Virus Throne

Chapter 8. Dazzling awakening skills

Xu Youran, who was being besieged by mutant beasts, suddenly showed his might, which temporarily relieved the soldiers on the wall.

The ice fog slowed down, greatly improved the ability to respond, extended the reaction time, and gave Xu Youran, who was not good at fighting, more room for error.

The ice armor protected himself from damage in almost all directions and without dead ends.

The bronze shield focused on defending against powerful attacks, and could also be used as a weapon to clear the besieged mutant beasts.

The bronze stab dealt a fatal blow to the enemy, quickly killing the mutant beasts, and it was hard to defend against.

With Dongfang Bai's superb melee ability and the elusive air grenade, the two of them rushed towards the artificial wall like a whirlwind.

Xu Youran thought to himself, this is going further and further on the road of MT. Could it be that my weak body is born to be a meat shield?

The ice armor is not indestructible. Once it is broken, he will control his mental power to condense it again in time to repair it.

After he withstood most of the attacks, Dongfang Bai's years of hard training finally came into play.

With fists and feet flying and palm swords cutting, the two quickly approached the awakened ones who came to rescue.

The awakened ones who came to rescue were also shocked to see Xu Youran's sudden burst of powerful fighting power.

When awakened, it usually happens unintentionally. And they often have to go through a life-and-death struggle. It is very likely that only one out of ten thousand people infected with the virus will survive and awaken.

It's not that no one has thought about getting infected a second time to get a second awakening. But the probability of surviving the virus is already one in ten thousand. If the probability of surviving the second time is still one in ten thousand, then the two awakenings are equivalent to a one in a hundred million chance.

If it is not a situation of certain death, who would dare to gamble on this one in a hundred million chance of survival? That is almost the chance of winning the double-color ball first prize twice in a row, and it is a gamble with one's own life.

But this handsome young man went to gamble, and he succeeded easily. It's unbelievable. He is simply the darling of God. Compared with him, the awakened people present seem to be the difference between krypton gold bigwigs and free players.

Little did he know that Xu Youran was also gambling with his life, and he had been gambling for more than 20 years. He had been sick for a long time and had exhausted his will to live. Many times, he even wanted to die in the deepest part of his heart to end this miserable life tortured by illness.

It was his father's careful care and constant encouragement that made him bravely persevere. Now although he has found new motivation, the subconscious ruthlessness of not sparing life and death has never been lost.

Seeing the tall and handsome young man besieged by several mutant beasts, Dongfang Bai whispered: "That's Dongfang Zhan, my cousin."

"Cousin?" Xu Youran had heard from his classmates that Dongfang Bai came from a martial arts family. This time he met his family.

"Let's kill into the city first." Dongfang Bai split a mutant beast in two with a palm sword, and blood was spilled all over his body.

During the battle, Xu Youran also discovered a fatal weakness of his own, which was that his combat skills were too weak and his close combat experience was almost zero.

In addition to the lethality of thrusting against mutant beasts, he could only swing his shield wildly, which consumed a lot of physical strength and had very poor results.

Most mutant beasts have evolved, and their physical fitness is far superior to before. Most of them are very strong. Swinging the shield can only knock them away at most, and it is difficult to injure or kill the mutant beasts.

Moreover, once the mutant beasts get close, he can only rely on the defense of the ice armor to resist. In a hurry, he often affects Dongfang Bai's battle.

This is not good. Once he has free time, he must practice close combat skills or learn how to use weapons.

What if he awakens a skill like a water gun or an ice knife next time? In addition to slashing and killing randomly, there is no move at all.

This is not only inefficient, but also consumes too much energy. After two awakenings, he can feel that his physical fitness is constantly improving.

In terms of basic physical attributes such as strength and agility, he should be much stronger than Dongfang Bai who had awakened once.

However, in terms of killing effect, endurance, and avoiding attacks, he was far inferior to Dongfang Bai.

If he had not had a large shield on the outside and ice armor on the inside, both of which were defensive awakening skills, he would have been torn into pieces long ago.

At this time, several awakeners who came to rescue also saw Xu Youran and the other person who had awakened again and used a new awakening skill approaching them at a very fast speed.

Although it was not their credit for the rescue, they also tied down a large number of powerful mutant beasts, which relieved a lot of pressure for the two.

When the two finally killed through the sea of ​​beasts and joined these awakeners. All the officers and soldiers on the city wall couldn't help but cheer.

