Virus Throne

Chapter 831. Coming, the world of gluttony!

Although the trial world is full of dangers, as long as you keep a low profile and don't think about brushing your grades, three days is not that difficult.

Moreover, if you have appropriate contact with other types of civilizations, or even with cultivators, you will gain a lot.

Xu Youran discussed with Kukluo and Xi Suo. It was really meaningless for the two of them to just look at it like this. It would be better to enter the trial world together as a test before the war.

Kukluo and Xi Suo had been unable to sit still for a long time, but Xu Youran had not spoken.

Now Xu Youran took the initiative to invite them to join the trial, and the two of them applauded.

After a night's rest, the three followed the Seven Sins to the Gluttony Continent the next morning.

On the way, Xu Youran also talked to the Seven Sins and asked them to participate in the trial.

The Seven Sins Trial was originally a public trial area developed for all the people of the Lost Paradise. It was only because Xu Youran was in the trial that the trial of others was suspended.

Since Kukluo and the others wanted to go in and play, the Seven Sins had no objection, but the results could only be calculated for Xu Youran alone.

Now he has passed five trial temples with the best results.

If he can achieve such results in the next two temples, he will definitely be the first person to pass the Seven Sins Trial on the Queen Star in countless years.

In the countless trials in the past, no one's name has ever turned black, let alone all seven trials are black.

According to the Seven Sins, if the result can reach a black name, it means that the person has almost completely conquered this original sin.

If all seven trials are black names, then it is simply a saint in the world.

It is definitely a supreme existence that has escaped from vulgarity, at least in terms of the realm of thought, comparable to gods.

Because such a situation has never occurred, the Seven Sins did not even have time to make up a perfect story to explain it.

Entering the meeting hall, the three of them left their names and entered the teleportation stone gate one by one.

Xu Youran also explained the situation and process of the trial world to the two of them very clearly.

After entering the trial world, whether you can recover your strength, when you can recover your strength, whether you can release awakening skills, and whether there are no-fly restrictions are completely random.

Xu Youran still hasn't figured out the rules. Whether or not he will meet a cultivator is random and purely depends on luck.

However, after entering the trial world, as long as he doesn't jump so happily, he will basically have no problem staying alive.

Kukrolo and Xi Suo also live a life of blood on the tip of a knife in the universe. This level of dangerous environment should still be manageable.

The faint mechanical prompt sound rang again: language synchronization, identity recognition synchronization, descending into the world of gluttony...

This is an extremely desolate life planet, with several earthy yellow continents surrounded by azure oceans.

From a distance, except for the two poles covered with white snow, almost no other colors can be seen.

On the empty land stands a once prosperous city, but now it is desolate, lifeless, and lifeless.

This planet is different from Liujia Star, which is a planet that humans have voluntarily abandoned.

But this planet is a hell that humans cannot escape from, and it is even more terrifying than hell.

A few years ago, the world's largest technology company "Umbrella" developed a new virus.

The original plan was to use this new virus to improve human beings, enhance their survival and disease resistance, and even greatly increase their lifespan.

However, it was never thought that this RNA virus was not perfect. After combining with human genes, it would produce extremely terrifying side effects.

This virus is highly contagious, water, air, food, saliva, and blood.

There are three consequences of being infected with this virus. The first is that you will become a zombie like the walking dead, with only an instinctive desire to eat.

The cerebral cortex is damaged by the virus, and there is almost no IQ at all.

The zombies have no restraint in their desire to eat, and they eat everything they can eat.

The animals and plants in this world have basically been eaten up, and a barren planet has been created artificially.

The second consequence is mildly infected people, who will not become zombies, but normal humans.

These people often have special physiques and can resist viruses in water and air.

But if they are infected by saliva or blood, these people will also become zombies.

The third consequence is that they have completely adapted to this virus, and even merged with the virus, turning it into their own power and becoming awakened.

This is a brand new virus, completely artificially synthesized.

It belongs to the range of earth-type viruses, somewhat similar to rabies, but not directly fatal.

The Umbrella Company named it the T virus.

Several years have passed, and in the whole world, only one person has been infected with the T virus and become an awakener.

She used to be the head of the security department of the Umbrella Company, and her personal combat power is extremely strong.

The only infected survivor in this world is also the only six-time awakener in this world.

The six-time awakener of the earth-type, awakening skill: turning the tide.

Her name is Alice.

"Boom..." A heavy motorcycle is speeding on the road, surrounded by endless deserts, dust flying all over the sky, and no trace of green and vitality can be seen.

All the things that the zombies can catch are eaten up, even the bark and weeds are not spared.

But the strong hunger still drives them to wander around the earth frantically, looking for everything they can devour.

Alice, who is nearly 180 cm tall, is driving a heavy motorcycle to the north.

In order to resist the wind and sand, her curvy figure is wrapped in a heavy combat uniform.

