Viscount's Rise

Chapter 196: Amicable Relations

“That is indeed rather kind of you.” Downs nodded as if he thought Braydon was offering this from the goodness of his heart.

“I only wish to know where my help would be burdensome, so that we can come to an amicable solution.” Braydon was glad that his proposition had not been turned down out of hand. He had not expected that someone as cunning as Marquess Downs would, it took more than a decent title to become a top dog in any part of the Kingdom let alone the northeast. But stranger things had happened before and he was not about to do something as stupid as assume such a man’s intentions.

“I would need an example of what you consider ‘reasonably within your power’ to tell you if it were burdensome, would I not?” Downs was more than happy to let Braydon say what he had in mind before trying to slash it down to something that suited him better.

“In the past I have sat in on a deal being signed between Viscount Ellis and Earl Kline before. At the request of Viscount Ellis. I believe Earl Kline has the majority of his lands on the far side of the Harmony from where I stand.” Braydon was more than happy to extend his claws a bit further than what he wanted. At the very least it would give him bargaining power later.

“I have little interest in the goings on south of the river myself. Though I believe that Earl Kline is a bit too close for me to not have a passing interest in his goings on.” Downs was a bit surprised that Braydon had already had his hand in things like that. It was no surprise that he was in a better position than his immediately neighbouring lords. Literally all of them were barons. But Earl Kline was a good couple of days' travel from Cliforge, he had not expected Braydon to set his sights so far north. Let alone that he had already done something about it.

“I am sure that the man himself would prefer you to me anyhow. I got the impression that he thinks that I sided a bit more heavily with Viscount Ellis. I can imagine that he would not want any more of my kind of ‘assistance’.” Braydon smiled. Considering that he had been there at the request of Ellis to ensure that Kline did not renege on the deal probably had something to do with it.

“Then you are saying that you would want your influence to extend to the river?” The Marquess asked with a smile of his own. He could tell that Braydon was likely reaching for as much as he could handle with such a proposition. He doubted that someone as young as Braydon would check his ambitions purely out of politeness. 

“Nothing so drastic, merely a helping hand in keeping our neighbours from ripping each other apart.” If he admitted that it was a settlement that he had proposed, he might have to give something else up in turn. Hence instead he said that it was merely him assisting Marquess Downs and that he was expecting no payment. A much more palatable proposal. For Braydon.

“Haha, to think that it was always your brother that was known to be the one from your family with a silver tongue. I can agree to this. On an unrelated matter, would you mind allowing some merchants that I sponsor, the ability to trade with Shuluk?” Marquess Downs agreed. Though his request was by no means an unrelated matter. Braydon was under no illusions when it came to that.

“I do not see why not but they have to be of the utmost trustworthiness. I would not want the King to think that I am the kind of person that would abuse my privileges to advantage my friends.” Braydon was more than happy to do that, so long as he was not just giving away the advantage the King had given him. There was a difference between helping the Marquess trade and handing him the goose that lays golden eggs.

“That seems reasonable to me.” Downs replied as he finished the tea that he had been drinking.

“Then I will ask my chamberlain to correspond with your people about the finer details. I would not want to keep your attention any longer, I am sure that there are many people that wish to have the time to speak with you about matters much more urgent than mine.” Braydon smiled as he stood to leave. He was not going to outstay his welcome. Not after they had just agreed on how they would cooperate.

“I thank you for the most pleasant of talks then. You as well, Lady Burgess. I shall hope to see both of you soon.” Downs also stood up to see them out. He was not about to deny that there were a number of lords that wanted to talk to him. There were a lot of barons in the northeast, and he could not ignore more than a few of them lest he upset them all.

“I thank you for the most pleasant tea, your wife is a lucky lady to have such quality at her disposal.” Nela left it vague enough that she could be complimenting either the tea or the Marquess as she joined Braydon. Whilst she had not taken the most active role in the conversation, she was more than happy to let Braydon prove that his brain was more than another muscle.

“I am surprised, it is almost as though you have learnt something over the past year.” Nela gave a backhanded compliment once they were seated in the carriage again and on their way to the next person that Braydon wanted to talk to. Needed to talk to. Could not get away with not talking to. At least Nela though that explained why he planned to visit so few.

“I am also surprised, it is almost as though you just complimented me.” Braydon laughed at her backhanded compliment. He would expect nothing less.

“You must be imagining things. Though I am sure that I did not imagine you not confirming or denying that we were courting each other.” Nela stared him in the eyes as she said this with a face that could either be happy or sad and still leave you second guessing.

“Are you sure that you two want to be having that conversation now?” Rhydian asked from outside.” He was sure that they forgot that they had a driver as well as a knight to guard them. Whilst the carriage driver had been vetted to be trustworthy, that did not mean that they had to air their romantic lives to their servants. Even if they did not care he, at least, did not care to hear it.

“I must have been imagining things.” Nela said as she looked at Braydon with a face that said the opposite.


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