Virus Throne

Chapter 766. Rescue

Ravenna actually didn't know what the Gouchen Sect was all about.

But at this moment, is there anything else in this world worth her staying for?

Twenty years of love for Alger was just a joke.

That was her husband, but he had never even touched her hand.

That was her nominal daughter, but actually her niece, but she hated her to the core.

Rather than staying in this world and enduring the torment, it would be better to leave with the magic mirror and fight for a glimmer of life.

Even if she would really be torn to pieces, it would be better than being pierced by thousands of arrows at this moment.

Xu Youran seemed to understand her pain and nodded with a smile, "We all try our best to survive and don't resist."

Ravenna nodded again vigorously, "Swish!" Xu Youran had already put her into the void ring.

A stronger repulsive force surged, and the entire void seemed to be rippling.

Xu Youran just took a deep look at Alger and others, without saying anything, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in the ripples of space, as if he had never appeared.

Alger, Prince William and others swept out their mental power, but found nothing except a little space ripple.

They had never heard of the Void Ring, so they could not understand how Alita and Ravenna disappeared.

They had never heard of how the black-haired young man who called himself the Magic Mirror disappeared.

Although they did not find any trace of the black-haired young man, they found that there were still living people on the battlefield.

Not far away, Liu Ye stared blankly at Xu Youran putting away Alita and Ravenna, and then he disappeared.

From the way Xu Youran disappeared, it can be seen that he must be a trialist who came, but he would never be from the Qingcheng Sect.

Uncle Han Lin died, Senior Brother Wang An died, and the Raven Trio died. How to explain when they go back?

He was bound to the Kingdom of God system by the guy who called himself Jiang Peiliang, and a gene bomb was implanted. Life and death were under his control.

After hundreds of years of practice, he finally became a slave of the awakened.

The battle is over. Now let Liu Ye commit suicide, he definitely doesn't have the courage.

But thinking about his upcoming slave life, Liu Ye couldn't help but feel sad.

However, in such a dangerous battle, Han Lin, a cultivator in the fusion stage, died, but he was able to survive. It was indeed a fluke.

It seems that I still have to keep a low profile in the future...

Alger and others have surrounded Liu Ye, and they don't know what to do for a while.

Snow White has seen the strength of Han Lin and others, and hurried forward to help Liu Ye up.

Although Liu Ye is seriously injured now, he comes from the Gou Chen Sect that keeps this planet captive. There are countless strong people who can wipe out all the lives here with a wave of their hands. Snow White dare not neglect him.

Liu Ye was polite to Xu Youran, because he thought he was from the Qingcheng Sect at the beginning.

Later, he was implanted with a gene bomb, and he also wanted to be servile.

Liu Ye had the power and strength to decide life and death for the people on this captive planet, so there was no need to be so polite. He ordered coldly: "Take me back to the palace to heal first. My Gou Chen Sect masters will arrive soon. I will tell you the whole story."

Alger and others didn't understand the situation, so they were naturally confused.

Snow White, however, ignored Liu Ye's muddy body and picked him up directly.

Led by Snow White, everyone respectfully welcomed Liu Ye back to the palace.

Xu Youran had never used the Void Ring to lead people, nor had he ever heard that the Void Ring could lead living people to and from the Trial World.

The Void Emperor may have done this, but he would definitely not publicize it everywhere, let alone tell him.

The moment he was swallowed by the void ripples, the void in the Void Ring, which had always been connected to his mind, seemed to be turbulent.

This was something he had never experienced before in the three times he had traveled back and forth.

His heart sank. Was it over?

It seems that Alita really calculated the battle dolls as non-living things. If a living thing appeared in the Void Ring, it might be the end.

Either Ravenna would be finished, or the Void Ring would be finished.

Although he sympathized with Ravenna's tragic experience, he still felt extremely painful for losing the Void Ring for Ravenna.

The value of life is indeed far greater than the Void Ring, a dead object, but he is not familiar with Ravenna.

It's still too reckless...

In a flash, Xu Youran thought of something.

Constructing the Void Ring must require an extremely powerful energy source. There are many spirit stones in his Void Ring.

At the moment when his consciousness was about to fall into darkness, his mental power and consciousness shattered all the spirit stones in the Void Ring.

No matter how many spirit stones there are, they will not be more precious than human life, nor more precious than the Void Ring.

His consciousness was about to sink into darkness, and he could do nothing during that time.

As long as he tried his best, he could try to save it.

As if he was quickly pulled into the water, Xu Youran's eyes went black and he completely lost consciousness.

The turbulence in the void was still intensifying, but the spiritual stones piled up into a small mountain were shattered, and countless spiritual energy dissipated, which seemed to really play a role in stabilizing the void.

The void space, which was 100 meters long, wide, and high, began to collapse, or was being squeezed out of this small world by the formation and assimilated into the turbulence of time and space.

The collapse that should have been completed in an instant, but because of the extremely violent spiritual energy, it slowed down.

If Xu Youran could not complete the shuttle before the complete collapse, this void ring would be completely useless.

Everything inside would collapse and completely dissipate in the turbulence of time and space.

The materials he collected, the diamond-grade reagents he bought, Alita and Ravenna, will all be lost in the turbulence of time and space forever, even more miserable than when he wandered in the turbulence of time and space.

