Virus Throne

Chapter 778. Storm

If you want to convert the fire energy, this world is indeed very suitable.

Xu Youran came to this remote mountain area, not to convert here.

There are few people here, so it is convenient to move.

After experiencing two training worlds, Xu Youran is getting more and more free.

After entering the deep mountains, his spiritual sense swept out and found that there was no human habitation within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

"Swoosh!" Xu Youran flew up into the sky with his flying sword, compared it with the map of the beautiful country he had just bought, and flew away.

In the beautiful country, where is the most dense fire energy? Of course, it is Yellowstone Park.

That is an active volcano, and the fire energy is extremely dense.

With Xu Youran's speed, the earth-star monitoring technology in the 1980s might have just discovered that he was far away from the detection range of the radar.

There is no shortage of uninhabited places in Yellowstone Park. Xu Youran found a place at random and summoned Alita to protect him.

He sat cross-legged and began to practice.

At the same time, Apocalypse, who had blue-black skin and terrifying patterns all over his body, had just awakened.

A group of evil followers who were making devout sacrifices finally awakened their "God" Apocalypse after many days of hard work.

Apocalypse, who had been betrayed and imprisoned for thousands of years, forcibly suppressed his rage and turned all these evil followers into a handful of quicksand.

He casually found a hooded cloak, put it on, and walked up along the winding tunnel. Apocalypse finally saw the sun after thousands of years.

This is an era that is not friendly to mutants. Except for Professor X's Charles's School for Gifted Youngsters, mutants all over the world are living in dire straits.

The powerful strength of these awakened people not only did not bring them any benefits, but also brought them fatal disasters.

The messy streets of Cairo, with countless people flowing and cars, this is a dirty and chaotic alley, with hawking and scolding sounds one after another.

Apocalypse saw this familiar crowd, but it was a completely unfamiliar world, and he was a little confused for a while.

People spoke a language he could not understand at all and did things he did not understand at all.

Suddenly, a few ragged homeless people surrounded him and pushed him to a remote corner.

"What do you want to do?" Tianqi asked in confusion without understanding the situation.

"Huh? A foreigner, hahaha..." A homeless man laughed wildly, "Maybe he can make a fortune."

"This big fool, maybe he thinks we are taking him to the pyramids, hahaha..." Another homeless man took out a scimitar.

These people couldn't understand what Tianqi was saying at all.

Over thousands of years of historical changes, language and writing have undergone tremendous changes.

This was once the dynasty of Tianqi, but unfortunately he couldn't understand what these people were saying at all.

A black-skinned girl suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley, "What do you want to do? Get out of here!"

"Hahaha... Another girl is here, making a fortune and having fun..." The homeless man with a knife lifted Tianqi's hat, revealing a blue-black face covered with terrifying patterns.

"Damn! What is this?" The homeless man was so scared that his legs went limp and the knife in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Who are you?" The other homeless men were also horrified.

They had seen white people, black people, and yellow people, but they had never seen a blue-black skinned person.

This tall blue-black skinned weirdo had a pair of golden vertical pupils, which flashed a strange cold light like a poisonous snake in the desert.

"You..." The black girl was obviously also startled, "Who are you?"

Tianqi didn't understand what they were saying at all, but the fear on these people's faces made him feel extremely excited.

"Pah!" Tianqi grabbed a homeless man's face with a palm. "Puff!" The homeless man shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a handful of fine sand.

The fine sand fell to the ground "rustling", and the clothes were scattered all over the ground intact.

The other three homeless men turned around and wanted to run, Tianqi raised his hand, and the fine sand on the ground seemed to be a sudden wave, and it wrapped around a homeless man like lightning.

The homeless man didn't even have time to make a sound, and he quickly turned into fine sand.

A homeless man rushed towards the black girl in a panic.

"Crack!" The black girl shot out an arc of electricity from both hands, burning the homeless man into charcoal, as if struck by lightning.

"Huh..." Tianqi looked at the black girl with a little surprise.

"Snap!" He stretched out his big hand and pinched the neck of the last homeless man, "bang!" He pressed the homeless man directly against the wall.

In the horrified eyes of the homeless man and the black girl, countless sands on the wall quickly wrapped the homeless man.

The water in the homeless man's body was quickly evaporated, and he turned into a rotten, dry mummy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After doing all this, Tianqi seemed to be slightly satisfied, clapped his hands lightly, and put on his hat again.

Thousands of years ago, before he was betrayed by his subordinates, he was a genuine seven-time awakener.

It was just that when he was performing a key spellcasting ritual, he was forcibly interrupted and suffered a backlash.

In addition, he had been buried deep underground for thousands of years, and his strength had long been reduced to one-hundredth of what it was.

However, even if his strength had fallen to the bottom, it was still easy for him to deal with a few ordinary people.

If it weren't for his servants, the four Doomsday Knights, who risked their lives to save him, he would have almost perished in that rebellion.

It's just a pity that the four loyal servants all died in the battle to save him.

These despicable humans almost killed him in order to resist their rule.

