Viscount's Rise

Chapter 41: Stowaway Princess

A man with fiery red hair and neatly trimmed beard sat looking down from his throne at the messenger before him. The messenger had just returned from the colonies in the Ezaes northern islands. The messenger knelt before the man, looking at the floor, not able to even look at him. 

“Well, what have you to report that allows you to sit there in silence?” He had been looking at the messenger for several minutes, waiting for him to speak. But the man had not said a word since he had arrived. Either he had fallen asleep or he dared not say what he had to say. It was only this that was keeping the ginger man from having him dragged off and flogged for wasting the time of the king.

“She has disappeared, your majesty.” The messenger’s words caused the King to still.

“Who has disappeared?” 

“The Second Princess...”

“WHAT!” The king yelled, clearly upset about the news he had received. She had been sent to the colonies because it was an island chain, surrounded by water. Over one thousand miles of water. The only part that was not was a border with the Leighian League, a country they were at war with. There was no crossing that border, especially not as the princess of Rotfeldia.

“We, we think she escaped on a fishing b-boat.” The messenger continued to report, but by the look in the King’s eyes he wished he did not have to. He doubted that he would be let off lightly for telling him this. But he knew that the King would definitely kill him if he did not complete his report.

“And you are telling me! That that girl ROWED over one thousand miles AT LEAST! To God knows where!?” And there it was, the messenger knew he was doomed. ‘Shit. Shit shit shit shit Shit I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead.”

“The g-governor thinks sh-she rowed to the L-Leighian colonies. A-And took a m-merchant sh-sh-ship to Ezaes.” The messenger started stuttering, causing the King to look at him with even more rage. In turn, causing him to stutter more.

“Get this man out of my sight, NOW! And tell Governor Wilcox that if he does not return that girl to this palace on the next ship from Port Tow then he can send his head and letter of resignation.” The King calmed down after the messenger had been dragged from the room in despondency And all he could do was sigh, how was this going to be explained to the King of Kharb? His son’s fiancée had just gone and sailed off into the unknown. And all he could do as the girl’s father was say sorry.

“Just where has that girl gone after spending half her life on that island?” He muttered to himself, worried about the fallout if he had to tell his counterpart in Kharb of this.

Braydon was riding back to the castle with Gerald and Roan in tow, Rhydian would be following some days later with the troops that would be crossing the mountains. For now the man was busy ‘making sure the louts could hold a sword’ as he so eloquently put it. If he went by the fire in the man’s eyes, Braydon was sure that Rhydian was of the mind to ebb his boredom of the past week organising patrols by bullying those who didn’t know better. 

Roan would be taking up the role of gathering reports from the new and old patrolling squads in Braydon’s lands, reporting to him when necessary. Colin had cried tears of joy when he learnt that he had dodged that job. It would have been his if Roan had not decided to join Braydon, he had learnt this from an offhand comment Gerald had made when sneaking some alcohol in his down time. He had made sure not to report Gerald that one time, though he was not so kind the next day when he caught it happening again.

“Are you excited to be seeing the ladies again, Braydon?” Gerald decided to start up some conversation to alleviate his boredom. Roan might be interesting conversation in down time, but during travel and work he was as interesting as a log of wood, he had found this out quickly.

“And what could you possibly mean by that, Gerald?” Braydon lifted an eyebrow, he knew that Gerald was trying to stir trouble. He thought he might as well try and throw it in his face, there was nothing better to do. He could only count so many passing bushes before going insane after all.

“Lady Nela and Lady Mireille of course. You seem to be quite popular amongst those two.” Gerald tried to get at least some reaction, but his hopes were for naught. Instead Braydon turned it around to give Gerald a scare.

“And how popular amongst the ladies would you be if I told them what you just said?” Braydon’s words made Gerald’s face go pale.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh I would, and I wonder what Nela would think up, to add to your alcohol ban. Not to mention your many breaches of it this past week.” Braydon went in for the kill, a sly grin donning his face.

“No don… Wait, you knew!?” Gerald only got part way through reacting to Braydon’s first comment before realising that he had been outed. He knew that this one would actually be reported to Nela. And he might truly see not a drop of alcohol until the year’s end.

“The walls have ears, Gerald.” Braydon started laughing at Gerald’s troubles. He would not pity Gerald, he knew how theatrical the man could be when he wanted to. ‘Serves him right.’ 

“You’re trying to kill me!” Gerald wailed in anguish, he could almost see the alcohol flying away from him. Roan watched their antics with mirth in his eyes. He had come to see over the past week that his new lord was every bit as shameless and playful as he had come across when he asked him for his service. And his knight was not any better than he was.


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