When Xu Youran wandered in the turbulence of time and space, there was always a space node to enter.

But the space node of the Void Ring is on the ring in his hand, a node that keeps moving, and no one can do anything about it.

In the meeting hall of the Queen Star Jealous Continent, more than 10,000 high-level members of the Lost Paradise Galaxy looked at the dark name of Xu Youran on the stone tablet, waiting for his return in silence.

"Buzz..." The ripples of space spread, and Xu Youran closed his eyes and walked out of the rippling water.

The whole place was dead silent, and everyone could see that Xu Youran should have just experienced a big battle.

His whole body was covered with scars, his armor was extremely broken, and his figure was even a little shaky. It was obvious that he was on the verge of running out of energy.

No one knew what world he had descended into and what he had encountered.

Seeing his miserable state, he could not help but raise the danger level of the Seven Sins Trial by one level again.

Xu Youran, standing in front of the teleportation stone gate, had returned to his consciousness.

He scanned out his mental power and immediately began to explore the Void Ring.

Feeling the state of the Void Ring, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a pain in his flesh.

Perhaps it was because he had brought a living person into the Void Ring that this situation was supposed to happen.

Perhaps it was because he had crushed all the spirit stones and dispersed a large amount of spiritual energy at the last moment.

The Void Ring was still there, and Alita and Ravenna were both safe and sound.

It was just that the volume of the Void Ring had been reduced by at least one third.

Not only were all the spirit stones crushed by him, but even the large amount of materials stored in it were all dispersed in the turbulence of time and space.

Fortunately, Jianan's finger did not disperse.

He had purchased a large number of diamond-grade virus reagents, and there were still twenty left, and the others had all disappeared.

Looking at the empty and even unstable Void Ring, Xu Youran wanted to cry but had no tears.

The Void Ring, which was regarded as a strategic material by countless Seventh Awakeners, was so badly damaged by him. If those strong men knew about it, they would definitely beat him to death.

However, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Finally, Ravenna was brought back safely. The next step is to deal with the aftermath.

Next time, I can't do this again. It's too risky.

Xu Youran slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the stone tablet at the first time. The name turned black, shining black.

Thinking about his own trial mission, it was really full of problems.

Ravenna, who ruined several people's lives because of jealousy, was kidnapped by him. Snow White, who had always been secretly jealous of Ravenna, naturally couldn't be jealous because she had completely lost the target of jealousy.

He completely wiped out the jealousy of these two women, and it was really nothing to get the evaluation of the black name.

All seven Seven Sins stood up and bowed deeply. This time, the beautiful Envy Walker took the lead in kneeling on one knee to show respect.

Thousands of people knelt down in the meeting hall, and they should all be the heads of the Envy Walker department.

"Stand up." Xu Youran's hoarse voice sounded, "Healing."

Immediately, dozens of awakened medical department and medical experts entered the venue, put him in the treatment cabin, and carried him down.

After an hour of emergency treatment, Xu Youran barely recovered.

If it was just relying on forcing growth, such a serious injury might take more time.

Now that there is a ready-made medical team, Xu Youran has no reason to leave it unused.

He is still seriously injured, and the Seven Sins can't mention the celebration anymore. They respectfully sent him back to the palace where he is staying temporarily.

Xu Youran can see that Kukrolo and Xi Suo have a lot to ask him.

He doesn't have time to chat with them now, so he immediately finds a completely closed practice room.

Alita and Ravenna were still in the Void Ring, and he had to deal with the two women as soon as possible.

"Shua shua..." Two figures were summoned by him. Alita just stood quietly, but Ravenna quickly checked the environment with some fear.

In her senses, time had only passed in a short moment.

As soon as she entered the void space, it seemed that countless spirit stones were shattered, and the surging spiritual energy overflowed.

Before she could figure out the situation, she felt that the void seemed to be collapsing.

Ravenna's heart was cold, it was over!

The magic mirror told her that she might be lost in the turbulence of time and space forever, and maybe this was about to begin.

As a result, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she appeared in front of the magic mirror again.

This spacious training room had only extremely simple furnishings, but she didn't know what everything in the room was used for.

The wall emitted a bright but soft white light, and the magic mirror changed into a new set of clothes, and the injury seemed to be almost healed.

"Where is this? Heaven?" Lei Wenna asked in surprise, "Is this the universe you mentioned?"

"Well... it is indeed the universe, but we are still on a planet with life. This is the Jealousy Continent of the Queen Star in the Lost Paradise Galaxy." Xu Youran explained.

"Queen Star..." Lei Wenna suddenly remembered that she was still a queen, but it seemed to be a thing of the past.

"Levina, I'm going to bind you to the Kingdom of God system now, so that you can start to contact interstellar civilization." Xu Youran paused slightly, then said firmly, "I'm also going to implant a gene bomb in you and monitor your words and deeds in all directions. I have too many secrets. If you tell anyone about my secrets, I will detonate the gene bomb."

"Gene bomb? What is that?" Lei Wenna asked curiously. The tone of the magic mirror was very serious. It seemed that this problem was very serious.

"Gene bomb..." Xu Youran had a headache. "It seems that I have to give you a good popular science. By the way, the Kingdom of God system has an introduction. You should learn it yourself first."

Xu Youran took out two thin metal sheets and raised his hand to pat Lei Wenna's forehead.

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