Virus Throne

Chapter 848. Children's smiling faces

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"Eat?" Claire almost laughed out of anger.

Everyone can't even eat expired canned food, how can they eat?

Are they just going to eat these small metal bottles you took out?

"Ding ding dong dong" Xu Youran took out many, many small metal bottles as thick as thumbs from his backpack, as well as water bottles with extremely strange styles.


If the liquid flowing in those bottles is water, then they are water bottles.

"Huh?" Claire walked over quickly, "Where did you get these things?"

As the captain, Claire knew best what supplies the team had.

She had never seen these strange things in the team's supplies or on anyone.

Xu Youran scratched his head, "I said a friend of mine passed by and gave me these foods, do you believe me?"

"Get lost!" Claire rolled her eyes at him fiercely, "You're about to become a zombie, and you're not serious at all."

"Fuck! I really won't become a zombie!" Xu Youran wanted to cry but had no tears, "That T virus, it's just a sneeze for me."

"Just blow it!" Claire picked up a small metal tube and studied it curiously.

Alice also jumped out of the car and walked over, "Carlos, where did you get these things?"

She picked up a bottle of water and handed it to Claire, "It's drinkable, it tastes good."

Claire took the bottle of water and drank it.

Her eyes immediately showed an incredible light, and she drank all the water in the bottle in one breath.

At this time, she suddenly remembered that drinking water is extremely precious and should be left to the children.

But this water, this water is too delicious.

Xu Youran seemed to see what she was thinking and patted her on the shoulder, "It's okay, drink it, I still have a lot, enough for the children."

The team members gradually gathered around, and everyone looked at the pile of small metal tubes on the ground with curiosity.

Looking at the bottles of strangely shaped water, everyone was secretly swallowing saliva to moisten their dry throats.

"One portion of food and one bottle of water for each person." Xu Youran picked up the compressed food and water and distributed them to everyone.

Alice and Claire took the small metal tubes and had no idea how to eat or open them.

Xu Youran picked up a small metal tube and demonstrated, "Eat it like this."

He raised his head and quickly swallowed the liquid food in the small tube.

Out of trust in Carlos, Alice and Claire were the first to set an example.

When the high-energy, high-compression food entered their mouths, the two girls had only one feeling.


All the taste buds were exploding.


It was really delicious.

In the years since the outbreak of the t virus, everyone has hardly eaten proper food, and all they eat is canned food.

The food in this metal tube is definitely the most delicious thing I have eaten in recent years.


It is definitely the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life.

Xu Youran looked at the wonderful expressions of the two girls and couldn't help laughing, "You country bumpkins are really ignorant. It's just marching rations."

He picked up the small metal tube and signaled others to eat it this way, "This portion of food can provide a day of high-intensity consumption. The nutrients and energy are all proportioned according to the optimal choice for human needs."

"Human?" Claire was stunned, "Is there anything for zombies to eat?"

Speaking of zombies eating, everyone felt sad.

Zombies have no other food except humans.

Xu Youran thought of the scene he saw last night, and the overwhelming hatred surged in his heart again.

All these scums of the Taixu Sect should be used to feed zombies.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Xu Youran pointed to the truck in the distance and asked the children to come and eat.

"Where did you get these from?" Claire asked persistently, "Your friends are all here, don't fool me."

"Don't worry about those details, isn't it good to have something to eat?" Xu Youran shook his head helplessly, "Now is not the time to talk about these. By the way, there are a few bottles of potions. Anyone of you can use them if you are injured."

As he said, Xu Youran took out dozens of metal tubes.

These are low-level healing potions that he stole, and ordinary people can afford them.

Bingxin Huanshen Dew is only suitable for awakeners, and it is best to be a natural disaster awakener.

For five awakeners, the potency is too strong, and for seven awakeners, the potency is too weak.

Hearing that there is something to eat, and it is not those expired cans, the children ran out happily.

After everyone finished eating the food in the small metal tube, they looked at Xu Youran in disbelief.

Everyone couldn't imagine why there were such delicious things in this world.

Looking at the children's smiling faces, Xu Youran felt a warm feeling in his heart.

In this cold and cruel world, there are powerful practitioners who use them as experimental subjects. What he can do is very limited.

He took out all the edibles and potions in the Void Ring. This is all his stock.

Although it is not worth much, it is always a token of his heart.

If he knew that he would descend into the zombie world, he would probably fill the Void Ring with food and water.

After years of painful survival and struggle, he watched his relatives turn into zombies and watched his friends being eaten by zombies.

It is really rare that these children can still maintain such innocent and warm smiles, which makes Xu Youran feel sad.

Even if it wasn't to help the technology camp share the pressure, just for the smiles of these children, Xu Youran wanted to do something.

Not only the base here, Xu Youran wanted to do more.

