Viscount's Rise

Chapter 204: Lani’s Farewell

“I take it that you guys have enjoyed yourselves.” Once they returned, they were greeted by Lani, who looked dotingly at Mireille. Apparently, they had bonded over riding horses. Though considering that Braydon had just been riding with the young woman, he could see why.

“Yes.” Mireille nodded. She still had a hint of the smile that she had been wearing all day whilst riding.

“That’s good.” Lani smiled before looking at Braydon. He had already dismounted and was helping Mireille to do the same. Once they were both dismounted he turned to face Lani before speaking.

“I take it that you are preparing to leave?” Seeing as she was in the courtyard rather than waiting for them inside of the keep, he could guess that she wanted to leave rather soon.

“Yes, my husband has told me that Duke Burn is looking for a meeting. The King has not even sent out announcements of his engagement to the Duke’s daughter.” She shook her head, exasperated by the Duke’s over-eagerness to expand his influence. The King had come to a truce with him because the Duke had a strong navy and a wide river to protect him, not because he feared his military might.

“That does not surprise me, I wish you the best. Let us pray that his beak is bigger than his belly. I am sure that once Aled’s position stabilises, he will not allow Burn to run amok quite so much.” At least that was what Braydon hoped. Considering that Aled would become the Duke’s de facto heir once he married his daughter that was not a sure thing. The Duke’s influence would become his own once the Duke died.

“I just hope that I am not one of the concessions in the meantime.” Lani sighed with a slight cringe. It was obvious that her proximity to the Duke’s faction would mean that Burn would look to put her under his wing once the war was over. She was just hoping that there would have been more time before he made the attempt.

“Then I should not keep you longer than necessary.” Braydon could guess that Lani would likely not visit anywhere near as often in the coming weeks and months if she had to deal with Duke Burn breathing down her neck. He was already thankful that she had been a good friend and kept Mireille company.

“I must thank you for your hospitality and open doors, it has been a great pleasure to spend time in your castle. I hope that I will be able to visit again soon. And goodbye to you as well, Mireille. Next time we meet, I hope we will be able to ride together.” Lani said with a warm smile as she curtsied to the pair. Not a necessity given her rank but she was more than willing to do so for those she saw as friends.

“It looks like your carriage is ready.” Braydon looked to where Lani’s carriage was stationed, the driver standing beside it.

“Then I shall take my leave.” Lani nodded before once more looking at Mireille. She had a look on her face as if she was contemplating something and Lani could guess what it was.

“Go ahead.” That was all the confirmation that Mireille needed to step forwards and give the Countess a tight hug. A hug that was immediately reciprocated.

“Don’t be pushed around.” Mireille said in a quiet and slightly said tone. She already had a bad impression of Duke Burn from how Braydon and Nela had talked about him. And now he was trying to pressure somebody else that was close to her, she needed no incentive to see him as a bad man.

“Haha. No need to worry there. He may have a stronger hand now that Duke Ryder is not constraining him but I have other cards up my sleeve.” Lani laughed with confidence. Mireille could not see as she was burying her head into Lani’s shoulder but Braydon had  a clear view of her expression when she said that. He could only think of one word to describe it: Malicious. 

“If Lani is going to show him what’s what, you might need to let go of her though.” Braydon smiled seeing that Mireille was still hugging her. The heart-warming scene almost purging the face that he had just seen Lani make.

“Okay.” Mireille slowly let go as her expression returned to the neutral one that she wore most of the time. ‘Maybe I should go riding with her tomorrow too.’ Braydon hoped that would take her mind out of her sadness that she would not see Lani for a while.

“Farewell, Countess Graham. My gates are always open to you.” Braydon made a formal bow in much the same manner that she had curtsied a few moments before.

“The same to you.” Lani curtsied again before she made her way to her carriage. It was not long before the western gate was opened once more to let it through and closed once again as it passed.

“Shall we go see how Nela has been keeping herself busy?” Braydon asked. He could guess that she would either be teasing her new maid or finding out about the progress of her pet project from Father Odom’s letters.

“Mnnhnn.” Mireille gave an affirmative noise as they both made their way back into the keep.


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