Virus Throne

Chapter 707. The Origin of Ruined City

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As the civil war on the Three-Body Star intensifies, the Broken Dream Galaxy has completely turned to Nüba, the City of Ruined Promise is still watching, and there are many different opinions about the Lost Paradise.

The Arclight Galaxy at the other end of the Starry Sky Corridor is getting a little impatient.

The Arclight Galaxy is a very powerful existence among the nearby large galaxies.

The four galaxies have long been eyeing the Three-Body, Broken Dream, Ruined Promise, and Lost Paradise.

The neighboring Hongxuanhe Galaxy and Oscar Galaxy belong to the Fengxing Valley Empire and the Mission Hills Empire respectively.

Although there are occasional frictions between the three large galaxies, they rarely go to war.

After all, they belong to different empires. Once a war breaks out, it will be a national war, which is very serious.

Moreover, the Seven-Year War is imminent, and the major empires in the Thirty-Three Star Regions are in a honeymoon period of harmonious relations.

The Arclight Galaxy is located on the border, and the Void Mountain Empire also strongly supports its development of armaments.

Therefore, the armed forces of the Arclight Galaxy are very powerful, and they have an absolute advantage over the hinterland galaxies.

Since they cannot expand externally, they can only think of ways internally.

For countless years, the Arclight Corps has been trying to open up the situation in the four neighboring galaxies.

If you want to get into the hinterland of the empire and get some benefits, the Starry Corridor is the only way.

It is impossible for the major kingdoms to attack each other and want to teleport through wormholes.

Neither the Star Sea Kingdom nor the Void Mountain Empire will allow this to happen, otherwise the world will be in chaos.

Interstellar wars must not only consider transportation, but also supply.

In addition to this starry corridor, there are all kinds of planets, and the surrounding area is full of vast void.

The aerospace warships of the Arclight Corps can indeed sail in this large void to enter the other four galaxies.

However, sailing for many years will inevitably consume a lot of supplies and energy.

Once the fleet is blocked in the four galaxies and isolated, it is tantamount to delivering food.

If the four galaxies are attacked through the Starry Corridor, all kinds of planets along the way can become the footholds and supply stations of the Arclight Corps.

Even many mineral resource stars and life planets can be used to supply the legion.

If this starry corridor can be completely occupied and military fortresses can be built along the way, a complete material supply chain can be formed.

The losses, equipment replacements, and manpower replenishment in the war can be continuously delivered to the front line.

Even if it is just a small warship, the cost is extremely high, not to mention those large aerospace warships.

Once attacked by the enemy, it can't be discarded like that. Usually it has to be repaired and put into the battlefield again.

The four major galaxies will naturally not watch the Arclight Galaxy occupy the starry corridor in a grand manner.

Five large galaxies surround this starry corridor and have been fighting for countless years. Whoever occupies a planet will be fought back by the other side.

Although the four major galaxies are working together to snipe the Arclight Galaxy, they are not really of one mind.

This starry corridor without a home has gradually become a Shura field where the five major galaxies fight.

This starry corridor is the famous Zhenhun Street, which suppresses countless innocent souls who died in the battle in the name of Zhenhun.

Every planet and every city on the Soul-Realming Street has experienced countless bloody battles.

Today, the Three-Body Legion is in charge, and tomorrow it will be driven away by the Arc-Light Legion. The day after tomorrow, Shattered Dreams will join forces with Broken Promise to strangle this group of Arc-Light Legion soldiers.

Corpses piled up like mountains, blood dyed the earth red, and the victims and mutants who smelled the blood swarmed in.

Damaged and scattered equipment, and relatively intact corpses are the favorites of these victims and mutants.

In order to improve their strength and fill their stomachs, humans living in the Soul-Realming Street seem to be no different from mutants in order to survive.

As for the military rations and potions carried with them, they are the most precious resources of the Soul-Realming Street, and only the truly strong can enjoy them.

Many victims of the life planets will take the initiative to ask to join the legion, or go to those dangerous mineral resource stars to mine.

Even if they will die on the battlefield or in the mine tomorrow, at least they can fill their stomachs today.

Several major galaxies with highly developed technology are not incapable of using more advanced equipment for mining.

But who can guarantee that the enemy will not come tomorrow? Wouldn't it be a bargain for the enemy to have large-scale mining equipment?

So they would rather recruit large numbers of war victims to mine manually. They would die if they died, and they would save food waste.

The amazing reproduction and adaptability of human beings are perfectly reflected in Zhenhun Street.

Even in such a harsh living environment, there are always people who can survive tenaciously on those life planets in Zhenhun Street, generation after generation.

The Arc Galaxy has increased its invasion again in recent times.

The Three-Body Galaxy among the four galaxies is too busy to take care of itself and has no ability to send troops.

The other three galaxies are not good at being too obvious due to the seven-year war, but they still send reinforcements.

The major legions no longer open fire blatantly, but launched a positional tug-of-war.

The Arc Legion occupied a mineral resource star, and the City of Destruction will immediately have a legion stationed.

You organized the victims to mine, and I also organized the victims to mine.


The Arc Galaxy gives the victims two meals a day?

We in Huinuo City provide disaster victims with three meals a day!


The mining trucks from the Arc System pass through our mining area?

Find a way to overturn those mining trucks for me!


Our mining truck was overturned?

Fuck these little bastards from Ruinuo City!

Small-scale frictions and battles are repeated on many planets in Zhenhun Street.

The main star of the Ruinuo City galaxy is called Ruinuo City. It is really just a city, a huge space city.

The humans in this city originally lived on the planet.

As the planet's resources were depleted and the environment became increasingly harsh, the ancestors of Ruinuo City began to turn their attention to the stars.

