Virus Throne

Chapter 838. The Crisis Approaching Secretly

Xu Youran was not unfamiliar with this woman, Alice.

A perfect fusion of the T virus, the most powerful female warrior in the world.

She was actually a six-time awakener, and she had mastered such a powerful awakening skill.

If she could be brought back to Void Mountain and taught well, she would definitely be a top-level warrior like Ravenna.

"Quack, quack..." The crows flew around, but they could never get out of the range of the sea of ​​fire.

Alice not only controlled the flames, but also made the air form a hurricane.

And all of this was perfectly controlled by her in mid-air, causing no harm to the team members on the ground.

When the last crow was burned to charcoal and fell to the ground, Claire's team breathed a sigh of relief.

Ashes fell all over the sky, and this scene that seemed like a miracle slowly dissipated.

Everyone cast doubtful eyes on Alice who had just appeared.

This was a power that no one had ever seen, or only the legendary gods could master this earth-shaking power.

Before everyone could react, Alice's body softened and she fell directly to the ground and fainted.

With her strength, she would definitely not be overdrawn against this group of crows.

But she had not eaten for many days, and the last time she drank water seemed to be a few days ago.

With the strong physical fitness of a six-time awakener, it was not easy for her to hold on until now.

Everyone gathered around, Xu Youran quickly separated everyone and gave Alice a rough check, "Water, bring some water first."

Soon someone brought water, and the others, under the command of Claire, began to clean up the mess.

All the crows were burned to death, and the team lost several members.

Betty used to be a medical soldier in the army, but unfortunately she died heroically to cover the children's escape.

Under the crazy pecking of the group of crows, not even a complete corpse was left.

Ajie sat on the ground, looking at the fragmented Betty, crying silently.

He regretted it very much. If he had known that Betty's gun had no bullets, he should have let Betty go first.

Anyway, he had been infected with the T virus, and he would die sooner or later.

But he never thought that Betty would die before him, which made him very painful.

Claire helped Xu Youran move Alice to the cargo box of the pickup truck and lie down.

After drinking some water, Alice seemed to be in a better condition, but she was still in a coma.

Xu Youran could see that it should be the exhaustion caused by excessive use of mental power when the physical strength was extremely weak. As long as she rested for a while and recovered some mental power, she would wake up naturally.

"Do you know her?" Claire seemed to see something and asked with some doubts.

Alice had already taken off the scarf wrapped around her head. Xu Youran looked at her beautiful but weathered face and nodded, "Her name is Alice. She used to be the head of the security department of the Umbrella Company."

"From the Umbrella Company?" Claire was stunned and slightly alert.

This can't be blamed on her. The Umbrella Company "made great contributions" to the world becoming like this.

It's not that she didn't think about finding the Umbrella Company and finding a way to get the antidote to save more people.

But she also knew that she was just a small ant in the face of a behemoth like the Umbrella Corporation.

All the people in the Umbrella Corporation were naturally regarded as enemies by other survivors.

"It's not what you think..." Xu Youran smiled bitterly, "She was used as a test subject of the Umbrella Corporation because of her super physical fitness, and she almost died in the early stage of the virus outbreak."

"Test subject? What experiment?" Claire asked again, "Did she do that just now? How did she do it?"

"Uh... It's a kind of superpower..." Xu Youran didn't know how to explain this, "It should be the side effect of the perfect fusion of the T virus."

"Perfect fusion of the T virus?" Claire was stunned, "T... T virus?"

"Yes, she should be the only one who has perfectly fused the T virus." Xu Youran nodded heavily, "No one else can do it, only she can."

"It's really unbelievable..." Claire sat slumped aside, staring straight at Alice who was in a coma.

Otto and McGee came over and looked at the situation in the car, "What should we do next? Claire.

"Carlos, what do you think? "Claire looked at Xu Youran, then at Alice.

"I want to wait for Alice to wake up, and then ask her opinion." Xu Youran didn't know much about the current situation, so he didn't dare to express his opinion rashly.

The story of the Resident Evil was too widely circulated. He did know it, but he didn't know the specific details.

Besides, the situation on this planet was obviously much worse than the previous story. Who knows if it was the same version.

Claire nodded, turned over and jumped out of the car, "You look after her, I'll go see the others."

The team suffered heavy losses this time. Not only did several team members die, but two children they protected also died.

The school bus could no longer be used. There were four cars left, and many things had to be replanned.

The dead teammates needed to be buried, the crows burned to charcoal needed to be cleaned up, and many supplies were damaged. The survival time of the team was compressed again.

Xu Youran watched everyone busy, everyone was very sad, but they all held back their tears and were busy with their own things.

This team has been formed for more than half a year, from more than 50 people at the beginning to more than 20 people now.

Those who survived have experienced this kind of separation of life and death too many times.

