Virus Throne

Chapter 76. You are free

025 In the command center of the human base, seeing the wolves running away in all directions, a warm applause rang out, and cheers rang out one after another. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

General Zou, who had been deeply in despair and self-blame, seemed to be alive again. He warmly hugged Deputy General Kong and others and patted their shoulders vigorously.

Unconsciously, his eyes were a little moist. The iron general who had commanded troops for many years was moved by the ruthlessness of these young people.

He kept muttering in his mouth: "Good job, good job..."

Xu Youran looked at the wolves running away in all directions, but frowned tightly.

These wolves ran away like this, and it would take some effort to find them again, and there might be more casualties.

After checking, the wound was not too deep, and the blood was not much. Although the gold-quality ice armor was broken a little under the strong bite of the wolf, the impact was not great.

He looked at the dozen or so awakened warriors who had received support and survived. They were still immersed in great surprise.

Their luck was almost against the sky to survive such a dangerous situation.

At the same time, they also felt endless gratitude to the Destroyer Squad. These three people were their saviors.

Xu Youran thought for a while and waved to them, "Comrades, you are safe. Now you can follow the helicopter back to the base to rest. The damage and battle situation need to be reported as soon as possible."

At this time, two more helicopters from the military support came and were hovering over them. The dozen or so survivors needed to return to the base immediately for treatment and report.

Because they suffered serious damage in the battle, it is very likely that they will have to reorganize the team.

A tall and strong man in his thirties stood up, "Report... Report... Report to the chief, I am Wang Yuzhou, the platoon leader of the second platoon of the first company, and we will report the battle situation truthfully."

He reported for a long time before discovering that Xu Youran was not wearing shoulder straps or number labels.

Although it was clearly known that it was Xu Youran, the other party was wearing a mask, so her identity must be kept secret for the time being and could not be announced.

So in the end, they could only come and report to the leader.

Another tall female soldier in her twenties stood up. Although there was a lot of blood on her face, her pretty face could still be seen.

"Report to the captain, I am Xiong Yining, the platoon leader of the third platoon of the first company. We will try to return to the battlefield as soon as possible."

Xu Youran waved his hand, indicating that he did not want to salute, and said in a low voice: "The members of the Destroyer Squad are military secrets for the time being. What you saw and heard today cannot be leaked out. Violators will be punished by military law."

Wang Yuzhou and Xiong Yining both saluted, "Yes!"

Xu Youran looked at the messy battlefield, with the broken bodies and broken clothes and equipment of the first company soldiers everywhere, and couldn't help feeling a little sad, "We are late..."

Xiong Yining thought of the company commander and the sacrificed comrades, and her voice was a little choked. She consoled: "You tried your best, thank you!"

The dozen or so surviving soldiers of the first company quickly boarded the soft ladder and took a helicopter back to the base. Next, a large number of second-tier soldiers will come to clean up the battlefield.

Xu Youran looked at the dense jungle and crisscrossing caves in the distance, his eyes were cold and his tone was icy, "Zhang Tianbing, use your tracking awakening skills, we are going to wipe out all the Cang Wolves today!"

Zhang Tianbing saluted, "Yes!"

Guo Ziping and the others had been fighting with the two silver Cang Wolves just now, only Guo Ziping was slightly injured, with a few wounds on his back, which was not a big problem.

Zhang Tianbing's auxiliary skills compression and immobilization played a miraculous effect in the fight.

The Cang Wolves are too strong, and Zhang Bingtian often controls the Cang Wolves and his own people together, which actually curbs the Cang Wolves' offensive and reduces casualties.

Zhang Tianbing first treated the wounds of Xu Youran and Guo Ziping, and used a series of medical awakening skills, high temperature, sterilization, and purification.

The wounds of the two are still there, but there should be no more infection, bleeding, etc.

Guo Ziping and his partner had participated in battles before, but not many times, and because of their different identities, they had not encountered too fierce battles.

After joining the Destroyer Squad, Xu Youran was basically the one who carried the bloody battles in the front, and they were only responsible for the rear support, and they fought in the favorable battles.

This time, seeing more than a dozen awakened warriors killed in the battle, with broken limbs and blood flying everywhere, they were also very touched.

"Okay, the Cang Wolf Pack should have run away more scattered, we can start chasing." Xu Youran ordered, "Zhang Tianbing lead the way!"

Zhang Tianbing's awakening direction is to enhance the sense of smell and track. He began to carefully identify the smell left by the Cang Wolf in the air, raised his hand and pointed in several directions, "There are traces of Cang Wolf in these four directions, and there are many silver-level in two directions."

Xu Youran pointed to one of the directions, "Let's deal with the lone silver-level first."

The three raised their flying claws, hung on the tree and swung high into the sky, chasing in that direction at a high speed.

