Volcanic Sphere

228 Ch. 1. Sand castle swept away by strong waves (3)

Chlorination woke up early in the morning.

Like a star named Jong-nam Jin Gum, he was the master of the sword. After entering Jongnam, he never skipped his morning training. That habit hasn't changed since I came to Sackju.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to wipe my sword. The surface of the sword is polished with a dry cloth.

Chlorination was the most important thing in the world when it came to wiping swords. It is because you can know the condition of the sword better by wiping it.

He picks up the ball, wipes the sword, and then comes out to the armpit. It wasn't until Dong Dong died, so there was no one on the ground.

The disciples of the Jongnam clan, who knew that chlorination was practicing at dawn, emptied themselves.

Chlorination stands at the centre of the mill.


He draws his sword with his eyes closed.

Physical training was of no great significance to those who came to the same landscape as chlorination. However, it was necessary to move the body moderately so that it would not rust.

The chlorination reminds me of a man with his eyes closed.

Roughly unraveled, black feet with ferocious eyes like beasts, and a little bit of my feet. Even though it was just an imagination, I felt the beast's nosebleed in his exhaled breath.

His imaginary existence was Damho.

The woman in her imagination bowed her feet slightly and walked to him. The pulse generated by that stagger's steps struck the heart of chlorination.

The chlorination aims the sword at the wall of the imagination. At that moment, the dam shoved the earth and shattered like a wagon.

It was a replenishment that could be called the Feast of Damho's Statement.


The chlorination launched Jongnam's visionary corporation, the Jam-young-bo, to evade the attack of the Damho, while countering the culprits of the Thirty-Six Swords.

Defense and attack are almost simultaneous.

The chlorination releases the thirty-six swords as if they were absolute masters of the Jongnam clan. He drives his black wall roughly like a river that flows beneath the sky.

Swordsmanship unites to create a Swordsmanship. The waves of the Black River sweep away everything, pushing it towards the wall. However, the bayonet he made was shattered as the wall moved.


The purchase of chlorination was disfigured.

In my imagination, I followed the counter-insurgency. The feast of incense, venom, and incense was knocked on his body in Danyang.

The chlorination unfolded the cutthroat of the Thirty-Six Swords with all its power of incarnation. However, Damho broke all the feasts like a demon and approached the surface.


The sword is broken and the collar is grasped. The heavens and the earth were then turned upside down.


The moment the head hit the ground, the chlorination opened its eyes.

“Huff! Huff! ”

A loud breath burst that had been suppressed until now. His whole body was soaked in sweat.

It was just an in-depth exercise. A training method that anyone can do at such a high level. But the effect was nothing less than a real struggle.

“Lost again? ”

Chlorination made a bitter smile.

He's had a few deep fights so far. And they all lost.

When he first saw the wall, he felt a tremendous shock.

Absence of common sense and destructive power.

Above all, the promise to kill the opponent must be processed into a flesh.

He saw the ideal of the unwanted from Damho.

I didn't have a problem crossing my legs. Rather, I felt more frightened during the Feast of the Cross.

I wanted to win that fight. Even if it's just an in-depth battle.


The chlorination sighed.

His heart was heavy. Vainglory and defeat filled his heart.

I wanted to overcome the discourse so badly, but I felt like I couldn't overcome it even in a deep battle.


The chlorinator shook his head with a sword.

“Their minds also understand. ”

At first, I was angry when I heard that Gumurong, including Jin Moo Young, was about to kick out the Wall with five people.

Because of its minor resonance, it kicks out the big power like a wall? Everyone who had a little common sense would not understand. However, after losing several confrontations with Damho, I understood somewhat.

“You have to be an apostle or an apostle to defeat him. ”

It was time for chlorination to break out of the limelight while shaking his head. Suddenly his steps stopped.

He raises his head and looks up at the sky.

It was still before dawn. It was an early time when most people did not wake up. Of course, there should have been little movement of people. But I felt a strange sensation.

At that moment, the eyes of chlorination were greatly moved.

Something was moving in the field without a single light. At first I thought it was a big bird. Most birds are only active during the day, but there are also nocturnal birds. But the movement was so quiet as to think it was simply a bird.

Weird chlorination lifted my hand.

The eyes of chlorination, looking at the field, shake like an earthquake.

The object he thought was a bird was a big kite. The kite that flew in the wind was hung by a man in black. Hundreds of such kites floated in the dark sky.

“S, a raid. ”

His voice echoes loudly within the Sacred Branch.

At that moment, the black figures fell from the kite near the ground.


The black figures, who spread out their limbs and fell to the ground, sat on the foreground of the Sacred Branch. and started running in one direction.

The chlorinator blows his body at the black figures and once again draws his power together and shouts.


His cry awakened the entire Sacred Heart branch, which had fallen asleep.

“What is it?”


Unmanned men rush out with their weapons. But at that time, the black figures who jumped from the kite had already disappeared beyond the foreground.

“You bastards!”

This was the only chlorination that tracked them.

Open up!

