Virus Throne

Chapter 823. Restarting the Mine

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In the reception room of Tang Tang's manor, according to Xu Youran's request, this is a confidential meeting with only three people.

After the three sat down, Tang Tang, who had been full of disgust, said impatiently: "If you have something to say, please speak quickly. I still need to practice."

Xu Youran did not go straight to the point, but looked at Carls first, "You organized a union to venture into mining. Is it to make a fortune or something?"

Carls smiled bitterly and said: "You have a general understanding of my situation. For me, revenge is the first priority. As for money, no one has too much, so the more the better. However, I am not so greedy. I just want to get my share."

Xu Youran turned to Tang Tang again, "Tang Tang, I heard that you invest everywhere projects, are basically loss-making. What is your purpose? "

"To make money, of course." Tang Tang said with some disdain, "Am I investing in those projects for charity?"

"Really?" Xu Youran looked at Tang Tang very seriously, "Your father is the city lord. Although he has many children, you are the most favored one and the strongest one. Do you think money is really that important to you?"

Tang Tang's expression gradually calmed down. After thinking for a long time, he slowly said: "The city lord is usually elected or appointed by the empire. Very few There will be a hereditary situation. Although my popularity is relatively high at present, unfortunately I don’t have a strong performance…”

“In other words, you actually want to prove that you are qualified to succeed the city lord through investment projects, rather than really making money?” Xu Youran interrupted him, “I also think that money is not that important to you.”

“Yes, you are right. Perhaps, this is the most real thought in my heart.” Tang Tang nodded, “Tell me about your plan.”

Xu Youran still ignored him, and said to the two: “For revenge, to prove yourself, are you willing to do anything at all costs?”

“I am willing!” Carls said firmly, “Even if you die!”

Tang Tang pondered for a moment, “It depends on whether the gains and efforts are proportional…”

“I roughly understand what you mean.” Xu Youran poured a glass of wine for himself, “I have a plan that will definitely shock the whole world. Maybe Carls can get revenge and gain a lot of wealth. Tang Tang will definitely gain a lot of wealth and great fame.”

“I agree!” Carls nodded without hesitation.

"If it doesn't have any particularly bad effects on me and my father, I'm willing to listen to your plan. Tang Tang is from a political family, so he is more thoughtful and sensitive about many things.

"My plan is that mineral vein. Don't forget that it was the mineral vein I explored, and only I know it best..." Xu Youran smiled and elaborated on his plan in detail.

Unconsciously, the three of them drank a bottle of wine.

After hearing Xu Youran's plan, Tang Tang went from initial shock to hesitation, and then to full of confidence.

And Carls and Tang Tang also improved the plan again based on the intelligence they had.

After a while, Tang Tang's voice came from the reception room, "Butler!"

"Master Tang Tang, I'm here." A white-haired old man trotted into the reception room.

"Give them one million in cash." Tang Tang pointed at Xu Youran and the others, "Then take them to bathe and change clothes. Contact my father, I'm going to see him later."

"Yes! "Although the housekeeper agreed, his eyes were full of doubts, and he kept looking back and forth between Xu Youran and Carls.

Although his young master had always worked hard, unfortunately, his luck was very bad, and he was always cheated by some bad friends.

There were often people who tried to trick the young master into investing, but as long as he got excited and threw a lot of money, he would basically lose everything.

Today, these two guys, with ragged clothes and mud on their bodies, ran away from who knows which slum

They were probably trying to trick the young master into investing again.

That dishevelled fellow seems to be a prospector in Turant City, named Costa.

Are they trying to trick the young master into investing in their prospecting?

But wasn't the prospector's mine sealed?

This matter has been widely reported, and everyone knows it's a big pit.

Although one million is not a lot of money, it's a waste like throwing water.

Should I remind the young master?

Or should I report to the city lord immediately?

Tang Tang seemed to see what the housekeeper was thinking, frowned slightly, and said impatiently: "What are you still standing there for?"

"Young master..." The housekeeper hesitated to speak, he was really afraid that the young master would be deceived again.

It doesn't matter if you lose a little money, but the young master's reputation will inevitably plummet again.

"Go when I tell you to go!" Tang Tang pointed at Xu Youran and the others, "We have a big plan, I will go to see my father soon."

"Okay, I'll do it right away. "The butler reluctantly retreated.

This world has no electronic payment yet, and one million cash filled a suitcase.

Xu Youran and the other person followed the butler to take a shower and change clothes, while Tang Tang went to the City Lord's Mansion to meet his father, City Lord Donald.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, the butler arranged a guest room for the two in the manor.

Xu Youran told Carls to contact other members of the union as soon as possible, and claimed that he would go out to gather the workers again.

Carls returned to his room and immediately called the union members.

First of all, I calmed down everyone's frustrated mentality, and then explained tomorrow's work.

"Yes, that's right! We will start contacting customers early tomorrow morning..."

"Karls, are you sure?"

"I am 100% sure that we have found a relationship and we will be able to resume the mining area early tomorrow morning."

"What if I can't recover?"

"Believe me, it's 100% okay!"


