Virus Throne

Chapter 703. War is a waste of money

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10 billion!

How many dabuluo is that?

Xu Youran was completely stunned. She had never heard of anyone who had so much money, let alone owning it.

There were indeed some wealthy people on Earth, but the money of those local rich people on Earth was definitely not at the same level of purchasing power as the cosmic currency.

On Fortress Star, a slave who awakened four times only had a few thousand cosmic coins, while on Earth, a four-time awakener was a powerful person.

At the auction in the underground world, everyone was fighting for the soul stone, and many people pooled their money to bid, but it was only a few billion.

Nvba spent more than ten days on Cangqiong Star and won 10 billion without doing anything...

Is there still humanity?

Is there still the law?


The Void Emperor seems to be the law.

"Sister, I don't want to struggle anymore!" Xu Youran almost knelt down.

If a little bit of it leaks out from between someone's fingers, it will be worth 10 billion, and I will have to fight to the death.

Then what's the point of fighting!

Compared with the huge impact of 10 billion numbers, 1 million spirit stones were automatically ignored by him.

"Get lost!" Nvba pushed Xu Youran away angrily and amusedly, "Hehe, it's not over yet. 100,000 Nether Spring Essences and 10 Nether Spring Ice Hearts."

"Ah... Do you need so many Nether Spring Essences for your cultivation?" Xu Youran was stunned.

Nvba does need Nether Spring Essences for her cultivation to balance the overly strong power of the fire element, but she doesn't need so many.

"Silly boy, you are such a fool." Nuba poked Xu Youran's forehead with her finger, "That's for you, I just borrowed my hand."

"For... for me?" Xu Youran didn't understand for a moment, "What do I need that for?"

"You are a water awakener, it's just right to use the spirit of the underworld spring to practice. This much, if it's not for you, I can't use it up in my lifetime." Nuba said with a smile, "There's more, hahaha..."

"What you said seems to make sense. But I'm not very familiar with the emperor..." Xu Youran raised his head slightly, pretending to look up at the starry sky, "The emperor is very Shou Wujiang, you can still remember a small person like me, alas..."

"Give you so many cultivation resources, why are you sighing?" Nvba asked doubtfully, "Not satisfied?"

"Tell me, could I be the long-lost flesh and blood of the old emperor?" Xu Youran looked solemn, looking at Nvba with a firm gaze, "It must be like this!"

"Get lost!" Nvba was so angry that she laughed, "Do you have any shame? When I didn't give you any benefits, you were my dad or something, but when I gave you benefits, you became the old emperor.

"Don't talk nonsense, my admiration for the old emperor is like a torrent of water." Xu Youran's expression condensed, "By the way, the old emperor seems to be very old, maybe he is my ancestor. Well, the truth is out!"

"You... shameless person! "Nüba was completely defeated by Xu Youran's shamelessness. This guy would recognize his ancestors everywhere as long as there was something good to gain.

However, the life span of the Void Emperor was thousands of years, which was enough for him to be the ancestor of anyone on Earth.

"By the way, what other rewards are there? Is it for me?" Xu Youran suddenly realized.

"It should still be for you, alas..." Nüba pouted her lips, very unhappy, "Why do you act as if you are the biological child..."

"What is it? It can't be a magic weapon, right?" Xu Youran asked anxiously, "Weapons and the like, I don't really need them, the old man is really too polite."

"It's more useful to you than a magic weapon, a natural disaster-level virus reagent, any type you want!" Nüba said angrily, "I'm already a sixth-time awakener, this thing is definitely not for me."

"Does the old emperor mean to let me advance to a sixth-time awakener? "Xu Youran was stunned, frowning slightly, "I can't use that thing either..."

"Yeah, if you have to take the doomsday reagent to advance, giving you the disaster reagent is useless." Nuba was also a little entangled. The thing is good, but it seems useless.

Xu Youran thought for a while. Although this reagent came a little late, it was definitely not useless. "How about this, can I have a mental virus reagent?"

"Mental virus reagent?" Nuba was stunned, "Can you use it?"

"Maybe I can use it, or maybe I can't." Xu Youran smiled slightly, "There is one person who can definitely use it, Kukololo!"

"Kukololo? Hasn't he advanced? Is he a dual-system practitioner? Impossible. Nvba asked doubtfully, "The psychic disaster-level reagent is the most precious of all the psychic disaster-level reagents. Father may want you to use it to advance. Don't give favors to others casually."

"Why give favors?" Xu Youran smiled strangely, "He has a secret method of speaking and making things happen, which requires psychic virus reagents. As long as he takes the same level of psychic virus reagents, he can use the word to make things happen, which is definitely a killer. Sweep away six awakeners!"

"What are the prerequisites for using the word to make things happen?" Nvba reacted immediately, "But the probability of death is very high, will it..."

"Don't worry, Kukrolo is a good person and also my good friend. I won't hurt him intentionally." Xu Youran patted Nvba's shoulder, "I will keep it with me all the time. If I face a desperate situation, at least I still have a chance to fight, otherwise I will just wait for death."

"That's right." Nvba is also a very decisive person. "I'll apply to my father. It shouldn't be a big problem. By the way, do you really want to go to Lost Paradise alone?"

"I want to try my luck. I have to give it a try. You go to Huinuo City in person, and there are old foxes like Han Xin following you. It shouldn't be a big problem." Ever since the old man with sunglasses recognized the Natural Sutra, he never dared to mention the old man with sunglasses to anyone again. He could only make up a random excuse.

