Virus Throne

Chapter 724. Paris's spoils



Everyone looked at the "corpse" that was almost smashed to pieces in disbelief.

Although the body was still the same body, it was covered with fine spider-web-like cracks from head to toe.

What is shattered to pieces?

This is shattered to pieces.

Hector's awakening skills are very rare, and can act on himself and greatly improve combat power.

Awakening skills that usually act on oneself are mainly defensive and auxiliary.

Indestructible, Iron Body, Rebirth of Dead Wood, Survival in Despair, Last Light...

Hector's shattered to pieces can make his attack have the effect of crushing the enemy, which is equivalent to infinitely increasing his attack limit, and it is a crushing and destructive blow.

If Xu Youran had not been attacked by Paris's arrow, even if the long sword was shattered, he might have had time to use the "A World Away" to escape.

But Paris's arrow came at too good a time, just right to interrupt Xu Youran's counterattack.

This is the soul-chasing skill. Once it is launched, it will automatically find the enemy's most fatal flaw.

Although it is a natural disaster quality awakening skill, the attack power is definitely natural disaster level attack power.

But Xu Youran is wearing golden armor and has a body of steel, which is enough to withstand this arrow.

So this arrow did not mainly kill Xu Youran, but attacked the back of his head to shake his soul.

A moment of dizziness made Xu Youran have to withstand the blow that shattered his bones.

Hector is also the top powerhouse closest to God. He is the only top master among all the heroes of Troy who can compete with Achilles head-on.

In terms of attack strength alone, Achilles may not be better than Hector.

Xu Youran has only awakened five times. In a head-on situation, he can't withstand this attack anyway.

The arrogance of being a top powerhouse made Xu Youran go into battle.

He thought that with his own strength, although he might not be able to sweep the battlefield, he would definitely have no problem protecting himself.

As long as he didn't die that night, the Greek army repelled the raid of the Trojan warriors, and when the sun rose, he would return home with Achilles.

Although it didn't wipe out everyone's arrogance, it at least wiped out Achilles' arrogance, which should be considered as completing the trial.

In such a good situation, Achilles would rather bear the stigma of deserter and coward and leave with him, but his own arrogance ruined him under the city of Troy.

In the meeting hall of the Arrogant Continent, more than 10,000 high-level people in Paradise Lost who were still drinking stopped making noise collectively.

The whole hall was dead silent, and everyone stared at the stone tablet with the name written on it in amazement.

Among the countless names, the first one in the first row was the name of Demon Slayer.

At this moment, his name turned into a completely transparent color, not ice or glass, but truly colorless and transparent.

Even Kukrolo and Hisoka knew what this meant. It was not that Demon Slayer's experience failed, but that his life characteristics had weakened to the extreme and were on the verge of death.

Maybe in just a few breaths, Demon Slayer will completely fall in the arrogant world somewhere unknown.

Such a result is unexpected by no one, and it is also difficult for everyone to accept.

The Seven Sins Trial is very dangerous, but the mortality rate is not as high as imagined.

If you are not too suicidal, at most you will fail in the training.

With Demon Slayer's strength, it is actually difficult to die in the training world.

But his name is completely transparent, and he is only one breath away from death.

How is this possible?

The Seven Sins were all stunned, and they had already found out very clearly.

This Demon Slayer is definitely the best master and the most favored minister under Princess Nuba.

That's why they proposed that Demon Slayer accept the trial instead of Nuba.

Demon Slayer can die anywhere, but not on the Queen Star.

Paradise Lost can refuse Nuba's call, but can't bear Nuba's anger.

The seven people looked at each other, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley. What world did Demon Slayer descend into, and what did he do there?

Just now he was fine, his self-confidence was overflowing to the extreme, and he was obviously enjoying the happiness of an emperor.

Why did his life hang by a thread in an instant?

Actually, Kukrolo and Hisoka had a general understanding of this question.

Demon Slayer is such a person. No matter where he goes, he is not a Demon Slayer if he does not commit suicide.

This time when he entered the Seven Sins Trial, it was the same.

But committing suicide to this extent was indeed too outrageous.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely depressing. No one spoke, and they were all staring at the stone tablet.

Everyone was praying, don't disappear, don't disappear.

Once the name of Demon Slayer disappeared, it meant that he really fell completely in the arrogant world and would never come back.

As time passed, the word Demon Slayer seemed to be frozen in time, in that transparent state, and there was no change.

"Huh..." I don't know who exhaled a long breath, as if the huge stone pressing on his chest was put down.

Everyone's tense nerves were slightly relieved.

As long as the name of Demon Slayer has not disappeared, it means that he may still be alive, but just in a state of near death.

When the three days are up, he will be teleported back.

With the medical means of the technological civilization camp, he can probably be rescued.

On the battlefield of Troy, Hector was closest to Xu Youran's "corpse" and could easily sense that this was a dead person.

The heart was broken, the head was broken, the whole body was broken, the heart stopped beating, and there was no breathing.

The son of the sea goddess Thetis, the strongest demigod, the first hero of Greece, Achilles.

Finally died in his hands. Hector was also a veritable god-killer.

His younger brother Paris slowly walked out of the Trojan army, and his handsome face was full of incredible.

