Virus Throne

Chapter 881. Flooding Jinshan Mountain

"Boom!" Bai Suzhen was flung away the moment the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation was activated.

Qingdai and the masters of the Demon Sect were far away and were not affected, but they were also in a state of great excitement.

Everyone knew that Jinshan Temple must have something to rely on, but they never thought it would be so strong.

Bai Suzhen, who was about to pass the catastrophe and become an immortal, could not even withstand the natural counterattack of the formation.

Once she entered the range of the formation, even the Mahayana immortals might be killed.

Fortunately, this was just the Jinshan Temple's mountain protection formation, otherwise, where would they live?

However, they were too happy too early. The Pure Mind Zen Sect took it as its mission to subdue demons and defend the way, so how could they be willing to be an invincible turtle?

The core of the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation was in Jinshan Temple, but the three hundred formation eyes that activated the formation could be replaced by three hundred monks.

Although the power would be reduced, it was not a formation that could only defend.

The three hundred monks were strong and weak, with dozens of people in the Spiritualization Stage, hundreds of people in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the worst of the rest in the Golden Core Stage.

The faint light emitted by Jinshan Temple seemed to illuminate half of the sky.

In the dark night when the dawn was about to come, it was like a bright light guiding the lost, tearing a huge wound in the dark sky.

Countless people looked up at the unprecedented wonders, all stunned, and knelt on the ground regardless of the muddy rain.

The clouds that had just been torn apart by the battle of the crowd closed again at this moment, and the drizzle was wrapped in the biting cold, floating and scattering.

However, the Jinshan Temple, which was illuminated by the Buddha's light, seemed to bring endless warmth to the entire Zhenjiang City.

In the sound of chanting that resounded through the world, deafening, but not harsh, everyone felt a sense of peace and harmony in their hearts, and any dissatisfaction and resentment disappeared.

Xu Youran was wearing a tattered cassock, with his hands clasped together and his eyes lowered, chanting the Buddha's name softly.

In the hazy golden light, even though he was covered in blood and scars, he looked like a reincarnated Buddha, sacred and majestic.

Bai Suzhen was caught off guard and was bounced away by the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of her lips due to the agitation of the formation.

After adjusting her body shape, she quickly flew back to the opposite side of Xu Youran.

The realgar sword in her hand was still eager to try, and her eyes were firm, looking at Xu Youran across the formation.

"Bai Suzhen, since you are stubborn, I can only defeat the demon with my hands!" Xu Youran waved his sleeves, "Monks, join me and move forward!"

"Prajnaparamita, Prajnaparamita, Prajnaparamita..."

Three hundred monks from Jinshan Temple chanted scriptures in a low voice and took a step forward together.

The Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation shook slightly, and the entire formation moved forward three feet.

Although it was only a three-foot movement, Bai Suzhen and the others all changed color.

Such a powerful formation can actually move, how can it be fought?

Three feet is not far, but this is just the beginning. If it continues to move like this, it will sooner or later cover the entire Baohe Hall.

At that time, Xu Xian will definitely be easily killed...

"Bang!" Bai Suzhen raised her hand and hit the formation with a sword.

"Om..." The void was rippled. Bai Suzhen's powerful sword only caused the formation to shake slightly.

After all, the Pure Nian Zen Sect was born in Buddhism. It emphasizes conquering people with virtue and treating people with courtesy. Even if it is a thunderbolt method to subdue demons, it still does not reveal a trace of fireworks.

The formation is easy to be tyrannical and can be moved, but it is still mainly defensive.

And once it leaves the center of the Jinshan Temple formation, the power of the formation drops sharply.

Although it can still gather the strength of three hundred monks to resist the attack, the counterattack is much less powerful than before.

Bai Suzhen's sword was unsuccessful. The counterattack only made her true essence disordered, but the injury was not serious.

The masters of the Demon Sect seemed to have noticed that the power of the formation had weakened, and they were relieved.

"Amitabha..." Xu Youran chanted the Buddha's name, "Bai Suzhen, give up. The Buddha is merciful and has opened the door to goodness. Let me help you become an immortal..."

