Virus Throne

Chapter 813. Agreement written on a napkin

Xu Youran was a little confused for a moment. You asked me if there was any thunder and fire gold sand here. How could I know?

But thinking of his business card, it seemed that this was his job.

He closed his eyes and swept out his mental power frantically. The chaotic magnetic field and distorted aura made him unable to detect anything.

But he still nodded vigorously, "Yes, it's here!"

This can't be blamed on him. That Karls dreamed of this place. If you say it's not here, he will definitely be unhappy.

"Okay!" Karls grinned and laughed, "Brother, we will definitely make a fortune this time."

"Yes, don't worry, my judgment is very accurate, there will be no problem!" Xu Youran also laughed loudly.

"Your career is also at a low point now. Our Karls Adventurer Guild will definitely support you with all our strength!" Karls looked at Xu Youran eagerly, "Let's go back and plan the prospecting."

The two returned the same way again, but Xu Youran deliberately lagged behind a little because he didn't know the way back, let alone where to go back.

After nearly an hour of trekking, they finally walked out of the vast primitive jungle.

The crisscrossing rivers rushed on a huge plain, and a towering giant city appeared in their sight.

It was a giant city that could not be seen at the end at a glance, and the continuous European-style buildings extended to the end of the sight.

There were countless dilapidated villages and towns scattered around the giant city, and various human races shuttled back and forth, but there were not many orthodox humans.

If it were not for those dilapidated villages, the simple-shaped buildings in the giant city, and the transportation vehicles with obvious mechanical characteristics, Xu Youran almost thought that he had returned to a life planet in the technological civilization camp.

Approaching those villages, Xu Youran found that there were many short, brown-skinned human races around.

These people were generally ragged and dirty, and they might be local natives.

The two did not enter the giant city. Carls took Xu Youran to a dilapidated hotel and sat down at random in the almost open-air lobby.

There was a lot of traffic and people around, and everyone seemed to be busy with something.

Karls looked at the mountains in the distance with deep eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Costa, this is our first cooperation, and it is very likely to be the last cooperation. If I can't find the thunder and fire gold sand again, I'm afraid I will have to become a beggar..."

"Not so?" Xu Youran smiled faintly, picked up the wine glass, and slowly tasted the local specialty "wine".

The extremely sour taste, and some bitterness, made Xu Youran feel like vomiting.

"The Karls Adventurer Guild has been particularly difficult in recent years. We can't find a large mineral vein, and our bonds have fallen to four cents a share." Karls turned his head and looked at Xu Youran, "Costa, you are the chief prospecting expert in Turant City. The red mixed copper mother ore discovered a few years ago is the largest copper mother ore in our Tashan Country."

"Hehehe... There is no need to mention the past. I also hope that we can succeed in this battle." Xu Youran smiled awkwardly.

Karls suddenly asked seriously, "Costa, how much money is needed for prospecting?"

"How much?" Xu Youran knew nothing about the currency and price level here, including prospecting, so how could he know how much it would cost? "You just saw the jungle, how much do you think it would cost?"

"Well... prospecting equipment, workers, guards, infrastructure, mining license..." Karls pondered for a moment, "It's estimated to be at least 500,000 to 700,000."

"This is just a conservative estimate, it may be more..." Xu Youran was thinking about how to make up a story while sipping the bitter wine, "For prospecting, luck is the most important thing."

"Okay!" Karls seemed to have made up his mind, "You plan these first, I'll go back to Grat City to raise money."

"Don't worry, you bring the money and we can start right away." Xu Youran said confidently.

In fact, he had no idea at all, and was just fooling Karls.

He just wanted Karls to leave quickly so that he could find someone to understand the basic situation of this world as soon as possible.

Carls picked up the pen on the table for ordering, picked up a napkin, quickly wrote two lines, signed his name, and handed it to Xu Youran.

Xu Youran glanced at the contents on the napkin, "Fifty-fifty split? Carls, you are still very generous, hehe..."

He took the pen, quickly signed Costa's name, and handed the napkin back.

Carls stretched out his hand to stop him, "Put it away, we good brothers should settle accounts clearly. You go and do your own things first, I will rush back to Grat City to raise money."

"Okay." Xu Youran put the tissue into his pocket.

"This is my room key in this hotel. I will call the hotel when I look for you." Carls took out a key and handed it to Xu Youran. There was a sign hanging on it with the room number.

Xu Youran took the key and shook hands with Carls again, "Wait for your good news!"

Carls did not hesitate any more, stood up and strode out of the shabby hotel, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Xu Youran immediately turned around and went upstairs. He found the room according to the room number, opened the door and entered the room. He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew nothing about this world, knew nothing about his own identity, and had to chat with Carls. He was depressed to death.

The room was simply furnished, with only a few sets of old outdoor adventure clothing.

Xu Youran rushed into the bathroom, quickly washed himself, and found a set of clean clothes to change into.

