Virus Throne

Chapter 818. Crazy, the whole world is crazy!

Xu Youran looked helplessly at the unconscious Kars. He was seriously injured and he might not have enough time to take him back to Turant City for treatment. Google search reading

Moreover, the road is not safe and requires at least one natural disaster-level combat escort.

Now there are only two natural disaster-level combatants left in the camp, Xu Youran and Ali.

If one more person is sent to escort Karls, I'm afraid there will be problems with the security of the entire camp.

In order to save money, Xu Youran did not hire medical awakeners.

Faced with this situation, he could only choose to take action.

He didn't know this world thoroughly, and he didn't know what would happen if someone discovered his specialness, but he couldn't watch Karls die like this.

What's more, Karls feels like he should be a relatively reliable person. "Xu Youran" was once seriously injured by a mutant beast in a sneak attack, and Karls has been protecting him.

A person who is so passionate about his ideals should not do anything Xu Youran doesn't want to see.

"Whoa!" He raised his hand and threw it away.

Kars's condition seems to have recovered a bit. Although it is not as good as life and death, it is still a natural disaster quality awakening skill.

After being upgraded to the natural disaster quality, Destruction can be used continuously on other people.

Xu Youran repeatedly pushed back and stabilized Kars's condition. Although he would not fully recover immediately, with the strong body and self-healing ability of Kars who had been awakened six times, the rest was only a matter of time.

Xu Youran looked at Karls' pale face and disheveled hair due to excessive blood loss.

It is indeed very touching that a powerful and powerful natural disaster general would torture himself like this.

Countless powerful awakened people around the world are prospecting and mining among the many lofty mountains of Tashan Kingdom.

Greed has killed countless people, but there are still people who continue to fight.

Xu Youran turned to look at the vast mountains and the endless primitive jungle, where there were countless treasures and mutant beasts.

He stood up, found the prospecting miners who were resting, pointed out dozens of directions at random, and asked everyone to quickly drill according to these locations.

Now that Karls is seriously injured and Ali's strength is average, he has to shoulder the responsibility of vigilance.

A powerful momentum rose into the sky, and Xu Youran's figure kept shuttling around the edge of the prospecting area.

This behavior is somewhat similar to some powerful mutant beasts declaring their territory to warn other mutant beasts not to approach this area easily.

Although there was no benefit in killing the weak mutant beasts, Xu Youran still killed many of them.

Materials of some value were kept in the Void Ring, while the corpses of worthless mutated beasts were carried back by workers for tooth-cutting and sacrifice.

In the afternoon, Karls finally woke up from his coma.

Although the injuries on his body have not fully recovered, his actions have not been affected much.

As a person who has awakened six times, he can naturally feel that he must have received awakening technology treatment.

Because there was no money, there was no medical awakener in the team. Who treated him?

This confused Karls.

He slowly opened his eyes. The rainy jungle area had just begun to clear up. The afternoon sun was warm and comfortable. A tall figure was sitting next to his camp bed.

"Cough...cough...I..." Karls coughed twice, Xu Youran handed him a glass of water, "Who has treated me?"

"Shh..." Xu Youran smiled slightly and made a gesture of silence.

Karls smiled bitterly and nodded vigorously. He understood what Xu Youran meant.

He will always keep this secret in his heart and keep it secret from his partners. This is the ethics he must adhere to.

Seeing Xu Youran holding a stack of inspection reports in his hand, Karls' eyes lit up, "How is the situation? Show me..."

Xu Youran handed over the stack of inspection reports, with the meaningful smile still on his face.

Karls looked at Xu Youran's expression, took the inspection report and read it.

As his eyes quickly scanned the inspection report, his hands began to tremble involuntarily. His whole body seemed to be charged with electricity, and he sat up from the cot with a bang.

Xu Youran just looked at Karls without saying anything. He had read the contents of those reports many times.

"This... is this true?" Castle's lips were trembling slightly, looking at Xu Youran in disbelief, "I... I didn't have any hallucinations?"

"Dear friend, everything you see is true." Xu Youran smiled, "Keep reading.

Karls continued to look at several other reports and muttered unconsciously, "Each ton contains 26 grams of Thunder Fire Gold Sand... Each ton contains 17 grams of Thunder Fire Gold Sand... Each ton contains 32 grams of Thunder Fire Gold Sand... Costa…Costa…”

Xu Youran smiled faintly, "Friends, we did it."

"Ah...ah..." Kars roared unconsciously, his face full of ecstasy, and he jumped towards Xu Youran.

Xu Youran stood up quickly and hugged Karls tightly, who was trembling with excitement.

The two hugged each other tightly and cheered hysterically.

For this moment, Karls lost everything and even risked his life.

If it weren't for Xu Youran's treatment, he might have died.

Costa's reputation was extremely bad because he once prospected for the Oxiong Empire. No one approached him for prospecting, let alone funded him.

Karls also took a huge risk before he made up his mind to ask Costa to help him prospect.