"Help me become an immortal?" Bai Suzhen seemed to finally understand Xu Youran's intention.

It turned out that wanting to kill Xu Xian was just a cover, and the real purpose was to send her away.

"Boom boom boom..." Bai Suzhen held the realgar sword and attacked the demon-subduing formation frantically.

However, all her offensive was shared by the three hundred monks. With her own strength, she could not shake the formation at all, nor could she stop the formation from moving forward.

The Jinshan Demon-Subduing Formation moved forward three feet again unwaveringly, and the three hundred monks ignored her attack.

Although the counterattack strength of each of this series of intensive attacks was not very strong, the accumulation was extraordinary.

"Puff!" For the first time since the start of the war, Bai Suzhen spat out a mouthful of blood, and the true essence in her body became wild like a raging sea.

But Bai Suzhen had no intention of stopping, and continued to slash at the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation with one sword after another.

If she could not stop Fahai from moving forward, Xu Xian's death was imminent, and no one except her could save Xu Xian.

Looking at Bai Suzhen who looked like a madman, everyone felt a pang of pain in their hearts.

The people of the Demon Sect were not actually the same as Xu Xian. These masters regarded all living beings as ants, and they were chess pieces that they could manipulate at will. No one cared about the life and death of ordinary people.

Although Xu Xian was born in the Demon Sect, he never killed innocent people indiscriminately, and even opened a clinic to save the world.

Although there was a reason for planting the demon seeds, his clinic did save many people.

All they needed was Xu Xian to practice the Tao Heart Planting Demon Orthodoxy to clear the obstacles in the universe for them.

Let these masters of the Demon Sect fight for Xu Xian, that was something they could never think of.

Even Xu Xian's teacher Zhao Deyan wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

Among all the living beings in the world, I am afraid that only Bai Suzhen will cherish and love Xu Xian, and would rather sacrifice her life to protect him.

No matter if he is a fairy or a demon!

Seeing Bai Suzhen so crazy, Xu Youran also felt a little reluctant and sighed softly: "Junior sister, give up. You have an infinitely bright future. Why do you have to do it for him..."

"Bright future? Help me become a fairy, right? Hahaha..." Bai Suzhen burst into tears and spit out blood. She laughed wildly at the sky like a madman, "It is said that the Buddha is kind and open, why don't you help me?"

"Why don't you help me and him..."

Bai Suzhen's shrill and sad voice resounded through the world, the north wind howled, and the rain poured down, as if the whole world was infected by her resentment.

Those who heard it cried and those who listened were sad. Hundreds of thousands of people in Zhenjiang who did not know the truth were also moved.

In their eyes, the sacred Buddha's light seemed to be covered with filth.

The solemn Master Fahai seemed to have turned into an evil monk who broke up a couple.

Everyone stood up, and many even started to curse loudly.

Xu Youran naturally ignored these ignorant villagers and directed the formation to move forward again. With one more step, it was about to cross the Yangtze River, and was three feet closer to Xu Xian.

"Save you but not him?" Xu Youran's voice also echoed between heaven and earth, and even resonated with heaven and earth, "If you don't turn back, who will save you from suffering? If you can change your mind, why do you need my great compassion!"

"Who wants you to save you from suffering? Who wants you to be compassionate?" Although Bai Suzhen still slashed at the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation with one sword, her injuries made her power weaker and weaker, "Brother, please let us go?"

Bai Suzhen was crazy, angry, crazy, and begging at one moment. There was no saint left. Tears mixed with blood, and she was extremely miserable.

"Let you go?" Xu Youran hardened his heart and said coldly, "Who will let these people go? You only covet your feelings and desires, have you ever thought about why you are here?"

"Why? Hahaha... If I can't understand my thoughts, what's the point of me living? What's the point of practicing this Taoism?" Bai Suzhen laughed bitterly, "Fahai, don't blame me!"

After that, Bai Suzhen stopped the attack and turned to look at Qingdai and a group of magic masters.

