Virus Throne

Chapter 821. Tell you a secret

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"This is Turant City. Your license is issued by Turant City. If I say your license is expired, then it is expired. Google Search Reading" Kuntashen glanced over with a cold look, "Do you have any objection?"

There are already hundreds of soldiers wearing uniform armor surrounding them. It seems that the weakest one is a fourth awakener, and there are dozens of fifth awakeners.

Including Kunta, there are more than a dozen sixth awakeners.

The strength does not allow Xu Youran to question their words, not to mention that they are the law enforcers of Turant City.

Xu Youran stared at these people angrily, wondering whether to suddenly attack and kill this Kunta.

However, there are so many city guards here, even if Kunta is killed, it may not help.

The other party is the city guards, which is considered a law enforcement department. Killing all of them will naturally bring more city guards.

Behind them are the masters of the entire Turant City, and even the masters of the entire Tashan Empire. Even if Xu Youran is a seven-time awakener, he will definitely die on the spot.

"Forget it," Carls grabbed Xu Youran and sighed with a somewhat gloomy face, "This is a trick commonly used by those big organizations."

Xu Youran nodded silently, and finally understood the whole story.

The elders of the Tashan Temple had just left, and they immediately showed them their colors.

If they disagree with the acquisition of the Tashan Temple, they have many ways to teach these two upstarts with no background a lesson.

"All disbanded, leave here after registration, and return to Turant City." Kunta ordered expressionlessly, "All mechanical equipment, all seized."

Immediately, his soldiers rushed out, registered all the staff, and sealed the prospecting equipment.

Some people probably experienced similar scenes and left quickly without looking back, but a few people stayed and sat in the corner of the camp.

After executing the order, Kunta took his people and quickly took over the camp, waiting for the next instruction.

However, they are only soldiers of the city guards, not prospectors or miners.

The ownership and movement of this vein will be subject to further instructions from the City Lord's Mansion.

Xu Youran and Karls returned to the barracks and packed their clothes casually.

They used to be the masters here, but after finding the City Lord's Mansion in the Temple, they quickly became "thieves".

The fate of this vein may be that the Temple and the City Lord's Mansion will cooperate in mining, or it may be sold in a package.

In any case, this vein has nothing to do with them anymore.

Thinking of his hard work in prospecting, and having to worry about the mutant beasts, and the vein he had explored at the cost of his family's wealth, was inexplicably confiscated, Karls couldn't help but feel sad.

Under the surveillance of Kunta and his group, Xu Youran and the others were also driven out of the mining area.

When they were about to leave, they saw two people sitting on the ground beside them, Bol and Ali.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Xu Youran asked in confusion, "We have been expelled now."

"Mr. Costa, our wages have not been paid yet," Ali said in a low voice, a little shy.

"Mr. Costa, the guide fee you gave me has not been used up yet, I am still your guide." Bol still has some sense of justice.

"Wages" Carls was speechless, he almost forgot that the guards' salaries were settled later.

"Uh, that Ali," Xu Youran scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "It was agreed that the wages would be settled in three days, and it's only been one day now, why don't you continue to follow us, and the wages will be settled to you."

Ali turned his head and looked around, there were bans everywhere, "Sir, why do I feel like it's not very reliable?"

"Didn't I kill a lot of mutant beasts?" Xu Youran waved his hand, "I also made a little money by selling materials."

Ali stood up doubtfully, and Bol followed him.

When the four returned to Turant City listlessly, the news that the mine was closed because of illegal licenses had already spread throughout the world.

Just a moment ago, the bonds of the Karls Adventurer's Union were hard to come by, and the price soared.

Now it has been cut in half, and the bond price has plummeted. All investors are frantically selling their bonds.

If you can't sell it for ten dollars, sell it for eight dollars, and if it doesn't work, sell it for six or three dollars.

Anyway, as long as you can sell the bonds, pay the money.

The bond K-line chart of the Karls Adventurer's Union seems to be a roller coaster.

First it quickly climbed hundreds of times, and then in a short period of time, it suffered a cliff-like decline.

When the four returned to the slums outside the city of Turant, the union's bonds had fallen to two cents a share.

From the perspective of market value, not only did everyone not become rich, but their assets shrunk by half.

Although there was no asset to speak of originally, a bond of four cents a share was simply like waste paper.

Now it has dropped to two cents a copy, not even worth waste paper.

Xu Youran said that he killed the mutant beast and sold the materials, but he was actually deceiving Ali.

He kept those materials in the Void Ring and had no time to sell them.

Before Carls fainted, he gave him the last 2,300 yuan, which he used to test the samples.

Now the two are penniless. Looking at the noisy slums, they can't even afford to stay in the most shabby hotel.

Night has fallen. This day has been full of ups and downs. It is really exciting.

Just a few hours ago, they were losers in desperate situations.

But the God of Destiny favored them. The huge reserves of Thunderfire Gold Sands brought them to the pinnacle of life and made them rich.

But this pinnacle was too high. It was cold at the top. Before they could even sit still, they were kicked into the abyss and became destitute again.

