Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 7 194. There is also a stronger will than poison (1).

The eyes of the golden landscape were shaken.

In his mouth, screaming was all right. But his voice materialized and could not flow out of his mouth.

It was because of the strong hand that was blocking his mouth. A hand as big as the lid of a cauldron would not allow a scream with his mouth and nose twisted.

An opponent who stops his mouth grabs his shoulder with another hand.

Quad Yip!


As if it were a crusher, his shoulders were crushed from the hands of the corpse.

The scream was stuck in the palm of the corpse and hovered only in the mouth.

The golden landscape shed tears in horrendous pain.

The body trembles like a lion, and the whole bloodline bursts out.

"Who are you? ’

Gyeongsan asked with his eyes the identity of the corporation. But instead of answering, the man slammed his side.


At that moment, the sound of the brain wall echoed in the head of the Golden Mountain Gyroscope.

The inside of my head was white.

I could see it without having to touch it myself. It means three or four broken ribs.

Gyeongsan choked and vomited blood. Thanks to this, the inner hand of the man who shut the mouth of the Golden Mountain Gymnasium was also bitten red.

Once again, the inner fist hits the side of the golden mountain. At least the rest of the bones that had barely survived were shattered.

‘Argh! Stop.... ’

Gyeongsan begged. But the man ignored the desperate gaze of such Gyeongsan.

The man was indeed terrified.

In response to his ruthless violence, the golden landscape collapsed.

Gyeongsan was never such an easy man to succumb to violence. But the silent violence that the man was doing was shattering his mind from the bottom.

Gyeongsan is so thoroughly broken that he can't stand alone. Then the man took off his hand that was blocking the mouth of the Golden Mountain. And I asked.

“Who is it?”

“What, what? ”

“Your master. ”

The man was a dam-ho. Gyeongsan was one of the poisonous runaways in the village.

The goldsmith squirms his hidden fingers inside the puffed sleeve. The poison hidden in the sleeve is used to poison the wall.

Suddenly, the eyes of the wall turned bright.

“You're still out of your mind. ”

I grabbed the finger of the Golden Mountain Gymnasium and gave it strength.

Wad 'Geek!


The five fingers of the Golden Gospel were crushed like a mill.

Damho kicked the foot of the golden mountain. The tibia was hard and shattered like glass.

The body of the Golden Mountain Gyeonggi collapsed without strength.

Then I realized the golden mountain.

The man in front of your eyes means you're not the one who can cut it on a regular basis.

“Me, I……. ”

The glare of the wall changed even more when Gyeongsan-gyeong hesitated. At that moment, the heart felt strong and fell, and it became a thought.

“We're the men of the Saudi Great Council. ”

“A coincidence?”

“Yes! In the Protestant world, call him an emperor. ”

It was hard to open my mouth for the first time. Once my mouth was opened, I stole everything so easily.

Gyeongsan told me everything about the master's coincidence.

In summary, Saul used so many poisons as free-materials, and he himself was a rare reader of the finest of poisons.

“Let me live, for I have told you everything. ”

“Why would I? ”

“I told you everything……. ”

“Did I tell you I'd save your life? ”

“Stan, no way? ”

“I will never break my promise. But I never made any promises to you. ”

“You bastard..... don't! ”

“If you can kill someone, you can die. ”


Gyeongsan opened his mouth with a seizure. My hands and feet are broken, so I'm going to bite the neck of the wall even with my mouth.

His mouth was clear of sight just before it touched the neck of the wall.


And his head was shattered. The Danyang of Damho blew his head off.

Damho turned around without even seeing the body of the golden mountain climber falling on the ground.

The hunting dog was not just one silk goldsmith. There were several more hounds left, and they were on their way back to their master, Saul.

Others were trying to hide traces, but their footprints were clearly visible in the eyes of the Wall.

Damho hunted them back in their footsteps.

Though the superiors of Saunders were very good at poisoning, they could not dare to compare it with simple force.

They were defeated by Damho before they even used Mitcher poison. And he was killed in a wretched state.

There was no pity in the hands of Damho. He ruthlessly hunted down the bystanders.

“Turn it off!”

Another reader finishes his life in the hands of the Wall.

Damho threw out his body like a devoted mate and moved his steps.


At that moment, the fur of the whole body echoed in the forest, as horrible as the stupor. In addition, a disgusting smell provoked a sense of smell.

Damho's eyes were deeply silent.

Just by smelling it, my head ached.

It was poisonous.

Damho lifts the dark air ball and moves the steps while blocking the external energy. The more I walked, the more poisonous the scent was.

If he was an ordinary man, he had a poison strong enough to vomit blood and die.

The steps of the Wall have gradually slowed down. It is because it is close to the source of the poison.

The forest that appeared before his eyes was twitching.


They were making threatening noises. Like a living creature.


Damho notices the identity of the twisty forest at a glance.

