Virus Throne

Chapter 729. The Hero's Mercy

Maybe it was fate, maybe it was the prophecy of the gods.

Hector died in battle!

The legend of Troy ended...

His awakening skill was indeed extremely abnormal, with a powerful and heavy body shattered with the force of thousands of thunders, and the earth was cracking.

Achilles' spear was shattered, and the round shield could not withstand the violent bombardment of shattered bones, the armor was shattered, and the spear was broken.

But he could not break Achilles's indestructible body, which could not be destroyed by attacks of the same level. Not only did Hector feel terrified, but also made all the Trojan heroes watching the battle feel desperate.

The Greek legendary hero who had never joined the war and did not want to join the war was so terrifying, which was something no one could have imagined.

If Hector and Paris had not killed Cross last night, he should be on his way back to Greece with Achilles at this moment.

Unfortunately, the two brothers joined forces to sneak attack the extremely brave Cross.

The moment Hector saw Cross's body, he knew it was over.

The two brothers worked together to release a real bloodthirsty beast, Achilles.

After losing his best friend Chloros, Achilles finally had no scruples, and even didn't care about the death predicted by the gods.

Before Chloros's body was buried, Hector tasted the bitter fruit he had planted with his own hands.

When Achilles' sword broke, he stabbed Hector's throat with the broken sword.

A violently beating heart was shaken into powder by the broken sword, and a strong sense of suffocation came. Hector left his beloved hometown Troy almost without pain.

This time it was a permanent and permanent departure, and he would never come back.

Hector's body fell to the ground, stirring up smoke and dust.

The moment he closed his eyes, he saw white clouds and the blue sky. The color of the sky was like the beautiful Aegean Sea, the Aegean Sea he loved deeply.

No matter how important he was to the Trojans, in Achilles' eyes, he was just a shameless villain who attacked his best friend and was not worthy of being called a hero.

The elderly Priam burst into tears, Hector's mother fainted on the city wall, his wife hugged his child, pointed at Achilles, who was covered in his blood, and told his child that it was this devil who killed his father.

Achilles killed Hector, tied his feet with a rope, tied the other end of the rope to the back of the chariot, and dragged his body on the battlefield.



The Greek army shouted like a tsunami, and everyone was excited and crazy.

This is Achilles, the first hero of Greece, and the invincible legendary demigod.

As long as he appears on the battlefield, the enemy can only get real relief by death.

He is the synonym of victory!

The Trojan army lost their leader and lost their voices. No one made a sound. They looked at Achilles who was still running wildly on the battlefield quietly and woodenly.

There was just an extremely suppressed anger, burning quietly in their hearts, constantly accumulating strength.

The wind was stronger and colder.

Even the Aegean Sea was roaring, as if it was mourning the dead hero.

King Priam finally couldn't bear the grief anymore, and stretched out his hand and pointed at Achilles who was still whipping the corpse, "Take back... the body!"

This sentence was like a signal, and like a fuse, which completely ignited the anger in the hearts of the Trojan warriors.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"



The Trojan king's order was issued, and tens of thousands of Trojan warriors, holding spears and swords, rushed towards Achilles frantically.

The warriors of the Greek army, led by Agamemnon, also faced the Trojan army.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, two steel torrents, immediately collided wildly.

Hector died so easily that he suffered almost no pain, which made Achilles' anger boil his blood.

He drove the chariot, dragged Hector's body, and rushed to the Trojan army first.

This fierce battle lasted for a whole day.

When the Greek army retreated like a tide, tens of thousands of corpses were left on the battlefield, most of which belonged to the Trojans.

Losing the commander Hector, the Trojan warriors were furious and full of fighting spirit, but they seemed to have completely lost their souls.

The Greek army took advantage of Achilles's killing of Hector and, under the leadership of the first Greek hero, harvested the lives of Trojan warriors in large numbers.

Several Trojan heroes who wanted to take back Hector's body all died under Achilles' sword.

Although Achilles' own armor and weapons were all broken, he was so strong that he could kill Trojan heroes with a spear or a sword.

The number of Trojan warriors who died under his sword was countless, and he himself could not remember how many swords he had broken and how many heads he had cut off.

When the Trojan warriors retreated to Troy, the Greek army began to retreat under the command of Agamemnon.

Today's results were outstanding. Not only did Achilles personally kill Hector, but he also killed nearly 10,000 Trojan warriors.

After the Greek army returned to the barracks, Achilles refused Agamemnon's invitation to a banquet and dragged Hector's body back to his tent alone.

On the beach in front of the tent, a rack had been built with piles of firewood.

The "corpse" of his best friend Cross was placed on it, and countless gold and silver utensils, fine wine, flowers and spices were placed around it.