"My uncle will personally escort the reward to me. Maybe we will stay in the Broken Dream Galaxy for a few days." Nvba thought for a while, "How about waiting for my uncle to come and you get the things before leaving?"

"That's fine. Anyway, there are still many details to discuss about the dispatch of troops from the Broken Dream Galaxy." Xu Youran wanted to go to Lost Paradise immediately, but he also wanted to get those resources in his hands.

"My uncle may leave a group of experts to protect my safety. If you go to Paradise Lost, take a few people with you." Nvba pointed at the Void Ring, "That Alita, you are not allowed to let her out except for fighting!"

"Hehe..." Xu Youran smiled awkwardly, "Don't worry, anyway, you can hardly feel the passage of time in the Void Ring, and she won't be bored in it."

"Hmph! Be careful, if you get into trouble again, I can't save you!" Nvba said hatefully, "Your injuries haven't healed yet, go back and heal your wounds, and don't practice for the next few days."

"Okay!" Xu Youran agreed happily and left Nvba's room quickly.

Nvba was also very puzzled about the rewards from the Void Emperor. Many things seemed to be really passed on to Demon Slayer through her hands.

But on second thought, maybe it was because the father knew about Demon Slayer's excellent performance and rewarded him.

This Demon Slayer can assist him in his practice and also promote the loyalty of the Broken Dream Galaxy. He is indeed a lucky general.

Maybe he will stay with me for many years in the future, so the stronger he is, the more help he will provide.

From another perspective, the Void Emperor seems to be intentionally supporting the Nvba tribe to strengthen their own team.

Whether it is 10 billion universe coins or 1 million spirit stones, she actually doesn't need so much.

But if you want to build a team, recruit masters, or even keep a corps and hire soldiers, you need money.

It looks like a big number, but it's actually a drop in the bucket.

If there is no financial support from the Broken Dream Galaxy, if they send out 10 million cyborg soldiers, Nvba may not be able to support it for even a month.

A fourth-time awakener has about one spirit stone military salary per month. If you want to support 10 million cyborg soldiers, you need 10 million spirit stones to pay the military salary per month.

Nvba's 1 million spirit stones can support up to three days at most.

And this is just the military salary consumption. The normal daily consumption of an ordinary soldier is about three to five times the military salary.

Equipment, weapons, transportation, food, medical treatment, supporting equipment, related weapons...

Nu Ba gets a headache just thinking about these. Once the army moves, the funds will be burned.

Wars are fought for money and resources. The two camps are fighting for resources. Now the rebellion of Trisolary Star is also for resources.

The world is bustling for profit.

Alas, Nu Ba couldn't help but sigh.

Although her father supported a large sum of money, it was far from enough. She still had to find a way to get the big head.

Although her grandfather was powerful, he couldn't give her the most direct support.

If she wanted to transfer people from the Ministry of Personnel, her grandfather's influence and connections were there, so there would be no obstacles.

But if she wanted to transfer troops from the Ministry of War, Grand Marshal Sun Wu would definitely not be so happy.

Every family has its own troubles. Nu Ba, who was favored and had just received a huge reward, had her troubles, and Xu Youran had her own troubles.

After leaving the Nuba Palace, Xu Youran did not go back to his residence. There were surveillance devices everywhere, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Whoosh!" He soared into the sky.

"Swish!" A beam of light swept over, and he was identifying him.

"Master Demon Slayer, the commander of the rebellion, please explain your intentions." A cold mechanical voice sounded. This was an inquiry from the automatic defense system of the Sky Star through the public channel.

"I will leave the Sky Star to practice and return tomorrow."

"Received." The cold voice sounded again, "Please pay attention to safety and wish you good luck!"

The Broken Dream Galaxy belongs to the Void Mountain Empire. Officials of the Void Mountain Court can enter and exit at will, but they need to register and report.

"Boom!" Xu Youran's speed increased again and again, ten times the speed of sound, fifteen times the speed of sound...

The steel fortress under his feet became smaller and smaller. Xu Youran passed through the atmosphere of the Sky Star and entered the universe void.

Someone had already reported Xu Youran's movements to Han Xin and others. Although everyone was somewhat puzzled about him going out to practice in the middle of the night, they were also very amazed at his strength.

A fifth-time awakener can travel through the void with his body and enter the starry sky to practice independently. This strength is indeed somewhat shocking.

"Buzz..." Xu Youran continued to accelerate in the void of the universe, thirty times the speed of sound, forty times the speed of sound...

His goal was the star that the Sky Star revolved around. At his speed, it would take about an hour to get there.

Although it would take some time to travel back and forth, he could practice both methods at the same time when practicing on the sun, so he didn't have to worry so much.

Moreover, the abundant light radiation energy on the plasma star sun could bring great convenience to his light energy practice.

The closer to the sun, the higher the temperature. Xu Youran removed the ice armor, put away the soft body, and flew naked to the sun.

Although mental power or vitality can play a protective role, he came here to practice, not to pose.

When he was still some distance away from the sun, he waved his hand to release Alita, and his mind moved slightly, "Guard here, if there is any intelligent life approaching, immediately send me a message through the Kingdom of God system."

Even if he was practicing on the sun where few people went, Xu Youran had to do a good job of protection.

With Alita as his guardian, he could really practice the two methods without restraint.

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