She has long golden hair and a khaki scarf.

She wears a pair of huge sunglasses on her beautiful face, and her blue eyes scan the surrounding environment alertly.

In the endless wilderness, zombies like the walking dead can occasionally be seen, walking forward numbly.

When they hear the roar of heavy motorcycles, they will raise their heads in confusion, and then chase frantically for a distance.

Until they find that they can't catch up with the motorcycle at all, they will stop running, continue to drag their heavy steps, and look for the next target.

The sun in the sky casts vicious light, scorching the earth, making people completely unable to see a glimmer of hope.

As a sixth awakener, Alice is not afraid of these ordinary zombies.

It's just that there are endless zombies, and she can't kill them all. She can't clean up all the zombies by herself.

Moreover, among the endless zombie army, some powerful mutants often appear.

What really bothers Alice are those mutants. They are not afraid of life and death, not afraid of injury, and have extremely strong combat power.

The most important thing is that there is no benefit in killing those mutants, and it may also hurt yourself.

In this desolate world, perhaps only people hiding in underground bunkers and shelters are safe.

Food has become a scarce commodity, and medicine is even more out of the question.

The strong wind swept up the yellow sand all over the sky, and the scorching air made every breath extremely painful.

But these are nothing to Alice.

She wants to find out the truth, find the Umbrella Company, and find antibodies to cure the virus.

She wants to save the world!

A small radio is tied to the dashboard of the heavy motorcycle, and a "sizzling, sizzling" noise comes from it.

Many surviving humans will send signals outward through radio, hoping to gather more survivors to resist the zombie army together.

"Does anyone hear me?"

"I'm a survivor, taking shelter in the KLKB supermarket..."

Suddenly, a woman's urgent call came from the radio.

Alice was refreshed, and her eyes looked at the sky filled with yellow sand.

She didn't know the exact address of the KLKB supermarket.

But it should be in the direction she was going. As the motorcycle moved forward, the call on the radio became clearer and clearer.

"Boom..." Alice stepped on the accelerator, and the motorcycle speed increased again.

A huge road sign passed by, with a line of big words on it: This is Yanshui City, welcome to you!

Sporadic dilapidated buildings began to appear on the roadside, and it looked like a small town on the roadside.

A two-story building came into view, and a huge sign in front of the door read: KLKB Supermarket.

Alice stopped the motorcycle and looked at the surrounding environment.

The sky was filled with yellow sand, dust, and a dead silence. There was no trace of human life at all, and even the zombies had given up here.

This planet not only has a forbidden air formation, but also restricts the release of spiritual power. Alice can only go into the supermarket to explore in person.

There are still shouts coming from the radio. Alice turns off the radio and steps into the supermarket lightly.

In the empty supermarket, the shelves are tilted and covered with dust. Any useful things have been looted.

Now the whole world is almost like this, and Alice is no longer surprised.

The doors and windows of the supermarket hall have been damaged. Even if there are survivors, they will definitely not gather here.

Alice continues to move forward. The power supply is lost and the corridor is dark.

She can only rely on the super senses of the six awakeners and the weak light outside to barely grope forward.

The end of the corridor should be the location of the original warehouse, with broken walls and abandoned items everywhere.

"Is anyone there? I'm in KLKB supermarket... I need rescue..." A woman's miserable voice came from the front.

Alice tiptoed around several broken walls. In the dim light, she seemed to see a woman with long hair holding something in her arms.

She cried for help while sobbing.

"Hi. Are you... okay? Survivor?" Alice asked softly, afraid of scaring the woman, and turned on the flashlight.

Because resources are really limited, batteries must be used sparingly. She was reluctant to turn on the flashlight unless it was necessary.

The woman sitting in the corner was wearing extremely shabby clothes, with long hair that was a little curly and full of dirt.

She turned around tremblingly, with tears on her pale face. She looked like she was in her fifties or sixties, and her image was extremely miserable.

The woman handed a baby in her arms to Alice and said miserably: "Do you have anything to eat? My child is starving to death..."

Alice was stunned and subconsciously took the baby wrapped in rags with both hands.

After a closer look, she was shocked to find that it was not a living child, but a dirty and torn rag doll.

"What happened to you..." Alice asked in confusion.

An idea quickly emerged in her mind: Is this woman's child dead and her mental state a little abnormal, so she is sitting here crying silently?

This situation is very common after the full outbreak of the T virus, and everyone's nerves are fragile.

The husband watched his wife turn into a zombie with his own eyes, and was still madly devouring their children.

The kind elder suddenly turned into a zombie, pinning his neighbors to the ground and tearing their flesh.

The whole world collapsed in an instant, and not many people could remain rational and sober.

"Hehehe..." The woman suddenly laughed eerily, "Little girl, your meat looks delicious."

"Click, click, click..." The sound of pulling the safety pin rang out, and several cold pistols were pointed at Alice's head.

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