Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 139 Different views from different angles

He understood it, but the words left and right made him feel a little confused. Just when he was about to say something, he heard footsteps behind him, and at the same time, a loud voice came.

"That's just Lao Yi's analysis from a biological perspective. In my opinion, the fundamental reason why the DNA of life on this planet is left-handed is still the problem of quantum and the direction of the planet's chiral rotation."

Hearing this loud voice, Yue Yuan knew it was Liu Miyan. This guy had been in the bridge just now. He should have heard him talking to Yi Kai. He probably had his own opinions.

"It's Lao Liu, what? Do you have another explanation?" Yue Yuan asked cooperatively.

"It's just a commonplace point of view." Liu Miyan shook his head, walked to the other side of Yue Yuan, and then said in a loud voice: "You should have discovered that the rotation of this planet is from east to west, right? Our earth is Turning from west to east, it’s the exact opposite like Venus.”

"Yeah!" Yue Yuan and Yi Kai nodded. They all saw the rotation direction of Wolf 1061 c. It was indeed reversed.

The so-called orthogonal reversal here is based on the earth, and the earth rotates from west to east, that is, right-handed. In popular terms, it is called left-to-right, but right-handed rotation is not right.

So it doesn’t mean that if your head points to the northern hemisphere and your feet point to the southern hemisphere, it turns from west to east, but if you turn your body upside down, it turns to east to west. No.

Well, it’s easy to understand if it is converted from west to east into a right-hand rotation.

You turn your body upside down and see that the earth's rotation is still right-handed.

This is chiral right-handedness. To put it simply, hold the earth in your right hand, with your thumb pointing towards the North Pole, and the direction of the four fingers is the direction of the earth's rotation.

If you turn your body upside down, you still have to hold it with your right hand so that the thumb and four fingers correspond to the north pole and the direction of rotation respectively, so it is called a chiral right-handed planet.

As for the Wolf 1061 c, you have to hold it with your left hand so that your thumb points to the North Pole and your four fingers rotate in the same direction.

Therefore, although the universe is not divided into southeast, northwest, and front, it is divided into left and right. Any civilization that discovers the law of nonconservation of parity in weak interactions knows this law.

When communicating with an alien, you say: "We agree that those with right-handed spin will be called the right side, and those with left-handed spin will be called the left side." Then you throw the alien a parity-nonconserving cobalt 60 experiment, so the alien The star people will naturally understand the directions to the left and right that both parties are referring to.

As human beings, Yue Yuan and Yi Kai obviously knew that the cobalt-60 experiment proved that parity is not conserved, so they did not foolishly say anything like turning the solar system over, turning the planet over, or turning the galaxy over.

At this time, Liu Miyan hit the guardrail with one hand, turned to look at Yi Kai and Yue Yuan, and continued: "From the perspective of the light quantum world, it can be explained that due to the left-handed chirality of this planet, its main sequence starlight At the moment of contact with the planet, the child must have a tendency to rotate leftward with the planet.

As a result, the earliest ancestors who absorbed energy through light were also affected by the left-handed trend in their long-term evolution. Because photosynthesis is continuous and uninterrupted in the process of life formation, photosynthesis must also affect the structure and properties of life. . "

"That is to say, photons must be involved in the beginning of the formation of life, and because the chirality of this planet is left-handed, the photons that reach the planet follow a left-handed tendency. Under the long-term effect of the planet's left-handedness and light, the creatures on this planet have The left-handed DNA structure."

"The movement, left-handed tendency, and entanglement of light quanta will affect the organic matter formed by photosynthesis, and then affect the structure, characteristics, and properties of organisms from small to large, thus forming a left-handed DNA biosphere.

In this process, because the spin of the planet has not changed since the formation of the planet, no matter how many evolutionary links and stages the life formed goes through, it is always affected by the factor of "left-handed driving force". Therefore, the main melody of life DNA on our earth is right-handed, and the main melody of this planet is left-handed DNA. "

After hearing this explanation, Yue Yuan frowned and looked at Liu Miyan, and said with some confusion: "That being said, most of the enzymes on this planet are right-handed. Since the light quantum has always had a left-handed tendency due to the direction of the planet's autotransmission, then There is no reason why the proteins, enzymes, etc. they make up should be right-handed."

Yue Yuan felt that if it was according to what Liu Miyan said, other macromolecular organic matter should also be left-handed. After all, the 'left-handed driving force' has always been there.

"Because it's stable and solid."

It was Yi Kai who spoke. He seemed to remember for a moment, and then explained: "I wonder if the president ever played with skipping rope when he was a child, um, or a wooden spinning top. If he did, it would be easy for the president to understand.

When braiding a rope made of straw, if you twist a single strand to the right, then when intertwined with another strand, you have to twist it to the left to make it strong. "

"The same goes for the rope used for wooden tops. The rope used by right-handed people is also woven in a double right-hand direction, so that the rope becomes denser with use, because right-handed people throw the top to the left.

If a right-handed person's gyro rope is given to a left-hander, the rope will become loose after a few strokes, and will eventually fall apart if it continues to be used. "

As he spoke, Yi Kai probably thought of Yue Yuan's age and was afraid that he would misunderstand that he was talking about the kind of plastic tops bought on the market, so he even posed in a few top-playing poses.

Then he explained that it was a top played by rural children. It was made of wood and the rope was woven from bark. During the competition, one party would play the top on the flat ground, and the other party would raise their arms and aim at it two or three meters away. If you win, the one who can spin the top longer than the other two will win.

To be honest, after Yi Kai's description with words and gestures, Yue Yuan roughly understood what a top was, but he had never played with it when he was a child.

According to Yi Kai, that kind of wooden top should be from the 1990s. As a post-00s generation, Yi Kai actually played it, which made Yue Yuan a little curious about his childhood happiness.

Not curious enough but curious, Yue Yuan did not ask at this time.

Yi Kai's metaphor is very popular, but easy to understand. At least Yue Yuan is no longer confused now.

Whether it is analyzed from a biological perspective or from a purely physical perspective, it is all scientific research. Yi Kai would not be idle just to come over and explain to Yue Yuan the left and right turns.

Yue Yuan believed that Liu Miyan was the same.

After analysis, they will definitely use their own ideas and methods to study this left-handed DNA biosphere. Only in this way can they be practical.

Sure enough, the next moment, Yue Yuan saw Yi Kai rubbing his hands together like a fly, then changed the subject and started talking about the research project he had prepared with a smile.

After Liu Miyan heard this, he also showed his fangs for funds, resources, and talents.

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