Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 142 Design Evolution

Gene tailoring technology has actually appeared in the 21st century, but the technology at that time could not guarantee the accuracy of the target clipped fragments. This led to the possibility that the incorrectly clipped and replaced gene fragments may have already occurred in the receptor. Thousands of cells are infected, but because of how gene tailoring works, it's hard to spot the error.

This kind of error is likely to result from clipping the expression of normal gene segments, thus burying hidden dangers of various unknown causes and even malformations in the human body.

But now, humans have solved these problems.

The emergence of precise gene tailoring technology has enabled humans to have treatments that target the root causes of various diseases. In other words, from now on, humans will no longer worry about various diseases such as AIDS and Alzheimer's disease.

Among the many technologies in the biological field, in addition to the above technologies that affect body functions, there is another technology that has received special attention from society.

That is appearance genetic factor editing technology.

Yes, during the research on life potions, humans found the gene fragment related to facial appearance and figured out the expression mechanism of that gene fragment.

This means that humans can use gene tailoring technology to cut out the genome that humans think is ugly, and then replace it with handsome and beautiful gene expression sequences.

This technology is called genetic plastic surgery in human society.

However, because it is achieved through gene cutting technology, it cannot be adjusted out of thin air, because when you cut out a gene, you must have the corresponding gene sequence to supplement it.

This is easy to understand, just like cutting off one section of the rope and replacing it with another section.

Of course, the actual operation is not that simple, and gene cutting is not really done with scissors, but with enzymes, a technology that uses enzymes to cut genes. People call it zinc finger nuclease technology.

The general process is that one or several specific genes are artificially and purposefully edited, and then introduced into recipient cells through expression vectors to produce the desired effects.

Since the receptor already has thousands of cells, if you want to introduce the edited genes into it, naturally you cannot just put a fragment into it, so how to implant the edited genes into the recipient cells and let them It is also very sophisticated to be able to reproduce.

There are six ways to introduce it in the 21st century. The first is the transformation method, which uses some salt solutions that can densely aggregate foreign genes on the surface of bacteria or cells, allowing the cells to quickly and readily accept all DNA.

The second method is called the protoplasm fusion method, which uses voltage perforation or mild chemical dissolution to produce some temporary porosity on the surface of the cells that want to be modified and the cells carrying foreign genes, and then let them nestle closely together. Exchange genetic material with each other to ultimately achieve the purpose of transformation.

The third type: gene gun. That is, exogenous genes are smeared on tiny metal particles, turning them into vehicles for carrying exogenous genes, and then driven by high-pressure gas to drive the metal particles into the nucleus of the recipient cell.

The fourth method is the well-known viral vector and retrovirus method. The characteristic of this method is to use the infectivity of the virus to modify the weakened virus, and then allow it to carry the foreign gene into the nucleus of the recipient cell. .

The reason why I say it is familiar is that in many novels and movies, people suddenly develop a high fever and then gain super powers. This is probably because this virus carries foreign gene fragments to modify the receptor.

The fifth method is called microinjection, which literally means directly using a very thin needle to inject the liquid containing the foreign gene into the nucleus of the recipient cell.

The sixth method is the sperm delivery method. As the name suggests, the sperm and foreign genes are put together, and the foreign genes are mixed into the sperm to cause fusion. The transformed sperm is combined with the egg outside the body, and then develops into an embryo. , sent into the uterus for pregnancy.

Of course, these six methods are very backward for today's human beings, and are not suitable for or satisfied with the current human society.

Because human beings' requirements for genetic technology are not only applicable to newborn embryos, but also to adults who have lived for more than a few years.

Only in this way will there be no hidden danger of separation between the new humanity and the old humanity.

Therefore, now humans have found a seventh method, called the comprehensive metabolism method. The core technology of this method has the same origin as the life potion, and it can be said to be a derivative technology of lifespan technology.

The operation is very simple, which is to combine the exogenous gene with the carrying solution of the life medicine, and then inject it into the recipient through injection like the life medicine, and finally take two oral drugs for auxiliary conditioning.

One of these two drugs is a drug that accelerates body metabolism. As the name suggests, this drug speeds up the renewal of human cells. The side effect is that the more you eat, the more you drink.

The second is an induction drug whose main function is to allow the body to preferentially produce cells with foreign gene fragments in the process of cell renewal.

Clinical trials have shown that with the assistance of two drugs, it only takes three months for the receptor to complete appearance editing.

If a person wants to become handsome and beautiful, he must eat and drink as much as he can within three months, which is about eight meals a day. It can be called a excrement machine.

But because of this, this person must have a strong stomach, and of course other spleens in the body. Therefore, if you want to carry out this transformation, the person's physical condition must first reach the peak level of a normal person.

Of course, if an adult wants to change his appearance, in addition to meeting the above conditions, he first needs to obtain a plastic surgery approval certificate from the relevant department, and then he needs to find someone willing to provide genes, that is, handsome, handsome, and beautiful genes. source.

For example, if you think your protruding mouth is too ugly, then you have to find someone who thinks your mouth is beautiful, and with his consent, he will give you the gene fragment about the shape of your mouth, so that you can have the source of the gene.

This has two purposes. One is to ensure that the base pairs of human genes will not be shortened or lost due to clipping. Second, of course, it is to ensure that people who undergo genetic plastic surgery will not become indescribable.

After all, if you only cut out the ugly genes without knowing the source of the fragments, who knows what the artificially modified gene fragments will do to you.

Although humans have mastered gene tailoring technology, they are still far from knowing the functions of the three billion bases in the gene, nor their most basic operating principles or hidden secrets.

In other words, the precise gene tailoring technology currently mastered by humans has only just embarked on the path of design evolution.

But of course it is of great significance, because as long as humans can accurately find the genetic sequence corresponding to each body part in the future, they can use this method to modify or even transform it accordingly.

This allows humans to break through the limits of ordinary humans starting from the genetic level, and even regain the abilities lost in the history of human evolution.

That is the ability possessed by various creatures in the history of the evolution of life on earth.

Human beings believe that the secrets of those abilities and functions are still deeply hidden in those three billion base pairs.

Yes, before understanding the left-handed and right-handed mechanisms, it is impossible and incapable for humans to acquire the abilities of the creatures on Wolf 1061 c planet.

But this does not mean that after this, the creatures on this planet will have no research value, because humans can study various organisms and then compare sample genes to find similar gene fragments of humans themselves, and even imitate powerful sample gene structures. , targeted modification of genes corresponding to human expression.

This is the general idea and details under the general concept of ‘human body enhancement research’.

People call it, design evolution.

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