Seeing Achilles in golden armor, moving around in the army, slaughtering crazily, Paris' legs were frightened.

Achilles was famous, even if he was hiding in Troy, Paris would tremble involuntarily when he heard this name.

For some reason, at the moment when his brother Hector pounced on Achilles, he actually mustered up the courage and shot that arrow.

Chasing the soul and taking the life, the final word.

Hector was able to kill Achilles, and Paris's arrow played a great role.

It is worthy of being the first hero of Greece, the two princes of Troy joined forces.

When Achilles was exhausted from fighting fiercely, he finally killed the legendary hero by sneak attack.

Agamemnon and others in the distance soon discovered the movement here.

The craziest battle group on the entire battlefield suddenly quieted down.

It seemed that the two brothers Hector were checking a corpse.

The Greek heroes who discovered this scene felt cold in their hearts.

Although at the instruction of Agamemnon, they all wanted to drag Achilles into the battlefield through Cross.

But absolutely no one wanted Cross to die in battle.

The consequence was too serious. Thinking of Achilles' rage, everyone was trembling.

This is the first hero of Greece, and people will feel cold in their hearts when they think of it.

"Bang!" Someone's long sword hit Agamemnon's back, but it only left a mark on his armor.

"Roar!" Agamemnon woke up instantly and roared, "Take back the body!"

"Awoo!" The Greek heroes woke up from their dreams, howling like dying wolves, and rushed to the place where Xu Youran fell.

The one who rushed to the front was the Spartan king Menelaos, who didn't even care about the countless spears stabbing at him, and rushed over with blood dripping all over his body.

Among the Greek heroes, besides Achilles, the one who had the best relationship with Cross was Mene.

Cross did a lot for Mene and came to Troy to fight for Mene.

Now Cross fell, wearing Achilles' golden armor, and fell at the feet of Hector and Paris.

Mene's eyes were scarlet, and the power of elements was burning madly, rushing to Cross's body regardless of everything.

If Achilles is Cross's best friend, then Cross is also Mene's best friend.

Even though Mene regretted letting Cross join the Trojan War, regret could not turn back time.

"Cross!" Mene wailed, echoing across the battlefield.

Hector was stunned, and glanced at his brother Paris in confusion, only to see Paris also looking over in confusion.

Hector nodded, and Paris stepped forward quickly and pulled off Xu Youran's golden mask.

A face that everyone knew, and even somewhat familiar, was revealed.




"It's not Achilles..."

"How is it possible?"

There was a burst of exclamations around, and everyone looked at the "corpse" in disbelief.

Not many Trojan warriors died in this raid, and most of them died at the hands of Xu Youran.

Everyone was amazed at the power of "Achilles", but they never thought that this warrior in golden armor was not Achilles, but Achilles' best friend Cross.

Not only the heroes of Troy, but also the heroes of Greece did not expect that Cross's fighting power was so strong, and it seemed that he was no less powerful than Achilles.

What was even more unexpected was that such a powerful Cross was accidentally killed by the brothers Hector and Paris.

Everything happened too suddenly.

In order to protect Cross, Agamemnon also gave him the armor that Achilles had left here.

Achilles put the armor in the commander-in-chief's camp to show that he would not participate in the war, but he did not expect to harm his best friend Cross.

If Xu Youran had not been wearing his golden armor, he might not have attracted the sneak attack of the two brothers Hector.

Although Xu Youran tried to change history again and again, the wheel of history still crushed him to pieces.

"This..." Hector was also confused.

He was a little complacent after just killing the Achilles he thought he was.

But he never thought that it was Cross.

Cross was so powerful, how terrible would Achilles be?

He didn't even dare to think about this question anymore.

But there was a very realistic problem in front of him. He killed Achilles' best friend, and Achilles would definitely regard him as his mortal enemy.

Who wants to be Achilles' mortal enemy?

Who dares to be the mortal enemy of Greece's first hero?

Paris didn't care what Hector was thinking, and had already stripped off Achilles' golden armor.

Although it was broken, it was the best trophy for him.

What can Achilles do?

What can a legendary hero do?

Your best friend died in my hands, and your armor became my trophy.

At this moment, Paris was laughing secretly in his heart. Greek heroes were nothing more than this.

Hector looked at the Greek heroes who were killing here, and Mene who was leading the way, shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep voice: "Paris, we are leaving, and we will withdraw our troops back to the city."

"Huh?" Paris was stunned, "The body of Cross? No more killing the enemy?"

"Forget the body, give him some dignity..." Hector sighed, "I am not in the mood to continue fighting, let's withdraw our troops."

"Boom!" Mene crossed a distance of dozens of meters in the air and fell heavily in front of Hector.

He didn't even look at the two brothers Hector, and even ignored the Trojan warriors who were ready to move around.

"Bang!" He knelt down heavily beside Xu Youran, holding up his "corpse" that was broken into pieces with both hands, tears and blood in his eyes, and howled "Awoo..."

Endless desolation and grief, earth-shattering.

ps: I strongly recommend a new book by my good friend Xia Lelu, "Stain Cleaning System". Those who like female content can pay attention to it, it's very nice!

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