Viscount's Rise

Chapter 201: A Relaxed Homecoming

“You know, for the lord of this place, it feels like I spend more time away than I do here.” Braydon spoke as he got down from his carriage. It had been a long time since he had stayed for longer than a day in his own castle.

“That is because it is true. You have spent more time outside of your territory than in it.” Nela replied as he helped her down. After the back to back eventful days, even she was looking  tired. Even if they had not done much on the way back, sitting in a carriage for days on end was no real rest.

“And it will not be long before I have to set out again. Though, I think that going to Narabun can at least be put off for now.” He knew that if he waited too long, then he would be harangued by the merchants that he had made agreements with about trade. Even if the King had given him the honour of not being affected by the embargo, that did not mean that the Regent in Shuluk had done the same. There would need to be a base level of cooperation.

“If merchants come kicking down our door, I’ll see to it that you go.” Nela did not want to deal with merchants. She had only just gotten back and had her school project to get back to. There was only so much that Father Odom could do on his own.

“Since we are going to take a rest, you two should too.” Braydon looked to Gerald and Rhydian. They had been with them for the entire time, having about as much rest too. Or at least that is what Gerald claimed.

“Welcome back, Sire.” Steven came to the courtyard to welcome them back. Compared to the rest of them he looked to be in peak health, no doubt due to the lack of a Braydon to take care of everyday.

“Glad to see you are looking well, Steven. Is Lani still staying with us?” Lani had taken a liking to Mireille, that was for sure. There was no way that she would have spent so much time teaching her to ride otherwise. But it had been months at this point, he would not be surprised if she had things that she had to deal with in her own fief. Especially since She had once sat directly between the factions of two Dukes, one of whom was now out of the picture.

“Lady Graham has taken a few trips back to Milmond since you have left but I believe that she is still in residence.” Steven replied. Braydon thought that it was likely the reason that Mireille had not come rushing to see them already. She was either out riding or being accompanied by Lani elsewhere in the castle. 

“Then we should go to see her, she has been a good friend over these past few months. Out riding?” That she had sided with the King in the civil war was definitely a risk for her considering where her territory was. One that Braydon doubted that she would have made so easily had it not been for him and Nela, helped by her fondness of Mireille no doubt.

“Not today, Sire. Lady Graham took Mireille riding just yesterday. It seems that today is a quieter day for them. I am sure that they would both be gladdened by your joining them.” Steven smiled. Braydon was sure that Steven had not lost his skills after a few weeks off but it felt like he had never left at all. At least his professional manners were still there, his wit would have to be tested later.

Braydon and Nela entered the great hall together, the guard closing the door behind them. As Steven had said, both Lani and Mireille were there eating dinner. It only took a look to one of the servants for them to leave to prepare some food for the both of them as well.

“It is good to see that you are both in good health.” Lani greeted them as they sat down.

“And you too, it seems that you managed to get away with not attending the capital?” Braydon was honestly amazed by this. She was a countess and one that sided with the King in the civil war and had yet managed to go completely under the radar.

“I take full advantage of my status as a Lady, even if I hold a title. I am not expected to be at the same standard as the various lords so I only do so when it benefits me. My husband went in my stead. Meanwhile I took care of affairs closer to home.” Lani smirked. She had been to enough royal ceremonies over the years, she knew how they worked. So long as her husband was there, the King would overlook it, lest he wanted Duke Burn to be even more powerful than he already was.

“If I have such an option in future, I will make sure to take it.” Nela was already taking notes. There were not many Ladies in Fiveria who held titles in their own right, so she did not have too many examples of what to do. Or not to do. Lani was by far the most prominent of those and the only one who had not married another noble with higher status that ‘took care’ of their lands.

“How have these past few weeks been treating you, Mireille? We’ve barely had much time to talk to each other with this and that crisis.” Braydon turned to look at Mireille who had been an observer in the conversation so far. Whilst he had technically spoken to her in the few times that he had temporarily been back in Cliforge, that was not for long at all. 

“Good. I can ride really well now!” A small smile escaped her lips as she spoke with as much passion as he had ever heard her speak. A small amount for a normal person, but for Mireille this was far more expressive than she had been when they first found her.

“She would give one of your knights a run for his money.” Lani praised.

“Is that so? Then should I join you for a ride tomorrow? It has been a while since I have let down my hair.” Braydon smiled, even if just for a while, he wanted to relax before getting back into the full swing of things.


Hi Hi. 

Well I've done it. More than 200 chapters in. Considering the tone of this chapter, it could be the unofficial start of volume 2. Not that I am marking those out, I cannot be bothered to come up with volume titles as well as chapter titles. =P

Come join me and others on my discord server and have fun chatting together! You can come and talk to me about my thoughts on the novel or point out any mistakes I made in my chapters. Or if that doesn't suit your taste then just talk about whatever random stuff is on your mind.

And if you are willing and able, you could always show me some love by contributing to my snack fund over on Kofi. =P


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