Viscount's Rise

Chapter 185: And Punishment

‘Are there even any houses for the commoners in Boshil?’ Braydon had to wonder to himself. He had thought that there were a lot of viscounts and barons that supported the King. He knew it too. There had been more than one discussion amongst all of the King’s allies. But apparently crowds were deceptive. But when they all had to be individually rewarded? That gave him a true perspective. A true several hour long perspective.

“Now that we have sorted that out, I hope to see more friendly faces around the capital.” The King was not unaware, he too was nearly bored stiff from basically seeing the same thing play out repeatedly for several hours. That did not stop him from sending a message, he wanted to keep his friends close. For better or worse, that meant that there would likely be more frequent trips to the capital for anyone that gained a residence from the King. And that was most everyone that sided with him.

“But of course, where there is loyalty and reliability, there is also betrayal and ambition. If everybody had sided with the crown there would have been no war in the first place and for that reason there needs to be punishment in equal measure.” The King started speaking once again as he raised himself from the throne. More than the rewards, this was the part that Braydon was most concerned with. 

Having his little conquest of his neighbours recognised was nice, but a true reward would be taking over his brother’s territory as the man in question faced the gallows. Not for the land. That would also be nice. Braydon would much sooner see George in despair and his father’s blatant snubbing all go to waste. That would be a true reward. He just doubted whether that would actually come to pass. There was a part of him that thought the King had been so generous in naming him earl so that he could not complain about not receiving his brother’s lands. He had to admit, it would be a smart move. As much as he hated the idea.

“First and foremost, we will discuss Earl Blake. A schemer who tried to pull himself above his station. One who would have dealt great damage to our cause had the loyal Duke Burn not stepped in and put down this menace once and for all.” Aled announced with an impassioned tone that Braydon doubted was real. It was hard to get impassioned about somebody that was already dead. Especially when nobody cared greatly for the man.

The bigger news was that the King’s words confirmed what the King’s allies had already guessed and surprised any noble that had sat the war out, few that they were. Duke Burn would not be included in the list of those being punished. Even if he had, the King could do nothing about it unless he wanted a second civil war in the same year. ‘So when will the marriage be announced?’ Braydon had to wonder. He doubted that it would be after the punishments were announced. That would not seem proper.

‘This is going to be a longer trip than I thought.’ Braydon could see it already, a feast called to announce the King’s marriage to Duke Burn’s daughter. And they would have to come back to the capital a few weeks later to attend the actual wedding too.

“As has already been stated, his lands have been confiscated and incorporated into the new Duchy of Calton. But he was not alone in his schemes, having corrupted many of his neighbours to his cause. And for that reason, all of their lands are being confiscated and put under direct supervision of the crown. Any former lords and their heirs that managed to escape before Duke Burn could give them their due are now wanted men until the day that they die. It would be in their best interests never to return to Fiveria.” King Aled continued on. He had given out the rewards and now was the time to increase the power of the crown. Allies were good but they were not forever. If the King wanted to maintain control, he would need more land than just the capital and Wathamalin. Especially when the latter was barely in his grasp.

With large amounts of territories fortuitously vacated courtesy of Duke Burn’s purge of Earl Blake’s faction the King was not about to sit around. If he did not claim them or designate them to somebody, then they were going to get claimed by distant relatives of the now deposed. And with the nobility that almost certainly meant foreign nobles suddenly having more of an interest in Fiveria than the King was comfortable with. Not that he needed the extra incentive. What King was going to give up more power? 

“Now for the true scum of the kingdom.” He said with more vitriol than anyone had expected.

“It is no secret that Cecil is now sat in the lowest level of the dungeons. And there he shall stay until the day of his public execution. In two days time.” Upon hearing the King’s announcement, everyone knew that this was the thing that he wanted them to take away. This would never happen again. And the execution would likely be brutal.

“But that does not mean that everyone who followed him shall receive the same fate. After all, many of our subjects in the north were forced into his service after our bulwark, Duke Oakley, went missing due to the betrayal of our kingdom. It would not be right to treat them in the same way that we would treat true traitors.” The King quickly changed his tune upon talking about Duke Oakley’s faction. ‘Ahhh, politics.’ Braydon could have seen this coming from miles away. He knew that he would not be so lucky to be rid of these troublesome brothers.

“For those that actively worked with Cecil Ryder, they will have their title stripped and handed to their heir. So long as that heir is not from Shuluk, Casburland, Shubail or the Empire.” That was to be expected, the important part was the second bit. The King was making a statement, not to the nobles but other nations with that. He did not recognise the conquest of Shubail, and he did not like Barakhil one bit. What this meant for the future, nobody knew.

“For those who did not, they may keep their lands. I will have my men send word of who is in which list in the coming days. Of course, any noble from the south that worked with the traitor will have their title stripped as well. Nor will their heirs be allowed to inherit.” When the King paused after that, Braydon could not help but look around in confusion like many others. There had been no mention of the lands being taken on by the crown and they had not been a part of anybody’s reward. Which meant that the King had another plan.

“The holdings of Ryder’s house will be split up. Never again shall there be a Duke in the south. His lands and those of his followers will be given to some of our honorary nobility, non permanently. Should they wish for their sons to inherit their holdings, they should have to earn it. Of course there are more honorary nobles than titles to give, those that are not given a holding can assume that their honorary title is henceforth revoked.” The King said, once more taking the throne. There was going to be a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing over this. Many barons would be upset that, even after siding with the King, they were not given one of the now vacated lands. The honorary nobles who were not given anything would be doubly angry as they lost their title as well. And then there would be those who would do anything to make sure that they were one of those given a piece of the pie.

‘It is going to be a fun few days.’ Braydon could be sure of that.


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