When he came downstairs again, he found that the rain outside had stopped. When he passed the open-air lobby on the first floor, several men who looked like adventurers greeted him in a friendly manner.

Xu Youran forced a smile, raised his hand, and quickly walked out of the hotel.

He wanted to ask someone in the hotel for information, but it seemed that it was not feasible.

He looked at the huge city not far away and was hesitating whether to go into the city to take a look. A thin young man grabbed him, "Sir, do you need a guide? It's very cheap, one dollar a day."

Xu Youran looked up and down. The young man had brown skin and a pair of extremely large eyes, almost twice the size of a normal person. It was obvious that he was a local native.

"One dollar a day?" Xu Youran took out his wallet and looked at the face value of the banknotes. The smallest was five dollars, so he handed it over directly.

"Sir, the amount you're asking is too large. I don't have change." The young man said timidly, not daring to take the money.

"What's your name? I'll hire you for five days." Xu Youran stuffed the money into the young man's hand, "How do you guide me?"

"Sir, aren't you here to explore the Kela Mountains to look for minerals?" the young man asked curiously, "My name is Boer."

"I'm here to look for minerals, so first tell me what services you can provide." Xu Youran pulled Boer to the side of the muddy road, "Before answering the questions, I'll test you on some basic common sense, otherwise I'm afraid you'll cheat me."

"Sir, ask, we Heidi people never lie." Boer said confidently.

"Then let me ask you, what is the name of our world or planet?" Xu Youran began to ask, "How many continents and oceans are there?"

"The planet we are on is called Heidi Star, the home planet of our Heidi people." Bol answered fluently, "There are four continents and one ocean in total. We are on the Shanyue Continent, and this is the Turant City of the Tashan Empire."

"I see many adventurers coming in and out of here, are they all here to look for minerals?" Xu Youran continued to ask.

"Yes, sir. The Tashan Kingdom is rich in various minerals, and the Kela Mountains near the Turant City produce many types of minerals." Bol didn't notice anything wrong, and thought Xu Youran was testing his basic common sense.

"What ores are there? Tell me about them."

"Flying Dragon Magic Steel, Red Copper Mother, Thunder Fire Gold Sand..." Bol said the names of more than a dozen ores in one breath, "The most precious is Thunder Fire Gold Sand, and the largest Red Copper Mother Mine in the country is in our Turant City."

"The output of Thunder Fire Gold Sand is very low?" Xu Youran asked in confusion, "Where can I buy books?"

"Not only is the output of Thunder Fire Gold Sand low, but it is also very scattered and very difficult to mine." Bol waved his hand, "Sir, if you want to go to the bookstore, I'll take you there."

Boll's so-called bookstore is actually a shabby earthen house.

There are newspapers and magazines piled up in front of the door, and a local owner is guarding a few shabby bookshelves.

Xu Youran is not sure if those are newspapers and magazines, but he can still tell that they are books, and they are all universal languages. Maybe there is a connection between this place and the outside world.

After rummaging through a pile of shabby books on the bookshelf for a long time, he found a few books that he should be able to use.

"World Geography Magazine", "Detailed Explanation of Ore Authenticity", "Field Prospecting Manual", "Dangerous Kera Mountains".

The four books cost only a little over one yuan in total. It seems that the prices here are really low.

Letting Boer wait for him, Xu Youran couldn't wait to start flipping through the books.

In a trance, it seemed that he had returned to the days before the virus outbreak. Although life was a bit difficult, it was finally peaceful.

Since the outbreak of the virus, he seemed to have not read books seriously for several years.

With his strong mental power and memory ability, he almost flipped through these four books casually and had a general understanding of them.

Although he couldn't become a prospecting expert immediately after reading these books, he had learned some basic common sense.

The natives of this life planet were indeed the Heidi people, but many years ago, the gods suddenly came down and brought many different kinds of people.

They lived together with the Heidi people on this life planet, and these people had magical abilities that the Heidi people couldn't imagine.

Many years later, the Heidi people finally understood where these people's abilities came from, because a large number of mutant beasts began to appear on this planet.

The human race on this planet, which is mainly composed of foreigners, has established large and small countries while resisting mutant beasts.

Civilization and technology began to spread on the four continents, and the indigenous Heidi people also began to awaken.

The Shanyue Continent where they are now is rich in mineral resources, and the Tashan Empire is the best among them, so many people in the Tashan Empire make a living from it.

Xu Youran saw that this huge city is Turant City. The mayor is a powerful six-time awakener, and the area he rules is roughly the size of a province on the Earth Star Daqin.

Adjacent to it is Grat City where Karls is located, which is also rich in mineral resources and has countless active adventurer unions.

Many adventurer unions will list their assets on the Tashan Bond Exchange and raise funds for prospecting and mining in the form of issuing bonds.

Judging by Xu Youran's standards, the Carls Adventurers Guild's bond is only four cents, which is simply a junk stock among junk stocks.

Xu Youran waved to Bol, "Let's go, take me to the prospecting equipment market."

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