Volcanic Sphere

Chapter 352 1. Years do not make everyone wise (2)

“I may not have had another accident. ”

“What do you mean? ”

When he asked with a fat face, the advancement made a embarrassing face. I was just talking to myself, because I had a little bit of luck.

“Nothing. ”

“ ……. ”

“It's real.”

“Who said what? ”

The supernova laughed. Thus, as the progress of the dust roared, he took the initiative.

The place where they are now was one of Haman's wilderness.

I chose homelessness because it was time to move on, and of course, progress made food.

The campfire was blazing in front of the progress report.

After a long time of trimming the material, the advancement suddenly reached out to the campfire. The flame swung his hand instantly.

Surprisingly, the supernova looked at him without much ado. It's because I come all the way here and experience it every day.

“This fire is enough……. ”

She smiles and puts the sweets on fire.

There were mushrooms and dried tofu in the sweets. Vegetables used for mushrooms and spices were harvested in the wild while they came here. Dried Tofu was made in advance of the advancement of the volcano, and was used to help with this urgent cooking.

The food made by Jingyeo was Mapa Tofu. Even though the meat was missing, it was not much of a problem for progress.

Progress has moved his hands diligently. Then the confectionery fluctuated and the ingredients inside danced.


Jingyeo hummed his nostrils and showed strange movements with his hands that did not hold sweets. Then the campfire moved by his hand as if it were a living creature.

He nodded his head.

“Huh! What the hell did you learn from that volcano? ”

I didn't say it because I didn't know. It was ridiculous.

It was the ability of the misfortune soldier to steer the fire. As the Oriental Soldier came to the land, the Jinjing was able to control the fire at his own pace.

A normal person would have suffered enormous burns just by sticking his hand in the fire, but the hand of the Progress was intact without any soot.

The dust was doing nothing to be alarmed when others saw it. It was such a tremendous achievement, but I was even more delighted that the dust could be used for cooking than I was proud of.

Tooth profit!

In the sweets that had flown away, the maple tofu ripened and the fragrant scent spread all over the place.

I felt the spit in my mouth. It was a daily meal while I came here, but I wasn't tired of it. Rather, every day was new.

Accompanied by the progress of the war, the supernova regained some of its former delight. Though the anger that lies deep in my heart has not completely disappeared, it is enough to smile at people now.

Although it could not be said to be entirely a virtue of progress, it was clear that his companionship with him had had a major impact.

At that time, the advancement took the sweets out of the fire and said,

“All right, we're done. ”

“Oh! It smells amazing. ”

“Don't you know? What I make is always awesome. ”

“Be modest. ”

“You're not going to eat? ”

“No! Sometimes my mouth ignores my will, so ignore yours. ”

“Give me the bowl. ”


I gave out the bowl that was placed in front of me. In the bowl, there was food prepared in advance by the Ministry of Defence.

The progress suddenly frowned on the glans. He asked with an uneasy expression.


“That hand. ”

“Damn it!”

Then I realized that I was holding the bowl with one hand and politely heard it with both hands. Then, the Dust Progress smiled and poured a bowl full of waffle tofu.

“Damn it! It's hard to live like this. ”


“I will pay you back. ”

The supernova grumbled and swallowed a mouthful of waffle tofu. However, the frowning expression widens as if when the mapa tofu entered the mouth.

The warmth that began in the mouth spread to the whole body. As well as his tongue, he smiled at the feeling of being happy. I could also laugh at that look.

It was not a big deal, and all the stunning actions were the only way forward to heal the wounds of the supernova.

The dustbin sat beside the supernova and asked.


“Shut up!”

“Hehe! It's delicious, right? ”

“Angry... but... delicious. Damn it!”


Then I also picked up Suzer and tasted Mapa Tofu. It was made by myself, but it was delicious.

It was when the two of them were sitting side by side and eating the mafatou.

“Hey, it's the light. ”

“Where? It's real. ”

Suddenly I heard people's voices in the dark.

At the same time, the supernova and the dustbin lowered their bowls, raising their heads and looking at the darkness.

Instantly, the eyes of the two of them glowed. But that too, within a moment, their eyes regained their original light.

At that time, this man and woman appeared through the bush.

All three looked like they were in their mid-twenties. All three were seen as Muga's descendants or disciples, armed with weapons such as swords and scepters on their backs.


In the presence of those who seemed younger than I thought, the supernova frowned for a moment.

“Who are you? ”

“I'm Seoulpae from the Great Lodge. These are my colleagues, the pearlescent compromise, and the mild saucer.

The boy named Seo Woo Pap introduced the two people by his side to Choi Yeon Un.


The supernova stares at them.

Just by looking at the dust on their shoulders and the scratches on their branches everywhere, they could have guessed that they had been wandering the mountain path for quite some time.