After being crushed to pieces by Hector, Cross's "corpse" showed a miserable cracked state.

Although it was not completely broken or shattered, it could not be easily moved.

Achilles threw Hector's body aside casually, preparing to burn it with Cross's "corpse" at sunrise tomorrow to send their souls to heaven.

Wang Gangdan had not eaten or drunk for almost a day, and his pale cheeks seemed to have aged by a dozen years, and his lips were cracked and cracked.

Seeing Achilles dragging the body of Hector who killed his master back, he ran around in ecstasy to help Achilles change clothes and bathe.

Although he avenged his master, his master died after all.

While Wang Gangdan was jubilant, he kept crying and shedding tears.

Achilles understood her sadness and did not blame her, because he had also cried for Croes.

When night fell, Troy, which had been noisy and chaotic all day, finally returned to peace.

The waves gently hit the beach, and the evening breeze blew, bringing a hint of freshness.

Countless bonfires were lit in the Greek army camp in the distance, but no one was drinking anymore.

All the Greek warriors sat around the fire, some chatting, some in high spirits, some mourning their dead comrades, and some missing their long-lost hometown.

The flickering firelight reflected Achilles's face, which was sometimes bright and sometimes dark. Sitting in the military tent, he was wiping his long sword.

A shadow flashed, and Wang Gangdan walked in with a little uneasiness, trembling: "Lord Achilles, someone wants to see you."

"Oh? It's so late... Let him in." Achilles was a little confused. Who would come to his remote military tent so late? Could it be Agamemnon?

The light and shadow flickered again, and a tall, hunchbacked old man walked in.

It can be seen that when he was young, he must have been a peerless handsome man, and even a top-level strong man.

But time flies, and he grows old. The former king of Troy now seems like a candle swaying in the wind, which may go out at any time.

Priam was only wearing an ordinary black robe. After entering the military tent, his trembling knees immediately softened, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily on the ground, "Great Achilles, Priam greets you."

"Priam, the king of Troy." Achilles gently put down the sword in his hand, "What are you doing here?"

"You are the first hero of Greece. In front of you, no one dares to be king except Zeus." Priam did not stand up, raised his head, and his face was already full of tears, "Your bravery and fearlessness, the gods of Mount Olympus are watching."

"Today you have demonstrated your incomparable strength and courage. I, an old man in my twilight years, now come to ask you to show your kindness and tolerance as the son of God."

"Tell me, how can I show my kindness and tolerance?" Achilles seemed to understand Priam's intentions and frowned slightly.

"I brought wealth and resources to exchange for Hector's body. He has already lost his life for Troy, and I don't want to lose his dignity again." Priam cried with tears, "I am not asking you in the name of the Kingdom of Troy, but begging you as a father."

"As the king of Troy, you are willing to take risks and come to the enemy's camp late at night just to get Hector's body back?" Achilles stood up slowly, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Great Achilles, I am old, and may die tomorrow. Death is a relief for me, not fear." Priam said tremblingly, "I am willing to give everything I have, just to get my child back."

Tears slid down his old cheeks, and in the flickering firelight, he looked extremely miserable and pitiful.

Priam, who once dominated an era, now looks like a rotten wood, but still came to Achilles' camp just to get the child's body back.

Achilles stretched out his hands to help Priam up, and saw Hector's father crying in front of him, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

Whether Hector was a hero or a despicable villain, he was their commander to Troy, and to Priam, he was his child.

Perhaps when Priam came here today, he never thought about going back alive.

Perhaps this is the last thing a father can do for his child.

Achilles raised his hand and pointed to the commander, his voice trembling slightly, "My dear friend Croesus died far away from his hometown under the city of Troy. Last night we agreed to return to Greece together by boat today. But he died at the hands of Hector and could not fulfill our agreement."

"My dear friend is to be buried in a foreign country, and his soul cannot find peace in heaven. But your child can return to his hometown and be buried in a grand manner. How ironic and unfair this is, Priam, you want me to be merciful, but who has ever given me mercy?"

"Great Achilles, I am willing to exchange my life for my child. As long as he can return to Troy, I am willing to stay and let him be dealt with." Although Priam was still in pain, his eyes were very firm.

"Huh..." Achilles let out a long breath. What's the point of leaving this old man who was about to be buried?

"The first Greek hero would only kill the enemy on the battlefield, but would not leave an old man behind in such a despicable way." Achilles closed his eyes and waved his hand weakly, "Hector does not deserve my mercy, but a father deserves my mercy. Take your treasure and his body, I don't need anything from you."

"Thank you, great Achilles..." Priam bowed tremblingly and turned away.

Achilles' voice sounded behind him, "Go back and get ready. When the sun rises tomorrow, I will go to Troy to chop off your and Paris' heads!"

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