Unless they are lone zombies, once they encounter a group of zombies, it is easy to lose people.

Many times, they even have to kill the infected teammates with their own hands.

But in order to survive, they are still struggling without hope.

Today Betty is buried, tomorrow they may bury themselves, or even no one may bury them.

Zombies never leave a piece of debris, even the bone residue will be chewed and swallowed.

The sun is scorching in the sky, but everyone's heart is cold.

The sun is just right, but you can only see a dark and lifeless future.

"Hmm..." Alice snorted, frowned, and slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at the carriage in confusion, and then looked at Xu Youran.

Xu Youran took off her scarf and smiled slightly. In his impression, Alice should have fought side by side with Carlos, and the relationship seemed to be pretty good.

"Carlos!" Alice exclaimed, sat up suddenly, and hugged Xu Youran.

"Alice, long time no see..." Xu Youran patted her back gently, pretending to be an old friend reuniting.

"Carlos...Why are you here?" Alice's emotions gradually calmed down, let go of Xu Youran, and asked in confusion.

"Well... it's a long story. I joined Claire's team and searched for survivors everywhere." Xu Youran pointed at Claire who was busy over there, "That's Claire, she's our captain."

A beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, with a smile on her face, looking at Alice curiously, "Hi, hello, I'm Matt. What's your name?"

"Hi, my name is Alice." Alice smiled slightly, "Matt, isn't that the name of the supermarket?"

"Yeah." The little beauty smiled indifferently, "I was picked up in front of the supermarket."

"Not a bad name, hehe." Alice smiled, and looked at Xu Youran again, "Will you introduce me to your comrades?"

"Let's go, let's go meet Claire first." Xu Youran stood up and jumped out of the car, "If it weren't for you just now, we would have been in real danger."

Although Alice's body was still a little weak, after recovering a little mental strength, she had no problem moving normally.

She followed Xu Youran out of the car and said in a low voice, "It would be great if I could get there earlier."

Xu Youran didn't know many members of Claire's team, so she could only take Alice to find Claire first.

A few hundred kilometers away, underground in the wilderness, in the base of the Umbrella Corporation.

The holographic stereoscopic image of Queen Feixue appeared out of thin air. Dr. Isaac put down his pen and turned his head to look over.

"Doctor, we just detected alpha-level energy fluctuations again, and we are closer." Queen Feixue said, "There is a 75% probability that it may be Alice."

"Triangulation, find her location immediately." The doctor turned his head to look at the computer screen.

Queen Feixue immediately began to deduce the triangulation positioning data, and the location of the Desert Footprint Hotel was quickly marked.

"Bang!" The door of the laboratory was pushed open, and Slant, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked in.

As the door swayed, you could see guards every three steps and every five steps in the corridor, all armed with live ammunition.

"Dr. Isaac, you went to the ground to collect samples ten times in one day." Slant said with a hint of anger, "Going to the ground to collect samples so frequently can easily put us in a dangerous situation! Why do you suddenly want so many samples?"

Dr. Isaac glanced at Slant indifferently. This young man was nominally his assistant, but in fact he was sent by the board of directors to monitor him.

"My experiment has reached a critical moment and needs more samples." Isaac said slowly, "Do I have to report to the board of directors if I catch a few more zombies? There are zombies all over the world now."

" are too dangerous to do this..." Slant said anxiously, "I want to know the progress of your experiment!"

"Progress?" Isaac gently pressed a button.

"Swish!" A wall suddenly disappeared next to the wall where Slant was standing.

The disappeared wall was replaced by a huge glass window, and inside was a brightly lit laboratory.

Dozens of zombies, with their claws and teeth bared, pounced on the glass window.

Seeing living people, these dozens of zombies madly hit the glass window.

Slant was startled by the sudden scene, "You...what are you doing? Why are they so aggressive?"

"Is it bad to be more aggressive?" Isaac smiled faintly and did not answer Slant's question.

Queen Feixue suddenly said: "Doctor, the No. 87 sample experiment has entered the final stage."

Isaac walked to the screen, and the surveillance screen showed that Alice, wearing a red dress, was being attacked by two zombies.

This was just a clone of Alice, and the combat power level was too far behind. She was soon pressed to the ground by two zombies and torn into pieces.

In the mess, the two zombies began to feast.

"You...what are you doing?" Slant was completely stunned, "You are violating the rules of the experiment, I want to report to the board of directors!"

"My research will change everything now, I hope it will not be interfered by you." Isaac looked at Slant with a burning gaze.

"Humph!" Slant walked out aggressively without saying a word.

Isaac's voice sounded behind him, "Slant, if you have to make a choice, I hope you don't choose the wrong side."

Slant was slightly stunned, opened the door and walked away.

Isaac looked at the triangulation positioning on the screen and smiled.

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