Virus Throne

Chapter 717. Supreme Awakening Skill: Vajra Indestructible

Achilles, standing on the reef and overlooking the Aegean Sea, looked particularly desolate to Xu Youran, but he also had a kind of domineering aura.

To put it another way, he was like a lonely monarch, whose youth had passed and he was deserted by his friends and relatives, but his inner pride had never aged.

His figure was not as tall as imagined, no more than 190 cm at most, about the same height as Xu Youran.

His long golden hair was draped over his shoulders, soft and casually scattered, and his angular and handsome face seemed to be coated with a layer of gold in the afterglow of the sunset, sacred and majestic.

His eyes were blue and bright, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his strong arms showed a healthy bronze color.

He wore a pure white soft robe, but he wore it with the taste of an iron-blooded battle suit.

Although he was just standing there quietly, the monstrous murderous aura filled the air. The closer you got to him, the stronger the eerie chill became.

It was obvious that this was a sign that his strength had reached a certain extreme. Achilles had definitely experienced countless bloody battles, and his murderous aura far surpassed Xu Youran.

If he was given a doomsday virus reagent now, Achilles would definitely be able to successfully advance to the seventh awakener.

When he saw Achilles, Xu Youran couldn't help but secretly cheer.

As expected of the son of the goddess of the sea Thetis, he deserved the title of the first hero of Greece.

In this world, if the gods were doomsday monarch-level strongmen, Achilles would be only one step away from becoming a god.

Xu Youran thought to himself that if they fought fairly, he would definitely not be Achilles' opponent.

Unfortunately, this world is not fair. For some reason, the restrictions on awakeners are extremely large.

The awakening skills cannot be released, which makes many powerful awakeners become super soldiers far superior to ordinary people.

If this is the case, it is barely fair to both parties involved in the war.

But Xu Youran knew that this fairness was not perfect, at least there was an exception.

When he found that the place was full of awakened warriors, he figured out one thing.

"Huh? It's healed so quickly." Achilles noticed Xu Youran approaching, turned his head and smiled, "I thought you would sleep for a few more days."

"It's just a minor injury. Paris, that coward, only dared to shoot sneak attacks. Xu Youran walked slowly towards the huge reef and raised his head, "Hey, it's so boring for you to be alone on the top, come down and have a drink!"

"Hahaha... bang..." Achilles jumped off the reef and landed heavily on the beach, "I can drink with you, but I can't drink with that idiot Agamemnon."

"Agamemnon is indeed an idiot, but unfortunately he is the king of Myknae." Xu Youran slapped Achilles on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's go to your place and have a couple of drinks first."

"King? Humph! Does he deserve it? "Achilles curled his lips in disdain, "If it weren't for the goddess of Elegy stopping me, he would be a corpse now."

"Uh... let's not talk about this..." Xu Youran scratched his head and turned to look at Wang Gangdan standing in the distance, "Gangdan, go get a few bottles of wine, Achilles and I will have a drink here."

"Yes, sir!" Wang Gangdan ran to Achilles's tent happily, there must be good wine there.

Ever since Briseis was taken away by Agamemnon, Achilles has never accepted a new female slave.

The conflict between the two actually started on the way to Troy, but this female slave named Briseis completely intensified the conflict.

Until now, they are incompatible, and Achilles even refuses to participate in the war and refuses to attack Troy for Agamemnon.

"Gangdan? What kind of name is this?" Achilles looked at Xu Youran in confusion, "Isn't your female slave called...what, what's Si? ”

“Hahaha… you see, you think the name is too long and you are too lazy to remember it.” Xu Youran laughed, “So I gave her a simpler name. How about it? Do you want me to give you a name too?”

“Gangdan… this name is too ugly. With your cultural level, you should learn more from Antilochus.” Achilles pushed Xu Youran, “How is your health? Can you continue to fight tomorrow?”

“I said it’s a minor injury, it’s okay.” Xu Youran took the bottle of wine handed over by Wang Gangdan, raised his head and took a sip, and a strong fruity aroma came. “By the way, you still don’t plan to reconcile with Agamemnon?”

“He’s just a greedy and irritable pig. Why should I obey his leadership?” Achilles pulled Xu Youran to sit on the beach, drinking and saying, “I am the son of the goddess of the sea and the human hero Peleus. Why should he, Agamemnon, be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces? Who is he? "

"Yes, yes, yes... He is a pig!" Xu Youran said with a laugh, "But if the war drags on like this, when can we go home?"

"Humph! Just wait and see, I will make Agamemnon kneel down and beg me, otherwise, I will accompany him here. Achilles pointed to the warships in the distance, "Even if he has the whole of Greece as his backing, he can't break through the solid Troy."

Listening to Achilles bragging here, Xu Youran really wanted to beat him to death with a stick.

He kept talking about all kinds of gods and heroes. Agamemnon was a legendary hero after all, but he seemed to be worse than Wang Gangdan in his mouth.

This is more than just arrogance, it is simply too arrogant.

Well, with his strength, it seems that he does have the capital to be arrogant and arrogant.