"Today, regardless of good and evil, regardless of immortals and demons, let's break this Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation with me, Bai Suzhen!" Bai Suzhen's voice was cold, and she faintly revealed infinite murderous intent, "When the Jinshan Temple formation is broken, it will be the day you become demons!"

Hearing Bai Suzhen's words, Qingdai's expression changed immediately, and a group of magic masters looked at each other.

Why can the disciples of the magic sect still remain restrained, why are they afraid of Fahai and Jinshan Temple?

The rumored Jinshan Temple formation has made great contributions, making everyone extremely afraid.

Seeing the might of the Demon Subduing Formation today, the rumors are indeed true.

It is impossible to break the Demon Subduing Formation with their strength.

But if Bai Suzhen and Qingdai go all out, it is equivalent to Cihang Jingzhai helping the Demon Sect to clear the obstacles.

Once the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation is broken, Fahai and the monks of the Pure Mind Zen Sect will no longer have anything to rely on.

With the Demon Sect's pervasive and sinister means and endless masters, it will sooner or later be able to eradicate the spokesperson of the Pure Mind Zen Sect in the world.

Bai Suzhen's choice is undoubtedly the leader of the righteous sect destroying the Great Wall, and everyone in the Demon Sect is excited and extremely happy.

"Bai Suzhen, you are crazy..." Xu Youran was stunned, "Do you know what you are doing?"

In fact, as long as Bai Suzhen improves her strength to the extreme, even triggering the thunder tribulation, after advancing to the Mahayana, she will definitely be able to easily block the formation.

Xu Youran just wants to use this method to force Bai Suzhen to cross the tribulation, instead of really wanting to kill to Baohe Hall with the formation.

This place is very far from Baohe Hall. Xu Xian had already suppressed his inner demons by moving three feet at a time.

The formation moved slowly, but Xu Xian could travel thousands of miles in an instant.

He really didn't expect that Bai Suzhen would be so strong and resolute. She really wanted to perish together with her father rather than choose to survive.

Hearing Xu Youran's words, Bai Suzhen turned around and said in a cold tone: "Fahai, you forced me to do it!"

"Bai Suzhen, let's start!" Xi Murong flew over first, with the magic weapon in her hand.

"We are willing to lend you a hand!" Other masters of the Demon Sect flew over one after another, looking at the still moving Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation with a fierce look.

If they were willing to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they would be really stupid.

"Okay!" Bai Suzhen didn't hesitate any more, pointed at the Jinshan Demon Subduing Formation, "Attack!"

"Boom boom boom..." The dense offensive bombarded the faint golden light like raindrops.

Ripples appeared in the void. Under such intensive attacks, the three hundred monks all groaned.

Xu Youran glanced at Bai Suzhen coldly and shouted in a deep voice: "Hua Zang, Zhao Deyan, join the formation and preside over the formation!"

Alita did not cultivate her vitality and spiritual power, so it was useless for strengthening the formation.

Besides, Zhao Deyan was not a good person either. Xu Youran had to keep Alita to guard against Zhao Deyan.

With Kukluo and Zhao Deyan joining, the formation quickly stabilized.

With Zhao Deyan's strength, it was enough to offset half of the masters of the Demon Sect. Even if Bai Suzhen and Qingdai joined the attack, the formation would surely be able to withstand it.

The people of the Demon Sect were still attacking the formation frantically. Qingdai also sacrificed the Qinghong Sword and began to pretend to join the attack.

Bai Suzhen calmed down the restless true energy in her body, and her momentum began to rise steadily. She waved the long sword in her hand, gathering boundless power.

"Flying snow dances with frost, thunder blesses the kingdom of God!"

"Rain falls and wind rises, thousands of cranes dance in the raging waves!"

A thunder exploded in the air, and the sky was full of raging winds sweeping the flying snow. The Yangtze River at the foot of Jinshan Temple was raging, and huge waves rose.

Bai Suzhen let out a long roar, "Fahai, today I want to flood Jinshan, let's see who you can save?"

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