After only two steps, I saw the black figures sprinting within the Sacred Heart Branch.


The chlorination stretched out its thirty-six swords toward them.

A powerful sword rises and pushes it towards the black figures like the sea. At this moment, four black figures turned their backs.

Stop it!

They swung their swords to crush the sword of chlorination. As they turned off the time like that, the rest of the black figures disappeared beyond the other foreground.

“Do you know how to miss it? ”

The chlorinators tried to track them down, spitting out old age. But the four black figures who turned their backs blocked him.


Their swords aim for chlorination and fly like vipers.

The chlorinators tried to track down the black figures that disappeared after defeating them in a single breath. But the blacksmith's helplessness was stronger than he expected.


With the sound of iron, the sword strikes and the body of chlorination stops choking.

"You guys!"

The chlorination was slightly embarrassed by a stronger counterattack than expected.

At that moment, a sophisticated pass-through, as if a body were moving, unfolded toward chlorination. The four black seals engage without a single tooth like a cog, pressing the chlorination. So that even chlorination could not do them for a while and retreated.

However, chlorination was the ultimate masterpiece of the Jongnam clan, which healed the sword and spread out the top thirty-six cutthroats.


The void was filled with his sword. I didn't just run a sword.

Among the Thirty-Six Swords, the most destructive herbivore used was the Sword.

The moment a sword of chlorination is made, the black figures hurriedly retreat. It was a remarkably fast judgment. But chlorination was also an absolute mastermind. His movements surpassed the expectations of the Black People and reached new heights.

The sword of chlorination digs towards them. The black figures lift up their swords and cover the front.


At that moment, a loud sound burst out. An explosion occurred around the sword of chlorination, as if a wall bomb had exploded.

The swords of the Black People exploded and their bodies exploded.

That was the power to process. However, chlorination immediately blew away without any admiration for its own innocence.

The number of Black People who jumped out of kites exceeded hundreds. The chlorination only killed four of them.

The chlorination was bad for it.

Because I felt weird.

The Black People didn't scream once until the moment they died. Like people who weren't aware of their own deaths.

“What do you mean?”

The chlorination felt dark in their appearance. But I wasn't given time to question him.


Suddenly, the lid of the well within the Sackju branch was smashed and numerous unarmed people poured out like ants.

Like the invaders on kites, they were also dressed in black. As soon as they came up to the ground, they ran in unison toward either direction as if they had made a promise.

“You bastards!”

The chlorination blows towards them. But I couldn't hold them all by myself.

“There it is.”

“Stop them. ”

Later, the unarmed within the Sachu branch rushed and stopped the black figures.

There was an explosion of iron and synthesis everywhere.

It was then.

“A pagan. A pagan has invaded. ”

An urgent voice was heard from the unarmed who were standing outside the walls. Even outside, there is a great tax on horses.

“Oh, my God! ”

The eyes of chlorination shook.

Internal penetration through kites and wells, and encouragement of confusion. Great Works from the outside without missing that gap.

The Sackju branch was literally falling apart.

Inside, the Black People were throwing their lives and disturbing, and outside, the elites of the pagans were coming together. I was forced to run out of hands and feet when I had to deal with both sides at the same time.

Moreover, the place where the Black People ran was where the Brains of the Mourim Blind were. If they are ambushed and defeated, the command system of those who remain here will collapse. That situation had to be stopped.

“You bastards!”

The chlorination rushed to the place where the cerebral ministers were.

“Hoho! Where are you going in such a hurry? Salt Band-Aids.”

I wish I didn't have a Gandhi voice.

One day, in front of him stood a beautician who seemed to be in his late thirties. The woman in the finely twisted head and splendid palace was the first person to see it in her life.

Chlorination raised its voice with vigilance.

“Who's your bitch? ”

“She's the first person I've seen in my life, and she's a bitch? You are so generous.”

“Where do you make such a frivolous face? If you don't tell me who you are, I'll give you a clue. ”

“Ha! You're too much. The girl is called Jin Hye-won. ”

“Jin Hye-won? Did you also come out of paganism? ”

“It came from a Protestant. ”

“You must be a witch. ”

The chlorination has lifted the power. And when I saw him, Jin Hye-won didn't smile.

“You don't have to be so vigilant. It's a long night, and we still have a lot of time left. ”

“What do you mean?”


At that moment, the battalion that was filled with the waist of Jin Hye-won stretched out. Longer than a whip, a wider cord dizzied the sight of chlorination in an instant. Surprised by the sudden attack, the chlorinator swung its sword and struck the battalion.


Jin Hye-won recovered the battalion by blowing up the prison.


She didn't look offended at all. Because to some extent the word chlorination was true. She was a member of the Seven Giants.

“You look ridiculous, witch. ”

“There are no horsemen here, but what are you afraid of? Can you stop the Seven Horsemen with your strength? ”


Seeing the complexion of chlorination change hard, Jin Hye-won smiled happily.

“I don't think so. ”

“How dare you!”

“Let's test it. ”

Jin Hye-won's battalion once again flew towards chlorination.

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