Viscount's Rise

Chapter 130: Downs’ Debates

“But why should we split up our forces even more than they already are? Your Majesty yourself have said that it is unlikely to happen.” The opposition to Nela’s suggestions were strong. Given how unlikely it was for Duke Ryder to try and cross the river directly, many did not see why having some men guard the river when they already were guarding the bridge was a good idea.

“And does it harm our prospects in any way if we do?” Braydon had already come out in support of the idea. He was hardly not going to listen to Nela’s advice, she had helped him strategically many times before and he was not about to doubt her judgement.

“If he hears that we have split our forces up even more, Duke Ryder is even more likely to attack at the bridge! He’ll want to capitalise on our weakness.” The man responded, he was one of the most powerful lords of the northeastern nobility, Earl Downs. 

When the royal house weakened under the previous King’s reign many thought that he would try to form a faction like Earl Blake had. He was in a better position to do it than Earl Blake had been on paper. The nearest higher ranking noble had been Duke Oakley who was never going to be able to expand his influence to such strong minded nobles. But Earl Downs was much less threatening and in much closer proximity to the other northeastern lords. Even if his faction would have been more decentralised, if he had attempted to forge it it would likely have been more powerful overall than the royal faction. But he had never done so, much to the surprise of many.

“If he attacks from the bridge, the men we position at the river will have more than enough time to return. I do not see how that provides an incentive to attack.” Braydon was sure that Earl Downs was underestimating the ability of Cinar to hold back attackers. The man had managed to keep the main city of his territory during the war against Leigh even though the entirety of his land was basically flat land with no impediments to the invading force.

“Do you not remember that Duke Ryder defeated the Casburlandian army with just his own faction’s men. Even if their army was exhausted from the previous battle, it was still bigger than his by quite a margin. He is not to be underestimated.” Earl Down returned.

“And have you forgotten that Marquess Burgess held back the entire Leighian army on his own with just his men and city walls? I may not be old enough to remember it, but you most definitely are.” As Braydon and Earl Downs were arguing, the rest of the room had gone silent. Everyone was watching the exchange without chipping in their own opinions. This was just the first part of Nela’s suggestions that the King had mentioned. There was definitely more that was to be debated after this issue was settled, so many were happy to let others front this argument.

“What of Duke Burn? Do you really think that he will not have already ordered his men to stop Duke Ryder crossing the river at all costs? He has an obvious advantage on the river, just because he is on the other side of Fiveria does not mean that he is not paying attention to what is happening here.” Earl Downs made a point that Braydon himself had asked Nela when she brought it up the day before. He still had not thought of how Duke Ryder could safely make it across but that did not stop him from thinking it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Just because he has an advantage, you think Duke Ryder will not try it? If he tries to cross the river, it will be because he has found a way to negate Duke Burn’s advantage. And what then? We just welcome him into the walls?” Braydon countered, making in essence the same point that Nela had made. Though she had not used quite so inflammatory language.

“If he could make it across the Harmony, why would he not go for Duke Burn’s lands first? He is the greater threat of the two of us and a significant proportion of his faction still have the majority of their men still at home.” Earl Downs made a good counter point that caused Braydon to pause, he had not thought quite that far ahead. Wanting to make sure that Duke Ryder did not make it across without serious losses was as far as he had thought.

“And wait for us to hit him in the back midway through? He just pulled that tactic off on everyone, that is the last thing that Duke Ryder would want to see happen.” Ethan stepped up to help Braydon out. He had already discussed this with the King while Braydon was having his ‘friendly’ conversation with Viscount Sharpe the day before. 

Nela had made the suggestions, it was their job to fill out what they thought would happen even further. She may have a great strategic mind, but there were some things that could only come from experience of both success and failure. Nela had just not been on the battlefield or led an army. There was an emotional reaction to winning and losing that leaders would have that she could not have felt being an armchair strategist. And emotional whims were half of the motivation for many lords, it was too important to ignore.

“The same thing would happen if he tried to finish us off too. Just that it would be Duke Burn’s men behind instead of us. He may as well have the larger threat in front of him instead of at his back.” Earl Downs clearly had a good head on his shoulders, he could find all of the weaknesses in their arguments on the fly without missing a beat.

“Duke Burn may think that a good idea, but even if he has the best information network in the country, he will not have all the time in the world to order his men to respond. Most of his competent allies are by his side, you cannot guarantee that those that stayed in the south will have the brains or willpower to take command of a joint army of his faction and throw it at Duke Ryder.” Ethan’s words were harsh but potentially true. Even if someone saw what they should do, did not mean that they had the will to do it. Especially when they were used to a strong personality like Duke Burn making all of the decisions. 

“Your majesty, Viscount Sharpe has already taken his men and left!” It was at this moment that the servant who had left earlier returned with a knight in tow. Any hope of continuing the discussion on Duke Ryder went out of the window with their entrance.


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