The strength of Turant City was not something they could shake.

There was also the giant Tashan Empire behind them, and the federal government, where many experts gathered.

It was like crushing ants to death to crush the two of them.

The source of everything was the Tashan Temple, a giant oligarch that greedily stretched out its claws.

After finding a tavern, Karls called the union.

From the look of despair on his face, it was clear that he had not heard any good news.

The mine was sealed, and the bond price avalanche completely crushed all the union members.

Karls could only comfort everyone. He was still in Turant City and was still trying to find a solution.

After hanging up the phone, he called Karen again and briefly explained the situation.

Ali looked at the two people's situation, and seemed to understand something. He patted Xu Youran's shoulder and said, "Mr. Costa, where are you staying tonight?"

"Where are you staying?" Xu Youran and Carls had no money, and he didn't know where to stay

"Mr. Costa, if you don't mind, why don't you stay at my house?" Bol was very enthusiastic, "Although my house is a bit shabby, it can still accommodate a few people."

"Okay, let's go to your house first." Xu Youran sighed helplessly, called Carls, and asked Bol to lead the way.

When Xu Youran saw Bol's house, although she was prepared in her heart, she almost cried.

In the outermost area of ​​the slum, a shed was casually built with dead branches on a piece of wasteland that was almost entirely muddy.

A hunchbacked elderly couple was making a fire and cooking something like paste, and several children who were much younger than Bol were rolling and playing in the mud.

Xu Youran sighed softly, "God is fair. After giving you an ugly face, he gave you a poor family."

"Mr. Costa, I think my family is very good." Bol smiled proudly, "My father and mother are very good, my brother and sister are also very good, and we love each other very much."

"Hehe, it seems that I was wrong. I hope you can be happy forever." Xu Youran looked at the poor but fulfilled family. This carefree life is indeed a kind of happiness.

Ali has been hanging out in the slums and has long been accustomed to this kind of life. After greeting Bol's parents, he found a place for himself, which is considered to be his shelter tonight.

The night is hazy and the bonfire is rising.

Xu Youran and Carls sat under the eaves of Bol's broken shed, silently watching the Bol family happily enjoying the inexplicable mushy dinner.

"What should we do next?" Xu Youran asked, "Do you have any other ideas?"

"I don't know," Karls looked confused, "We can't defeat Lord Turant or the Temple, it seems we can only accept our fate."

"Well, it's better to sell it to the Temple for 3 billion," Xu Youran said hesitantly.

"Selling to the Temple for 3 billion?" Carls said in a somewhat cold tone, "I would rather have nothing than sell it to them, not even 30 billion!"

"Oh?" Xu Youran looked at Carls curiously, "Do you have a grudge against the Temple?"

"Costa, I'll tell you a secret. A secret that perhaps no one cares about, my secret." Carls said hatefully, "My real name is not Carls, this is a name I changed to hide my identity. The Tashan Temple killed my father, and I've been looking for an opportunity for revenge!"

"Killed your father?" Xu Youran asked in surprise, "Who specifically? The elder Lucas today?"

"Humph! It was him who killed my father." Carls' tone was filled with deep hatred, "My father, like you, was also an excellent prospector. The Duma Mine in the Kongbak Mountains in Grat City was discovered by him."

"Ah, the Duma Mine? Is it the super-large vein rich in meteorite iron?" Xu Youran had learned about that mine from a book.

It is said that it was discovered by a very good prospector, but later the prospector died unexpectedly.

"Yes, it is the Duma Mine." Carls nodded, "It was originally discovered by my father, and it would even be famous in history. But Lucas of the Tashan Temple secretly killed my father in order to occupy the mine and to achieve his reputation."

"So, he sat on the throne of the elder?" Xu Youran began to regret it when she heard Carls say this.

If I had known that Lucas was the murderer of Carls' father, I should have attacked him today and killed Lucas first.

"For so many years, I have been hiding. I want revenge, but I can't find a chance." Carls sighed, "Costa, am I really useless?"

"Lucas is powerful and powerful. It is really difficult to take revenge." Xu Youran didn't want Carls to continue to dwell on this matter, so she quickly changed the subject, "Is there no way out in Turant City?"

"Lucas must have found the mayor of Turant City. Since the mayor has come forward, I'm afraid we will never have another chance." Carls shook his head helplessly, "Usually the mayor will not intervene in this kind of mineral vein competition. We have to pay a lot of taxes when we mine mineral veins, but he can make money openly and legally, so there is no need to use force."

When mentioning the city lord, Xu Youran's heart suddenly moved, "Does the city lord have a son named Tang Tang?"

"Yes, Tang Tang is his most beloved son, and he is likely to succeed the city lord." Carls looked at Xu Youran, "Do you know him?"

"I know him, but he doesn't seem very friendly to me." Xu Youran thought of Tang Tang's mocking face, and it was estimated that there was no hope of finding Tang Tang.

Looking at Carls with a gray face and a ferocious expression, Xu Youran suddenly felt that he was very pitiful, and said to Carls, "Brother, don't be sad, I will tell you a secret, a secret about me."

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