Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 137 Iron Carapace

Two months later.

The bridge of the Hope.

Yi Kai made a rare trip back to the Hope from the Wolf 1061c space station. As soon as he completed a thorough microbiological investigation, he rushed to the bridge to find Yue Yuan.

"Chief, we can basically confirm that there is no intelligent life." As soon as he arrived at the bridge, Yi Kai found an empty seat and sat down.

"Basic? How basic?" Yue Yuan gave him a look.

"Ninety-nine percent."

Yi Kai moved his body towards the back of the chair to make himself more comfortable: "Recent research on various data shows that the current evolution of life on this planet is roughly equivalent to the Earth's three to four hundred million years ago. , that is, between the Cambrian and the Ordovician. If the evolution of carbon-based life is the same and similar to the development of science and technology."

"Well, I say this mainly to facilitate the understanding of the commander-in-chief. In fact, the evolution of life on the planet Wolf 1061 c is very different from that of the earth. After all, the ecological environment is very different. I think that in that era of the earth, it should There are not so many velvet animals.”

"Geologists are still digging and analyzing the bottom layer. They want to know whether this planet has a period of great biological prosperity and mass extinction similar to the earth. I think in another year and a half, the geological history of this planet will be It has been included in our database, and by the way, Professor Bu Lianshi personally led the team to log in to dig out."

"I know." Yue Yuancong stood up and then slowly took steps towards the porthole.

Although Yue Yuan usually didn't pay attention to personal life, he did pay attention to the Bu Lianshi Professor, mainly because she was widowed just after getting married, and her husband died in the line of duty in Ross 154-4.

Therefore, Yue Yuan paid more attention to her situation.

Trainer Bu now has a son and a daughter. Tan Xiansheng should have had a double blow before she left, but he only paid a little attention. Yue Yuan didn't know if she was looking for another man now.

Hope is still very open in this regard, and its policy does not support women remaining widowed. After all, the new social ethics has long held that widowhood is against human ethics.

Specifically, it is discussed from two aspects: spiritual loneliness and physical loneliness.

These are all human emotions and there is nothing to hide them from.

Of course, biologists have different views on the loneliness of the human body's sensuality. Like Yi Kai, he believes that it is a manifestation of the human spirit being physically controlled by genes.

However, although Yi Kai said this, he has always enjoyed it, and he did not advocate "preserving natural principles and eliminating human desires". Instead, he believed that this was something that humans should retain. He believed that even if it reaches the point where genes can be deceived, Human beings should also keep their desires.

Of course, there are also those who advocate "eliminating desire" so that humans can maintain the sage mode, but it is too early to say this now. After all, at this stage, humans have not yet been able to edit genes at will.

At this time, Yi Kai also stood up and followed Yue Yuan towards the porthole.

As he walked, he said: "In general, we really found a treasure this time. According to our preliminary inference, it should still be in the stage of biological explosion. The biodiversity of this planet is simply for our loss." The civilization on the home planet has the same preparations, it is too rich.

There are all kinds of creatures. Can you imagine the total length? Not long ago, we discovered a creature with extremely strong resistance to blows. Its bone density is very high, and the structure of its bones is also very different from that of us humans. We tested it with a blunt object, and it didn't matter if it hit it with an instant acceleration of 30 G. After rolling around in a circle, it still behaves normally, eating and drinking when it should. It's a miracle. "

It was indeed a miracle. Yue Yuan knew that the point Yi Kai was talking about was not that this creature's body structure could withstand high-G impacts, but its brain.

Such a high acceleration did not damage the brain, which is indeed a "miracle".

Yi Kai walked to the porthole in two or two steps, leaned on it with his hands and continued: "There is another kind of arthropod. Its carapace has a huge proportion of metal elements, and it is almost as hard as steel. It is an evolution that goes against the will of heaven. If If it continues to evolve like this, I wouldn't be surprised if it evolves into a body of steel one day.

Well, we have dissected it and found that there is a magical liquid in the stomach of this creature that can easily decompose iron elements. The cell structure is extremely strange and can use these decomposed iron elements as compound synthesis, just like having an iron alloy synthesis factory.

This is how they get their carapace shells, it's really amazing. If this kind of creature is not a special case, the fossils of their ancestors were also found in the strata during geological surveys. That kind of iron carapace should not be called fossils. "

It's really not called a fossil.

Yue Yuan knew this happened just a few days ago.

The discoverers were the Bu Lianshi team. At that time, they were conducting preliminary excavations in the formation of Wolf 1061 planet. As a result, they dug accurately and unexpectedly dug out a rusty iron lump from the ground without digging very deep.

At first they thought they had dug up the remains of an ancient civilization, but they just reported it to the headquarters, and then used the 'Light of the Milky Way' to search the information database, and found out that there was a creature that had just been captured and raised in the orbital space station that had the following characteristics. Pimple-like appearance.

Later, through composition analysis, we found out that the iron lump was actually the carapace of that creature.

This discovery not only refreshes human understanding of living things, but also the understanding of the starry sky.

Based on this discovery, some scientists speculate that there may really be a creature in the universe that can travel the universe on its own.

Although this kind of speculation is just a shout out, and then is drowned by questions about the conditions required for the survival of various living things, it also proves the magic of the universe from another perspective.

Indeed, it is unreasonable to say that this kind of creature can survive in space just based on its iron shell, because in addition to considering the creature's eating, drinking, and littering, we also have to consider many issues such as air pressure, environment, radiation, etc., and how this creature can escape on its own. Planetary gravity.

"There is another piece of good news, not bad news." Yi Kai took the water bottle sent by Long Xiaolin, opened it, took a sip to moisten his throat, and then continued: "The good news is that on this planet Biological DNA also has a double helix structure."

"The first not-so-bad news is that the DNA of most animal microorganisms on this planet is mainly left-handed. The second not-so-bad news is that we found that the biological enzymes on this planet are mainly dextral. .”

Human DNA is right-handed, while enzymes in the Earth's biosphere are basically left-handed. Wolff c-1 is just the opposite. Biological DNA is left-handed, and biosphere enzymes are basically right-handed.

This is indeed bad news.

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