Viscount's Rise

Chapter 112: Who Said We Need A Carriage?

“When should we set off?” This was the first thing that Roan said when he heard about Braydon and Lani’s intentions. Braydon already expected this as Roan was always like this when it came to his duties but it was still somewhat reassuring nonetheless. 

“Preferably as soon as the two of you are able, we don’t know when the situation here might change. It would be better if we can clear things up before we have to march into battle.” Braydon was worried that something might happen, resulting in them already having left by the time that Lani and Roan had checked up on Nela. Whilst it might not have been the end of the world, they did not know what would happen. And in the event that they lost, Cinar would almost certainly be unable to see Nela.

“My Lady?” Roan was clearly happy to get on his horse and leave at a moment's notice, but that would almost never be the case for a noblewoman. Even if that noblewoman did not care for formality and travelled lightly, that was still relative to other noble women. 

“We can leave tonight at a push, though we would be travelling through the night.” Lani could definitely be counted among the noblewomen that did not care much for formality and travelled lightly. If she weren’t, there would be no way that she would propose leaving on the same day that the plans were drawn. And Lani was no typical noblewoman to begin with, she had her own army of mercenaries to manage, making it doubly impressive that she was able to leave the same day. Even Braydon himself could only just manage leaving in the same day, though he did have more things to manage being in his own territory.

“Then I shall start preparing a carriage immediately.” Roan was about to leave to start preparing to move later that night but was stopped by Lani before he could do so.

“Who said we need a carriage?  I can ride a horse.” Lani’s words shocked both Braydon and Roan. They were not surprised that she could ride, but there was a difference between having the ability to do so and actually doing so. It was just not the done thing among Fiverian noblewomen. In fact most physical activity for women was severely looked down upon. Braydon did not care much, but that did not mean that the other nobles would not. There was sure to be many disapproving voices should she not take a carriage.

“...” Roan was unsure if he should really not prepare a carriage, looking towards Braydon for instruction. 

“If you are sure about that…” Braydon nodded clearly uncertain if it was a wise move. It would be one thing for her to ride if she were the only visitor to Braydon’s domain, but at least a quarter of Fiveria’s nobility were staying in Mapjess.

“No need to worry, it’s not like I had any standing with people who care enough to criticise me.” Lani could see What they were worried about, and it was clear that she had had this conversation at least once or twice before. Almost every time that they spoke, Braydon saw more reasons why Lani had decided to marry a common man instead of an aristocrat. He could probably count on his hands the number of nobles who would have nothing to say about her riding a horse, let alone any of the other things that he was sure that she did against convention.

“Then I shall finish any remaining duties that I have for the day.” Roan, now assured, changed his plans. It was not likely that Corban would be happy losing someone so helpful to the daily management of Mapjess. 

Since all of the nobles that were coming had already arrived, Corban had taken up many of the jobs that Braydon had been doing. Though the amount of crime in the town had reduced substantially due to the number of troops hanging around, those same troops managed to cause enough problems to compensate. And since it was Braydon’s land, it was his people that were often called to arbitrate any minor disputes. 

“What? Still shocked that I ride?” Lani asked, seeing that Braydon was still silent even after Roan had left. 

“Not at all. I’m just pitying my garrison leader who will have lost a great helper.” Braydon could imagine the face that Corban would make upon hearing about it from Roan. He was not sure if he would find it funny or legitimately pitiful though.

“What are you pitying him for? He will only come to you for help now.” Lani chuckled as she pointed out the obvious.

“Don’t remind me. Perhaps I should attend more of the King’s meetings.” Braydon was already thinking of ways to avoid having to arbitrate petty disputes among the other lord’s troops. He barely cared enough for the petty disputes of nobles at the best of times, let alone when they were arguing about whose subordinate started a drunken fight.

“Are you sure that you don’t want to come with me?” Lani laughed. She knew that it was impossible for Braydon to leave. Other than the King, he was the most pinned down person in Mapjess.

“Do you think that I would not have already gone to find Nela if I was able to?” Braydon was entirely serious. If he did not have too many responsibilities in Mapjess, he would have immediately gone to ask Nela what was wrong upon hearing about it.

“I think you would have done something that you regret.” Lani was also entirely serious. For all that she had a positive opinion of Braydon, she did not exactly believe that he was the most nuanced character there was. She could see him confronting Nela about not seeing her father and making things worse than they already were.

“...” Braydon got a cold sweat just thinking about it. He could definitely see that happening.


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