All the sadness, grievance, unwillingness, all the efforts and pain, at this moment, completely turned into two words: worth it.

These few thin test certificates will change the fate of many, many people.

Karls, who came from a mining family, is very clear about the value of these test certificates.

Although the content of Thunder Fire Gold Sand cannot be said to be a top-grade vein, it is at least a large vein, which is countless wealth and honor.

If we continue to explore this vein in depth, I am afraid there will be more amazing discoveries.

The Karls Adventurer Union will be completely famous throughout the world and have tens of billions of wealth.

"Costa, I must notify my union as soon as possible, and I must also notify investors as soon as possible. We need more money for prospecting." Karls, who roared for a long time, let go of Xu Youran, "We really made a fortune this time!"

"The telegraph is over there." Xu Youran pointed to a corner of the camp, "Hurry up and announce this good news, I will continue to explore the vein."

Looking at Xu Youran's hurried back, Karls jumped up excitedly again.

As his telegram was sent to the headquarters of the Karls Adventurer's Union, Old Mike's bar immediately turned into a sea of ​​joy.

All the members of the union walked and hugged each other, and even the bar owner Old Mike was so excited that he opened several bottles of good wine.

For this day, they suffered too much grievance, lost too much, and waited too long.

After a short celebration, all union members immediately picked up the phone and reported to the investors.

As the calls were made, the whole city of Grat was boiling, and the bonds of the Karls Adventurer's Union immediately soared.

Four cents... twenty cents... five dollars... eight dollars...

The price of each bond increased by more than 200%, and it continued to soar.

The largest shareholder of the Karls Adventurer's Union must be Karls. The current members of the union are all small shareholders. If everyone sells the bonds in their hands now, everyone will become rich immediately.

But now it is just a preliminary exploration of the mineral vein, and even the scale and reserves have not been explored.

No one would be so stupid as to sell the bonds in their hands at this time.

Everyone firmly believed that as the scale and reserves were explored, the Karls Adventurer Guild would surely soar to the sky, and the bonds in their hands would be invaluable.

The fastest way to get rich in this world is prospecting and mining, and countless people have become super-rich because of it.

Although 99% of people died on the road of prospecting, or could not find valuable veins in their entire lives, everyone could only see those successful people.

Just like the lottery on Earth, the winners are always only those few people, but it has attracted countless people to invest their fortunes.

The Karls Adventurer Guild in Grat City found a thunderfire gold sand vein with a content of more than 20 grams per ton in Turant City.

This news was like a light-speed rocket, not only boiling Grant City, but also spreading rapidly.

With a content of more than 20 grams per ton, it is definitely a vein rich in oil, representing tens of billions or hundreds of billions of wealth.

The eyes of all adventurers in the world instantly turned to Grant City, and they were pairs of scarlet eyes, full of greed and desire.

Soon, Ali came to the testing center again with the second batch of samples.

This time, the union members of Old Mike's Bar received several faxed test certificates.

Each ton contains 34 grams of thunder and fire gold sand, 45 grams per ton, and 51 grams per ton...

The lowest content is 17 grams per ton, and the highest content is 51 grams per ton.

On average, the content per ton is at least more than 35 grams...

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to digging with a shovel, and every shovel of soil contains wealth.

Miracles always happen in the prospecting world of this world, and the people of the Karls Adventurer Union are witnessing this miracle with their own eyes.

Everyone in Old Mike's Bar looked at these faxes in disbelief. Happiness came too suddenly, which was simply unimaginable.

Just yesterday, they were at a loss and were still thinking about where to buy a few cheap black bread to take back to feed their children.

Today, all of them have become millionaires worth tens of millions.

It can be imagined that with the development of this vein, everyone here will have no worries about food and clothing for several lifetimes.

After years of painful waiting, they finally saw hope and rewards.

There was no singing and laughter in the bar this time. Everyone fell silent, and some even began to cry with their hands covering their faces.

These were tears of excitement, tears of happiness, and the hardships and sadness of many years.

The test certificates were faxed out one by one, and soon almost every corner of the world saw these pieces of paper, which were worth millions.

Countless people told each other, countless people cheered, and countless people began to set off for Grant City.

The bonds of the Karls Adventurer's Union continued to soar. Everyone knew that buying now would make money.

When this vein is officially mined, the bonds in everyone's hands will become a lot of money.

Many large groups, large adventurer's unions, and even many countries and cities have called the Karls Adventurer's Union to ask for shares and jointly develop this vein.

As long as Karls offers a price, they will never bargain, as long as they can join in and get a share.

Karls sent a second telegram. According to the exploration by Costa, the chief prospector of Tashan Country, the preliminary estimated reserves are worth about 100 billion.

All the phones in Old Mike's bar were blown up. The major powers called the Tashan Kingdom, and the major city lords called the Karls Adventurer's Union.

The wealth of hundreds of billions of dollars made everyone's eyes red.

Greed makes people crazy, greed makes people reckless.

Crazy, the whole world is crazy!

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