Virus Throne

Chapter 68. The Power of the Destroyer

Guo Ziping and Zhang Tianbing looked at each other, held the rappel rope with one hand, and jumped out of the cabin.

The way they landed was different from Xu Youran. Those who had awakened three times could float in the air for a short time. Although the time was short, it was enough to overcome the gravity of high-altitude landing.

When they were still more than twenty meters above the ground, they let go of the rope and their bodies fell downwards in a free fall.

However, when he was still more than ten meters away from the ground, his body obviously paused, and as if it violated common sense in physics, he fell lightly to the ground.

The Golden Leopard, who was in a furious state on the ground, saw Xu Youran coming from the air. He roared with boundless murderous intent and jumped up to face Xu Youran.

Zhang Tianbing, whose body was still in the air, raised his left hand wrapped in a rag and roared: "Define!"

The golden leopard leaping in the air suddenly seemed to have been hit by a immobilization spell, and its body suddenly stiffened, as if it was instantly frozen into a popsicle.

The surrounding air, compressed by Zhang Tianbing's Silver Quality Awakening Technique, seemed to form an extremely solid mass of compressed air, tightly controlling the popsicle in mid-air.

This is Zhang Tianbing's magical awakening skill; compression, which rapidly compresses the surrounding air into a solid air mass, greatly restricting the enemy's movement.

However, this skill does not distinguish between friend and foe. As long as it is within the compressed range, no one is allowed to move regardless of friend or foe.

Therefore, Zhang Tianbing did not use this awakening technique to deal with Xu Youran when they were fighting in front of the city government office.

At that time, Xu Youran was surrounded by his own people. When Xu Youran got closer, he couldn't use this skill anymore because he would be compressed into it.

The compression combined with the magical fixation method on the rag created a miraculous effect at this critical moment.

Although it only lasted for a short moment, it completely interrupted its offensive rhythm, and its ferocious attack turned into a stiff delivery.

At this time, in the golden leopard's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses roared by. What the hell is this?

Guo Ziping's flamingo also arrived in time, and Zhang Tianbing's bronze quality heat instantly enveloped the leopard.

In this small area shrouded in extreme high temperatures, all water evaporated instantly, causing the flamingo's explosion to have almost twice the astonishing effect.

Coupled with the wrist guard's blessing of fire attribute awakening skills, the effect is almost three times the original.

The golden leopard broke free from the compression and immobilization in an instant, and was hit by the high temperature and the flamingo.

The series of cooperation between lightning and flint is a perfect combination of magical awakening skills, and it is also a display of the excellent strength of two powerful third-time awakeners.

Just when the Leopard was dizzy, his face was covered with blood, and he was furious, the third and most deadly wave of attacks arrived.

Xu Youran, who pounced on the golden leopard in mid-air, wore a green wolf mask on his head, golden battle armor, a silver horned sword in his right hand, and a sharp thorn shield in his left hand.

There was a loud "boom", almost covering up the roar of the helicopter, and the big shield had hit the golden leopard hard on the face.

"Pfft!" The silver horned sword in his right hand had pierced the leopard's back, and its inertia had carved a deep wound on its back.

Xu Youran twisted around and let go of the big shield and unicorn sword with both hands, and it was already a standard MMA mixed martial arts naked choke, wrapped around the golden leopard's body.

The ferocious giant thorns on the gold-quality battle armor had penetrated deeply into the Leopard's body, but Xu Youran was still twisting his body crazily, causing the giant thorns to stir inside the Golden Leopard's body.

The huge body of the Golden Leopard, which was still in mid-air, seemed to have opened a valve, and blood spurted out from countless bone-deep wounds.

"Aw...aow..." The roar and wail of the golden leopard echoed through the sky.

"Boom" Under the scorching heat, the second flamingo exploded a cloud of blood on the leopard's face.

A golden leopard with one eye blown out twisted its body in mid-air and Xu Youran fell to the ground.

While it was twisting its body, it turned its head and bit Xu Youran. Its sharp claws left white marks on Xu Youran's ice armor, making bursts of harsh scratching sounds.

Xu Youran was also twisting his body, but he was not avoiding its claws. Instead, he was using the sharp thorns on his armor to continuously cut into the leopard's body, deepening its injuries.

Particular emphasis is placed on the leopard's limbs. Such damage is aimed at the leopard's powerful mobility.

When the second flamingo exploded, Xu Youran was also at the center of the explosion. The fire splashed, making Xu Youran dizzy.

Xu Youran cursed in his heart, damn Guo Ziping, you must be avenging a private revenge. I just killed your brother. I blew it up so hard that it looked like I was digging up your ancestral grave.

It's not that he has never been exploded by Guo Ziping before, but this time with the bonus of high temperature and the blessing of wrist guards, such a 'serious' consequence occurred, but the explosion was a bit confusing.

