Viscount's Rise

Chapter 4: The Viscount’s Ward

“Why did you accept such a request, Sire?” Rhydian asked as they watched their new guest getting down from the wagon through one of the windows in the hallway outside of his study. Braydon kept his eyes on their new arrival, a well dressed noble lady, whilst replying.

“I need at least some connections in the capital and whatever I do I will make enemies, so I may as well get some allies for my trouble.” This abated Rhydian’s questions for now, though they both knew he would raise more if they didn't see any benefits.

“Well, Rhydian, lets not keep our guest waiting, if they are to stay for long we should at least get along.” Both of them turned, making their way back to the bailey.

“And Steven, get the lady some servants, we would not want our first guest to feel unwelcome.”

Walking up to the Lady and her entourage, Braydon had the garrison call their practise done for the day. Upon closer inspection Braydon realised that she was prettier than he had predicted, not at all like a person who had been on the road for several days. She had neat brown hair tied half up-half down, a round face and deep brown eyes. She wore a long dress, a dark shade of green, ‘Unusual choice of colour for someone from the capital.’ Braydon also noted that she had a distinct lack of jewellery for a young noble lady from the most prosperous city in Fiveria.

“Lady Burgess, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Braydon had been trained in noble etiquette and was making a full showing of his practise, keeping the customary two meter distance between an unmarried nobleman and noblewoman. A bit unnecessary if you asked him. Though, rules are only there because somebody has done something stupid, as his etiquette teacher had been fond of telling him when recounting the story of Baron Durral. 

“The pleasure is mine Viscount Fiton, after all you have agreed to help my plight at your own expense.” She curtsied in response, after all she held no title and was referring to her benefactor.

“Since you have come with relatively little possessions, I have taken the liberty to assign you some servants. I believe we have much to discuss, and you will not have eaten well for some days now, would you care to join me?” Braydon noticed that he had not eaten since yesterday evening, and was not about to wait until noon whilst he dealt with his new ward.

“I believe that would be most delightful, my lord.” Nela felt odd referring to someone so young quite this formally, not because they were both 23, but there were not many who inherited a title at such a young age.

As they ate, Braydon asked the question that had been on his mind for a while.

“Why me?” This took Nela aback as she stared at the man sitting at the head of the table.

“In what way do you mean, Lord Fiton?” Braydon realised that he was not being very specific in his question, but was more bothered about being called by his family name.

“If we are going to be staying together, we should be on first name basis Lady Nela.” Suddenly being referred to by her name startled her, before recalling rumours that the viscount before her had not been on the best terms with his family. Apparently such rumours had been understated.

“As for my question, I was asking why you sought out my protection? My situation is not a very glamorous one and I am sure there are many nobles willing and better able to protect you.”

“As you wish, Lord Braydon. I am well aware that there are many nobles with the ability to protect me, but they would likely wish to keep me indefinitely as soon as my situation improves. That is something that I am not willing to risk.”

“And what makes you think that I am any different from the rest of the nobility?” This made Braydon curious, what exactly did she think would stop him from making a ransom of her. Considering how fast she found out about his father’s demise, she must know that he was not in a brilliant financial situation.

“You need allies. Something I believe you are lacking more than money, and I doubt you are so foolish as to turn them away.” She had him there, if he wanted support amongst the nobility, he was in no position to be breaking promises.

“But I also do not want to make enemies and I am sure you know that Earl Blake would not be best pleased to hear I have taken you in. Especially since you were due to marry his son next month, and you appear on the opposite end of the kingdom without anyone noticing.” At this Nela smirked, an expression Braydon did not expect to see coming from a Lady with a gentle reputation such as her.

“Then why have you?”

“She’s more intelligent than I was expecting, Rhydian.” Braydon commented as he was looking at a map of Fiveria. He had Steven put it upon the wall of his study after his meal with Lady Nela.

“But is her intelligence worth making enemies with Earl Blake to forge an alliance with Marquess Burgess. He may only be an earl but his influence at court is only beaten by the Dukes. Not to mention Marquess Burgess is only a marquess in name, half of his lands were taken during the last war with the Leighian League, over a decade ago.”

“You know as well as I do that Earl Blake has more than enough enemies amongst the dukes to think about dealing with me. Not to mention Marquess Burgess’s fief borders my brother’s land. Having an ally so close to my brother will make sure that he does not get any funny ideas about marching to Cliforge to claim it as his own.” Rhydian settled down at this, and turned to look at the map along with Braydon.

“What should we do about the three barons?” Rhydian instead decided to ask about a more pressing concern. Whilst Braydon did not own much land west of the Brimstones, it was enough to border Mapjess, Grolosar and Kirton. Three baronies that had been created after the last Viscount of Kirton was stripped of his title. The barons had been feuding for years to try and control the territory of the old viscounty. Now that his lands were no longer controlled by the wealthy Earls of Fiton they were likely to try and involve him in their power struggles.

“Let us see what their attitudes are first before we decide on a course of action, I do not think we shall have to wait long. In the meantime I shall start inspecting my lands. I should at least do that as the new lord of the place.” Rhydian agreed with this, it would not be good if Braydon got on the wrong side of his own subjects when in such a weak position.

“When will you be doing this?”

“This afternoon, I should be back after lunch tomorrow. Oh, and Steven, what of our good Lady’s escort?” Braydon realised that he had not seen them since meeting Lady Nela for their discussion.

“After yourself and Lady Nela went to the great hall, they started packing themselves up. Once you were done they bade the Lady farewell and returned the way they came, Sire.”

“Figures.” ‘Not that I could afford the costs of hiring mercenaries right now’, Braydon thought, money was still tight and would be for a while.


Any feedback will be taken note of, though if it is just abuse it will be ignored, so constructive criticism only please. And a few of you may have noticed that my spelling is a little different to most, that is because I use British spelling. So there will be a few more 'ou' and 's' instead of  'o' and 'z' than in other novels.

I'll keep this brief, so I hope you enjoy Viscount's Rise.

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