practice.

Countless people climbed to the top of the mountain within six months, but chose to give up on their own initiative. They hope to be able to worship those who have awakened seven times.

Go down the mountain and start all over again, and your strength will improve unknowingly.

Finally one day, when these people can climb to the top of the mountain within three months, they will think, what if I can climb up within a month?

Becoming a disciple of Yin Lingzi and becoming a disciple of his are completely different concepts.

These people give up their apprenticeship, go down the mountain, and start all over again.

Day after day, year after year, countless people improve their strength while climbing, but they continue to climb all their lives, and many even die of old age on the mountain road.

Many people climbed to the top within six months and chose to become disciples, becoming the fourth generation disciples of Yin Lingzi.

If you are unable to climb to the peak within six months, it means that you are too weak and have poor qualifications to enter the Holy Land of Everlasting Sky.

In the process of climbing, no one can give you any help except yourself.

If you plan to climb to the peak in six months, you also need to prepare food and water for six months, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of the climb.

Among the dense crowd, there were old people, young people, women and children.

When everyone raised their heads, they could only see the towering Silver Spirit Peak and the extremely long staircase to the sky, and they felt a sense of awe.

While everyone was still climbing hard, a young man in his thirties walked past everyone and walked upwards as if walking on flat ground.

This man is not very handsome, and his slightly sinister eyes reveal a trace of cold evil spirit.

The eagle looks at the wolf, and he is mighty and domineering, like a fierce general who has just returned from the battlefield.

The stone steps that everyone was trying their best to climb were like a wide and flat road to him, taking several steps at a time and walking swiftly.

The crowd around him burst out in admiration from time to time, and they were astonished.

For such a young man, it may take him not even an hour to climb the stone steps, but a month.

Someone around immediately grabbed the person who screamed, "Don't make any noise. This is Qi Shaoshang, the holy son of Lord Yin Lingzi. He has already become a sixth-awakened person. He is extremely powerful and tyrannical."

" this the Holy Son?"

"So legs are weak. I can't stand it anymore. I can't climb. My legs are so weak..."

"He's handsome, what does it have to do with your weak legs?"

"I...I think of a lot..."

"Ni Ma! It's not dark yet and you're having erotic dreams. How shameless."

"In our starry night, have you ever seen it get dark?"

"Uh... don't be crazy. The Holy Son is so high and mighty that he would fall in love with a vulgar fan like you."

"Bah! Get out of here... When you touched my butt yesterday, why didn't you say I was a vulgar fan? Why didn't you say I was shameless?"

"'t kick me!"

"Whoops!" A ray of light instantly surrounded the plump young woman, and a cold mechanical voice sounded, "Attack others on the heavenly steps, cancel this performance, and start all over again."

"Whoosh!" Everyone's eyes flashed, and the young woman had been moved down the mountain.

The young woman's shrill scolding could be heard in the air, "Chen Ergou, you touched my butt and asked me to start all over again. I'm not done with you. I'm going down the mountain to find your father. I'll be your stepmother..."

"Ni Ma! Be my stepmother? I even touched my stepmother's butt..." Chen Ergou, who was kicked, turned around and ran down the mountain, "No! I have to marry her before my father. Otherwise my father will beat me to death..."

"Hahaha..." Everyone on the stone steps burst into laughter.

There are many people who have just come to climb the steps to heaven and have not yet understood the situation. "The Holy Son Qi Shaoshang is already a Holy Son, why do you still have to climb the stone steps with us?"

"You don't understand. Under the sect of Holy Master Yin Lingzi, only second-generation disciples and third-generation disciples can fly into the Taoist Palace." An old man who had been crawling for decades said tremblingly, "Master Qi. Although Shang Shengzi is tyrannical, he has not yet opened his doors to accept disciples, and he can only be regarded as a fourth-generation disciple."

"Ah... the Holy Son is so powerful, why can't he open the door to accept disciples?"

"The Holy Son is obsessed with cultivation and has no intention of teaching his disciples. This is normal. Many powerful Holy Sons have not accepted disciples."

"And every climb is a practice, and many saints enjoy it."

"Mud Ma! We climbed so hard, but to others, it's just a leisurely stroll. It's really irritating..."

"Hush... Be careful. Holy Master Yin Lingzi is broad-minded and kind, but not all of his disciples are so friendly..."

"It's's just...if any of the saints hears you saying something rude, I'm afraid you'll suffer a lot."

"I...I just had a quick talk for a moment, forget it, keep climbing..."

"Instead of fishing in the abyss, we should retreat and build a net. What we need to do most is to work hard to improve ourselves."

"Brother, how long have you been climbing? What's your best time?"

"Me? Haha, I have been climbing for hundreds of years. When Holy Son Qi Shaoshang was still a child, I climbed the stairs to heaven with him. I even gave him a piece of cake when he was weak."

"Ah... I'm so awesome, I can be considered someone who has been with the Holy Son..."

"The best result... one month and one day, one day away from being admitted to the Holy Lord's family..."

"'s only one day...Then why didn't you become a second-generation disciple?"

"Become a second-generation disciple? Hahaha..." The old man's tone was a bit sad and sighing, "I'm not willing to give in..."

Many people around looked at the old man with some sympathy and pity, "What is your best result now?"

"Hehehe... I'm getting old, my legs and feet are getting worse and worse. I'm afraid I won't be able to climb up in half a year..." the old man said with a hint of bitterness, "When I was young, I had choices, but because of greed, I didn't choose. There is no choice now..."

"Then why are you still climbing the Heavenly Stairs?" someone asked curiously.

"Hehehe..." The old man looked up at the Yinling Peak shrouded in clouds and mist, "I have been climbing for a lifetime, but I still can't give in..."

Everyone was silent for a moment when they heard the old man's words.

How many people have been accomplished and how many have been ruined by just three words: unwillingness?

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