Volcanic Sphere

290 KRW 5. The smoke comes at an unexpected moment (3)

The penis and giraffe actually exchanged a lot of information over a long period of time.

One was the Saint of the Horse, and the other was a division of Hao Moon, which possessed the most extensive information in Zhongwon.

The penis was thirsty for information, and the chimpanzee was desperate for information within the pagan religion. The dialogue had to be lengthened because the interests of the two people were at stake.

The conversation between the two women was followed by the sentiments of the lieutenants and the trend of paganism to the Angel.

Angelism was in many ways a mysterious religious organization.

Names are mentioned in many literature, but few people know their substance.

A very small number of unarmed people, including the Sword Cloth, were struggling to figure out their reality, but nothing had been found out yet.

“As the name implies, they are good at all kinds of magic and illusions. If you have a weak mind, you can go through their hallucinations without knowing them. You should be careful. Gi Sauser seems to be their target, so we'll have to defend him. ”

A chimpanzee nodded to the New Testament.

“Mock is a very beautiful place. It's probably the most likely to be a woodland if there really is a woodland. But getting there will never be easy. ”

After finding out from the chimpanzee that the Mock is a real nominee, the penis left the teachings with the damho.

Throughout the road, her face was so dark.

‘In the meantime, the angel who was working in secret began to reveal himself openly. Is there a change inside? Did he or she think he or she had enough strength to make himself or herself visible? ’

Either way, it wasn't so good for her and the Sword Cloth.


I sighed as my penis was rethinking.

I felt like my head was going to explode.

Eventually, she stopped thinking and looked at the wall.

Damho did not say a word after leaving the taunt. He is also thinking, leaving his body in black ears.

It was clear that he was thinking as much as he was pondering.

‘Are you still lucky? Because he's not hostile. ’

She knew best how much of the power of Damho was processed.

It was a wall that boasted tremendous power three years ago. It was not easy to imagine how much he would have developed in those three years.

‘Maybe it went beyond the sky..... ’

The penis shakes its head in a hurry. Because I thought it was an absurd imagination. The fact that he imagined that was not polite to the sword cloth itself.

I left the preacher in the morning, and one evening I went to dinner. I was forced to go homeless because the sun was moving to the West.

While the two were skillfully preparing for homelessness, the sun fell completely and a dark darkness came upon the son-in-law.


Suddenly, a sound of prestige resounded sharply in the night sky.

The gaze of the tongue and the penis were simultaneously directed toward the sky.


The arrows that set the mark suddenly exploded from the sky high and set off a splendid flame.

“What about that?”

The penis quickly formed a body.

The flame quickly disappeared, but it still seemed to remain in her retina.

Damho asked.

“What is it?”

“It's an emergency signal from the headquarters. ”

The complexion of the penis hardened like a stone.

* * *

“Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo! ”

The New Moon vomited a rough breath.

Blood was flowing from the hand holding the flank. The wound that was lost with a hot dagger will burst again.

“Damn it!”

The eyes of the New Moon shook greatly.

Wounds were not just flanks. There were countless minor wounds all over the body.

The Blood Stage, led by Ms. Cho, was truly devastating.

If they were human, they would attack without saving their lives. As if they were one day old, the New Moon was wounded by their endless tetanus. As a result, I now have the strength to move one step at a time.

The Blood Stage was a skilled hunter. They knew very well how to hunt an absolute master efficiently.

They drove the New Moon into the palace endlessly.

“Not like this. ”

The New Moon is evil.

I've already spilled blood beyond my limits, so I'm out of my mind. In this way, there was a great commotion that could not even be fought properly.

“Whether you live or die, you judge here. ”

New Moon looked around.

It was a dead end valley surrounded by smooth cliffs, like a horseman. The back was blocked by a huge waterfall, and the terrain was such that it could not be climbed on a cliff.

The New Moon retreats the waterfall and pulls out two swords. His splitting of the sword in both hands was not easy.

Beep profit!

At that moment, a sharp appellation resounded again in the field. After the firecracker exploded, the surroundings brightened like daylight.

The light was swollen and the darkness came within, but only one thing was clear.

‘I chased him all the way to the nose. ’

It's been several days since I've had a chase with the Blood Stage.

Killed a lot of people. Even though you should feel fear, the blood stage has been tracking the New Moon endlessly, like those without emotions.


Suddenly, in the darkness, the waves sounded.


The New Moon almost instinctively bowed its head. Then the arrow grabs his hair and passes.

Fifi piping!

In the darkness, an arrow is fired in succession. It was an arrow that the New Moon calculated and shot to the avoidable defense. The more I avoided, the more I was forced to enter the palace.

Are you going to get shot?

New Moon was no longer avoided. Instead, I swung the sword in both hands to stop all attacks.

The arrows that came flying with the fire poop were blocked by the sword. Subsequently, they appeared in the dark.

Like a burning flame, the men in red clothes were the blood stage.


As the New Moon watched them, Nazic sighed.

More than a dozen people, roughly what they see. I couldn't even guess how many more blood stages were hiding in the dark.