It was simply horrifying to forcibly kill through the sea of ​​beasts with the power of two people. These were not hundreds of mutant beasts, but tens of thousands of mutant beasts.

Platoon leader Liang clapped his hands vigorously, "Great! There's no problem now. Prepare fire cover!"

The soldiers shouted in unison, "Yes!" All kinds of long guns and short guns were aimed at the wall.

Dongfang Zhan was overjoyed to see his cousin successfully break through and reunite with him under the cover of Xu Youran, "Xiaobai, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be alive!"

Dongfang Zhan's water gun was like a dragon, picking and sweeping, killing several mutant beasts and making them wail.

Xu Youran was shocked. The Dongfang family is indeed a martial arts family. Everyone is so good at fighting.

I thought Dongfang Baiting was quite good at fighting, and her brother was even better than her, so she was a little stressed.

"Brother Zhan, why did you come to Nanjiang City?"

After the two of them met up with several awakened people, everyone felt less stressed. With Xu Youran, the meat shield, and his crazy output, everyone's safety was temporarily guaranteed.

A group of awakened people looked at them in surprise, wondering where these two crazy awakened people came from.

"I was passing by here on a business trip, but I was trapped in Nanjiang. Where have you been for more than a year?"

"I have been hiding in the campus and dare not come out. I only dared to come out to see the situation these two days. How is the situation at home?"

"The situation at home is fine, but your mother is very worried about you and has been crying to come to find you. Let's not talk about it first, let's kill them first!" Dongfang Zhan roared, and the long spear was thrown away, instantly clearing the mutant beasts around him.

Several awakened people turned around and killed back towards the city wall, and Xu Youran consciously covered the rear.

Attacks rained down from the shield behind him, and some missed attacks hit his ice armor directly, causing Xu Youran to cough up blood.

The soldiers defending on the city wall immediately began fire support, and the steel torrent of hot weapons poured down like a rainstorm, forming a light curtain behind everyone.

Countless mutant beasts chasing behind were instantly beaten into sieves, and some of the mutant beasts with strong strength and strong bodies were just blown away by the impact force, and the damage to them by hot weapons was very limited.

"Ah, ah" Although several particularly powerful mutant beasts were unwilling, they were suppressed by the rain of bullets and could only retreat one after another.

Everyone suddenly felt a great reduction in pressure, and there was no mutant beast in front of them. It turned out that everyone had rushed back to the top of the city wall.

At this time, the officers and soldiers on the city wall and several awakened people who went down to rescue were relieved, and the soldiers burst into a warm cheer.

Two more powerful awakened people appeared, which was a major benefit for their defense mission.

The injured awakeners were quickly carried down by the medical soldiers for treatment. Xu Youran and the other two rushed in all the way, and their mental energy was greatly consumed, and their physical strength was even more overdrawn.

They were temporarily in a safe area, and they felt relieved, and they collapsed directly on the ground, panting.

Xu Youran removed the big shield and ice armor, and a medical soldier ran over to take him down for treatment.

Platoon Leader Liang and Deputy Platoon Leader Li also ran over in a hurry. Platoon Leader Liang said repeatedly: "Thank you for your hard work, what are your names? Where are you from?"

Deputy Platoon Leader Li saw that Platoon Leader Liang was so anxious, and hurriedly said: "Platoon Liang, arrange for them to get treated first, and we will talk about the details later. I think they seem to be seriously injured."

Platoon Leader Liang slapped his head, "Look at my impatience, carry them down quickly, and take the time to heal first!"

Dongfang Zhan saw that Dongfang Bai was seriously overdrawn, and knew that it was not the time to talk. He waved his hand, "We are still assisting in the defense. You go and heal your wounds first, and we'll talk about it when you take a break."

After saying that, he also gave Platoon Leader Liang a fierce look. He was already very dissatisfied that the defending soldiers did not dispatch heavy firepower for rescue.

Xu Youran and the other two were carried back to the camp by the medical soldiers for treatment. They found that the residential buildings and shopping malls behind the man-made city wall had become temporary military camps, and there were military restricted area signs almost as far as the eye could see.

Xu Youran had many external injuries, and the medical soldiers wrapped him with bandages. Dongfang Bai did not suffer any external injuries, but was severely overdrawn.

The conditions of the field hospital are definitely not comparable to those of the tertiary hospitals. After the two were simply treated, the medical soldiers left them to lie in the barracks to rest.

At this time, the two had time to communicate.

Xu Youran said with some worry: "It seems that the situation in the main urban area is also not good."

