Volcanic Sphere

223 Ch. 8. Do not leave behind foolishness (2)

The next day, the Dawn Wall took the current Jinn and the children to a large wagon. I decided to leave, so I had no reason to hesitate.

The disciples of the True Witch and the Volcano Clan were looking at the wall with a grim expression. They were the object of mourning.

Damho himself was denying that he was a disciple of the volcano, but they were already thinking of Damho as a disciple of the volcano.

The ignorance and walk shown by Damho aroused their esteem. Nevertheless, they were unable to grasp the wall. Once determined, he knew the nature of the wall, which had no way of overthrowing it.

The True Man approaches Damho.

“Do I have to go? ”

“I've already decided. ”

“Where are you going? If not, why not go to the volcano? ”

“If Master wants to recover. But not right now. ”

“Phew! I tried to take him to the volcano..... Things have changed.”

The true man sighs.

I wish he could go to the volcano waves because of his heart, but it wasn't always what people wanted.

The truthful man emptied his mind within. If there is one thing I felt when I broke the wall that was blocking my progress, it is that everything is a separate time.

Water goes a long way apart, but eventually it meets at sea. Likewise, human connection also leads one day. I didn't have to think impatiently.

“Goodbye. I will protect this place, so there is nothing to worry about. ”

The true man shakes his hand.

Always as sharp as a lightened blade, his eyes turned like others. Even the disciples of the volcano would not be adapted to the dramatic changes of the True One.

The eyes of the Wise Man have also changed, knowing that it can be stronger if it is soft. However, it was not enough for the disciples of the volcano to know that.

Damho drove the wagon and left the Sackju branch.

I watched the back of the wagon as the disciples of the volcano, including Ungyeong, moved away. Their eyes were indeed complex.

“Sire, please go safely. ”

“Shh... Shh! ”

He said his arms were bent inward.

When I saw that the Damho were excluded from the blind, I became rather attached to the Damho in their hearts.

Chuck! Chuck!

Several disciples took their siege towards the distant wall. And the wave of siege spread all over.

Damho stops the wagon.

It was because of a man and a woman who stopped the pipeline. Both of them were knowledgeable people.

‘Supernova, Deco Moon. ’

A man was supernova, a woman was a seaweed.

The supernova is approaching.

“I don't know if you're leaving because of me. ”

“I'm just leaving because there's no reason to be here. ”

“Then thank goodness. ”

The face of the supernova was not good because the shock received from Jin Moo-young was not gone yet. But as bright as those eyes remained.

This time, Damho asked.

“Will you stay here? ”

“Unlike you, this is my battlefield. That's where I'll be. So I can't leave yet. ”

“Is that so?”

“If what you want is different, it's a different way. I'm going to fight the Horseman here. The White House is built to deal with horseshoes. ”

He nodded silently to know the pride of the supernova.

A gift from Ganho Dong-geo, a white specialist symbol, who came to the forefront of the war. Super Yeonun was more proud of his victory than anyone else.

“The battlefield will be here soon. It's all I've ever had in my life to fight a pagan under the reign of a century. So this is a place of honor for me. ”

The supernova smiled.

Master is on his way here with the Battle of Worlds. The supernova was waiting for the moment when the battlefield would unfold.

This time, the month of August said.

“Where are you going? ”

“Anywhere quiet. ”

“I see.”

The Moon looked at the slippery wall. Her eyes were dizzying with complex subtle emotions.

Damho was the nucleus of the storm.

With immense power, you can kill your enemies, but the aftermath also affects your allies. Because of this, even the same braid could not be treated comfortably. That was why Damho had to leave here.

“Give me some news. I'll see you sometime. ”

“I won't.”

“See you later, then. ”

Thao So-moon said goodbye first.

There was still regret, but I decided not to leave my foolishness behind. She turned around coldly. After that, a supernova followed.

Damho also left them behind and took the road.

At that time, Jong-yeon lowered his head to the wagon window.

“Won't you regret it? ”

“What regrets? ”

“I'm leaving them. ”

“They're not children. A true UAV with unshakeable beliefs. Decisions made by such people with faith deserve to be respected. ”

The moonlight and supernova had a firm belief. He was trying to do what the faithful believed in their power and believed that they were right. I had no choice but to intervene there.

Jong-yeon nods. Because I thought I would understand what Damho said.

Jong-yeon asked.

“But where are we going? ”

* * *

The world was turning ugly.

In Sacju, a full-scale clash between the Moorish and the Marxists began. There is a yearly upheaval, and there are rumors of numerous casualties.

The war against the pagans did not only take place in Silk Sack. There were large and small clashes throughout the Jungwon, and the world was falling into a crucible of chaos.

The Holy War was like an endless swamp, devouring countless doomsmen and unarmed people. There are rumors that hundreds have died and hundreds have died.

It was difficult (亂). The war did not seem to be coming to an end, but rather walked the path of enlargement.