Despicable humans, your king is back, tremble!

Apocalypse's pair of strange golden vertical pupils gradually turned red with anger, and he slowly raised his head to look at the gray sky.

Despicable humans, prepare to bear the wrath of the gods!

The stunned black girl on the side also reacted at this moment.


She is a mutant herself and knows very well the fate and fate of mutants in this era.

Although mutants are very powerful, they still cannot compete with the entire normal human society. Thermal weapons can still bring them huge lethality.

Several people died here just now, so we definitely can't stay here for long.

Although this city is in chaos, it has not reached the point where no one cares about people who are dead.

"Follow me!" The black girl grabbed Tianqi, turned around and ran towards another alley.

Tianqi was stunned. This black girl was a bit interesting. She seemed to be a thunder and lightning awakener.

He didn't resist, but followed the girl and ran wildly.

The two ran through several chaotic streets, and the girl pulled him into a dilapidated mud house.

A few beggar-like children were making a noise in the mud house. The black girl scolded them and drove them all out.

"Who are you? Why do you look like this? Are you a mutant too? Where do you come from?" the black girl asked eagerly.

Tianqi looked at the black girl in confusion, spreading his hands to show that he didn't understand at all.

The black girl shook her head helplessly and switched to Cairo local, Arabic, and English, and asked again in three different languages.

It can be seen from Tianqi's expression that he still doesn't understand.

What to do?

Just when the black girl was slightly anxious, Tianqi suddenly saw the TV set aside.

Some TV show was playing on the black and white TV. The signal was intermittent and the picture flickered constantly. Tianqi walked over curiously, put his hand on the TV, closed his eyes and began to feel this wonderful object.

The pictures on the TV screen are constantly switching, including GG, news, singing, dancing, TV series, weather forecast...

Cairo local dialect, Arabic, Greek, French, English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese...

TV programs in various languages ​​flashed on the screen.

"Crack, crackle..." The TV seemed to be overwhelmed, and a burst of electric sparks flashed from the back cover, followed by a puff of thick smoke.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, the most valuable and only household appliance in the black girl's home was finally completely scrapped.

The black girl stared at Tianqi in confusion, not understanding what he was doing at all.

Although the TV was broken, it was worth it to save a fellow mutant.

Tianqi closed his eyes, thought for a moment, then turned to look at the black girl, "What's your name?"

This time the black girl understood, and Tianqi spoke English with perfect pronunciation.

" name is Ororo Monroe, you...who are you?" the black girl replied in surprise, "Others call me Storm, are you a mutant too?"

"Olulo Monroe? Storm? Mutant?" Apocalypse whispered softly, "What do you call mutants in this era?"

Apocalypse turned to look at the black girl, "From now on, your name will be Storm. You are not mutants, you are awakened ones, you are all my children..."

"Your child? The Awakener?" Baofeng looked at Apocalypse's strange vertical pupils in surprise, "I...I thought you were a mutant, and I was afraid that you would be captured, so I rescued you."

"Haha... don't be afraid, my child. My name is En Saba Nur, from the Black King race." Apocalypse pointed to himself, "I am the first awakened person in this world, and you are all naturally my descendants. My child, you can also call me Emperor Tianqi!”

"Emperor Apocalypse..." Baofeng felt that the blue-black-skinned weirdo in front of him was simply a lunatic, "Are you the first mutant? Then you..."

"Age? Haha, time to me is just a part of my memories." Tianqi chuckled, "According to your world's calculations, I was born ten thousand years ago. Thousands of years ago, something happened and I was banned. today."

"Ten...ten thousand years..." Baofeng felt that he must be crazy. Why would he save such a mentally ill person and destroy the only electrical equipment in the house?

"You don't believe it? Alas..." Tianqi sighed softly, "It seems that the gods have been away from you for too long, and the people in this world have long forgotten the majesty of the gods."

"God?" Baofeng felt more and more that this weirdo was abnormal, "You mean, you are a god?"

"I am indeed the only god in the world. I have incarnated millions of people and walked around the world, spreading the fire of civilization." Apocalypse's voice seemed to come from the nine heavens, echoing slowly, "Storm, you are the awakened person of the thunder and lightning system, let's Feel the power of God."

After saying that, Apocalypse raised his hand, and an invisible force field quickly enveloped Baofeng.

The storm in the force field made the blood in his body seem to be boiling, and there seemed to be endless power surging in his body.

"Ah..." Baofeng let out a long and shrill howl. The power that washed over her whole body was something she could no longer suppress.

"Boom!" With the storm as the center, countless rays of lightning appeared out of thin air in the earthen house, intertwining into a fine thunder net.

At this moment, Baofeng was like the goddess of thunder and lightning, and her powerful power destroyed everything in the room.

However, due to the force field control of Apocalypse, her power was limited to this small mud house.

"Baofeng, I give you infinite power in the name of God, fight for me!" Apocalypse's voice seemed to have infinite magic, "Let all the despicable people in this world feel the wrath of God!"

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