Thousands and tens of thousands of snakes were united. In the middle of it an old man from Maburico was sitting on a patriarchal throne.

Surrounded by many snakes that could not be counted, the look on the monster's face was very comfortable. It seemed more bizarre.

At that time, a man who was far away from the monster shouted.

“This is the author. The author has killed all his colleagues. ”

He was the last person to escape from the beast of Damho by chance.

The old man's voice twinkled. Then a terrible scam erupted.

The serpents that surrounded the old man fluctuated. The scam that flowed out of the old man's body struck the serpents. The serpents struggled to get away from the old man in an unbearable scam.


The serpents who were caught in the scam fluctuated. In an instant, the flesh is dry, and only the skin and bones are left. I wanted to see if the poison that the snakes were holding was scattered in the air, but it was absorbed through the pores of the monster within.

Immediately, the corpses of the serpents were piled up like mountains around the old man.


When the old man breathed heavily, the poison that remained in the air was absorbed.

Suu Kyi shouted back at the old man.

“Lord! He must be the one who's threatening our headquarters. We must protect the Protestants by punishing them..... ”

“That's loud.”

The old man swung his hand like a nuisance.

At that moment, the face of his subordinate became contemplative.


His face was swollen. His eyes were filled with red blood, and bubbles gushed out of his mouth. I'm addicted to poisoning.

“Lord, Lord..... ”

“You're so loud about the escaped hound. Tsk!”

The old man didn't even give Sue a glance.

Suffering from a brief spasm, his breathing stopped. His appearance of cutting off Sue's life was frightening enough.

The old man's gaze turned toward the wall.

“Who are you? ”


“Ho! Vodka? ”


“In response, you think you're a giant. Tsk!”

The old man, the astrologer, stuffed his tongue.

In his eyes, a fraudulent young flame was blaring.

He cut off the breath of his hands, but his eyes did not contain any guilt.

They only handed over a little monologue by necessity, but they were not disciples of coincidence.

His monologue was so vast and deep that few could learn. In fact, I wanted to keep my disciple, but I still couldn't make any progress because I couldn't find someone with that talent.

The reason for this was that the pride of the sole coincidence was so great that it could not be expressed in words.


When the coincidence shook his palm, a strong wind rose and swept away the corpses of the serpents around him. The carcasses of the serpents scattered with dust.

The floor was exposed, and the landscape was hidden in it.

So far, there have been several bodies that have been covered in snakes and invisible. It was a body that took away all its original energy with a dry mold as if it were the hand of a coincidence.

The bodies were damaged beyond recognition of their original appearance, but Damho noticed their identity in a single breath.

It was Eugene Moon and his men who promoted the Golden Stage.

Those who secretly fled the town to save my life have become a corpse here.

Saul smiled, revealing his teeth.

“Why? Are you afraid of their deaths? ”


“I knew it. Abandoning my comrades and running away from me for one life is not an unmanned thing to do. ”

“They're not my colleagues. ”

“Well, it doesn't matter. You're going to die here anyway. ”

The eyes of the whole coincidence were blackened.

His whole life was flowing. Living, combined with readiness, encroached on a squadron of smulsmulls.

It was then.


Suddenly, the head of the coincidence bounced back. A huge factory blown up by a dam was hit on his head.


A coincidence splits its her head and turns her head back and stares at the wall. His face was filled with ecstasy, confusion, and anger.

If it weren't for the self-defense river ( ) that surrounded my body, my head would have just exploded with a single blow.


“You talk too much. ”

The sea of poison, which encroached on a battalion around where his bulk factory passed, split to both sides.

Damho steps toward the coincidence.


Stagger's steps provoked the heart of coincidence anxiously.

The opponent is notoriously famous for his voodoo, but it's just a cliff on the Saudi standard.

I'm a cripple.

There is no reason for human disqualification. However, if you limit yourself to an unmanned existence, there is a serious reason for disqualification.

An unmanned man seeking the ultimate completion.

There should be no single deficiency, both physically and mentally.

In order to enter the commonly spoken ascension, the body and spirit must be in harmony. If anything goes against the balance, it never gets into the ascent.

In that sense, the wall belonged to a very unusual existence.

A crippled man with an unbalanced body accomplished his work with a volume. Not only did he accomplish his work, but he also accomplished a tremendous feat of terrorizing the masters at the top of the lecture.

If only I had time, I would want to study it.

The mouth of the coincidence rises.

A scary man with a smile.

When he smiles like this, the 1st Battalion becomes the land of death.


A fierce poison came out of his body.

“You know you can't die like that. ”

The Venom of Heaven releases the poison. The poison he unleashes hits the wall like a seagull.

At that moment, the damho put his right foot firmly.


Intense vibrations that ring the earth.

The body of the dam-ho advances toward a huge wall called the coincidence wall.

The filling and the shaking were spread out.


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