Although he might face huge dangers, he felt that he couldn't face the smiles of these children if he didn't do something.

Food and water were distributed to everyone, as well as some low-level medical drugs.

Xu Youran called Alice and Claire, who were extremely puzzled, aside, "Alice, how are you recovering now?"

"Both physically and mentally, I feel in great shape." Alice rarely smiled.

This world is too cruel and too difficult. She has forgotten when she last laughed.

"I'm fine, I can fight anytime!" Claire clenched her fists excitedly and gestured, "Carlos, where did you get those things?"

Xu Youran looked at Claire helplessly, "I didn't ask you that, you must be in good condition, and you will be better if you have a good rest."

"What do you mean?" Claire was a little confused, "Aren't we going to attack the Umbrella Company base?"

"The second half of the sentence is right." Xu Youran nodded, "But it's not us, it's me and Alice."

"Just the two of you?" Claire was shocked, "Carlos, although you are about to become a zombie, if you find an antidote, you may be able to be rescued. Don't give up on yourself!"

"You are the one who needs to be rescued. "Xu Youran stretched out his finger and tapped Claire's forehead, "If it weren't for the fact that I didn't know any antidote and didn't know about the Umbrella Company, I would have gone alone."

"Alice, are you going to abandon me?" Claire hugged Alice's shoulders, "Do you still have any humanity?"

Alice's face was slightly blushing, and she gently poked Claire, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you my plan, Claire, you lead everyone here to protect the children." Xu Youran pointed at Claire, "Alice and I will attack the Umbrella Company base and try to take them down before sunset today."

If it weren't for the fact that Zhuge, a powerful cultivator of the Taixu Sect, was still here, Xu Youran didn't even want to take Alice with him.

He rushed over alone on his flying sword, regardless of whether they had a base or not, and bombarded them all to pieces.

But Zhuge was still there, and his operation was obviously not related to the trial, which would definitely arouse suspicion.

When his strength is fully restored, it means that Zhuge has left, and Ma Su has released all the suppression. That is when he will show his power.

This time, he and Alice went to attack the base to create the illusion of a trial.

It would be best if Zhuge did not pay attention to him. Even if he really paid attention to him, he would not find anything unusual.

He practiced both methods and was an undercover agent on both sides. It was really awesome.

However, after all, isn't it that he is not a human on both sides?

Awakener, cultivator, Xu Youran sometimes can't tell which side he is on.

At least from what he has seen and heard so far, it seems that neither side is a good person, but there are also good people.

"No!" Claire immediately rejected Xu Youran's plan, "I must go with you, otherwise I won't agree to your adventure. Apart from anything else, the armed forces of the Umbrella Company are definitely not something you two can handle."

"Alice has awakened and has superpowers, what are you afraid of?" Xu Youran scratched his head, "You just need to wait here for the news of our triumphant return."

"How about this, I'll take a few people to be responsible for the peripheral support." Claire finally took a step back, "You are responsible for the breakthrough base, and you will inject the antidote immediately after finding it."

Claire always believed that Xu Youran was definitely infected with the T virus, but it just didn't break out now.

He is so active in wanting to sneak attack the Umbrella Company base now, and it is also to find the antidote.

"Okay, I agree with Claire's plan." Alice raised her hand to vote, "They will be supporting from the outside, and there shouldn't be any danger."

"Alas," Xu Youran sighed.

He didn't want to take Claire and the others, not because he was afraid of any danger.

Now that his strength has recovered, there will be no danger.

The main reason is that it is a waste of time to take this group of people with him, and his flying sword can only carry two or three people to fly.

If Claire and the others were to go out, they would definitely have to drive there.

But then I thought, Zhuge hadn't left for a while, and it seemed that there was really nothing to do.

"Let's go, move quickly." Xu Youran waved his hand, "You should leave enough people to protect the children, and have sufficient weapons and ammunition."

Generally, ordinary zombies roam in such uninhabited wilderness, and there are not many of them. The lethality of thermal weapons is still very considerable.

Claire quickly gathered the team members and selected five people, a total of eight people, two cars, and rushed to the base of the Umbrella Company more than 100 kilometers away.

The children seemed to have heard what these eight uncles and aunts were going to do.

The horror of zombies has long left an indelible trauma in their young hearts.

The Umbrella Company, which created all this, is more like a demon umbrella that covers the sky and the sun and is omnipresent, making everyone shudder.

These eight uncles and aunts are about to attack the base of the Umbrella Company.

For supplies so that they can live longer, to find an antidote just in case, and to defeat the devil and save the world.

All the remaining team members and children stood in a row and saluted in the direction the eight people left.

One team member took the lead and shouted, "Come back alive!"

The children also shouted loudly in their childish voices, even with a little sob, "Come back alive"

In the empty wilderness, the sound echoed in the wind for a long time.

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