"By the way, since you don't want to fight for Agamemnon, why don't we go back to Greece." Xu Youran felt that Achilles could definitely be saved, "Why stay here and see the face of that idiot?"

If we simply compare the degree of arrogance, this Achilles who has been talking with his head held high is definitely the first.

The standard for passing the arrogance trial is that the name turns green, sticks to the original heart, and completely erases the original sin of arrogance.

It seems simple, but to what extent can it be considered to stick to the original heart and no longer be arrogant?

What standards does the Temple of the Seven Sins use, and how to judge?

Could it be that the so-called main god space can detect inner thoughts and activities?

He also roughly understood the content of the Seven Sins Trial, but no one could explain it clearly.

This is a country ruled by theocracy, and those who have passed the trial will talk about it in a magical way.

Those who have been awakened seven times and have entered to explore may know more, but Xu Youran does not have their contact information, and does not dare to ask.

In fact, judging by his own standards, he felt that he was not arrogant at all, and had always been very humble and low-key.

If he could pass the trial like this, he would think it was ridiculous.

How arrogant is arrogant?

This is a very idealistic question, and it is even more difficult to judge since he is in it.

Since he descended into the arrogant world, it seems that he is also being influenced by some mysterious power, and he has become more and more arrogant unconsciously, but he himself does not know it.

In the meeting hall of the Arrogant Temple of the Queen Star, Kukrolo and Xi Suo now want to die.

The name of Demon Slayer has not only turned white, but is now gradually becoming transparent.

More than 10,000 onlookers are also very upset. In all these years, they have never seen a person like Demon Slayer. He has been arrogant to the sky less than two hours after entering the trial.

What world has he descended into?

Did he descend into the body of a god and transform into a great god to save all living beings?

The lighter the color of the name, the heavier the original sin.

Looking at the name of Demon Slayer, it is simply a classic case of unforgivable sin.

Xu Youran didn't know about the change of his name, and was still trying to persuade Achilles.

I heard that Achilles and Cross had a very good relationship. Because Cross was killed by Hector, Achilles personally went to the battle to kill Hector, which also brought disaster to himself.

Although Achilles was extremely arrogant, Xu Youran wanted to help him because of their deep friendship.

If Achilles' arrogant soul was redeemed, maybe his grades would be greatly improved.

There was another thing that made him feel a little strange. He was sitting by the sea, with the beach under his feet and the mountains not far away, but he felt the rich power of the gold element, or the rich aura of the gold world.

But now the first task is to complete the trial, otherwise he really wants to explore everywhere to see if he can get some benefits.

"Hahaha... Cross, am I looking at the pig's face?" Achilles raised his head and drank in big gulps. "I am waiting for the pig to kneel down and beg me when he is desperate. Even if the Trojan army kills everyone, can they do anything to me?"

"Hehe... Yes, who are you..." Xu Youran couldn't talk to him anymore. Achilles seemed to be dying if he didn't brag. "Demigod, the first hero of Greece..."

"Hehehe... We grew up together. Don't you know my indestructible body?" Achilles continued to drink proudly.

When Xu Youran heard this, his heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley.

He finally understood where the problem was, and his heart was cold.

Indestructible, the supreme awakening skill of the gold system, can be called the strongest defensive awakening skill among the seven types of awakening skills, even better than the body of steel.

Xu Youran himself mastered the body of steel, so he naturally studied these awakening skills carefully.

In terms of defense strength, the Iron Body is indeed far inferior to the Diamond Indestructible.

The Disaster Quality Iron Body can provide disaster-level defense, but it does not mean that it will not be damaged.

Xu Youran's Iron Body is often damaged due to excessive attacks, and being hit and broken is commonplace.

Achilles' awakening skill Diamond Indestructible is truly indestructible. The Disaster Quality Diamond Indestructible cannot be destroyed by disaster-level attacks.

In the same intensity of battle, Xu Youran may be scarred, but Achilles can be intact.

The Iron Body is strong in toughness. If it is damaged, it can continue to repair, and it rarely causes fatal injuries to him.

Diamond Indestructible is completely different. Although it is almost not damaged by attacks of the same level, it is extremely difficult to repair once it is damaged.

Even if Xu Youran's fingers are cut off, they can grow back again.

If Achilles' fingers are cut off, unless there is extremely advanced medical technology, that finger will be lost forever.

Of course, Achilles's indestructibility is enough to support him to fight any awakener of the same level.

No wonder he became the first Greek hero like the god of war here.

When the awakening skills cannot be released, the enemy cannot break through the defense at all, and he is almost invincible.

According to legend, he was put in the fire of hell by his mother when he was young, which made him invulnerable and indestructible.

It turned out that it was because of his awakening skills, not his mother's smelting.

Of course, it is also possible that his mother Thetis led him to the path of indestructibility.

I believe that every mother hopes that her child will not be harmed, which is understandable.

But this world is fair, and the laws of the universe are fair.

This awakening skill has a fatal flaw before it is upgraded to doomsday quality.

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