Viscount's Rise

Chapter 144: Serheshi Visitors

“So Duke Ryder did not attack the bridge along with Viscount Sharpe?” Rhydian asked to confirm. He knew that Braydon wouldn’t lie to him but it was such a critical matter that it would likely shape the course of the war. He could not just take that lightly.

“Yes, both Cinar and myself thought it odd that he did not even pretend to try. I was worried that he had already made his move elsewhere and came back as soon as possible.” Braydon had wanted to let his men rest but Duke Ryder’s actions, or lack thereof, made it so that he did not have the luxury.

“Well, we have not heard of anything, but if he truly has made a move, it will not be long until we find out.” There was one thing that Duke Ryder having the largest army made easy. He was all too easy to track. As soon as Duke Ryder decided to make any movements, everyone else would know about it. At least, if those movements involved using his army.

“I hope that it is not anything worse than an assault on Cinar’s position would have been.” Braydon knew that that was a pipe dream. If there was something that could make Duke Ryder forego destroying the King’s men, it would only be worse for them than if Duke Ryder actually attacked across the bridge.

“I would not get your hopes up on that one yet. In the meantime, I am sure that Gerald would be glad to know that you have returned.” When Rhydian brought up Gerald, Braydon sighed. If there was something that could get to Rhydian’s attention at such a time then it meant that it was something that Gerald could not handle. Self inflicted or otherwise.

“What has he gotten himself involved in this time?” Braydon wanted to prepare himself in case he started swearing at Gerald as soon as he saw him.

“I do not think that it is something bad this time. Though I am sure that he has gotten himself in other minor troubles.” Rhydian laughed at the picture of annoyance on Braydon’s face when he mentioned that Gerald needed him for something. Though, he did understand where Braydon’s reaction was coming from. Gerald was quite an independent person, he would only go to Braydon for something if he absolutely could not deal with it himself. Which meant that almost every time that Gerald sought Braydon out it was a particularly thorny issue. 

“Something good that Gerald has sought me for? There is something that I do not hear very often. Then I will leave you to your work, I have a knight to go and find.” Braydon had a look of mild surprise when Rhydian said that it was something good. Not that he was going to complain. He needed something good to happen, especially with all of the bad things that seemed to keep happening.

“So Rhydian tells me that you have something good to tell me and I find you skipping out on your duties?” Braydon could only laugh. If there was one constant thing in his life, it was Gerald’s ability to find time to imbibe alcohol.

“Hey, it is one of the rare times that I am able to get a break.” Gerald defended himself somewhat unconvincingly. Gerald was one of the last people that could complain about not being able to find the time for a break. He had made an artform of being able to slip away and start drinking.

“Then I hope you do not mind if I have a break of my own as you tell me about the good thing that you wanted to tell me.” Braydon sat on a chair next to Gerald, grabbing his alcohol and taking a sip. It had not taken Braydon long to locate Gerald, the kitchen was only the third place that he had looked. And he had been exactly right.

“Good thing? Oh, Rhydian has already mentioned that? I did not think that he would remember with everything that he has to do.” Gerald gave up on protesting his wine being stolen before he even began. He was still slightly traumatised from the last time that Braydon and Nela had teamed up to make sure that he could not find the time or place to drink as a ‘minor punishment’..

“Well he did, and that good thing is?” Braydon was truly curious what it was that Gerald had to tell him. At the very least, it seemed that Rhydian put more stock in it that Gerald himself did.

“Colin sent word from the castle while you were gone. He sent the messenger to me because he thought that I would be the least busy, I know it is true but he did not have to get the messenger to say it.” Gerald sulked a bit thinking of the laugh that Colin had gotten when instructing the messenger to say that.

“Colin knows his stuff, and what did the messenger say?” Braydon said with a perfectly straight face, more impressed that Colin had such a humorous side to him. 

“He mentioned that there were some people from Serhesh that wanted to meet with you. Apparently they are somewhat important.” Gerald did not sound particularly enthused but Braydon was more in line with Rhydian on this issue.

“Did Colin say who they were?” This was what interested Braydon the most. It was not often that Serhesh interacted with people from western Ezaes but when they did they often made it worth the westerner’s time. That was if it was truly the merchants or rulers of Serhesh, there was no shortage of scammers who tried to pass themselves off as such.

“He said that they seemed to be legitimate, that was about all other than that they were staying in the castle temporarily.” Gerald tried to think if there was anything else of importance but that was all the messenger had said.

“Then it seems that I should make a quick trip back to the castle, but I wonder what the Serheshis want with me that they do not with the King.” Braydon really had to wonder about that. It was comparatively rare that the Serheshis would go to Fiveria because the only border that they shared was part of the Brimstone mountains to the northeast. And considering that their shared neighbours did not typically hold fond opinions of Fiveria, the Serheshis conducted their business closer to home.


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