Virus Throne

Chapter 72. The Wolf's Mockery

January 25, 2036, Earth Star Era

On the sixteenth day of the clearing mission, the Destroyer team arrived at the headquarters early.

Many senior commanders from the 025 base have also arrived. Today, two companies of awakened warriors will gather in the Badger Cave area.

As the hardest nut to crack within fifty kilometers due south, the badger cave area is densely covered with jungles, intertwined caves, and the terrain is very complex.

The two converging companies will jointly conduct reconnaissance of the Badgerzidong area.

After the military expanded the scope of the human base, it has recovered a large number of heavy firepower weapons. These heavy firepower weapons are the army's biggest weapons in combat, and they have rushed to the outer areas of Badger Cave.

A large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and ground-to-ground rocket launchers have surrounded the area of ​​Badazidong with "rumbling" roars.

The thick, powerful muzzle is as ferocious as the fangs exposed by humans. This level of firepower coverage can definitely wipe out the vast majority of mutant beasts.

However, the complex terrain and fragile landform cannot withstand such indiscriminate bombing. This is just a final preparation just in case.

The criss-crossing caves brought great trouble to the reconnaissance mission. Near noon, a reconnaissance company finally made a big discovery after clearing out a group of small herbivorous mutant beasts.

They found traces of the activities of wolf mutant beasts, and as the reconnaissance deepened, the activities of the surrounding mutant beasts became increasingly rare.

Commander Zou frowned tightly and stared at the video screen of the reconnaissance company carefully, "This is not a good sign. The habit of wolf creatures has always been to appear in groups..."

He turned around to look at Xu Youran and the others, who were imposing and as steady as a mountain, and asked slightly worriedly: "How is it going? Is there going to be a problem?"

Xu Youran's words were sonorous and powerful, "If there is a problem, go to court. If there is no problem, go to court if it creates a problem."

Commander Zou knew that Xu Youran was teasing him deliberately to help him relieve his nervousness, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Go and be safe!"

The three of them saluted, turned and ran towards the apron, where the Destroyer Tactical Team was dispatched again.

The past few days must have been the coldest days of the year in Nanjiang City. The gloomy sky, howling north wind, and bone-chilling coldness all add an endless sense of sadness to this apocalyptic world.

However, this severe cold weather also brought certain convenience to the clearance work. The bare jungle gave the reconnaissance soldiers a better view and made it more difficult for the mutant beasts to hide.

If it is summer, those green trees will become a natural cover for the mutant beasts.

One of these two reconnaissance companies is the first company of the newly formed second regiment of the Watcher Legion.

With the escalation and reversal of the Xu Youran incident, a large number of civil awakeners joined the Watcher Corps. The original one regiment structure could no longer meet the demand for a sudden increase in personnel, so a second regiment had to be established.

All Awakened warriors were wearing unified storm armor and holding bronze-level weapons. They spread out carefully and moved quickly through the jungle and caves.

Every three warriors form a tactical formation, which allows for timely support and defense.

Ma Ming is an awakened warrior in the second platoon of the first company of the second regiment. He is a second awakened warrior of both civil and civil engineering. He and two other first awakened comrades formed a team to explore forward.

He used to be a firefighter and had a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. After the virus broke out, their family of three was lucky enough to survive.

He is one of the first batch of awakened people to join the army and participate in the defense. He is a veteran soldier who has been on the battlefield for a long time.

Ma Ming has rich experience in fighting mutant beasts, so he was appointed platoon leader.

With a good income and material support from the military system, the family lives a happy life.

Even in such an apocalyptic world, he still feels very happy to be able to protect his wife and daughter.

The only fly in the ointment is the mutant beast. The damn mutant beast roars outside the city wall all the time. Whenever the mutant beast launches an attack, the roar of hot weapons often makes her daughter unable to sleep.

He hated the mutant beasts to death, but looking at the sea of ​​mutant beasts patrolling under the city wall, he deeply felt his own powerlessness and weakness.

He was one of the first to sign up for this crackdown, and his confidence never wavered.

No matter how far Xu Youran's incident evolved, it never interfered with his decision.

He believed in the power of Da Qin, he believed in the power of the military, and he believed in the power of countless comrades.

Before setting off, he held his lovely daughter in his arms, rubbed the stubble on her face affectionately, and rubbed it hard, "My little girl, daddy is going to kill the monsters. When daddy and uncles kill all the monsters, nanny will be here tonight You can sleep soundly.”

His lovely daughter hugged his big face and pulled his beard hard, "Dad promised that my daughter would go to the amusement park. Don't lie."

He grabbed Nannan's little hand and said, "Let's pull the hook and it won't change for a hundred years."

Thinking of his wife's concerned eyes and his daughter's little hands, his heart became extremely brave, and his blood seemed to be burning with fighting spirit.

There was only one thought in his mind, kill all the mutant beasts, kill all the mutant beasts...

Following him in a triangular position were two former civil awakeners, both first-time awakeners.