"At least there are soldiers here who can organize resistance. Maybe there should be more survivors in the main urban area." Dongfang Bai also felt the same way.

"Your cousin is very powerful, and he is also an awakener. It seems that your family has a strong background."

"No matter how powerful he is, it is their business. I haven't contacted my family for more than a year. My mother must be worried about me."

Xu Youran heard that her tone seemed wrong, and hurriedly said: "There should be a way to contact the outside world in the barracks, but I don't know if I can contact your family. Take a rest first. Your mental power is overdrawn and your headache is killing you."

Dongfang Bai had to lie down temporarily to rest and recover his overdrawn mental power after hearing this.

They overdrawn their mental power so intensely that their heads almost felt like they were exploded, and they really couldn't think about anything.

Although the roar of hot weapons and the howling of mutant beasts came from the city wall not far away from them from time to time, the two were too tired and fell asleep without saying a few words.

When they woke up again, it was already night. Xu Youran opened her eyes in a daze and saw Dongfang Bai, who was sleeping on another camp bed, still sleeping.

Long eyelashes, soft face, still beautiful in sleep.

He got off the camp bed quietly, opened the door of the barracks and walked out. There were searchlights everywhere in the barracks outside, and the whole barracks were as bright as day.

There were more soldiers running back and forth than in the daytime, and the roar of hot weapons on the other side of the city wall was more intense than in the daytime, probably because the attacks of mutant beasts became more crazy after nightfall.

At this time, Platoon Leader Liang, who was replaced, happened to lead his team passing by here. Platoon Leader Liang quickly asked Deputy Platoon Leader Li to lead the team back to his camp, and he ran over himself.

"How is little brother? Is the injury serious?" Platoon Leader Liang asked with concern.

"It's okay, they're just superficial wounds. Thank you for your fire support." Xu Youran has always had a good impression of soldiers, and now they are on the front line sniping mutant beasts, which is even more respectable.

"What's your name, little brother? Where did you come from?"

"My name is Xu Youran, and I came from the Haihe University Campus in the university town. Dozens of us have been hiding there for more than a year, and we only came out of the campus in the past few days."

"From Haihe University? It seems that some of the people we hired did find a group of teachers and students there a few days ago. There are about a hundred people there. Now they are temporarily settled in the city."

At this point, he said with some embarrassment, "Classmate Xu, you don't blame us for not using heavy firepower to support you, right? It is true that fuel, ammunition and other supplies are in short supply, and there is really nothing we can do."

Thinking about it, this situation is normal. In order to protect the lives of more people, the military must make appropriate choices, and Xu Youran can understand it.

"It's okay, I understand. By the way, Chief Liang, I see there are many awakened people like us here. Are there many such people?"

"Actually, there are not many awakened people like you. There are only about a thousand people in the entire Nanjiang City now. Based on the original population of Nanjiang City, which was almost ten million, it is probably only one ten thousandth."

At this point, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Xu Youran.

"This is some rough information about the awakened people that the country has collected over the past year. Because it is a phenomenon that has never appeared before, it may not be comprehensive. You should have a general understanding first."

Xu Youran took the pieces of paper and asked, "Sir Liang, do you have any external communication method?"

"The civilian base stations were particularly badly damaged, but military communications can still be maintained for the time being. What? Do you have any relatives you need to contact?"

Xu Youran smiled bitterly and said, "I am the only father who is missing. I have nothing to contact, but my classmates may want to contact their families."

"Your classmate named Dongfang? Although civil communications have been interrupted, if the Dongfang family wants to contact their families, they should be able to contact them. You can ask him to help after Dongfangzhan changes defenses."

"Okay, thank you. Platoon Captain Liang, you have been fighting for a long time. Why don't you go and take a rest first, and I will learn about the awakened ones first. If there is anything I don't understand later, I will ask you for advice."

"Okay, okay. You need to understand first, our platoon will still be defending this section during the day tomorrow, and we will talk then." After that, Platoon Leader Liang said goodbye and left.

At this time, Dongfang Bai also woke up and walked out of the barracks.

Seeing Xu Youran holding a few pieces of paper, he was a little curious, "Is this information about the awakened ones?"

"Come on, let's go back and take a look."

The two returned to the barracks, turned on the lights and began to study carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't read it, but you will be shocked when you look at it. These papers densely list dozens or hundreds of awakening techniques that have been recorded.

Moreover, detailed classifications were made according to different types, functions, and attributes of awakening skills, which made the two of them dazzled.

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