Compared to the physically stronger Golden Leopard, a silver-quality flamingo is at most equivalent to the power of an ordinary firecracker explosion.

But now the high temperature has increased it to the point of two kicks. The most disgusting thing is that these two kicks exploded on the face, which is so sore to the bones.

The golden leopard, which was still falling, had already been hit by the two flamingos in the face, completely losing its temper.

But Xu Youran, who was wrapped around his body, caused the most fatal damage, with more than a dozen bone-deep wounds still expanding.

My own biting had no effect on this iron fool. It was not bleeding, but spurting blood.

There were more than a dozen deep and long wounds around the leopard's body, spurting blood desperately.

The leopard's bones, muscles, internal organs, and even intestines were cut and thrown out of its stomach.

"Boom" The third flamingo caught up with the leopard that was about to land, and this time it exploded directly in its roaring mouth.

A burst of fire flashed in the leopard's mouth, and the roar of "Ao, Ao" instantly turned into a wailing "Woo, Woo".

Zhang Tianbing roared again: "Freeze!"

Compression and freezing, once again established power, the leopard and Xu Youran's bodies both paused in the air.

The momentary stagnation had basically no effect on Xu Youran, who had been giving the leopard bloodletting therapy.

The longer the time dragged on, the more blood was released, the better it was for him.

But this moment of suspension was not so friendly to the leopard.

Being in mid-air, he had nowhere to get support, and he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

Now he had lost one eye, and there were deep wounds all over his body that were bleeding wildly. A piece of his intestines was still hanging outside, which was extremely miserable.

If he fell to the ground now, he would definitely run away immediately. It was unknown when he could recover from such a serious injury, and it was unknown whether he could recover.

But these hateful humans would not let him land. The large amount of blood loss had almost caused his brain to crash, and he felt weak all over his body.

"Boom" The man and the beast, who could no longer resist the gravity, both fell to the ground.

To be precise, the leopard fell to the ground first, and Xu Youran fell heavily on him. The unicorn sword and the giant thorns on the armor penetrated into the leopard's body again, giving it a fatal final blow.

The leopard was tightly strangled to the ground by Xu Youran, howling and wailing, with its mouth unconsciously biting and its limbs constantly stretching and scratching.

But this was only the last moment of its life. The massive blood loss and the dozens of giant thorns that penetrated its body caused its vitality to quickly fade.

The last fatal blow was the silver-level unicorn sword that pierced its heart and instantly sent it to death.

Feeling the increasingly weak struggle and breath of life of the golden leopard in his arms, Xu Youran slowly let go of his hands and feet and stood up.

At this time, Guo Ziping and Zhang Tianbing had just landed slowly on the ground. Looking at Xu Youran, who was covered in blood but had a calm expression, they slowly pulled out the unicorn sword from the golden leopard.

The two were completely stunned by Xu Youran's powerful fighting power. It was too violent and too rough. He easily killed a silver-level mutant beast in a crushing manner.

They once thought that Xu Youran could defeat them by surprise, and that there were too many of his own people, which was not conducive to the display of his strength.

But today, after directly feeling Xu Youran's fighting power up close, the two of them were completely convinced.

Xu Youran was simply a humanoid weapon that would kill anyone who got close to him. They couldn't help but feel lucky that they could still stand here.

If we analyze this battle objectively, in fact, the two of them might not even have played a role in icing on the cake.

At most, they accelerated the battle process. If Xu Youran fought alone, it might take a few seconds longer.

Well, at most five seconds longer.

About a hundred meters away, the awakened warriors who formed the encirclement were petrified and completely stunned when they saw the magical combined attack of the three people.

The warriors on the three helicopters hovering in the air also lost their voices collectively, and almost forgot to continue to control the helicopters, almost causing the most ridiculous air crash in history.

All the commanders of the 025 base were stunned when they saw this scene on the light screen. The entire command center was silent and you could hear a pin drop.

From the time the three of them jumped out of the cabin to the final landing, they had gone through two compressions and immobilizations.

But the entire battle lasted no more than five seconds. They could not directly feel the effects of compression and immobilization. They could only see the leopard briefly hovering in the air twice.

The most intuitive feeling was that Xu Youran, like a hawk catching a rabbit, smashed directly on the leopard and began to bleed it.

To be precise, it could not be considered bleeding, but dismemberment. Seeing the leopard lying on the ground and almost dismembered, everyone shuddered involuntarily.

It felt painful just to look at it, let alone the leopard being tortured like this.

The blood that began to spray from mid-air almost dyed the large area red. Xu Youran, who was covered in blood, wore a blue wolf mask, and was as calm as a mountain and as imposing as a rainbow.

The two people behind him were also sturdy, wearing masks, mysterious and cold, and their murderous aura was boiling.

The Destroyer Squad, for the first time on the stage of fighting against mutant beasts, shined and won the first merit.

The prototype of the Destroyer Corps that the Qin Army will sweep across the world in the future has begun to show its edge!

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