Virus Throne

Chapter 802. Putting out fires is also saving lives

"Captain Eric, you have to understand. If you make a mistake in judgment and the fire spreads too quickly, all of you may die." The short and fat old man also has a bad temper. "If you want to move forward, it means getting closer to the fire. If the wind speed exceeds your judgment, you will be buried in the sea of ​​fire immediately!"

"I am the captain, and I am in charge of the seventh team!" Eric argued, "We must not only protect lives, but also protect nature."

After Eric finished speaking, without waiting for the short and fat old man to speak, he pointed to the forest in front of him, "Follow me to move forward for two kilometers, we will build a firebreak there, and then set fire to it. Fighting fire with fire will definitely stop the spread of the wildfire!"

"Yes!" Everyone roared, followed Eric's pace, and rushed forward.

"Humph!" The short and fat old man snorted coldly, "You stupid ass, if you want to die, go ahead."

Although he said so, his pace was not slow, and he was still closely following the seventh team.

While nervously measuring the wind speed, he gave the captain a five-star for decisiveness and a big cross for rational judgment.

Eric didn't care about the fat old man's evaluation. When he told the old man to shut up just now, he knew very well that they would definitely fail this assessment.

No matter what the exam was, if he didn't even listen to the examiner's words, how could he get any good results?

But he had his persistence and belief, based on his judgment of the situation and the thing called protection in his heart.

The wildfire was still far away from here, but the strong wind was blowing with the heat wave, and everyone gritted their teeth and moved forward with difficulty.

Eric was actually more nervous than anyone else. Once his judgment was wrong, it would not only be him who died, but all 20 people in the team, and even the fat old man who had been following closely.

Before awakening, Xu Youran had never experienced a fire scene.

He had seen some on TV, but they were all pictures taken by journalists from a distance.

After awakening, he went through countless battles and had caused forest fires many times.

But at that time he was an extremely powerful awakened warrior, and the so-called forest fire was just a barbecue bonfire for him.

Even if he couldn't put out the fire, he could just leave quickly.

He had never thought about the consequences of the fire caused by the battle in the forest. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

At this moment, he appeared in the jungle as an ordinary person, or as a firefighter, and he truly felt the meaning of the ruthlessness of water and fire.

The heat waves brought by the mountain wind from a distance of several kilometers made it almost impossible to breathe.

If the distance was closer, the hair on the body would be scorched.

This is the power of natural disasters. The natural disaster-level damage that a six-time awakener can easily create is a disaster for ordinary people.

In the sea of ​​fire, life is as humble as an ant and will be annihilated in an instant.

Because they are just a fire brigade participating in the assault team assessment, the C point area assigned to them is actually relatively safe.

If they follow the command of the headquarters, they can be said to be almost not in danger.

But the Blue Lake and Wasp assault teams, as veteran assault teams, are now fighting in the most dangerous areas.

Firefighting helicopters kept flying in the sky, and tons of water bombs were thrown to the edge of the sea of ​​fire to curb the excessive burning. It was impossible to extinguish the wildfire.

The seventh team finally arrived at the captain's designated location. Eric silently measured the wind speed, pointed to a col in the distance, and then pointed to a ridge behind him, "From there to here, build a firebreak immediately!"

"Yes!" Everyone immediately divided the work and started to act.

Some people were responsible for clearing the bushes, some were responsible for knocking down tall pine and cypress trees, and some were responsible for digging trenches on the ground.

After yesterday's tossing, Xu Youran almost didn't get up this morning.

Today is another morning of various trainings, and Xu Youran has been miserable.

But when he was braving the heat wave and swinging the engineer shovel, he forgot all the pain, all the strength and potential in his body were squeezed out, and he began to dig frantically.

Once this firebreak is built, it will protect more mountains and lives. This is the only thought in his mind.

To save the lazy soul, not only determination but also action is needed.

Sweat had already soaked the yellow fireproof suit, and big drops of sweat fell to the ground. This was a feeling he had almost never experienced since he woke up, but it made him feel extremely fulfilled and satisfied.

The physical fatigue had long been defeated by the excited spirit, and he only knew to bury his head and keep swinging the engineer shovel.

He was not only competing with himself, but also with time.

The firebreak was built one minute later, and the wildfire was closer, and everyone in the seventh team was more dangerous.

If they could not complete the task before the wildfire arrived, they would either be forced to evacuate, and the imperfect firebreak could not stop the spread of the wildfire.

Not only would the assessment fail, but their mistakes would cause greater losses, and even countless people would be buried in the sea of ​​fire.

Or they would stay and choose to continue to build the firebreak, but then they would not have enough time to evacuate.

The moment the firebreak was successfully built, it might be the moment when this team turned into ashes.

Wildfires bring not only flames, but also poisonous smoke and extreme high temperatures.

If the distance is too close, the poisonous smoke and high temperature will kill them.

A wildfire is not just a one-time burn, it may burn for a long time, several days and nights are common.