Everyone was in disbelief when they heard Karls say that the mining area would be unblocked and restored early tomorrow morning.

Everyone can see clearly that the temple must be behind it.

With the temple putting pressure on the city lord of Turant and bringing benefits to the city lord, how could the city lord agree to lift the seal?

But no matter how they questioned, Karls vowed to tell them that they would be able to unblock it and let them contact customers early tomorrow morning.

With some doubts, everyone hung up the phone.

That night, everyone in the Karls Union was probably destined to be unable to sleep.

Xu Youran left the manor and returned to Boer's house immediately.

He woke up the sleeping Bol and threw him 100,000 yuan, "Boll, you will gather all the workers tomorrow morning so that we can start work again."

"Ah..." Bol hugged a large stack of banknotes tightly and was completely stunned.

Their house is just a shed without even a door.

There is no way, the family is too poor, there is no need to install a door.

Even the most down-to-earth thief might be scared away.

I heard that several mice in the house starved to death...

Xu Youran rushed in suddenly and threw a bunch of money at him. He thought he was still dreaming.

Xu Youran ignored him and turned around to the straw mat where Ali was resting.

As a six-time awakener, Ali woke up when Xu Youran came back and kept looking at him in confusion.

"This is for you and your brothers, and more will be given to the brothers who died in the battle or were injured." Xu Youran threw another 100,000 to him, "We will start work tomorrow morning, and you can find two more Sixth Awakenings to escort the workers. Head to the mining area.”

"Tomorrow... we will start work early tomorrow morning?" Ali was also confused. This dream was too real. "Am I still awake?"

Awake? "

"Pa!" Xu Youran slapped him on the forehead, "Silly boy, wake up. We have solved the problem in the mining area. Don't be late to start work tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Xu Youran turned around and left Boer's house, heading straight for the Kela Mountains.

It would be such a waste to not use such beautiful scenery for cultivation.

The mutated beasts in the Kela Mountains at night are extremely active and become extremely dangerous.

Xu Youran didn't go too deep into the mountains. He randomly found a deserted valley and cleared out a small cave.

Summoning Alita to protect him, thousands of spiritual stones were swayed out, and he began to practice.

The aura of the greedy world is extremely mixed. Even Xu Youran's natural energy needs to be sorted out.

The mixture of various mutant auras brought him many new insights.

As the vitality in his body changed again and again, he could feel that the threshold seemed to be getting closer and closer.

In such an environment, cultivation level increases extremely quickly, and resource consumption is also very huge.

The spiritual stones that an ordinary person can practice for a year are just enough for him for one day.

Fortunately, there are also the Concentrating Yuan Pill and the Nether Spring Essence, which are the best treasures to assist in cultivation.

It's just that he is not cultivating the energy of water now, so the effect of the underworld essence is not that obvious.

This thing was very precious to Xu Youran.

However, with the improvement of his status and ability to make money, the essence of the underworld has become a daily practice consumable.

Mingquan Bingxin is definitely more effective, but there are only ten of them, so Xu Youran is not willing to use them.

After a night of practice, Xu Youran felt that his strength had improved again, and he felt refreshed and extremely happy.

Karls had been communicating with union members and several old customers that night, and he always firmly held the union's bonds.

Even with such a sharp drop, those few old customers did not sell.

Karls reminded them not to sell the bonds in their hands, but to buy a large amount of them tomorrow morning.

Those old customers were a little confused when they heard Carls' explanation. The price had dropped to two cents. Do they still want to continue buying?

Naturally, Karls won't reveal too much. What needs to be said has been said. As for how others choose, he can't control that much.

Both of them were busy, and Tangtang was not idle either.

He entered the city lord's mansion that night and talked secretly with his father, Donald, for more than an hour.

Tang Na was also dumbfounded when he heard about Tang Tang's plan.

But after thinking about it over and over, I realized that maybe I could really gain both fame and fortune.

As for the Temple's request for him to seize the mines, for Tang Na, it was simply a favor.

Now that there is a better solution, the temple’s reputation is of no use.

In the final analysis, this is just business strife and competition. As long as no one touches the bottom line, the empire will definitely be on his side.

With his father's support, Tangtang returned to the manor happily. He issued a series of orders and purchased hundreds of prospecting machines, which would be shipped to the mining area early tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Xu Youran, who had finished his training, rushed to Tangtang's manor to meet the two of them.

The members of the Carls Adventurer Union also started a new day of work, picking up the phone, and everyone was frantically contacting customers.

Tashan Temple Elder Lucas and Deacon Ounis led a group of people to the City Lord's Mansion, wanting to talk to Donald about the Temple taking over the mine, but they were told that the City Lord had something urgent to do and went out.

Just when a group of people were puzzled.

The clients of the Karls Union also expressed extreme confusion.

An explosive news quickly spread throughout the city of Turant and then quickly spread to the city of Grat.

Soon, the entire Tashan Empire was in an uproar, and the mining industry of the whole world once again ushered in a huge shock.

The mine that was seized by the Karls Adventurer's Union was unsealed!

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