There were towering trees all around, and there was no shortage of places for the flying claws to gain leverage. The three of them used the power to move forward above the treetops at a very fast speed.

An armed helicopter was always hovering over their heads, providing support.

The people in the command center breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the three of them still had the energy to continue chasing the remaining wolves.

Commander Zou laughed for a long time and looked at the combat staff officer who was also in high spirits.

"You are so happy even though you have violated the military law. Be careful or I will take off your hat. If you don't come over and continue to command the battle."

When the combat staff heard this, he immediately saluted clumsily and ran back to his job.

Commander Zou laughed and scolded: "You stinky boy, if you act on your own and give blind orders again, I will kill you."

"Okay, Chief." Having escaped a disaster, the combat staff also broke out in a cold sweat.

Violating military law and commanding frontline combat personnel at will is a serious crime, which may even have disastrous consequences.

The pursuit of the Destroyer Squad was very smooth at the beginning, because they did not run far, and soon the helicopter first discovered the fleeing wolf.

It was natural that the three of them could easily and happily take down a lone wolf without any suspense.

After the battle, a communication headset was thrown from the helicopter.

Xu Youran caught it and just put on the headset, the communication channel heard the roar of Commander Zou, "You little bastard, you have grown wings, right? Do you think you are invincible? Do you want to die?"

Xu Youran ran wildly and explained awkwardly: "Commander, you see, I am eager to save people, right? I won't do it next time. I will listen to your command next time. You must have confidence in our strength. I am very good at fighting."

Commander Zou laughed and scolded: "Little bastard, you should be honest. You only have one life."

"Okay, okay, don't worry." Xu Youran hung up the communication helplessly.

The helicopter located the exact coordinates of the body of the wolf and continued to follow the three people to chase down.

As time went by, the range of the wolf's escape was also expanding, greatly increasing the difficulty of the search.

After almost two days and two nights of tracking, all the fleeing wolves were finally killed.

The three members of the Destroyer Squad almost fell asleep on the way back to the helicopter.

When the helicopter returned to the helipad of the base command center, the three were still sleeping.

Commander Zou led a group of people to greet them, looking at the three young men who were in deep sleep, looking at each other in bewilderment.

In the end, it was Commander Zou who made the decision, "Bring the quilts and let them sleep on the helicopter."

In this way, the three members of the Destroyer Squad slept all night on the helicopter landing pad, amid the roar of continuous takeoffs and landings.

When the morning sun shone into the cabin through the porthole, Xu Youran woke up in a daze.

He opened his eyes and found that he was still in the helicopter. He looked out the window with some confusion. This was the base command center.

Shaking his head, he pushed the two people beside him, and Guo Ziping and the other person slowly woke up.

Xu Youran frowned with some dissatisfaction and said, "Who of you two snores so loudly? It's making me sleep poorly."

Guo Ziping looked out the window and was speechless, "Brother, are you crazy? This is the landing pad, it must be the sound of planes taking off and landing."

"Oh? I said, get up, and continue to work." Xu Youran opened the cabin door and jumped out.

The guards standing guard in the distance saw them getting up and ran over quickly, "Hello, Commander Zou told you to eat first after you wake up, and then go to the headquarters."

The three followed the soldiers to the temporary residence prepared for them, cleaned up, went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast, and then hurried to the headquarters.

Seeing the three people who had slept all night and were full of energy and renewed fighting spirit, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

Xu Youran raised his hands in surrender and said with a wry smile: "Dear leaders, thank you for your concern. Next time, when we come back, please don't applaud, okay?"

Commander Zou came over with a smile, asked them to sit down first, and said: "Xiao Xu, you have made great contributions this time. Not only did you kill six silver-level mutant beasts, but you also rescued more than a dozen comrades."

Xu Youran said seriously: "Commander, as a soldier, killing the enemy and rescuing comrades is our job."

Commander Zou looked at them kindly and smiled, "You are aware. This time the merit is different from the past. I have reported it to the military. The results may come out in a few days. In addition, in the past ten days, under our vigorous cleanup, the surrounding 50 kilometers have been basically cleared. Even if there are silver-level mutant beasts, there should not be many. This is good news."

Xu Youran and the other two were very happy to hear the good news, which means that the 025 base will soon be able to resume basic production and life.

Commander Zou changed the subject and said with a sad face: "The bad news is that so far you have killed a total of 15 silver-level mutant beasts and won a total of 15 silver merits, which is still a long way from your goal of freedom."

Xu Youran was also troubled by this matter and asked: "By the way, Chief, the six silver merits we won this time will be divided into five for Zhang Tianbing."

As soon as these words came out, all the staff of the command center were stunned. Zhang Tianbing looked at Xu Youran in astonishment, "Are you serious?"

Xu Youran looked at him very seriously and said word by word: "Yes, you are free!"

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