They first built space stations in the orbit of the planet, and gradually countless space stations were connected together, and the planet became polarized.

The weak and poor with little strength live on a planet with constant natural disasters and mountains of garbage.

Powerful awakened people and rich people live in the beautiful sky city above the clouds.

Humans on the ground are called untouchables, and the superiors in the Sky City consider themselves Celestial Dragons.

They believe that since their bloodline is noble, they will always enjoy a luxurious life.

The untouchables on the ground live in dire straits, but they are enslaved by the Celestial Dragons and have to work hard for the Celestial Dragons.

Over time, the untouchables on the ground rioted, posing a great threat to the rule of the Celestial Dragons.

In order to appease and paralyze the untouchables on earth, the Celestial Dragons made many laws and made countless beautiful promises.

They just wanted the untouchables to serve them better, but never thought of fulfilling their promises.

Until one day, the powerful Tianlong people used the high technology of the scientific and technological civilization camp to completely improve this city in the sky into a paradise.

The Draco activated the power source of the Sky City, completely separated from the planet, and turned into a new planet orbiting the sun.

Yes, they completely abandoned their hometown and left the dying planet forever.

Tens of billions of people watched in despair as the city in the sky disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars. They wailed, screamed, cursed, and were hysterical.

But all of this could not impress the hard-hearted Tianlong people.

The Celestial Dragon nobles, headed by the Pompeii family, broke their promise and abandoned tens of billions of their kind.

The overwhelmed planet finally went to destruction. The price for reckless demands was destruction.

Tens of billions of people died tragically, and the entire planet fell into silence.

In the entire history of Void Mountain, this is an extremely rare tragedy.

Until many years later, someone passing by that dead planet seemed to still be able to hear the wailing and curses of tens of billions of people.

In that city, which can be called a miracle in the history of human architecture, everyone broke their promise.

Since then, the city has been called Ruinuo City.

The Void Mountain Empire also seems to be very dissatisfied with the Tianlong people's perfidy, and officially named this large galaxy the Ruinuo City Galaxy.

Every brick in this city of miracles is stained with blood and sweat. Countless nobles who call themselves Celestial Dragons enjoy life in this city in luxury.

The nominal supreme ruler of Ruinuo City is the President, who has the Prime Minister's Office, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Just as the female slave was immersed in Wenshanhuihai, Xu Youran took Kukrollo and Hisoka on the starry road to the Lost Paradise.

A group of distinguished guests were welcomed to the presidential residence in Ruinuo City. The leader was tall and strong, with silver hair and a loud voice.

President Lan Kaicheng's personal assistant, a beautiful red-haired beauty, led everyone to Lan Kaicheng's private reception room, "Master Cavalry, it's hard to come from afar. I heard that you are coming, Mr. President specially prepared some for you. A nice bottle of wine.”

"Hahaha... I haven't seen Brother Kaicheng for a long time, and I don't know if he has a few new kids." The cavalry's hearty laughter rang out.

"Lord Cavalry is joking. The President has so many things to do, so there is no time to cherish the personal relationship between his children." The red-haired beauty said with a smile.

"No time? Hahaha..." Tieqi glanced at the beauty and said jokingly, "I think he moisturized you very well, hahaha..."

"Master Iron Cavalry is really annoying. The President is not that kind of person." The red-haired beauty said a little shyly, "Master Iron Cavalry, if you are interested, my little sister can help you clean your dust at night..."

"The reputation of Ruinuo City is well-deserved, hahaha..." The cavalryman turned around and gave a narrow look to the people around him.

"Put it under your butt and sit there, that's just sitting. Why don't you take it out and make friends." The red-haired beauty is not only charming, but her words are also full of provocation.

The group of people following the cavalry were all a little shocked.

I have heard about the shamelessness and dissoluteness of the Tianlong clan in Ruinuo City, but I never thought that they would be so lethargic in public.

"Brother Tieqi, long time no see, hahaha..." A tall, fat man who was stronger than Tieqi came out and hugged Tieqi enthusiastically.

Judging from his appearance, Lan Kaicheng, the president of Ruinuo City, lives up to his name.

Although he is a little fatter, he looks particularly sunny and cheerful. With his slightly gray hair, he looks like a loyal and kind elder.

But if anyone believed what he said, it would really cost him his life.

Although Xu Youran talks a lot about cheating and often deceives people, he is still more or less reliable.

But the cavalryman knew that he couldn't even believe a single punctuation mark in what the man in front of him said.

But since he led a group of strong men to Void Mountain and wanted to cause trouble on the territory of Ruinuo City, this comrade from many years ago still had to say hello.

The guests and guests were seated, and the service staff served fragrant tea.

The Iron Rider waved his hand with a smile on his face, "Let me introduce you to the President. This is Li Linghou from our Southern Cross Yun'an Zhou Kingdom, this is Xiang Ganghou from Yongxin Kingdom, you should have seen that old man, General Yinping from Saipan Kingdom, and this beauty is Princess Yangsha from Changning Kingdom."

Several people stood up to greet Lan Kaicheng. In terms of status, Lan Kaicheng, as the president, is equivalent to the king of the kingdom, so he still has to show some respect.

"Oh, they are all the pillars of the major kingdoms. I was wondering why the birds are singing so happily today." Lan Kaicheng waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down, "Your Excellency is here, and I am honored to have you..."

The Iron Rider knew that if he continued to talk around with him, he would never get any results, so he quickly got to the point, "This time I came to Huinuo City, there is indeed a little thing, I want Brother Kaicheng to take care of it."

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Sharing on Facebook may have a surprise]

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