The wind of difficulty swallowed up the earth, but there was also a slight escape.

One of them was the melting.

If the world was confused, the bandits of meltdown had to be polarized, but this time they were as quiet as rats. Strangely enough, those who lost their minds during the Great War had no choice but to question him.

In the Yellow Mountain, the total capital of rust existed, the Patong Bond. And there was an emperor Yeongmun, the total creditor of the melting pot.

Recent greening has experienced large transverse fluctuations. Seo Yoon San, who was a bondholder of black water bonds, incited other bondholders to commit treason.

Fortunately, the Yellow Gate was able to suppress the treason, but the damage caused by the rust was immense. Immediately after suppressing the rebellion, Yeongmun went into the reorganization of the greenery.

It's been months since I spent breathing heavily, such as banning looting and picking out new creditors.

In the meantime, the rust also found stability, and the Yellow Moon also gained breathing room. A little peace has come to the Palace of the Crown because the Yeongmun Gate can afford it.


A boy of a slightly tougher body than the general lay in the hills as a godfather. The boy's lips were rubbed and a rough breath gushed out.

The boy's face was all sweaty, and he flew up in a blaze.

“It's hard to be a martial artist. ”

I said that, but there was a happy smile on the boy's face.

The boy was straight ahead.

In just a few months, the face of progress has changed so much that it is unknown. Especially since I lost a lot of weight, I started to see chin lines on my face.

It was a change that took place as I learned to be a good soldier. The Dragon Warrior, who was handed over by Hwang Kyungmun, was a devoid man who dealt with the energy of misfortune.

Handling the energy of misfortune required a very delicate manoeuvre. Sensitive personalities were essential to feel energetic in nature and not to miss any small changes.

Those points matched the progress of the dust. In order to distinguish the taste of so many ingredients, a naturally delicate sensation had to be developed in order to achieve harmony.

As she cooked, she tried to reconcile the energy of misfortune with the delicate senses naturally cooked in her body. Thanks to such efforts, the skin became noticeably lighter and shinier. The most encouraging thing is that the sensation of the tongue has become more sensitive.

It was the greatest achievement for the progress in cooking as a homework.


The advances breathed heavily. The fresh air exhumes his lungs in a pleasant mood.

At that time, someone approached the Progressive Liberation Party.

“You're in a good mood. ”

“Ah, sister! ”

Progress has taken place right here.

The one who came quietly without sound was the Empress.

“You were learning nothing? ”


“Hard work.”

“That way you can meet your brother later. ”

The Empress nodded in response to the answer of the progress.

With the idea of helping Damhoe a little, the dust is getting used to nothing. Progress was greater to know that effort.

“What about the Gross Bondholder?”

“It's the same. ”

“Are you also training? ”


“General Debtor is also hard at work. ”

“My father felt a lot about the incident. ”

“Even so..... ”

Progress nodded.

It was a place where people could not be treated without strength. Only he who had the power deserved his voice. Because I felt very strongly about it, Yeongmun will also be passionate about training.

He said, "The progress is shaking his butt."

“Go, sister. ”

“Without any more training? ”

“I'm not in the mood for that. I'd rather cook. ”

“Then it's me. ”

The Empress smiled with a pleasant smile.

She is now accustomed to the cooking of progress. It was so tasteless to eat a dish made by someone else after eating a dish of progress.

The two come down with their shoulders side by side.

The wind blows. The wind is cold and there is a new warmth.

‘This summer is going to be very fast. ’

Somehow I felt like it.

It was then.

“Uh, sister? ”

Suddenly, progress summoned the Ecliptic Spirit.



Progress pointed to the bottom of the mountain with her fingers. The gaze of the Ecliptic Spirit naturally pointed to the place where the finger of progress was pointed.

At that moment, the eyes of the Emperor were shaken.

A wagon is coming up the steep slope of sulfuric acid. It was said that we had recently constructed a pipeline leading up to the Sulphuric Acid, but it was not a good enough road for such a large wagon to come up.

If I were to say something dizzy, I would be exhausted before I could climb up the mountain. However, only one of Phil's words dragged the heavy wagon up the rough mountain slope.

It was a black bird that didn't mix a feather.


The eyes of the advancement widen as you look at the black horse with a rough, elongated nose that never stops.

“Ugh..... ears? ”

He recognizes the identity of the horse in a single breath. It was the same for the Holy Ghost.

Two people stared at each other for a moment.

“No way?”

Almost simultaneously, the two of them ran down the mountain slope.

There was a bright smile on their faces. Almost as if they had fallen down and ran, they barely stood on the wall of the wagon.

“Haa! Haa! ”

They threw up a rough breath and looked up on the wagon. There was a man with a familiar face.



“Long time no see.”

The man who looked down at them with his particularly black eyes was a dam-ho. The Gospel of Confession and the Emperor's Spirit were carried in the arms of Damhoe.

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