Then the old man walked out of the darkness. The eyes of a torn old man glow in the dark.

“I finally met you. ”

“Shoo Yang!”

“You little rat! ”

The eldest was a blood-support goat.

I couldn't live with the eyes of Jo Myung-wool.

I had to. Nearly seventy people died on the New Moon stage. In return, the New Moon Moon was also severely injured, but that did not mean that she was upset.

“You! Don't think you'll die easily. I'll make you feel as much pain as I can. ”

“That's funny. Kaaak! ”

New Moon spit on the floor. His saliva was mixed with red blood. It was evidence that he was seriously injured.

The mouthpiece dries up.

“I'll see how long I can contribute. ”



The blood stage moved.


Their swords cut through the darkness and flew away. The New Moon wields its sword with malice.


The sword and sword burst into flames.


The New Moon throws the sword in her hand along with the talisman. It was a nonswordsmanship.

The two swords rotate at an alarming rate and strike the bloody stage. After a while, the blood force's gaze was taken from both swords.

The New Moon rushed to the stage without missing the gap. His hands were once again filled with two swords. It was taken from the Duke's Sword Armor.




The darkness split and the blood splattered.

I pierced the breasts and throats of the New Moon's Black Blood Stage monsters. As the Blood Stage was dying, I grabbed the sword of the New Moon with both hands.


“I got him.”

The dying have grabbed the sword of the New Moon with amazing power. It was their duty to seal the sword of the New Moon until the moment the breath was cut off, and they performed well.

What can the New Moon, who lost his weapon, do? They were making fun of him like that.


At that moment, the New Moon farted and retreated with her sword.

Other blood stages came running without missing the gap. Their appearance running forward and backward, as if they were ghosts, was frightening enough.

“He has no weapon. ”

“It's an opportunity.”

The absence of weapons for unarmed persons was a fatal weakness.

It was time for them to run like wild dogs after their prey.

Good boy!

Suddenly, two swords magically appeared in the hands of the New Moon. A confused expression appeared on the face of the bloody stagehanders. Because their common sense was incomprehensible.

A cold light appeared on the face of the New Moon. The sword in his hand was a non-swordsman who blew it a little while ago. The sword of money came back into his hands with a large void.

All this was thoroughly done under his calculations.


The New Moon wields the sword of both hands in a row.

After defeating the bloody stagehanders who were running in an instant, he put back his two swords into the machete armor. Then I pulled out the sword that had just been inserted into the breasts and throats of the dead. This time, it was recovered without any resistance due to shortness of breath.

It happened instantly. I wish more than a dozen unarmed people had died at once, but the bloody stage ran like a madman without such a hue. Their madness was enough to make the New Moon rather tiresome.

The complexion of the new moon, which was breathing roughly, suddenly changed.


His eyes flutter, his hands tremble with a sword. A thick tendon appeared throughout the body, and the muscles stiffened.


The New Moon suddenly vomits dark red blood.

He smiled at the new moon like that.

“I got him.”


A light of mistrust appeared in the face of the New Moon.

In an instant, the airway swells and the whole body's blood does not flow. His eyes were bloody and invisible, and tinnitus arose in his ears, confusing his mind. It was a typical poisoning symptom.

As a new moon, I had to be embarrassed. I stopped breathing and protected my nose and ears. It completely blocked the possibility of poisoning. Nevertheless, he became addicted, so his common sense did not make any sense.

Chosun smiled and pointed to the bloodless stagehanders who fell with their chins.

“Their blood contains poison. Like they're Germans. ”

“This is ridiculous……. ”

The New Moon looks unbelievable.

Although he did not learn to poison, he was immune to numerous poisons. It's not poisonous, but it can burn more than a hundred poisons just by operating the internal air once. I can't believe he's so easily addicted. It could never have happened with his common sense.


I retreated as the New Moon shined. He desperately tried to run the inner airspace and drive out the poison. But the more it did, the more poison spread throughout the body.

Take it!

In the end, the New Moon sat there with her sword missing.


Zoo took out the sword and aimed at the New Moon. Then, for the first time, a cheerful expression appeared on his face.

“It's an honor to have such a big chunk of trouble in my hands. ”


He bites his lips so that the New Moon bleeds. I felt a terrible poison in my blood.

He came into the world in vain, but he was poisoned by an unnamed poison, so he could not exert any power at all.

‘What can I do? ’

It was the worst moment I ever wanted. There was only one way he could have chosen in this situation.


Although most of the internal air is dispersed due to poisoning, it is still possible to operate in reverse. In that case, the heart rate bursts or breaks and immediately.

"Damn it!"

I was not afraid of death. However, the fact that he was unable to save the sword cloth that was in trouble caused him despair.

It was the moment when the New Moon was about to commit suicide.

“No! ”

A sharp horn echoes in the night sky.


Subsequently, a sharp firing cut through the air, and the bloody stagehanders fell.

“What is it?”

She looked back in shock.

A dazzling white shadow was moving in the dark.

“Standing, Saint? ”

Zoo's eyes widened.

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