“Separate lodge?”

“Yes! Yes. ”

“If it were a private lodge, it would be hundreds of miles from here. What are you doing here? ”

“We're on our way to Shaolin. ”

Seoulpae replied in a loud voice.


“Yes, I went out with my colleagues to defend the justice of Murim. ”


Supernova sighed heavily and bowed his head.

As expected, the children who do not know how to get out of the way with the hasty consultation.

“You guys..... ”


“What if I'm a pagan unmanned man, so that I can reveal my identity? ”

“What... is the Devil's... seal? ”

Suddenly, Seoulpae grabbed a sword full of tension. It was the same with the pearlescence behind it.

The supernova hits the temples with both hands.

“No, put that sword in. ”


“Do you think you'd still be alive if I were a pagan? I can't put my sword in there. ”

“Oh, I see. ”

Then Seo Woojong and others put their swords in.

He sighed and looked at the progress. I was making a ridiculous look at progress.

I got a quote at a glance.

It was clear that the children who had no experience with Kang-ho were just curious.

In fact, Seouljong was also a late middle-class figure in the Great Lodge, and the pearlescent light behind him was a descendant of Muga who was in a state of upheaval in the South Yang.

The adversary who was with them was an unarmed woman from Guangcheon, a prestigious politician in the Moo River ( ).

Even though the Old Moon or the Old Age were handsome compared to the most prestigious people in Kangho, they were a part of the prestigious group of men. Because of this, they were very proud.

Although the entire kingdom of heaven was confused by the invasion of the pagan world, they thought it was a good opportunity to blow up their reputation. It was because of this that I was heading to the shrine without permission of the Inquisitor.

‘If we show the two angles here, it will definitely be the late index in the sign. There's no law against us being goose dragons. ’

It was Seo Woo Jong's idea when he came out. But reality wasn't as green as I thought.

I knew it would be easy to get to the shrine because I was the same man, but it didn't take long to realize how misguided it was.

There were no proper guides who wandered the path from the meadow and, as a result, had to stay homeless for several days. Homelessness without proper preparation gave them terrible nightmares.

I was unable to eat a disheveled meal, and my stomach was stuck to my back leather. I slept in Humpzig, and my whole body was stabbed as if stoned. It was so harsh for them that they never said they'd had a hard time in their entire lives.


The moment they saw the bowl that had been eaten by the supernova, they felt a violent blunder. The woman, Gyeonggin, blushes her face, but Seo Woo Jong and Pearl Light are pierced. She looks at the bowl with the Mapa Tofu.

“How dare you!”

How intense their eyes were, the supernova shook their heads.

At that time, the advances were said.

“I still have a lot of food left, but would you like some? ”


“If you'll excuse me..... ”

Still, Seo Woo Jong and Pearl Light nodded their heads as if they were reluctant. He smiled and gave them a bowl full of food and wafers.

“Hmmm! Smells good. ”

“It's a gift, so don't eat well. ”

The two of them only saw the shabby costumes of progress and spoke. He was a similar peer to the Progress, but he still looked down at the Progress because of his prestigious self-esteem.

“Thank you.”

Only Zhongjin said thank you, but it was only formal.


The look of those three men filled my tongue with supernova. But the three men were so heavy that they no longer spoke of eating food.

“It tastes…… good! ”

As soon as I put the mappa tofu in my mouth, the lower limbs flex out. At first I thought I was simply hungry for a long time and felt good. But the more I chewed the food, the more ecstatic I felt.

Simply saying it was delicious was not enough. The warmth and strange vitality that spread throughout her body delighted her.

He looked at Seouljong and Pearl Light with his eyes wide open. However, the two of them only ate heavy food and did not react as sensitive as the mild ones.

The gaze of Gyeonggin turned to progress.

The only thing that can make food among the supernova and the dusk is the dusk.

“This food…… was it made by a compromise? ”

“Why doesn't it taste good? ”

“No, it's so delicious……. ”

“Thank goodness.”

I scratched my head as if it were a stunning progress.

Gyeonggin was beautiful, no matter who saw him. Unique beauty with a distinct charm and a cool vibe. Even the slightly raised snow chorizo looked charming, overlaid with her unique atmosphere. I couldn't have felt bad because such a beauty complimented me.

“Thank you, I'll eat well. ”

After saying thank you, Jin began to eat again. Momentarily looking at him, he smiled with a happy smile.

The fact that someone else enjoys eating the food he has made pleases him.


As the advances shed a distinctive laugh, the supernova next to him grabbed his head.

“You like it?”

“What is it?”

“Go fuck yourself. ”


“Phew! No. What do you want me to say? ”

The supernova sighs. I didn't know English. I just dreaded my eyes. Then the supernova shook his head.

This naive brother was unaware of how great he was. how much food that progress has made is worth.

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