Although they have not participated in many battles, their fighting power is not weak. These are two young people, one male and one female.

They are all in their twenties, which is the age when they are full of vitality and the age when they can make achievements.

Seeing the words Xu Youran left on the forum, they felt their eyes moist and they felt the call of their hearts.

[This is the awakener! ]

Yes, they are the awakeners, they are new humans, they should stand up and become the heroes of this era!

So they joined the clearing force without hesitation and embarked on a journey of protection.

Under the leadership of platoon leader Ma Ming, they killed batches of mutant beasts and cleared one area after another.

From the beginning, they felt sick when they saw blood, and they vomited when they saw the messy corpses of mutant beasts.

From the beginning, they cried when they saw their comrades injured, and they cried loudly when they saw their comrades sacrificed.

Until now, they can sit on the corpses of mutant beasts to eat, silently and clench their fists to bid farewell to their comrades.

They have grown a lot, a lot, and matured a lot.

They were fortunate to witness a battle of the Destroyer Squad from a distance. The collision of blood and fire, the passionate battle, and the hearty slaughter left an indelible mark in their hearts.

Being born as a human being, we should be like this!

This is the world of humans. We must take back the authority that belongs to us and the living space that belongs to us.

The strength, mystery and fearlessness of the three masked warriors of the Destroyer Squad have become the goal and role model they want to pursue throughout their lives.

Fortunately, they can become the sharp knife reconnaissance team of the sharp knife platoon of the reconnaissance company. They feel that the blood of youth is boiling every moment, which is the best affirmation for a soldier.

Looking at the platoon leader walking in front, the broad shoulders and the strong arms seem to be able to carry everything calmly.

These bring endless sense of security and dependence to the two young people. They firmly believe that under the leadership of the platoon leader, they will be able to successfully complete the tasks entrusted to them by the motherland and the people, and they will definitely be able to stand on the podium for awarding meritorious service.

Suddenly, the platoon leader Ma Ming quickly raised his right hand, made a stop gesture, and bowed slightly to check the faint footprints and feces on the ground.

Ma Ming was a little surprised. This should be the feces of dogs or wolves, but the footprints were too big. Could it be...

Thinking of this, he bent slightly and was ready to attack at any time, observing the surroundings alertly.

The two young men behind him, after this period of training, were extremely sensitive and immediately prepared for battle.

Ma Ming, who tilted his head slightly, seemed to feel something strange on the left. He squinted and looked at a cave not far to the left.

At the edge of the dark cave, a pair of eyes flashing green light were staring at him grimly.

A scarlet tongue drooped from the slightly opened bloody mouth, and several huge teeth with silver brilliance were like sharp daggers.

A huge wolf head drooped slightly, as if it was ready to pounce.

Ma Ming suddenly smelled a smell, like the fishy smell of the giant wolf, and like a slightly bitter bloody smell.

He knew that it was the smell of death, a smell he had felt in countless battles.

But he had never been so close to this smell before.

The military has defined this area as a high-risk area. As the reconnaissance deepened, he also felt the chill and evil spirit that pierced his bones.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter a silver-level wolf so quickly while still on the periphery.

The speed of a silver-level wolf may not be as fast as a cheetah or a leopard, but with its strong physical fitness, it may only take a few tenths of a second to cover such a short distance, and he didn't even have a chance to warn.

In an instant, he thought of a lot, a lot, thinking of his wife's eyes, thinking of his daughter's little hands, and thinking of the two young people behind him.

The last question he thought of was how his wife and daughter would face the endless sorrow and pain in the future.

Under the big tree in front of him, a huge rock covered with dead leaves suddenly rushed out at lightning speed.

It was the second silver-level wolf. The moment the first wolf attracted Ma Ming's attention, it pounced out, and its sharp teeth directly tore Ma Ming's neck.

Biting Ma Ming's head in his mouth, he dodged in mid-air and landed far away.

The wound on Ma Ming's head was like a fountain, blood spurted several meters high, and then fell down.

Then his headless body slowly fell to the ground.

This thunder-like attack and sudden ambush fully demonstrated the cunning, cruelty, and strong teamwork ability of wolf creatures.

It was not until then that the two young men behind Ma Ming reacted. They stared with their eyes wide open, watching the platoon leader's headless body fall down in disbelief.

The girl even forgot to give a warning and immediately screamed "Ah...".

The boy was still calm and screamed, "Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Hearing the warning from his comrades, all the awakened soldiers in the company quickly gathered at the place where the warning was issued.

The two silver-level wolves that had appeared had enough time and opportunity to tear the two people apart before the boy gave a warning.

But they didn't, they just looked at them with a playful look to warn them.

As if they heard the sound of a large number of warriors surrounding them, the two silver-level wolves finally took action.

A first-time awakener had almost no resistance in front of the silver-level wolves.

Before his consciousness finally sank into darkness, the boy seemed to see the mockery in the wolf's eyes.

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