Even if the temperature in the edge area is only 500 degrees, in such a high temperature environment, humans will soon be dehydrated and carbonized, and there is no chance of survival.

Eric climbed a big tree, nervously looked in the direction where the wildfire spread, and kept calculating the time and wind speed.

He was responsible for everyone's life, and even more for the large forest and the millions of people behind him.

The short and fat old man was always staring at Eric fiercely. Judging from his 40 years of experience in wild firefighting, Eric was playing with fire, and everyone's life was at risk.

But this was Eric's seventh team, and he could only wait helplessly.

It had come to this point, and it was too late to say anything, and it might cause even worse consequences because of the chaos of the army.

Pieces of shrubs were cleared, big trees were felled, and a long trench was dug...

The construction of the firebreak was proceeding rapidly and in an orderly manner.

Everyone knew that they were racing against time, betting their lives, and everyone was fighting beyond their capacity.

This was a battle without bloodshed, but with sacrifice.

Their weapons were only the firefighting equipment in their hands, no swords, no guns, but they could save more people.

Time passed by, and the wildfire spread mercilessly.

There were constant reminders in the headset. Although the Blue Lake and Wasp assault teams had suffered casualties, they successfully completed the mission, and the channels for the wildfire to spread to the northeast and southeast were completely blocked.

Area C, which was in charge of the seventh team, and the southwest direction of the wildfire, was likely to become the final breakthrough.

If they could build a firebreak before the wildfire spread, this forest fire could be completely contained.

The wind was getting faster and faster, and the humidity in the air continued to decrease. The gusts of mountain wind wrapped in heat waves made everyone feel creepy.

As long as they raised their heads, they could almost see the flames rising into the sky, but no one raised their heads to look.

Captain Eric was still watching them from the tree. As long as he didn't give the order, no one could retreat.

The short and fat old man was already soaked with sweat, and the dust swept by the mountain wind drew a messy camouflage on his fat face.

He looked at Eric hatefully, and then at the flames rising to the sky on the other side of the mountain. He wanted to turn around and leave several times, but stomped his feet and stayed.

He couldn't stop Eric's arbitrariness and stupidity, but he couldn't bear to leave these good guys.

After all, he was an old firefighter with more than 40 years of experience. He was still thinking in his heart that if an accident happened, his experience might save a few lives.

Finally, all the team members completed the construction of the firebreak according to the established tactics.

Eric gave an order, "Quickly light the firebreak, fight fire with fire, and burn it in the opposite direction!"

"Yes!" Everyone took action immediately, and the flamethrower immediately ignited the pine and cypress trees that had just been felled.

"Crackle, crackle..." A fire dragon was ignited, and in the whistling mountain wind, it burned more and more vigorously in the direction where the wildfire spread.

"Coconut shreds!"


"Retreat!" Eric shouted, "Everyone evacuate!"

All team members immediately packed up their tools and lined up to evacuate quickly in the opposite direction.

"The firebreak in the C point area has been built and advanced two kilometers." Eric reported the progress to the headquarters through the walkie-talkie. Until this time, he dared to report to the headquarters.

"What? You have advanced two kilometers?" The commander of the headquarters was anxious at the time, "Are you crazy? Are you going to die?"

"Report to the commander, we have successfully completed the mission and are now evacuating." Eric said firmly, "My on-the-spot judgment was correct. The wind speed was lower than expected. We did it before the wildfire came!"

"Eric, you... I... I really don't know what to say to you, you are a lunatic!" The commander roared, "A lunatic who only knows how to put out fires!"

"Sir, firefighting is not just a job for me..." Eric sighed and turned off the intercom.

"Not just a job..." The commander repeated this sentence and silently put down the microphone.

Perhaps most firefighters regard firefighting as a job, but there are still some who regard firefighting as a belief.

A belief called salvation!

The short and fat old man silently recorded it in the notebook, and he drew five stars in the column of captain's ethics.

Everyone in the seventh team was moving forward silently, everyone was dusty and embarrassed, and the smoke and dust raised by the wildfire made everyone look like a big clown.

But everyone had a smile on their face, and they looked so handsome and tall.

They also knew that this assessment might have failed because of Eric's decision.

But they had no complaints in their hearts. If they really passed the assessment and became the stormtroopers, it would just be a little harder, and they would have to put out fires all over the country.

It was just a little more salary increase, and the name sounded better.

But the failure of this assessment allowed them to save two kilometers of forest belts, which was the accumulation of decades or even hundreds of years.

Everyone was very happy. When they passed through a fire belt covered with ashes, Berkeley, who was walking in front of Xu Youran, suddenly saw a shiny stone on the ground, which was very beautiful.

He bent down and picked it up, raised it above his head, and said happily: "Wow, what a beautiful diamond. I want to take it back to my son, hahaha... He must like it very much."

Not far from him, a large charred tree suddenly broke.

"Boom!" came down with a loud bang. Berkeley was standing directly below and was about to be smashed into a pulp.

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